// Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        // Change traffic lights when time
        if (intersections.Count > 0)
            foreach (RoadIntersection intersect in intersections)

        // Add a new car to the road when time
        if (spawningCars && Time.time - carSpawnTimerRef > carSpawnRateActual)
            // Select random car prefab from list and assign a random path on the road system
            GameObject randomCar = carPrefabs[Random.Range(0, carPrefabs.Count)];
            currentPathToAssign = spawnPaths[Random.Range(0, spawnPaths.Count)];

            // Check if any cars on the road are at the spawn point chosen for new car
            bool assignedPathIsBlocked = false;
            foreach (NPCVehicle veh in vehicles)
                if (veh.GetWaypoint() == currentPathToAssign.roadWaypoints[0])
                    assignedPathIsBlocked = true;

            // If the spawn point isn't blocked by any existing cars, put the new car there, add it to the list of cars, and restart timer
            if (!assignedPathIsBlocked)
                GameObject newCar   = Instantiate(randomCar, currentPathToAssign.roadWaypoints[0].position, Quaternion.identity);
                NPCVehicle newCarAI = newCar.GetComponent <NPCVehicle>();
                newCarAI.SetPath(currentPathToAssign, 1);
                vehicles.Add(newCar.GetComponent <NPCVehicle>());

                carSpawnRateActual = Random.Range(spawnRateSecPerCar - spawnRateDeltaInSec, spawnRateSecPerCar + spawnRateDeltaInSec);
                carSpawnTimerRef   = Time.time;
 // Add a vehicle to the list of vehicles to be destroyed
 // Should be accessed by NPCVehicle scripts
 public void AddVehicleToDestroyList(NPCVehicle carToDestroy)