public void FilltblEnvironmentalSurveyFieldMeasures(NBADWDataEntryApplication.dstblEnvironmentalSurveyFieldMeasures dataSet) { // Turn off constraint checking before the dataset is filled. // This allows the adapters to fill the dataset without concern // for dependencies between the tables. dataSet.EnforceConstraints = false; try { // Open the connection. this.oleDbConnection1.Open(); // Attempt to fill the dataset through the OleDbDataAdapter1. this.oleDbdatblEnvironmentalSurveyFieldMeasures.Fill(dataSet); } catch (System.Exception fillException) { // Add your error handling code here. throw fillException; } finally { // Turn constraint checking back on. dataSet.EnforceConstraints = true; // Close the connection whether or not the exception was thrown. this.oleDbConnection1.Close(); } }
public void FillDataSet(NBADWDataEntryApplication.dsSiteUseSearch dataSet1) { // Turn off constraint checking before the dataset is filled. // This allows the adapters to fill the dataset without concern // for dependencies between the tables. dataSet1.EnforceConstraints = false; //dataSet2.EnforceConstraints = false; try { // Open the connection. this.oleDbConnection1.Open(); // Attempt to fill the dataset through the OleDbDataAdapter1. this.oleDbdaSiteUseSearch.Fill(dataSet1); //this.oleDbdacdAquaticActivity.Fill(dataSet2); } catch (System.Exception fillException) { // Add your error handling code here. throw fillException; } finally { // Turn constraint checking back on. dataSet1.EnforceConstraints = true; //dataSet2.EnforceConstraints = true; // Close the connection whether or not the exception was thrown. this.oleDbConnection1.Close(); } }
public void FillDataSets(NBADWDataEntryApplication.dsDE_ESAFSiteList dataSet1) { // Turn off constraint checking before the dataset is filled. // This allows the adapters to fill the dataset without concern // for dependencies between the tables. dataSet1.EnforceConstraints = false; try { // Open the connection. this.oleDbConnection1.Open(); // Attempt to fill the dataset through the OleDbDataAdapter1. this.oleDbdaDE_ESAFSiteList.Fill(dataSet1); } catch (System.Exception fillException) { // Add your error handling code here. throw fillException; } finally { // Turn constraint checking back on. dataSet1.EnforceConstraints = true; // Close the connection whether or not the exception was thrown. this.oleDbConnection1.Close(); System.IO.StringWriter sw1 = new System.IO.StringWriter(); // Write the DataSet to the ViewState property. dataSet1.WriteXml(sw1); ViewState["dSet1"] = sw1.ToString(); } }
public void FillDataSets(NBADWDataEntryApplication.dscdEnvironmentalObservations_Groups dataSet1, NBADWDataEntryApplication.dscdEnvironmentalObservations dataSet2, NBADWDataEntryApplication.dstblEnvironmentalObservations dataSet3) { // Turn off constraint checking before the dataset is filled. // This allows the adapters to fill the dataset without concern // for dependencies between the tables. dataSet1.EnforceConstraints = false; dataSet2.EnforceConstraints = false; dataSet3.EnforceConstraints = false; try { // Open the connection. this.oleDbConnection1.Open(); // Attempt to fill the dataset through the OleDbDataAdapter1. this.oleDbdacdEnvironmentalObservations_Groups.Fill(dataSet1); this.oleDbdacdEnvironmentalObservations.Fill(dataSet2); this.oleDbdatblEnvironmentalObservations.Fill(dataSet3); } catch (System.Exception fillException) { // Add your error handling code here. throw fillException; } finally { // Turn constraint checking back on. dataSet1.EnforceConstraints = true; dataSet2.EnforceConstraints = true; dataSet3.EnforceConstraints = true; // Close the connection whether or not the exception was thrown. this.oleDbConnection1.Close(); System.IO.StringWriter sw1 = new System.IO.StringWriter(); System.IO.StringWriter sw2 = new System.IO.StringWriter(); //System.IO.StringWriter sw3 = new System.IO.StringWriter(); // Write the DataSet to the ViewState property. dataSet1.WriteXml(sw1); dataSet2.WriteXml(sw2); //dataSet3.WriteXml(sw3); ViewState["dSet1"] = sw1.ToString(); ViewState["dSet2"] = sw2.ToString(); //ViewState["dSet3"] = sw3.ToString(); //tEO = objdstblEnvironmentalObservations.Tables["tblEnvironmentalObservations"]; } }
public void FillMeasurementInstrumentCodes(NBADWDataEntryApplication.dsDE_OandM_Instrument dataSet1, NBADWDataEntryApplication.dscdOandM dataSet2) { // Turn off constraint checking before the dataset is filled. // This allows the adapters to fill the dataset without concern // for dependencies between the tables. dataSet1.EnforceConstraints = false; dataSet2.EnforceConstraints = false; try { // Open the connection. this.oleDbConnection1.Open(); // Attempt to fill the dataset through the OleDbDataAdapter1. this.oleDbdaDE_OandM_Instrument.Fill(dataSet1); this.oleDbdacdOandM.Fill(dataSet2); } catch (System.Exception fillException) { // Add your error handling code here. throw fillException; } finally { // Turn constraint checking back on. dataSet1.EnforceConstraints = true; dataSet2.EnforceConstraints = true; // Close the connection whether or not the exception was thrown. this.oleDbConnection1.Close(); } }
public void FillWaterTemperatureLogger(NBADWDataEntryApplication.dsqryWaterTemperatureLoggerDetails dataSet1, NBADWDataEntryApplication.dsqryWaterTemperatureLoggerMeasurements dataSet2, NBADWDataEntryApplication.dsqryWaterTemperatureLoggerSites dataSet3) { // Turn off constraint checking before the dataset is filled. // This allows the adapters to fill the dataset without concern // for dependencies between the tables. dataSet1.EnforceConstraints = false; dataSet2.EnforceConstraints = false; dataSet3.EnforceConstraints = false; try { // Open the connection. this.oleDbConnection1.Open(); this.oleDbdaqryWaterTemperatureLoggerDetails.Fill(dataSet1); this.oleDbdaqryWaterTemperatureLoggerMeasurements.Fill(dataSet2); this.oleDbdaqryWaterTemperatureLoggerSites.Fill(dataSet3); } catch (System.Exception fillException) { // Add your error handling code here. throw fillException; } finally { // Turn constraint checking back on. dataSet1.EnforceConstraints = true; dataSet2.EnforceConstraints = true; dataSet3.EnforceConstraints = true; // Close the connection whether or not the exception was thrown. this.oleDbConnection1.Close(); } }
public void FillElectrofishing(NBADWDataEntryApplication.dsqryElectrofishingDataPlusEstimates dataSet1, NBADWDataEntryApplication.dsqryElectrofishingMarkRecaptureDataPlusEstimates dataSet2, NBADWDataEntryApplication.dsqryElectrofishingMethodDetails dataSet3, NBADWDataEntryApplication.dsqryElectrofishingSiteMeasurements dataSet4, NBADWDataEntryApplication.dsqryElectrofishingSites dataSet5, NBADWDataEntryApplication.dsqryElectrofishingWaterMeasurements dataSet6) { // Turn off constraint checking before the dataset is filled. // This allows the adapters to fill the dataset without concern // for dependencies between the tables. dataSet1.EnforceConstraints = false; dataSet2.EnforceConstraints = false; dataSet3.EnforceConstraints = false; dataSet4.EnforceConstraints = false; dataSet5.EnforceConstraints = false; dataSet6.EnforceConstraints = false; try { // Open the connection. this.oleDbConnection1.Open(); this.oleDbdaqryElectrofishingDataPlusEstimates.Fill(dataSet1); this.oleDbdaqryElectrofishingMarkRecaptureDataPlusEstimates.Fill(dataSet2); this.oleDbdaqryElectrofishingMethodDetails.Fill(dataSet3); this.oleDbdaqryElectrofishingSiteMeasurements.Fill(dataSet4); this.oleDbdaqryElectrofishingSites.Fill(dataSet5); this.oleDbdaqryElectrofishingWaterMeasurements.Fill(dataSet6); } catch (System.Exception fillException) { // Add your error handling code here. throw fillException; } finally { // Turn constraint checking back on. dataSet1.EnforceConstraints = true; dataSet2.EnforceConstraints = true; dataSet3.EnforceConstraints = true; dataSet4.EnforceConstraints = true; dataSet5.EnforceConstraints = true; dataSet6.EnforceConstraints = true; // Close the connection whether or not the exception was thrown. this.oleDbConnection1.Close(); } }
public void FillCodeDataSets(NBADWDataEntryApplication.dsDE_Hatcheries dataSet1, NBADWDataEntryApplication.dscdFishSpecies dataSet2, /*NBADWDataEntryApplication.dsDE_FishStock dataSet3, */NBADWDataEntryApplication.dscdFishAgeClass dataSet4, NBADWDataEntryApplication.dscdFishMark dataSet5) { // Turn off constraint checking before the dataset is filled. // This allows the adapters to fill the dataset without concern // for dependencies between the tables. try { dataSet1.EnforceConstraints = false; dataSet2.EnforceConstraints = false; //dataSet3.EnforceConstraints = false; dataSet4.EnforceConstraints = false; dataSet5.EnforceConstraints = false; } catch (System.Exception fillException) { // Add your error handling code here. throw fillException; } try { // Open the connection. this.oleDbConnection1.Open(); // Attempt to fill the dataset through the OleDbDataAdapter1. this.oleDbdaDE_Hatcheries.Fill(dataSet1); this.oleDbdacdFishSpecies.Fill(dataSet2); //this.oleDbdaDE_FishStock.Fill(dataSet3); this.oleDbdacdFishAgeClass.Fill(dataSet4); this.oleDbdacdFishMark.Fill(dataSet5); } catch (System.Exception fillException) { // Add your error handling code here. throw fillException; } finally { // Turn constraint checking back on. dataSet1.EnforceConstraints = true; dataSet2.EnforceConstraints = true; //dataSet3.EnforceConstraints = true; dataSet4.EnforceConstraints = true; dataSet5.EnforceConstraints = true; // Close the connection whether or not the exception was thrown. this.oleDbConnection1.Close(); } }