Exemple #1
        public void TestMethod()
            LaunchPage       launchPage       = new LaunchPage();
            LoginPage        loginPage        = launchPage.GoToLoginPage();
            MyHomePage       myHomePage       = loginPage.DoLogin("aman123", "testing123");
            ShoppingCartPage shoppingCartPage = myHomePage.BuyProduct("top");
            OrderReviewPage  orderReviewPage  = shoppingCartPage.ConfirmOrder();
            OrderStatusPage  orderStatusPage  = orderReviewPage.PlaceOrder();

            orderStatusPage.GeTTopMenu().LogOut(); // loging out
Exemple #2
        public void TestLoginWithInvalidMail()
            // Arrange
            string[] invalidEmails =
                "email@[email protected]"

            // Act
            foreach (var email in invalidEmails)

                // This is bad practice and is for demo purposes only.
                // Consider using Selenium Wait


                // Assert
                        "Please enter a valid e-mail address", MyHomePage.ErrorMessage.Text,
                        "This error messege shoud appear when invalid mail is entered");
                catch (Exception e)
                    Assert.Fail(e.Message, "This error messege shoud appear when invalid mail is entered");
        private static void ClearTransportLevelErrorsBeforeTestRun()
            if (AppConfig.RestartDbServerBeforeTestRun && AppConfig.ClearTransportLevelErrorsAfterDbServerRestart)
                var firstBrowser = Browsers.FirstOrDefault();
                if (firstBrowser != null)
                    bool         errorExists;
                    const string errorMessage     = "A transport-level error has occurred";
                    var          signOnPage       = new SignOnPage(firstBrowser);
                    var          personalHomePage = new MyHomePage(firstBrowser);
                    do // after restarting db server, first couple of form submissions may have
                        // transport-level errors. these can be cleared by resubmitting the forms.
                        errorExists = false;

                        // go to sign in page
                        firstBrowser.WaitUntil(b => b.Url.StartsWith(signOnPage.AbsoluteUrl), string.Format(
                                                   "Test run failed to initialize in @Browser because it did not arrive at the sign on page."));

                        // attempt to sign in
                        var element = firstBrowser.WaitUntil(b => b.FindElement(By.Id("EmailAddress")), string.Format(
                                                                 "Test run failed to initialize in @Browser because it could not find an EmailAddress text box on the sign in page."));
                        element = firstBrowser.WaitUntil(b => b.FindElement(By.Id("Password")), string.Format(
                                                             "Test run failed to initialize in @Browser because it could not find a Password text box on the sign in page."));
                        element = firstBrowser.WaitUntil(b => b.FindElement(By.Id("sign_in_submit_button")),
                                                             "Test run failed to initialize in @Browser because it could not find a sign in submit button."));
                        firstBrowser.WaitUntil(b => b.Url.StartsWith(signOnPage.AbsoluteUrl) ||
                                               b.Url.StartsWith(personalHomePage.AbsoluteUrl), string.Format(
                                                   "Test run failed to initialize in @Browser because it did not arrive at the sign in or about me page."));

                        // look for a transport-level error ysod
                        var error = firstBrowser.TryFindElement(By.TagName("body"));
                        if (error != null && error.Text.Contains(errorMessage))
                            continue; // try again
                        // go to the about me page
                        firstBrowser.WaitUntil(b => b.Url.StartsWith(personalHomePage.AbsoluteUrl), string.Format(
                                                   "Test run failed to initialize in @Browser because it did not arrive at the about me page."));

                        // attempt to save the form (without making any changes)
                        element = firstBrowser.WaitUntil(b => b.FindElement(By.Id("person_name_submit_button")),
                                                             "Test run failed to initialize in @Browser because it could not find a submit button for the about me form."));
                        firstBrowser.WaitUntil(b => b.Url.StartsWith(personalHomePage.AbsoluteUrl), string.Format(
                                                   "Test run failed to initialize in @Browser because it did not arrive at the about me page."));

                        // look for a transport-level error ysod
                        error = firstBrowser.TryFindElement(By.TagName("body"));
                        if (error != null && error.Text.Contains(errorMessage))
                            errorExists = true; // try again
                    } while (errorExists);