void Update() { // Copy the joints positions to work with for (int i = 0; i < joints.Length; i++) { copy[i] = new MyVector3(joints[i].position.x, joints[i].position.y, joints[i].position.z); //Copy the joints if (i < joints.Length - 1) { distances[i] = MyVector3.Distance(joints[i + 1].position, joints[i].position); //Calculate the distances } } done = (copy[copy.Length - 1] - new MyVector3(target.position.x, target.position.y, target.position.z)).magnitude < treshold_condition; if (!done) { float targetRootDist = MyVector3.Distance(copy[0], new MyVector3(target.position.x, target.position.y, target.position.z)); // Update joint positions if (targetRootDist > distances.Sum()) { // The target is unreachable for (int i = 0; i < copy.Length - 1; i++) { float r = (new MyVector3(target.position.x, target.position.y, target.position.z) - copy[i]).magnitude; float lambda = distances[i] / r; copy[i + 1] = copy[i] * (1 - lambda) + new MyVector3(target.position.x, target.position.y, target.position.z) * lambda; } } else { MyVector3 b = copy[0]; float difA = (copy[copy.Length - 1] - new MyVector3(target.position.x, target.position.y, target.position.z)).magnitude; // The target is reachable while (difA > treshold_condition) { // STAGE 1: FORWARD REACHING copy[copy.Length - 1] = new MyVector3(target.position.x, target.position.y, target.position.z); for (int i = copy.Length - 2; i > 0; i--) { float r = (copy[i + 1] - copy[i]).magnitude; float lambda = distances[i] / r; copy[i] = copy[i + 1] * (1 - lambda) + copy[i] * lambda; } // STAGE 2: BACKWARD REACHING copy[0] = b; for (int i = 0; i < copy.Length - 1; i++) { float r = (copy[i + 1] - copy[i]).magnitude; float lambda = distances[i] / r; copy[i + 1] = copy[i] * (1 - lambda) + copy[i + 1] * lambda; } difA = (copy[copy.Length - 1] - new MyVector3(target.position.x, target.position.y, target.position.z)).magnitude; } } // Update original joint rotations for (int i = 0; i <= joints.Length - 2; i++) { MyQuaternion parentQuat = new MyQuaternion(joints[i + 1].rotation); MyQuaternion myQuat = new MyQuaternion(joints[i].rotation); MyVector3 A = new MyVector3(joints[i + 1].position - joints[i].position); MyVector3 B = copy[i + 1] - copy[i]; float cosa = MyVector3.Dot(MyVector3.Normalize(A), MyVector3.Normalize(B)); float sina = MyVector3.Cross(MyVector3.Normalize(A), MyVector3.Normalize(B)).magnitude; float alpha = Mathf.Atan2(sina, cosa) * Mathf.Rad2Deg; MyVector3 myAxis = MyVector3.Normalize(MyVector3.Cross(A, B)); //Vector3 axis = new Vector3(myAxis.x, myAxis.y, myAxis.z); myQuat = MyQuaternion.AngleAxis(alpha, ref myAxis); Quaternion quat = new Quaternion(myQuat.x, myQuat.y, myQuat.z, myQuat.w); joints[i].rotation = quat * joints[i].rotation; //joints[i].rotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(alpha, axis) * joints[i].rotation; myQuat = new MyQuaternion(joints[i].rotation); float localAngle = MyQuaternion.Angle(parentQuat, myQuat); if (Mathf.Abs(localAngle) > maxRotation) { joints[i + 1].rotation = joints[i].rotation; } joints[i + 1].position = new Vector3(copy[i + 1].x, copy[i + 1].y, copy[i + 1].z); } } }