private async Task <NamedId <Guid> > CreateEducationSchemaAsync(Func <ICommand, Task> publish) { var command = new CreateSchema { Name = "education", Properties = new SchemaProperties { Label = "Education" }, Fields = new List <CreateSchemaField> { new CreateSchemaField { Name = "degree", Properties = new StringFieldProperties { Editor = StringFieldEditor.Input, IsRequired = true, IsListField = true, Label = "Degree", Hints = "The degree you got or achieved" } }, new CreateSchemaField { Name = "school", Properties = new StringFieldProperties { Editor = StringFieldEditor.Input, IsRequired = true, IsListField = true, Label = "School", Hints = "The school or university" } }, new CreateSchemaField { Name = "logo", Properties = new AssetsFieldProperties { IsRequired = false, IsListField = false, MustBeImage = true, Label = "Logo", Hints = "The logo of the school" } }, new CreateSchemaField { Name = "from", Properties = new DateTimeFieldProperties { Editor = DateTimeFieldEditor.Date, IsRequired = true, IsListField = false, Label = "Start Date", Hints = "The start date" } }, new CreateSchemaField { Name = "to", Properties = new DateTimeFieldProperties { Editor = DateTimeFieldEditor.Date, IsRequired = false, IsListField = false, Label = "End Date", Hints = "The end date, keep empty if you still study there" } } }, Publish = true }; await publish(command); return(NamedId.Of(command.SchemaId, command.Name)); }
public Task AddTargetAsync(Guid ruleId, NamedId <Guid> appId, int limits, int?numDays) { UpdateTarget(ruleId, t => { t.Limits = limits; t.AppId = appId; t.NumDays = numDays; }); return(state.WriteAsync()); }
protected override void WriteValue(JsonWriter writer, NamedId <long> value, JsonSerializer serializer) { writer.WriteValue($"{value.Id},{value.Name}"); }
public string ContentsUI(NamedId <DomainId> appId, NamedId <DomainId> schemaId) { throw new NotSupportedException(); }
public string DashboardUI(NamedId <DomainId> appId) { throw new NotSupportedException(); }
public string?AssetSource(NamedId <DomainId> appId, DomainId assetId, long fileVersion) { return($"assets/source/{assetId}"); }
public string ContentUI(NamedId <DomainId> appId, NamedId <DomainId> schemaId, DomainId contentId) { return($"contents/{schemaId.Name}/{contentId}"); }
private static IEnrichedContentEntity CreateRefContent(Guid id, int version, string name, int number, NamedId <Guid> schemaId) { return(new ContentEntity { Id = id, DataDraft = new NamedContentData() .AddField("name", new ContentFieldData() .AddValue("iv", name)) .AddField("number", new ContentFieldData() .AddValue("iv", number)), SchemaId = schemaId, Version = version }); }
public void Create(CreateSchema command) { RaiseEvent(command, new SchemaCreated { SchemaId = NamedId.Of(command.SchemaId, command.Name), Schema = command.BuildSchema() }); }
private static Task CreateApiResourcesSchemaAsync(Func <ICommand, Task> publish, NamedId <DomainId> scopeId) { var schema = SchemaBuilder.Create("API Resources") .AddString("Name", f => f .Unique() .Required() .ShowInList() .Hints("The unique name of the API.")) .AddString("Display Name", f => f .Localizable() .Hints("The display name of the API.")) .AddString("Description", f => f .Localizable() .Hints("The description name of the API.")) .AddBoolean("Disabled", f => f .AsToggle() .Hints("Enable or disable the API.")) .AddReferences("Scopes", f => f .WithSchemaId(scopeId.Id) .Hints("The scopes for this API.")) .AddTags("User Claims", f => f .Hints("List of accociated user claims that should be included when this resource is requested.")) .Build(); return(publish(schema)); }
public Task ExecuteAsync(NamedId <Guid> appId, NamedId <Guid> schemaId, params IndexCommand[] commands) { var index = grainFactory.GetGrain <ILuceneTextIndexGrain>(appId.Id); return(index.IndexAsync(schemaId, commands.AsImmutable())); }
private NamedId <long> CreateFieldId(AddField command) { return(NamedId.Of(Snapshot.TotalFields + 1L, command.Name)); }
private async Task <NamedId <Guid> > CreateBasicsSchemaAsync(Func <ICommand, Task> publish) { var command = new CreateSchema { Name = "basics", Properties = new SchemaProperties { Label = "Basics" }, Fields = new List <CreateSchemaField> { new CreateSchemaField { Name = "firstName", Properties = new StringFieldProperties { Editor = StringFieldEditor.Input, IsRequired = true, IsListField = true, Label = "First Name", Hints = "Your first name" } }, new CreateSchemaField { Name = "lastName", Properties = new StringFieldProperties { Editor = StringFieldEditor.Input, IsRequired = true, IsListField = true, Label = "Last Name", Hints = "Your last name" } }, new CreateSchemaField { Name = "profession", Properties = new StringFieldProperties { Editor = StringFieldEditor.TextArea, IsRequired = true, IsListField = false, Label = "Profession", Hints = "Define your profession" } }, new CreateSchemaField { Name = "image", Properties = new AssetsFieldProperties { IsRequired = false, IsListField = false, MustBeImage = true, Label = "Image", Hints = "Your image" } }, new CreateSchemaField { Name = "summary", Properties = new StringFieldProperties { Editor = StringFieldEditor.TextArea, IsRequired = false, IsListField = false, Label = "Summary", Hints = "Write a short summary about yourself" } }, new CreateSchemaField { Name = "githubLink", Properties = new StringFieldProperties { Editor = StringFieldEditor.Input, IsRequired = false, IsListField = false, Label = "Github", Hints = "An optional link to your Github account" } }, new CreateSchemaField { Name = "blogLink", Properties = new StringFieldProperties { Editor = StringFieldEditor.Input, IsRequired = false, IsListField = false, Label = "Blog", Hints = "An optional link to your blog" } }, new CreateSchemaField { Name = "twitterLink", Properties = new StringFieldProperties { Editor = StringFieldEditor.Input, IsRequired = false, IsListField = false, Label = "Twitter", Hints = "An optional link to your twitter account" } }, new CreateSchemaField { Name = "linkedInLink", Properties = new StringFieldProperties { Editor = StringFieldEditor.Input, IsRequired = false, IsListField = false, Label = "LinkedIn", Hints = "An optional link to your LinkedIn account" } }, new CreateSchemaField { Name = "emailAddress", Properties = new StringFieldProperties { Editor = StringFieldEditor.Input, IsRequired = false, IsListField = false, Label = "Email Address", Hints = "An optional email address to contact you" } }, new CreateSchemaField { Name = "legalTerms", Properties = new StringFieldProperties { Editor = StringFieldEditor.TextArea, IsRequired = false, IsListField = false, Label = "Legal terms", Hints = "The terms to fulfill legal requirements" } } }, Publish = true }; await publish(command); return(NamedId.Of(command.SchemaId, command.Name)); }
private async Task <NamedId <Guid> > CreatePublicationsSchemaAsync(Func <ICommand, Task> publish) { var command = new CreateSchema { Name = "publications", Properties = new SchemaProperties { Label = "Publications" }, Fields = new List <CreateSchemaField> { new CreateSchemaField { Name = "name", Properties = new StringFieldProperties { Editor = StringFieldEditor.Input, IsRequired = true, IsListField = true, Label = "Name", Hints = "The name or title of your publication" } }, new CreateSchemaField { Name = "description", Properties = new StringFieldProperties { Editor = StringFieldEditor.TextArea, IsRequired = false, IsListField = false, Label = "Description", Hints = "Describe the content of your publication" } }, new CreateSchemaField { Name = "cover", Properties = new AssetsFieldProperties { IsRequired = true, IsListField = false, MustBeImage = true, Label = "Cover", Hints = "The cover of your publication" } }, new CreateSchemaField { Name = "link", Properties = new StringFieldProperties { Editor = StringFieldEditor.Input, IsRequired = false, IsListField = false, Label = "Link", Hints = "An optional link to your publication" } } }, Publish = true }; await publish(command); return(NamedId.Of(command.SchemaId, command.Name)); }
private static bool MatchsSchema(ContentChangedTriggerSchemaV2 schema, NamedId <DomainId> eventId) { return(eventId.Id == schema.SchemaId); }
private NamedId <long> CreateFieldId(AddField command) { return(NamedId.Of(Snapshot.SchemaFieldsTotal + 1, command.Name)); }
public string?AssetThumbnail(NamedId <DomainId> appId, string idOrSlug, AssetType assetType) { return($"assets/{appId.Name}/{idOrSlug}?width=100"); }
private static AppLanguageAdded CreateInitialLanguage(NamedId <Guid> id) { return(new AppLanguageAdded { AppId = id, Language = DefaultLanguage }); }
public string AssetContent(NamedId <DomainId> appId, string idOrSlug) { return($"assets/{appId.Name}/{idOrSlug}"); }
private static AppContributorAssigned CreateInitialOwner(NamedId <Guid> id, SquidexCommand command) { return(new AppContributorAssigned { AppId = id, ContributorId = command.Actor.Identifier, Permission = AppContributorPermission.Owner }); }
public string AssetsUI(NamedId <DomainId> appId, string? @ref = null) { throw new NotSupportedException(); }
private ISchemaEntity CreateSchema(string name, SchemaType type = SchemaType.Default) { return(Mocks.Schema(appId, NamedId.Of(DomainId.NewGuid(), name), new Schema(name, type: type))); }
public string ContributorsUI(NamedId <DomainId> appId) { throw new NotSupportedException(); }
// Constructors. public DescriptorBase(NamedId id) { = id; }
public string RolesUI(NamedId <DomainId> appId) { throw new NotSupportedException(); }
public async Task Should_make_permission_check_with_schema_feature() { actionExecutingContext.HttpContext.Features.Set <IAppFeature>(new AppFeature(NamedId.Of(DomainId.NewGuid(), "my-app"))); actionExecutingContext.HttpContext.Features.Set <ISchemaFeature>(new SchemaFeature(NamedId.Of(DomainId.NewGuid(), "my-schema"))); user.AddClaim(new Claim(SquidexClaimTypes.Permissions, "")); SetContext(); var sut = new ApiPermissionAttribute(Permissions.AppSchemasUpdate); await sut.OnActionExecutionAsync(actionExecutingContext, next); Assert.Null(actionExecutingContext.Result); Assert.True(isNextCalled); }
protected override void WriteValue(JsonWriter writer, NamedId <Guid> value, JsonSerializer serializer) { writer.WriteValue(value.ToString()); }
public async Task Should_return_forbidden_when_user_has_wrong_permission() { actionExecutingContext.HttpContext.Features.Set <IAppFeature>(new AppFeature(NamedId.Of(DomainId.NewGuid(), "my-app"))); user.AddClaim(new Claim(SquidexClaimTypes.Permissions, "squidex.apps.other-app")); SetContext(); var sut = new ApiPermissionAttribute(Permissions.AppSchemasCreate); await sut.OnActionExecutionAsync(actionExecutingContext, next); Assert.Equal(403, (actionExecutingContext.Result as StatusCodeResult)?.StatusCode); Assert.False(isNextCalled); }
public Task <IChangePlanResult> ChangePlanAsync(string userId, NamedId <DomainId> appId, string?planId, string?referer) { return(Task.FromResult <IChangePlanResult>(new PlanChangedResult())); }
private async Task <NamedId <Guid> > CreateExperienceSchemaAsync(Func <ICommand, Task> publish) { var command = new CreateSchema { Name = "experience", Properties = new SchemaProperties { Label = "Experience" }, Fields = new List <CreateSchemaField> { new CreateSchemaField { Name = "position", Properties = new StringFieldProperties { Editor = StringFieldEditor.Input, IsRequired = true, IsListField = true, Label = "Position", Hints = "Your position in this job" } }, new CreateSchemaField { Name = "company", Properties = new StringFieldProperties { Editor = StringFieldEditor.Input, IsRequired = true, IsListField = true, Label = "Company", Hints = "The company or organization you worked for" } }, new CreateSchemaField { Name = "logo", Properties = new AssetsFieldProperties { IsRequired = false, IsListField = false, MustBeImage = true, Label = "Logo", Hints = "The logo of the company or organization you worked for" } }, new CreateSchemaField { Name = "from", Properties = new DateTimeFieldProperties { Editor = DateTimeFieldEditor.Date, IsRequired = true, IsListField = false, Label = "Start Date", Hints = "The start date" } }, new CreateSchemaField { Name = "to", Properties = new DateTimeFieldProperties { Editor = DateTimeFieldEditor.Date, IsRequired = false, IsListField = false, Label = "End Date", Hints = "The end date, keep empty if you still work there" } } }, Publish = true }; await publish(command); return(NamedId.Of(command.SchemaId, command.Name)); }