public string ToString(Perso perso, TranslatedScript.TranslationSettings ts, bool advanced = false) { MapLoader l = MapLoader.Loader; short mask = 0; AITypes aiTypes = Settings.s.aiTypes; Vector3 vector3 = new Vector3 { x = 0, y = 0, z = 0 }; switch (nodeType) { case ScriptNode.NodeType.KeyWord: // KeyWordFunctionPtr if (param < aiTypes.keywordTable.Length) { if (ts.exportMode) { if (aiTypes.keywordTable[param] == "Me") { return "this"; } if (aiTypes.keywordTable[param] == "MainActor") { return "Controller.MainActor"; } if (aiTypes.keywordTable[param] == "Nobody" || aiTypes.keywordTable[param] == "NoInput" || aiTypes.keywordTable[param] == "Nowhere" || aiTypes.keywordTable[param] == "NoGraph" || aiTypes.keywordTable[param] == "NoAction" || aiTypes.keywordTable[param] == "CapsNull") { return "null"; } } return aiTypes.keywordTable[param]; } return "UnknownKeyword_" + param; case ScriptNode.NodeType.Condition: // GetConditionFunctionPtr if (param < aiTypes.conditionTable.Length) { return aiTypes.conditionTable[param]; } return "UnknownCondition_" + param; case ScriptNode.NodeType.Operator: // GetOperatorFunctionPtr if (advanced) { if (param < aiTypes.operatorTable.Length) { return aiTypes.operatorTable[param] + " (" + param + ")"; } } if (param < aiTypes.operatorTable.Length) { return aiTypes.operatorTable[param]; } return "UnknownOperator_" + param; case ScriptNode.NodeType.Function: // GetFunctionFunctionPtr if (param < aiTypes.functionTable.Length) { return aiTypes.functionTable[param]; } return "UnknownFunction_" + param; case ScriptNode.NodeType.Procedure: // ProcedureFunctionReturn if (param < aiTypes.procedureTable.Length) { return aiTypes.procedureTable[param]; } return "UnknownProcedure_" + param; case ScriptNode.NodeType.MetaAction: // meta action if (param < aiTypes.metaActionTable.Length) { return aiTypes.metaActionTable[param]; } return "UnknownMetaAction_" + param; case ScriptNode.NodeType.BeginMacro: return "BeginMacro"; case ScriptNode.NodeType.EndMacro: return "EndMacro"; case ScriptNode.NodeType.Field: if (param < aiTypes.fieldTable.Length) { return aiTypes.fieldTable[param]; } return "UnknownField_" + param; case ScriptNode.NodeType.DsgVarRef: // Dsg Var if (perso != null && perso.brain != null && perso.brain.mind != null) { Mind mind = perso.brain.mind; if (mind.dsgMem != null && mind.dsgMem.dsgVar != null) { if (param < mind.dsgMem.dsgVar.dsgVarInfos.Length) { return mind.dsgMem.dsgVar.dsgVarInfos[param].NiceVariableName; } } else if (mind.AI_model != null && mind.AI_model.dsgVar != null) { if (param < mind.AI_model.dsgVar.dsgVarInfos.Length) { return mind.AI_model.dsgVar.dsgVarInfos[param].NiceVariableName; } } } return "dsgVar_" + param; case ScriptNode.NodeType.Constant: if (advanced) return "Constant: " + BitConverter.ToInt32(BitConverter.GetBytes(param), 0); return BitConverter.ToInt32(BitConverter.GetBytes(param), 0).ToString(); case ScriptNode.NodeType.Real: NumberFormatInfo nfi = new NumberFormatInfo() { NumberDecimalSeparator = "." }; if (advanced) return "Real: " + BitConverter.ToSingle(BitConverter.GetBytes(param), 0).ToString(nfi); return BitConverter.ToSingle(BitConverter.GetBytes(param), 0).ToString(nfi)+"f"; case ScriptNode.NodeType.Button: // Button/entryaction EntryAction ea = EntryAction.FromOffset(param_ptr); if (ea == null) { return "ERR_ENTRYACTION_NOTFOUND"; } string eaName = (advanced ? ea.ToString() : ea.ToBasicString()); if (advanced) return "Button: " + eaName + "(" + param_ptr + ")"; if (!ts.expandEntryActions && ea!=null) { return "\""+ea.ExportName+"\""; } return eaName; case ScriptNode.NodeType.ConstantVector: return "Constant Vector: " + "0x" + param.ToString("x8"); // TODO: get from address case ScriptNode.NodeType.Vector: return "new Vector3"; // TODO: same case ScriptNode.NodeType.Mask: mask = (short)param; // TODO: as short if(advanced) return "Mask: " + (mask).ToString("x4"); if (ts.exportMode) { return "\"" + (mask).ToString("x4") + "\""; } return "Mask(" + (mask).ToString("x4") + ")"; case ScriptNode.NodeType.ModuleRef: if(advanced) return "ModuleRef: " + "0x" + (param).ToString("x8"); return "GetModule(" + (int)param + ")"; case ScriptNode.NodeType.DsgVarId: if(advanced) return "DsgVarId: " + "0x" + (param).ToString("x8"); return "DsgVarId(" + param + ")"; case ScriptNode.NodeType.String: string str = "ERR_STRING_NOTFOUND"; if (l.strings.ContainsKey(param_ptr)) str = l.strings[param_ptr]; if (advanced) return "String: " + param_ptr + " (" + str + ")"; return "\"" + str + "\""; case ScriptNode.NodeType.LipsSynchroRef: return "LipsSynchroRef: " + param_ptr; case ScriptNode.NodeType.FamilyRef: if(advanced) return "FamilyRef: " + param_ptr; Family f = Family.FromOffset(param_ptr); if (f != null) { return "GetFamily(\"" + + "\")"; } else { return "Family.FromOffset(\"" + param_ptr + "\")"; } case ScriptNode.NodeType.PersoRef: Perso argPerso = Perso.FromOffset(param_ptr); if (argPerso != null && perso!=null && argPerso.offset == perso.offset) { if (advanced) return "PersoRef: this"; return "this"; } string persoName = argPerso == null ? "ERR_PERSO_NOTFOUND" : argPerso.fullName; if (advanced) return "PersoRef: " + param_ptr + " (" + persoName + ")"; if (argPerso?.brain?.mind?.AI_model!=null ) { AIModel aiModel = argPerso.brain.mind.AI_model; // Make sure to add a cast in case the AI Model is accessed return "(("")GetPerso(\"" + argPerso.namePerso + "\"))"; } return "GetPerso(\"" + argPerso.namePerso + "\")"; case ScriptNode.NodeType.ActionRef: State state = State.FromOffset(param_ptr); string stateName = state == null ? "ERR_STATE_NOTFOUND" : state.ShortName; if (advanced) return "ActionRef: " + param_ptr + " " + stateName; if (ts.useStateIndex) { return "GetAction("+state.index.ToString()+")"; } return stateName; case ScriptNode.NodeType.SuperObjectRef: if(advanced) return "SuperObjectRef: " + param_ptr; SuperObject so = SuperObject.FromOffset(param_ptr); if (so != null) { return "GetSuperObject(\"" + + "\")"; } else { return "SuperObject.FromOffset(\"" + param_ptr + "\")"; } case ScriptNode.NodeType.WayPointRef: if(advanced) return "WayPointRef: " + param_ptr; return "WayPoint.FromOffset(\"" + param_ptr + "\")"; case ScriptNode.NodeType.TextRef: if (l.localization == null) return "TextRef"; if (advanced) return "TextRef: " + param + " (" + l.localization.GetTextForHandleAndLanguageID((int)param, 0) + ")"; if (ts.expandStrings) { return "\"" + l.localization.GetTextForHandleAndLanguageID((int)param, 0) + "\""; // Preview in english } else { return "new TextReference(" + (int)param + ")"; } case ScriptNode.NodeType.ComportRef: Behavior comportRef = l.FromOffset<Behavior>(param_ptr); if (comportRef == null) { if (advanced) return "ComportRef: " + param_ptr + " (null)"; return "null"; } else { return comportRef.ShortName; //string type = comportRef.type == Behavior.BehaviorType.Normal ? "normalBehavior" : "reflexBehavior"; //return type + "[" + script.behaviorOrMacro.aiModel.GetBehaviorIndex(comportRef) + "]"; } case ScriptNode.NodeType.SoundEventRef: if(advanced) return "SoundEventRef: " + (int)param; return "SoundEvent.FromID(0x" + ((int)param).ToString("X8") + ")"; case ScriptNode.NodeType.ObjectTableRef: if (advanced) return "ObjectTableRef: " + param_ptr; if (ts.useHashIdentifiers) { string objectListJson = ObjectList.FromOffset(param_ptr).ToJSON(); string objectListHash = HashUtils.MD5Hash(objectListJson); return "ObjectList.FromHash(\"" + objectListHash + "\")"; } return "ObjectTable.FromOffset(\"" + param_ptr + "\")"; case ScriptNode.NodeType.GameMaterialRef: if (advanced) return "GameMaterialRef: " + param_ptr; if (ts.useHashIdentifiers) { string gmtJson = GameMaterial.FromOffset(param_ptr).ToJSON(); string gmtHash = HashUtils.MD5Hash(gmtJson); return "GameMaterial.FromHash(\"" + gmtHash + "\")"; } return "GameMaterial.FromOffset(\"" + param_ptr + "\")"; case ScriptNode.NodeType.ParticleGenerator: return "ParticleGenerator: " + "0x" + (param).ToString("x8"); case ScriptNode.NodeType.VisualMaterial: if (advanced) return "VisualMaterial: " + param_ptr; if (ts.useHashIdentifiers) { string vmtJson = VisualMaterial.FromOffset(param_ptr).ToJSON(); string vmtHash = HashUtils.MD5Hash(vmtJson); return "VisualMaterial.FromHash(\"" + vmtHash + "\")"; } return "VisualMaterial.FromOffset(\"" + param_ptr + "\")"; case ScriptNode.NodeType.ModelRef: // ModelCast if (advanced) return "AIModel: " + param_ptr; AIModel model = l.FromOffset<AIModel>(param_ptr); return model != null ? : "null"; case ScriptNode.NodeType.DataType42: if(advanced) return "EvalDataType42: " + "0x" + (param).ToString("x8"); return "EvalDataType42(" + "0x" + (param).ToString("x8") + ")"; case ScriptNode.NodeType.CustomBits: if(advanced) return "CustomBits: " + "0x" + (param).ToString("x8"); if (ts.exportMode) { return "0x"+(param).ToString("x8"); } return "CustomBits(" + "0x" + (param).ToString("x8") + ")"; case ScriptNode.NodeType.Caps: if(advanced) return "Caps: " + "0x" + (param).ToString("x8"); if (ts.exportMode) { return "0x" + (param).ToString("x8"); } return "Caps(" + "0x" + (param).ToString("x8") + ")"; case ScriptNode.NodeType.SubRoutine: if (advanced) return "Eval SubRoutine: " + param_ptr; Macro macro = l.FromOffset<Macro>(param_ptr); if (macro == null) { return "null"; } return "evalMacro(" + macro.ShortName + ");"; case ScriptNode.NodeType.Null: return "null"; case ScriptNode.NodeType.GraphRef: if(advanced) return "Graph: " + "0x" + (param).ToString("x8"); return "Graph.FromOffset(\"" + param_ptr + "\")"; } return "unknown"; }