public override void Action(CommandCaller caller, string input, string[] args) { if (NetData.IsPlayerServerOwner(PlayerData.MyPlayer)) { if (args.Length > 0) { string name = string.Join(" ", args); if (name.Length <= 20) { DUtils.Chat($"Changed {Main.worldName}'s name to '{name}'!", true, Color.CornflowerBlue.R, Color.CornflowerBlue.G, Color.CornflowerBlue.B); Main.worldName = name; } if (name.Length > 20) { Main.NewText("ERROR: You cannot have a name longer than 20 characters."); } } else { Main.NewText("ERROR: You have not specified a name."); } } else { Main.NewText("ERROR: You are not the server host."); } }
public override bool AcceptClientChanges(ModConfig pendingConfig, int whoAmI, ref string message) { if (NetData.IsPlayerServerOwner(MyPlayer)) { return(true); } else { message = "You are not the server host, and thus can't change global configs."; return(false); } }