private List <GridBlock> MoveGridObjectsForTick(List <GridObject> objects)
        /*  PLAN
         *   - Process a list of GridObjects' data
         *   - Determine one of the following behaviors for the current tick for each object:
         *      ~ Depart the grid
         *      ~ Simply move
         *      ~ FlyBy another object
         *      ~ Nothing

        Vector2Int[] allOriginGridLocations      = new Vector2Int[objects.Count];
        Vector2Int[] allDestinationGridLocations = new Vector2Int[objects.Count];

        List <GridBlock> collisionTestBlocks = new List <GridBlock>();        // Tracker for GridBlock collisions

        for (int i = 0; i < objects.Count; i++)
            allOriginGridLocations[i].Set(99, 99);
            allDestinationGridLocations[i].Set(99, 99);

        // Process movement data
        for (int i = 0; i < objects.Count; i++)
            MovePattern mp = objects[i].GetComponent <MovePattern>();    //IMovable
            if (mp.CanMoveThisTurn)
                Vector2Int currentLocation     = gm.WorldToGrid(objects[i].currentWorldLocation);
                Vector2Int destinationLocation = currentLocation + mp.DirectionOnGrid;

                if (gm.CheckIfGridBlockInBounds(destinationLocation))
                    // Move or FlyBy
                    allOriginGridLocations[i]      = currentLocation;       // Maintain index of objects requiring additional processing
                    allDestinationGridLocations[i] = destinationLocation;
                    // Depart
                    objects[i].IsLeavingGrid = true;

        if (VerboseConsole)
            Debug.Log("Fly-By detection starting.");

        for (int i = 0; i < allOriginGridLocations.Length; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < allDestinationGridLocations.Length; j++)
                if (objects.Count > 1 && i == j)
                else if (allOriginGridLocations[i].x == 99)
                else if (allDestinationGridLocations[j].x == 99)
                else if (allOriginGridLocations[i] == allDestinationGridLocations[j] && allOriginGridLocations[j] == allDestinationGridLocations[i])
                    Health hp = objects[i].GetComponent <Health>();
                    hp.SubtractHealth(objects[j].GetComponent <ContactDamage>().DamageAmount);

        if (VerboseConsole)
            Debug.Log("Moving GridObjects.");

        for (int i = 0; i < objects.Count; i++)
            if (objects[i].CurrentMode == GridObject.Mode.Spawn)

            MovePattern mp = objects[i].GetComponent <MovePattern>();

            Vector2Int currentLocation     = gm.WorldToGrid(objects[i].currentWorldLocation);
            Vector2Int destinationLocation = currentLocation + mp.DirectionOnGrid;

            if (mp.CanMoveThisTurn)
                if (objects[i].IsLeavingGrid == false && objects[i].GetComponent <Health>().HasHP)
                    // Eligible to move
                    gm.RemoveObjectFromGrid(objects[i].gameObject, currentLocation);
                    gm.AddObjectToGrid(objects[i].gameObject, destinationLocation);

                    objects[i].targetWorldLocation = gm.GridToWorld(destinationLocation);

                    if (!IsLocationInCollisionTracker(destinationLocation, collisionTestBlocks))

                    StartCoroutine(GridObjectMovementCoroutine(objects[i], 1.0f));
                {   // Departing
                    objects[i].targetWorldLocation = gm.GridToWorld(destinationLocation);

                    StartCoroutine(GridObjectMovementCoroutine(objects[i], 1.0f));
                    StartCoroutine(GridObjectDestructionCoroutine(objects[i], 1.1f));
