Exemple #1
        private void button4_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

            // Setup Orig Vector
            MyVector origVector = new MyVector(9, 0, 0);

            DrawVector(origVector, Color.Silver);

            MyQuaternion multiRotationQuat = new MyQuaternion(new MyVector(0, 0, 0), Utility3D.GetDegreesToRadians(0));

            // Rotate around Z
            MyQuaternion anotherRotationQuat = new MyQuaternion(new MyVector(0, 0, 1), Utility3D.GetDegreesToRadians(1));

            //List<double> lengths = new List<double>();

            for (int outerCntr = 1; outerCntr <= 100000; outerCntr++)
                for (int innerCntr = 1; innerCntr <= 360; innerCntr++)
                    multiRotationQuat = MyQuaternion.Multiply(anotherRotationQuat, multiRotationQuat);

            // Draw the final output
            MyVector subRotation = multiRotationQuat.GetRotatedVector(origVector, true);

            DrawVector(subRotation, Color.Yellow);
Exemple #2
        private void button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

            // Setup Orig Vector
            MyVector origVector = new MyVector(9, 0, 0);

            DrawVector(origVector, Color.Silver);

            #region Single Rotation

            // Setup quat to do the whole rotation in one shot
            MyQuaternion largeRotationQuat = new MyQuaternion(new MyVector(0, 0, 1), Utility3D.GetDegreesToRadians(90));
            MyVector     largeRotation     = largeRotationQuat.GetRotatedVector(origVector, true);
            DrawVector(largeRotation, Color.White);


            #region Multi Rotations

            // Setup quat that holds a 30 degree angle
            MyQuaternion multiRotationQuat = new MyQuaternion(new MyVector(0, 0, 1), Utility3D.GetDegreesToRadians(30));
            MyVector     subRotation       = multiRotationQuat.GetRotatedVector(origVector, true);
            DrawVector(subRotation, Color.Orange);

            // Setup a quat that holds a 1 degree angle
            MyQuaternion anotherRotationQuat = new MyQuaternion(new MyVector(0, 0, 1), Utility3D.GetDegreesToRadians(1));

            // Apply this to the multi quat 60 times
            for (int cntr = 1; cntr <= 60; cntr++)
                multiRotationQuat = MyQuaternion.Multiply(anotherRotationQuat, multiRotationQuat);

            // Let's see what happened
            subRotation = multiRotationQuat.GetRotatedVector(origVector, true);
            DrawVector(subRotation, Color.HotPink);

            #region Multi Rotations (3D)

             *          // Rotate around Y
             *          multiRotationQuat = new MyQuaternion(new MyVector(0, 1, 0), Utility3D.GetDegreesToRadians(90));
             *          // Rotate around X
             *          anotherRotationQuat = new MyQuaternion(new MyVector(1, 0, 0), Utility3D.GetDegreesToRadians(90));
             *          multiRotationQuat = MyQuaternion.Multiply(anotherRotationQuat, multiRotationQuat);
             *          // Draw the final output
             *          subRotation = multiRotationQuat.GetRotatedVector(origVector, true);
             *          DrawVector(subRotation, Color.Yellow);
            #region Multi Rotations (Vector3D)

             *          subRotation = origVector.Clone();
             *          subRotation.RotateAroundAxis(new MyVector(0, 1, 0), Utility3D.GetDegreesToRadians(90));
             *          subRotation.RotateAroundAxis(new MyVector(1, 0, 0), Utility3D.GetDegreesToRadians(90));
             *          DrawVector(subRotation, Color.Yellow);