Exemple #1
        public override void process(Client client)
            Log.Async("Got world data");

            SaveGame mine = SaveGame.loaded;

            /*if ( mine.player.spouse != null && mine.player.spouse.EndsWith( "engaged" ) &&
             *   mine.countdownToWedding == 0 && !mine.weddingToday )
             * {
             *  // Not (entirely) sure why this is happening in the first place, but this should fix it.
             *  mine.player.spouse = mine.player.spouse.Replace("engaged", "");
             *  mine.weddingToday = true;
             * }*/

            SaveGame world = ( SaveGame )SaveGame.serializer.Deserialize(Util.stringStream(xml));

            if (Multiplayer.COOP)
                mine.player.farmName         = world.player.farmName;
                mine.player.money            = world.player.money;
                mine.player.clubCoins        = world.player.clubCoins;
                mine.player.totalMoneyEarned = world.player.totalMoneyEarned;
                mine.player.hasRustyKey      = world.player.hasRustyKey;
                mine.player.hasSkullKey      = world.player.hasSkullKey;
                mine.player.hasClubCard      = world.player.hasClubCard;
                // Should I sync dark talisman / magic ink?
                mine.player.dateStringForSaveGame = world.player.dateStringForSaveGame;
            world.player = mine.player;

            foreach (string mail in Multiplayer.checkMail)
                if (world.mailbox.Contains(mail) && !mine.mailbox.Contains(mail))
                if (world.player.mailForTomorrow.Contains(mail) && !mine.player.mailForTomorrow.Contains(mail))
                if (world.player.mailReceived.Contains(mail) && !mine.player.mailReceived.Contains(mail))
                if (world.mailbox.Contains(mail + "%&NL&%") && !mine.mailbox.Contains(mail + "%&NL&%"))
                    mine.mailbox.Add(mail + "%&NL&%");
                if (world.player.mailForTomorrow.Contains(mail + "%&NL&%") && !mine.player.mailForTomorrow.Contains(mail + "%&NL&%"))
                    mine.player.mailForTomorrow.Add(mail + "%&NL&%");
                if (world.player.mailReceived.Contains(mail + "%&NL&%") && !mine.player.mailReceived.Contains(mail + "%&NL&%"))
                    mine.player.mailReceived.Add(mail + "%&NL&%");

            world.mailbox         = mine.mailbox;
            world.samBandName     = mine.samBandName;
            world.elliottBookName = mine.elliottBookName;
            // wallpaper/flooring doesn't look needed?
            world.countdownToWedding = mine.countdownToWedding;
            world.weddingToday       = mine.weddingToday;
            world.musicVolume        = mine.musicVolume;
            world.soundVolume        = mine.soundVolume;
            world.options            = mine.options;
            world.minecartHighScore  = mine.minecartHighScore;
            if (!Multiplayer.COOP)
                world.stats               = mine.stats;
                world.incubatingEgg       = mine.incubatingEgg;
                world.dailyLuck           = mine.dailyLuck;
                world.whichFarm           = mine.whichFarm;
                world.shouldSpawnMonsters = mine.shouldSpawnMonsters;
            world.mine_mineLevel            = mine.mine_mineLevel;
            world.mine_nextLevel            = mine.mine_nextLevel;
            world.mine_lowestLevelReached   = mine.mine_lowestLevelReached;
            world.mine_resourceClumps       = mine.mine_resourceClumps;
            world.mine_permanentMineChanges = mine.mine_permanentMineChanges;

            fixPetMultiplication(mine, world);
            fixRelationships(mine, world);

            Multiplayer.fixLocations(world.locations, null, debugStuff);
            Woods        woods    = null;
            GameLocation toRemove = null;

            foreach (GameLocation loc in world.locations)
                if (loc.name == "FarmHouse")
                    toRemove = loc;
                else if (loc.name == "Woods")
                    woods = (Woods)loc;
            if (toRemove != null)
            foreach (GameLocation loc in mine.locations)
                if (loc.name == "FarmHouse")
                else if (loc.name == "Woods" && woods != null)
                    Woods myWoods = ( Woods )loc;
                    woods.hasUnlockedStatue = myWoods.hasUnlockedStatue;
                    woods.hasFoundStardrop  = myWoods.hasFoundStardrop;

            // See the giant block of comments in ClientFarmerDataPacket
            foreach (GameLocation theirLoc in world.locations)
                if (theirLoc is FarmHouse)
                    Log.Async("FarmHouse: " + theirLoc.name);
                    NewSaveGame.FarmHouse_setMapForUpgradeLevel(theirLoc as FarmHouse);

             * findReplaceLocation("FarmHouse", world.locations, mine.locations);
             * if ( !Multiplayer.COOP )
             * {
             *  findReplaceLocation("Farm", world.locations, mine.locations);
             *  findReplaceLocation("FarmCave", world.locations, mine.locations);
             *  findReplaceLocation("Greenhouse", world.locations, mine.locations);
             *  findReplaceLocation("ArchaeologyHouse", world.locations, mine.locations);
             *  findReplaceLocation("CommunityCenter", world.locations, mine.locations);
             *  // ^ How should I do rewards? The ones that affect town permanently
             *  // Mines?
             * }*/

            SaveGame.loaded = world;
            client.stage    = Client.NetStage.Waiting;
            //client.tempStopUpdating = true;
        public override void process(Server server, Server.Client client)
            Log.debug("Got farmer data for client " + client.id);

            //SFarmer old = client.farmer;
            SaveGame theirs = (SaveGame)SaveGame.serializer.Deserialize(Util.stringStream(xml));

            foreach (var quest in theirs.player.questLog)
                if (quest is SlayMonsterQuest)
                    (quest as SlayMonsterQuest).loadQuestInfo();

            if (client.farmer == null)
                ChatMenu.chat.Add(new ChatEntry(null, theirs.player.name + " has connected."));
                server.broadcast(new ChatPacket(255, theirs.player.name + " has connected."), client.id);

                String str = "Currently playing: ";
                str += NewLoadMenu.pendingSelected.name;
                foreach (Server.Client other in server.clients)
                    if (other == client || other.farmer == null)
                    str += ", " + other.farmer.name;
                client.send(new ChatPacket(255, str));

            client.farmerXml = Util.serialize <SFarmer>(theirs.player);
            client.farmer    = theirs.player;
            client.farmer.uniqueMultiplayerID += 1 + client.id;
            client.farmType = theirs.whichFarm;


            //if (server.playing) client.farmer = old;

            // About second-day-sleeping crashes:
            // So just adding the location directly puts the raw deserialized one into the game.
            // The raw deserialized one doesn't have the tiles and stuff loaded. Just the game data.
            // I think this is why vanilla copies data over in loadDataToLocations instead of using
            // the loaded objects directly. Why not just postpone loading until later, I don't know.
            // So, when the second day begins, otherFarmer.currentLocation was still set to the
            // previous day's farm house[*]. On day two, the 'good' one[**] was removed, so when they go
            // back in, the bad one is used. Basically, I need to make them all the 'good' one.
            // For now, I'm just going to reload the needed data for this client's farmhouse.
            // I'll figure out how to do it 'properly' later. Maybe. (My mind is muddled today.)
            // [*] Looking at addFixedLocationToOurWorld now you'll see that this isn't the case.
            // I added the part about fixing SFarmer.currentLocation as I was going through this
            // thought process. So things will break more obviously if something like this happens
            // again.
            // [**] The first day's farmhouse is okay because in loadDataToLocations, (called in
            // NewSaveGame.getLoadEnumerator), the map is reloaded from FarmHouse_setMapForUpgradeLevel.
            // If CO-OP weren't on, worse things would happen, because things besides the farm house
            // would need loading (see Multiplayer.isPlayerUnique). The client doesn't have this
            // issue because they do the whole loading process each day anyways.
            // Of course, the whole second-day-crash doesn't happen when I test it on localhost. Hence
            // why this was so annoying. And probably why I documented all this.
            foreach (GameLocation theirLoc in theirs.locations)
                if (theirLoc.name == "FarmHouse")
                    NewSaveGame.FarmHouse_setMapForUpgradeLevel(theirLoc as FarmHouse);


            Multiplayer.fixLocations(theirs.locations, client.farmer, addFixedLocationToOurWorld, client);

            foreach (string mail in Multiplayer.checkMail)
                if (client.farmer.mailForTomorrow.Contains(mail))
                    if (!SaveGame.loaded.player.mailForTomorrow.Contains(mail))
                    if (Game1.player != null && !Game1.player.mailForTomorrow.Contains(mail))
                if (client.farmer.mailForTomorrow.Contains(mail + "%&NL&%"))
                    if (!SaveGame.loaded.player.mailForTomorrow.Contains(mail + "%&NL&%"))
                        SaveGame.loaded.player.mailForTomorrow.Add(mail + "%&NL&%");
                    if (Game1.player != null && !Game1.player.mailForTomorrow.Contains(mail + "%&NL&%"))
                        Game1.player.mailForTomorrow.Add(mail + "%&NL&%");

            client.stage = Server.Client.NetStage.WaitingForStart;