public override void OnLoad(HttpContext context)
     requestBody             = new RequestBody();
     requestBody.accessToken = context.Request["accessToken"];        = Convert.ToInt32(context.Request["page"]);
     requestBody.pageSize    = Convert.ToInt32(context.Request["pageSize"]);
     requestBody.oid         = Convert.ToInt32(context.Request["oid"]);
     if (requestBody.accessToken == null || requestBody.accessToken.Trim().Length == 0 || requestBody.oid == 0)
         SystemResponse.Output(SystemResponse.TYPE_NULLPARAMETER, out statusCode, out responseJson);
         TokenHelper    token          = new TokenHelper();
         UserTokenModel userTokenModel = token.getUserToken(requestBody.accessToken);
         if (userTokenModel == null)
             SystemResponse.Output(SystemResponse.TYPE_EXPIRE, out statusCode, out responseJson);
             ModelAdo <OrderSupplierModel> orderModel = new ModelAdo <OrderSupplierModel>();
             List <OrderSupplierModel>     models     = null;
             int pagenumber = == 0 ? 1 :;
             int totalCount = 1;
             orderModel.PageSize = requestBody.pageSize == 0 ? orderModel.PageSize : requestBody.pageSize;
             if (requestBody.oid == 0)
                 models = orderModel.GetList(pagenumber, " cuid=?cuid ", "", out totalCount, "",
                                             new MySqlParameter("?cuid", userTokenModel.uid)
                 models = orderModel.GetList(pagenumber, " cuid=?cuid AND oid=?oid", "", out totalCount, "",
                                             new MySqlParameter("?cuid", Convert.ToInt32(userTokenModel.uid)),
                                             new MySqlParameter("?oid", requestBody.oid)
             if (models.Count >= 1)
                 responseBody = new ResponseBody
                     page      = 1,
                     pageTotal = (totalCount + orderModel.PageSize - 1) / orderModel.PageSize,
                     total     = totalCount,
                     suppliers = models
                 responseJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(responseBody, Formatting.Indented);
                 SystemResponse.Output(SystemResponse.TYPE_NULL, out statusCode, out responseJson);
Exemple #2
 // POST api/values
 public List<UserModel> Post()
     List<UserModel> model = this.Request.Content.ReadAsAsync<List<UserModel>>().Result;
     HttpRequestMessage rm = this.Request;
     ModelAdo<UserModel> mUser = new ModelAdo<UserModel>();
     return mUser.GetList("", "", "");
Exemple #3
 public override void OnLoad(HttpContext context)
     requestBody             = new RequestBody();
     requestBody.accessToken = context.Request["accessToken"];
     if (requestBody.accessToken == null || requestBody.accessToken.Trim().Length == 0)
         SystemResponse.Output(SystemResponse.TYPE_NULLPARAMETER, out statusCode, out responseJson);
         TokenHelper    token          = new TokenHelper();
         UserTokenModel userTokenModel = token.getUserToken(requestBody.accessToken);
         if (userTokenModel == null)
             SystemResponse.Output(SystemResponse.TYPE_EXPIRE, out statusCode, out responseJson);
             ModelAdo <UserModel> userModel = new ModelAdo <UserModel>();
             List <UserModel>     models    = userModel.GetList(" id NOT IN (?id) AND status != 1", "", "",
                                                                new MySqlParameter("?id", userTokenModel.uid));
             if (models != null)
                 List <Friend> Friends = new List <Friend>();
                 foreach (UserModel model in models)
                     Friend friend = new Friend();
                     friend.avatar = model.avatar;
                 responseBody         = new ResponseBody();
                 responseBody.Friends = Friends;
                 responseJson         = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(responseBody, Formatting.Indented);
                 SystemResponse.Output(SystemResponse.TYPE_NULL, out statusCode, out responseJson);
        public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
            int status = 0;
            ModelAdo <OrderTypeModel> orderTypeModel = new ModelAdo <OrderTypeModel>();
            List <OrderTypeModel>     list           = orderTypeModel.GetList("status = ?status", " sort desc", "", new MySqlParameter("?status", status));

            if (list.Count == 0)
                status = 0;
                msg    = "未能找到数据集合!";
                goto returnJson;
                output = from model in list
                         select new
                    id     =,
                    pid    =,
                    name   =,
                    remark = model.remark,

            Dictionary <string, object> returnJson = new Dictionary <string, object>
                { "status", status },
                { "msg", msg },
                { "output", output }
            string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(returnJson, Formatting.Indented);

            context.Response.ContentType = "application/json";
        public override void OnLoad(HttpContext context)
            requestBody             = new RequestBody();
            requestBody.accessToken = context.Request["accessToken"];
          = Convert.ToInt32(context.Request["page"]);
            requestBody.pageSize    = Convert.ToInt32(context.Request["pageSize"]);
            requestBody.status      = Convert.ToInt32(context.Request["status"]);
            if (requestBody.accessToken == null || requestBody.accessToken.Trim().Length == 0)
                SystemResponse.Output(SystemResponse.TYPE_NULLPARAMETER, out statusCode, out responseJson);
                TokenHelper    token          = new TokenHelper();
                UserTokenModel userTokenModel = token.getUserToken(requestBody.accessToken);
                if (userTokenModel == null)
                    SystemResponse.Output(SystemResponse.TYPE_EXPIRE, out statusCode, out responseJson);
                    ModelAdo <OrderModel> orderModel = new ModelAdo <OrderModel>();
                    List <OrderModel>     models     = null;
                    int pagenumber = == 0 ? 1 :;
                    int totalCount = 1;
                    orderModel.PageSize = requestBody.pageSize == 0 ? orderModel.PageSize : requestBody.pageSize;
                    if (requestBody.status == 0)
                        models = orderModel.GetList(pagenumber, " uid=?uid ", "", out totalCount, "",
                                                    new MySqlParameter("?uid", userTokenModel.uid)
                        models = orderModel.GetList(pagenumber, " uid=?uid AND ostatus=?ostatus", "", out totalCount, "",
                                                    new MySqlParameter("?uid", Convert.ToInt32(userTokenModel.uid)),
                                                    new MySqlParameter("?ostatus", requestBody.status)
                    if (models.Count >= 1)
                        List <Order> orders = new List <Order>();
                        foreach (OrderModel model in models)
                            Order order = new Order();
                            order.uid        = model.uid.ToString();
                            order.title      = model.title;
                            order.createDate = string.Format("{0:d}", StringHelper.GetNomalTime(model.createDate));
                            order.status     = model.ostatus;
                            order.price      = model.amount.ToString("f2");
                            order.oid        =;
                            order.type       = model.otid;
                            Ext from = new Ext();
                            from.uid   = model.uid.ToString();
                    = model.address1;
                    = string.Format("{0:d}", StringHelper.GetNomalTime(model.time1));
                            order.from = from;

                            Ext to = new Ext();
                            to.uid   = model.uid.ToString();
                    = model.address2;
                    = string.Format("{0:d}", StringHelper.GetNomalTime(model.time2));
                   = to;

                        responseBody = new ResponseBody
                            page      = 1,
                            pageTotal = (totalCount + orderModel.PageSize - 1) / orderModel.PageSize,
                            total     = totalCount,
                            orders    = orders
                        responseJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(responseBody, Formatting.Indented);
                        SystemResponse.Output(SystemResponse.TYPE_NULL, out statusCode, out responseJson);
        public override BarcodeModel.MODEL.BaseSearchModel Insert()
            //⑥:插入原材料:   1:插入,父单据号表;
            //                   2:插入,子单据号明细表;
            //                   3:插入,原材料条码表;
            //                   4:插入,条码历史记录表;

            lock (objLock)

                using (TransactionScope ts = new TransactionScope())

                        BaseAdo ba = new BaseAdo();
                        string sql = @"
            declare @billid varchar(30)
            exec PROC_GETID 'RW03',@billid output
            insert into RW03(RW03001,RW03002,RW03003,RW03004,RW03005,RW03006,RW03007,RW03008)
            select @billid t";
                        DataSet dsBillId = ba.GetDataSet(sql, new SqlParameter("@userid", this.LoginUserID),
                                new SqlParameter("@username", this.LoginUserName));
                        string BillId = ""; //总单据号
                        if (dsBillId != null && dsBillId.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                            BillId = dsBillId.Tables[0].Rows[0][0] + "";

                        string strImport = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(this.Bytes);
                        string[] strImportLine = strImport.Replace("\r", " ").Split('\n');
                        for (int i = 1; i < strImportLine.Length; i++)

                            string BarcodeId = "";//导入文件中获取
                            string PackageId = "";//导入文件中获取
                            string StockCode = "";
                            string StockName = "";
                            string StockSpec = "";//导入文件中获取
                            string StockUnit = "";//导入文件中获取
                            string PO = "";//导入文件中获取
                            decimal StockUnitQty = 0;//导入文件中获取
                            string Company = "";//导入文件中获取
                            string SupplierBatch = "";//导入文件中获取
                            DateTime ProductionTime = DateTime.Now;//导入文件中获取
                            DateTime ValidityTime = DateTime.Now;//导入文件中获取

                            string[] strImprotLineItem = strImportLine[i].Split(';');
                            if (strImprotLineItem[0].Contains("17"))
                                Company = "31";
                            else if (strImprotLineItem[0].Contains("16"))
                                Company = "32";
                                throw new Exception("未找到相对应的公司信息!");
                            PO = strImprotLineItem[2];
                            StockSpec = strImprotLineItem[3];
                            PackageId = strImprotLineItem[5];
                            BarcodeId = strImprotLineItem[6];
                            SupplierBatch = strImprotLineItem[7];
                            StockUnitQty = decimal.Parse(strImprotLineItem[10]);
                            DateTime.TryParse(strImprotLineItem[15], out ProductionTime);
                            DateTime.TryParse(strImprotLineItem[16], out ValidityTime);

                            ModelAdo<RWBarcodeModel> adoBarcode = new ModelAdo<RWBarcodeModel>();
                            RWBarcodeModel rwModel = adoBarcode.GetModelByID(BarcodeId);
                            if (rwModel != null && rwModel.ID.Length >= 1)
                                throw new Exception(BarcodeId + "已存在于条码系统中!");
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(PackageId))
                                ModelAdo<PackingModel> adoPackage = new ModelAdo<PackingModel>();
                                PackingModel packageModel = adoPackage.GetModelByID(PackageId);
                                if (packageModel != null)

                                    string sqlPackage = @"
            insert into RW07(RW07001,RW07002,RW07003,RW07004,RW07005,RW07006,RW07007,RW07008)
                                    ba.ExecuteSql(sqlPackage, new SqlParameter("packageid", PackageId),
                                            new SqlParameter("@userid", this.LoginUserID),
                                            new SqlParameter("@username", this.LoginUserName));

                            ModelAdo<StockModel> adoStock = new ModelAdo<StockModel>();
                            List<StockModel> Stocks = adoStock.GetList("SC01003=@stockspec", "", "", new SqlParameter("@stockspec", StockSpec));
                            if (Stocks != null && Stocks.Count >= 1)
                                StockCode = Stocks[0].StockCode;
                                StockName = Stocks[0].StockName;
                                StockUnit = Stocks[0].Unit;
                                StockUnitQty = Stocks[0].UQTY;
                                //throw new Exception("未找到相对应的物料信息!");

                            string barcodeSql = @"
            insert into RW04(RW04002,RW04003,RW04004,RW04005) values(getdate(),@billid,@barcodeid,N'创建条码')
            insert into RW02(RW02002,RW02003,RW02004,RW02005,RW02010,RW02011)
            insert into RW01(RW01001,RW01002,RW01003,RW01004,RW01005,RW01006,RW01014,RW01024,RW01025,RW01027,RW01031,RW01032,RW01034,RW01035,RW01037,RW01038,RW01040,RW01041,RW01043)
            values(@barcodeid,@stock,@stockname,@stockspec,@unit,@qty,@po,@userid,@username,@billid,@packageid,1,@company,@supplierbatch,@productiontime ,@validitytime,@tqty,@stype,'PO')

                            ba.ExecuteSql(barcodeSql, new SqlParameter("@userid", this.LoginUserID),
                                new SqlParameter("@username", this.LoginUserName),
                                new SqlParameter("@stock", StockCode),
                                new SqlParameter("@stockname", StockName),
                                new SqlParameter("@barcodeid", BarcodeId),
                                new SqlParameter("@stockspec", StockSpec),
                                new SqlParameter("@packageid", PackageId),
                                new SqlParameter("@unit", StockUnit),
                                new SqlParameter("@qty", StockUnitQty),
                                new SqlParameter("@tqty", Stocks[0].UQTY),
                                new SqlParameter("@po", PO),
                                new SqlParameter("@stype", Stocks[0].StockType),
                                new SqlParameter("@company", Company),
                                new SqlParameter("@supplierbatch", SupplierBatch),
                                new SqlParameter("@productiontime", ProductionTime),
                                new SqlParameter("@validitytime", ValidityTime),
                                new SqlParameter("@billid", BillId));
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        throw ex;
            return this;
Exemple #7
        public override List<BaseSearchModel> GetALL(bool enableSearch = false)
            ModelAdo<FGBillModel> adoBill = new ModelAdo<FGBillModel>();
            List<SqlParameter> listParam = new List<SqlParameter>();
            StringBuilder sbWhere = new StringBuilder();
            sbWhere.Append(" 1=1 ");
            if (!BeginTime.Equals(DateTime.MinValue) && !EndTime.Equals(DateTime.MinValue))
                sbWhere.Append(" AND FG03002 BETWEEN  @BeginTime AND @EndTime ");
                listParam.Add(new SqlParameter("@BeginTime", BeginTime));
                listParam.Add(new SqlParameter("@EndTime", EndTime));
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.ID))
                sbWhere.Append(" AND FG03001 = @ID");
                listParam.Add(new SqlParameter("@ID", ID));
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.UserName))
                sbWhere.Append(" AND FG03004=@UserName");
                listParam.Add(new SqlParameter("@UserName", UserName));

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Remark))
                sbWhere.Append(" AND FG03008=@Remark");
                listParam.Add(new SqlParameter("@Remark", Remark));

            return adoBill.GetList(sbWhere.ToString(), " FG03002 DESC ", "*", listParam.ToArray()).ConvertAll<BaseSearchModel>(m => m as BaseSearchModel);
Exemple #8
        public override List<BaseSearchModel> GetALL(bool enableSearch = false)
            ModelAdo<WOWK05Model> adoIssue = new ModelAdo<WOWK05Model>();
            List<SqlParameter> listParam = new List<SqlParameter>();
            StringBuilder sbWhere = new StringBuilder();
            sbWhere.Append(" 1=1 ");
            if (!BeginReportTime.Equals(DateTime.MinValue) && !EndReportTime.Equals(DateTime.MinValue))
                sbWhere.Append(" AND WK05008 BETWEEN  @BeginReportTime AND @EndReportTime ");
                listParam.Add(new SqlParameter("@BeginReportTime", BeginReportTime));
                listParam.Add(new SqlParameter("@EndReportTime", EndReportTime));

            //if (HasExportXml >= 0)
            //    sbWhere.Append(" AND WK05009 = @HasExportXml ");
            //    listParam.Add(new SqlParameter("@HasExportXml", HasExportXml));

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(CharIndex))
                sbWhere.Append(" AND SUBSTRING(WK05003,4,1)=@CharIndex ");
                listParam.Add(new SqlParameter("@CharIndex", CharIndex));
            List<BaseSearchModel> models = null;
            models = adoIssue.GetList(sbWhere.ToString(), SearchOrderBy, "*", listParam.ToArray()).ConvertAll<BaseSearchModel>(m => m as BaseSearchModel);

            return models;
        public override BaseSearchModel Insert()
            if (Barcodes == null || Barcodes.Length == 0)
                throw new Exception("请扫描或输入待入库的条码标签");
            ModelAdo<LocationModel> adoLoc = new ModelAdo<LocationModel>();
            List<LocationModel> lm = adoLoc.GetList("SC36001=@wh and SC36002=@bin", "", "", new SqlParameter("@wh", this.Warehouse), new SqlParameter("@bin", this.Bin));

            if (lm.Count == 0)
                throw new Exception("仓库或库位不存在");
            using (TransactionScope ts = new TransactionScope())

                ModelAdo<FGBarcodeModel> adoRW = new ModelAdo<FGBarcodeModel>();
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                foreach (string item in Barcodes)
                    sb.Append(",'" + item + "'");
                sb.Remove(0, 1);

                string sql = @"
            declare @RC int
            declare @result nvarchar(200)
            declare @dj varchar(30)
            set @RC=0
            set @result=N'YES'
            select @RC=count(FG01001) from FG01 where FG01001 IN ([BIDS]) and FG01032>1
            if @RC>0
            set @result=N'不能对已入库的料进行入库操作'
            set @RC=0
            select @RC=count(distinct(FG01033)) from FG01 where FG01001 IN ([BIDS])
            if @RC>1
            set @result=N'请对同一工单号进行入库操作'
            if @result='YES'
            exec PROC_GETID 'FG03',@dj output

            insert into FG03(FG03001,FG03002,FG03003,FG03004,FG03005,FG03006,FG03007,FG03008)

            insert into FG02(FG02002,FG02003,FG02004,FG02005,FG02010,FG02011)
            select FG01001,getdate(),@userid,@username,@dj,N'入库到'+@whstr from FG01 where FG01001 IN ([BIDS])

            insert into FG04(FG04002,FG04003,FG04004,FG04005)
            select getdate(),@dj,FG01001,N'入库到'+@whstr from FG01 where FG01001 IN ([BIDS])

            update FG01 set FG01008=@wh,FG01009=@sh,FG01010=getdate(),FG01024=@userid,FG01025=@username,FG01027=@dj,FG01032=2 where FG01001 IN ([BIDS])
            select @result MSG
                sql = sql.Replace("[BIDS]", sb.ToString());
                DataSet ds = adoRW.GetDataSet(sql, new SqlParameter("@Remark", this.Remark), new SqlParameter("@userid", this.LoginUserID), new SqlParameter("@username", this.LoginUserName),
                    new SqlParameter("@wh", this.Warehouse), new SqlParameter("@sh", this.Bin), new SqlParameter("@whstr", this.Warehouse + "[" + this.Bin + "]"));
                if (ds != null && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                    string msg = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][0] + "";
                    if (msg != "YES")
                        throw new Exception(msg);
                return this;
Exemple #10
        public override List<BaseSearchModel> GetALL(bool enableSearch = false)
            ModelAdo<RWInvoiceModel> ado = new ModelAdo<RWInvoiceModel>();
            List<SqlParameter> listParam = new List<SqlParameter>();
            StringBuilder sbWhere = new StringBuilder();
            sbWhere.Append(" 1=1 ");
            if (!BeginInvoiceTime.Equals(DateTime.MinValue) && !EndInvoiceTime.Equals(DateTime.MinValue))
                sbWhere.Append(" AND RW18002 BETWEEN  @BeginInvoiceTime AND @EndInvoiceTime ");
                listParam.Add(new SqlParameter("@BeginInvoiceTime", BeginInvoiceTime));
                listParam.Add(new SqlParameter("@EndInvoiceTime", EndInvoiceTime));


            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.ID))
                sbWhere.Append(" AND RW18001 = @ID");
                listParam.Add(new SqlParameter("@ID", ID));
            if (Status >= 1)
                sbWhere.Append(" AND RW18005 = @Status ");
                listParam.Add(new SqlParameter("@Status", this.Status));
            List<BaseSearchModel> models = null;
            if (this.doPager)
                int count = 0;
                ado.PageSize = this.PageSize;
                models = ado.GetList(this.PageIndex, sbWhere.ToString(), " RW18001 DESC  ", out count, "*", listParam.ToArray()).ConvertAll<BaseSearchModel>(m => m as BaseSearchModel);
                base.totalCount = count;
                models = ado.GetList(sbWhere.ToString(), " RW18001 DESC  ", "*", listParam.ToArray()).ConvertAll<BaseSearchModel>(m => m as BaseSearchModel);
            return models;
Exemple #11
        public override List<BaseSearchModel> GetALL(bool enableSearch = false)
            ModelAdo<RWBarcodeModel> adoBarcode = new ModelAdo<RWBarcodeModel>();
            List<SqlParameter> listParam = new List<SqlParameter>();
            StringBuilder sbWhere = new StringBuilder();
            sbWhere.Append(" 1=1 ");
            if (!BeginTimeInWH.Equals(DateTime.MinValue) && !EndTimeInWH.Equals(DateTime.MinValue))
                sbWhere.Append(" AND RW01010 BETWEEN  @BeginTimeInWH AND @EndTimeInWH ");
                listParam.Add(new SqlParameter("@BeginTimeInWH", BeginTimeInWH));
                listParam.Add(new SqlParameter("@EndTimeInWH", EndTimeInWH));

            if (!BeginTimeOutWH.Equals(DateTime.MinValue) && !EndTimeOutWH.Equals(DateTime.MinValue))
                sbWhere.Append(" AND RW01011 BETWEEN  @BeginTimeOutWH AND @EndTimeOutWH ");
                listParam.Add(new SqlParameter("@BeginTimeOutWH", BeginTimeOutWH));
                listParam.Add(new SqlParameter("@EndTimeOutWH", EndTimeOutWH));

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.ID))
                sbWhere.Append(" AND RW01001 = @ID");
                listParam.Add(new SqlParameter("@ID", ID));
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.StockCode))
                sbWhere.Append(" AND RW01002 = @StockCode");
                listParam.Add(new SqlParameter("@StockCode", StockCode));
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.StockName))
                sbWhere.Append(" AND RW01003 = @StockName");
                listParam.Add(new SqlParameter("@StockName", StockName));
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.BoxID))
                sbWhere.Append(" AND RW01031 = @BoxID ");
                listParam.Add(new SqlParameter("@BoxID", this.BoxID));
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.SupplierBatch))
                sbWhere.Append(" AND RW01035 = @SupplierBatch ");
                listParam.Add(new SqlParameter("@SupplierBatch", this.SupplierBatch));
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.BatchID))
                sbWhere.Append(" AND RW01036 = @BatchID ");
                listParam.Add(new SqlParameter("@BatchID", this.BatchID));
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.PO))
                sbWhere.Append(" AND RW01014 = @PO ");
                listParam.Add(new SqlParameter("@PO", this.PO));
            if (Status >= 1)
                sbWhere.Append(" AND RW01032 = @Status ");
                listParam.Add(new SqlParameter("@Status", this.Status));
            List<BaseSearchModel> models = null;
            if (this.doPager)
                int count = 0;
                adoBarcode.PageSize = this.PageSize;
                models = adoBarcode.GetList(this.PageIndex, sbWhere.ToString(), SearchOrderBy, out count, "*", listParam.ToArray()).ConvertAll<BaseSearchModel>(m => m as BaseSearchModel);
                base.totalCount = count;
                models = adoBarcode.GetList(sbWhere.ToString(), SearchOrderBy, "*", listParam.ToArray()).ConvertAll<BaseSearchModel>(m => m as BaseSearchModel);
            return models;
Exemple #12
        public override void OnLoad(HttpContext context)
            requestBody             = new RequestBody();
            requestBody.accessToken = context.Request["accessToken"];
            requestBody.withId      = Convert.ToInt32(context.Request["withId"]);
          = Convert.ToInt32(context.Request["page"]);
            requestBody.pageSize    = Convert.ToInt32(context.Request["pageSize"]);

            if (requestBody.accessToken == null || requestBody.accessToken.Trim().Length == 0 || requestBody.withId == 0)
                SystemResponse.Output(SystemResponse.TYPE_NULLPARAMETER, out statusCode, out responseJson);
                TokenHelper    token          = new TokenHelper();
                UserTokenModel userTokenModel = token.getUserToken(requestBody.accessToken);
                if (userTokenModel == null)
                    SystemResponse.Output(SystemResponse.TYPE_EXPIRE, out statusCode, out responseJson);
                    ModelAdo <MsgModel> modelAdo = new ModelAdo <MsgModel>();
                    int pagenumber = == 0 ? 1 :;
                    int totalCount = 1;
                    modelAdo.PageSize = requestBody.pageSize == 0 ? modelAdo.PageSize : requestBody.pageSize;

                    List <MsgModel> models = models = modelAdo.GetList(pagenumber,
                                                                       "(ufrom=?ufrom AND uto=?uto) or (uto=?ufrom AND ufrom=?uto)", "createTime DESC ", out totalCount, "",
                                                                       new MySqlParameter("?ufrom", userTokenModel.uid),
                                                                       new MySqlParameter("?uto", requestBody.withId)
                    if (models.Count >= 1)
                        List <Msg> msgs = new List <Msg>();
                        models.Sort(new idComparer());
                        foreach (MsgModel model in models)
                            Msg msg = new Msg();
                            msg.content    = model.content;
                            msg.createTime = string.Format("{0:yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss}", StringHelper.GetNomalTime(model.createTime));
                            msg.ufrom      = model.ufrom;
                            msg.uto        = model.uto;
                            msg.type       = model.type;
                            msg.status     = model.status;
                            if (msg.status == 0)
                                model.status = 1;
                        responseBody = new ResponseBody
                            page      = 1,
                            pageTotal = (totalCount + modelAdo.PageSize - 1) / modelAdo.PageSize,
                            total     = totalCount,
                            msgs      = msgs
                        responseJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(responseBody, Formatting.Indented);
                        SystemResponse.Output(SystemResponse.TYPE_NULL, out statusCode, out responseJson);
Exemple #13
        public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
            if (context.Request["oid"] == null)
                status = 0;
                msg    = "订单编号参数不能为空!";
                goto returnJson;

            string pageSize = context.Request["pageSize"];
            string oid      = context.Request["oid"];

            ModelAdo <SupplierOrderModel> supplierSendModel = new ModelAdo <SupplierOrderModel>();

            if (pageSize != null)
                supplierSendModel.PageSize = int.Parse(pageSize);

            int RecordCount = supplierSendModel.GetRecordCount(" userType=0  ");
            List <SupplierOrderModel> list = supplierSendModel.GetList(" userType=0 AND (oid=?oid or status is NULL) ", "", "", new MySqlParameter("?oid", oid));

            //List<SupplierOrderModel> list = supplierSendModel.GetList("select * from tv_view_supplier_order  where userType=0 AND (oid=1 or status is NULL) ");

            if (list.Count == 0)
                status = 0;
                msg    = "未能找到数据集合!";
                goto returnJson;
                pageData = new
                    recordCount = RecordCount,
                    pageSize    = supplierSendModel.PageSize
                Data = from model in list
                       select new
                    uid = model.uid,

                    status = model.status,
                    oid    = model.oid
                output = new
                    pageData = pageData,
                    Data     = Data

            Dictionary <string, object> returnJson = new Dictionary <string, object>
                { "status", status },
                { "msg", msg },
                { "output", output }
            string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(returnJson, Formatting.Indented);

            context.Response.ContentType = "application/json";
Exemple #14
        public override BaseSearchModel Insert()
            ModelAdo<WOModel> adoWO = new ModelAdo<WOModel>();
            WOModel modelWO = adoWO.GetModel("MP64001=@wo", "", new SqlParameter("@wo", this.Workorder));
            if (modelWO != null)
                ModelAdo<ReportModel> adoReport = new ModelAdo<ReportModel>();
                List<ReportModel> list = adoReport.GetList("WK02002=@wo", "WK02001", "", new SqlParameter("@wo", this.Workorder));
                if (list.Count == 0)
                    ModelAdo<WOWK01Model> adoWK01 = new ModelAdo<WOWK01Model>();
                    WOWK01Model wk01 = new WOWK01Model()

                    ModelAdo<WOLineNoGroupModel> adoWOLine = new ModelAdo<WOLineNoGroupModel>();
                    List<WOLineNoGroupModel> wolineList = adoWOLine.GetList("MP65001=@wo", "MP65003", "", new SqlParameter("@wo", this.Workorder));
                    int i = 0;
                    string op = "";
                    foreach (WOLineNoGroupModel item in wolineList)
                        if (op != item.OperationNO)
                            i = 0;
                        ReportModel modelReport = new ReportModel()
                            BOMOP = item.OperationNO,
                            BOMOPINDEX = i + "",
                            DeQTY = item.PlanQTY,
                            HadDe = 0,
                            HadDeQTY = 0,
                            StockCode = item.StockCode,
                            StockName = item.StockName,
                            Workorder = item.WO,
                            LineNumber = item.Number,
                            ReportNumber = item.ReportNumber,
                            DeDate = System.DateTime.Now,
                //                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.RWID))
                //                {
                //                    ModelAdo<RWBarcodeModel> adoRW = new ModelAdo<RWBarcodeModel>();
                //                    RWBarcodeModel rwModel = adoRW.GetModelByID(this.RWID);
                //                    if (rwModel != null)
                //                    {
                //                        if (this.DeQTY > (float)rwModel.StockUnitQty)
                //                            throw new Exception("汇报数量超出条码数量");

                //                        string sql = @"
                //update RW01 set RW01006=RW01006-@deqty where RW01001=@bid
                //insert into RW02(RW02002,RW02003,RW02004,RW02005,RW02010,RW02011)
                //select RW01001,getdate(),@userid,@username,@dj,N'扣料 工单号'+@wo+' 数量'+convert(varchar(10),@deqty) from RW01 where RW01001=@bid
                //update WK02 set WK02002=
                //                    }
                //                    else
                //                        throw new Exception("无效原材料条码");
                //                }
                list = adoReport.GetList("WK02002=@wo", "WK02001", "", new SqlParameter("@wo", this.Workorder));
                this.ReturnReportList = list;
                return this;
                throw new Exception("无效工单,请重新确认工单");
        public override BarcodeModel.MODEL.BaseSearchModel Insert()
            lock (objLock)
                using (TransactionScope ts = new TransactionScope())
                    BaseAdo ba = new BaseAdo();
                    BaseAdo bascala = new BaseAdo() { ConnectionStr = SysConfig.DBScalaConnection };
                    string sqlpo = @"
            select * from view_poline where PC01001=@po and SC01003=@stockspec and Company=@company
            select * from view_Stock where SC01003=@stockspec and Company=@company
                    string sql = @"
            insert into RW13(RW13002,RW13003,RW13004,RW13005,RW13006,RW13007,RW13008,RW13009,RW13010,RW13011,RW13012,RW13013,RW13014,RW13015,RW13016,RW13017,RW13018,RW13019,RW13020,RW13021,RW13022)

                    string strImport = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(this.Bytes);
                    string[] strImportLine = strImport.Replace("\r", " ").Split('\n');
                    IMPNO = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                    for (int i = 1; i < strImportLine.Length; i++)
                        string BarcodeId = "";//导入文件中获取
                        string PackageId = "";//导入文件中获取
                        string StockCode = "";
                        string StockName = "";
                        string StockSpec = "";//导入文件中获取
                        string StockUnit = "";//导入文件中获取
                        string PO = "";//导入文件中获取
                        decimal StockUnitQty = 0;//导入文件中获取
                        string Company = "";//导入文件中获取
                        string SupplierBatch = "";//导入文件中获取
                        string supplierCode = "";
                        string supplierName = "";
                        double purunit = 1;
                        double saleunit = 1;
                        string stockType = "02";
                        string poline = "";
                        DateTime ProductionTime = DateTime.Now;//导入文件中获取
                        DateTime ValidityTime = DateTime.Now;//导入文件中获取

                        string[] strImprotLineItem = strImportLine[i].Split(';');
                        switch (strImprotLineItem[0])
                            case "11117": Company = "31"; break;
                            case "11116": Company = "32"; break;
                            default: Company = "-"; break;
                        PO = strImprotLineItem[2];
                        StockSpec = strImprotLineItem[3];
                        PackageId = strImprotLineItem[5];
                        BarcodeId = strImprotLineItem[6];
                        SupplierBatch = strImprotLineItem[7];
                        StockUnitQty = decimal.Parse(strImprotLineItem[10]);
                        DateTime.TryParse(strImprotLineItem[15], out ProductionTime);
                        DateTime.TryParse(strImprotLineItem[16], out ValidityTime);

                        DataSet ds = bascala.GetDataSet(sqlpo, new SqlParameter("@Company", Company), new SqlParameter("@stockspec", StockSpec), new SqlParameter("@po", PO));
                        if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                            poline = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["PC03002"] + "";
                            supplierCode = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["PL01001"] + "";
                            supplierName = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["PL01002"] + "";
                        if (ds.Tables[1].Rows.Count > 0)
                            double.TryParse(ds.Tables[1].Rows[0]["SC01072"] + "", out purunit);
                            double.TryParse(ds.Tables[1].Rows[0]["SC01073"] + "", out saleunit);
                            stockType = ds.Tables[1].Rows[0]["SC01035"] + "";
                            StockCode = ds.Tables[1].Rows[0]["SC01001"] + "";
                            StockName = ds.Tables[1].Rows[0]["SC01002"] + "";
                            StockUnit = ds.Tables[1].Rows[0]["UNIT"] + "";
                        ba.ExecuteSql(sql, new SqlParameter("@IMPNO", IMPNO),
                            new SqlParameter("@userid", this.LoginUserID),
                            new SqlParameter("@po", PO),
                            new SqlParameter("@poline", poline),
                            new SqlParameter("@stockcode", StockCode),
                            new SqlParameter("@stockname", StockName),
                            new SqlParameter("@stockspec", StockSpec),
                            new SqlParameter("@lpn", BarcodeId),
                            new SqlParameter("@supplierbatch", SupplierBatch),
                            new SqlParameter("@productdate", ProductionTime),
                            new SqlParameter("@exdate", ValidityTime),
                            new SqlParameter("@qty", StockUnitQty),
                            new SqlParameter("@unit", StockUnit),
                            new SqlParameter("@company", Company),
                            new SqlParameter("@boxid", PackageId),
                            new SqlParameter("@supcode", supplierCode),
                            new SqlParameter("@supname", supplierName),
                            new SqlParameter("@pounit", purunit),
                            new SqlParameter("@saleunit", saleunit),
                            new SqlParameter("@stocktype", stockType));

                    ModelAdo<USBarcodeModel> adoUB = new ModelAdo<USBarcodeModel>();
                    this.ReturnUSBarcodes = adoUB.GetList("RW13003=@impno", "", "", new SqlParameter("@impno", IMPNO));
                    ModelAdo<USBarcodeGroup> adoUBG = new ModelAdo<USBarcodeGroup>();
                    this.ReturnUSBarcodeGroups = adoUBG.GetList("RW13003=@impno", "", "", new SqlParameter("@impno", IMPNO));

            return this;
        public override BaseSearchModel Insert()
            using (TransactionScope ts = new TransactionScope())
                string sql = @"
            declare @dj varchar(30)
            exec PROC_GETID 'RW03',@dj output
            insert into RW03(RW03001,RW03002,RW03003,RW03004,RW03005,RW03006,RW03007,RW03008)
            insert into RW07(RW07001,RW07002,RW07003,RW07004,RW07005,RW07006,RW07007,RW07008)
            select RW13017,getdate(),@userid,@username,0,'',0,2 from RW13 where RW13003=@impno and isnull(RW13006,'')<>'' and isnull(RW13017,'')<>'' and isnull(RW13007,'')<>'' and RW13010 not in (select RW01001 from RW01) group by RW13017
            insert into RW04(RW04002,RW04003,RW04004,RW04005)
            select getdate(),@dj,RW13010,N'US导入创建条码' from RW13 where RW13003=@impno and isnull(RW13006,'')<>'' and isnull(RW13007,'')<>'' and RW13010 not in (select RW01001 from RW01)
            insert into RW02(RW02002,RW02003,RW02004,RW02005,RW02010,RW02011)
            select RW13010,getdate(),@userid,@username,@dj,N'US导入创建条码' from RW13 where RW13003=@impno and isnull(RW13006,'')<>'' and isnull(RW13007,'')<>'' and RW13010 not in (select RW01001 from RW01)
            insert into RW01(RW01001,RW01002,RW01003,RW01004,RW01005,RW01006,RW01012,RW01013,RW01014,RW01015,RW01024,RW01025,RW01027,RW01031,RW01032,RW01034,RW01035,RW01037,RW01038,RW01041,RW01043,RW01044,RW01045)
            select RW13010,RW13007,RW13008,RW13009,RW13015,RW13014,RW13018,RW13019,RW13005,RW13006,@userid,@username,@dj,RW13017,1,RW13016,RW13011,RW13012,RW13013,RW13022,'PO',RW13020,RW13021
            from RW13 where RW13003=@impno and isnull(RW13006,'')<>'' and isnull(RW13007,'')<>'' and RW13010 not in (select RW01001 from RW01)
            delete from RW13 where RW13010 in (select RW01001 from RW01)
                BaseAdo ba = new BaseAdo();
                ba.ExecuteSql(sql, new SqlParameter("@userid", this.LoginUserID), new SqlParameter("@username", this.LoginUserName), new SqlParameter("@impno", IMPNO));

                ModelAdo<USBarcodeModel> adoUB = new ModelAdo<USBarcodeModel>();
                this.ReturnUSBarcodes = adoUB.GetList("RW13003=@impno", "", "", new SqlParameter("@impno", IMPNO));
                ModelAdo<USBarcodeGroup> adoUBG = new ModelAdo<USBarcodeGroup>();
                this.ReturnUSBarcodeGroups = adoUBG.GetList("RW13003=@impno", "", "", new SqlParameter("@impno", IMPNO));
                return this;
        public override BaseSearchModel Insert()
            if (Barcodes == null || Barcodes.Length == 0)
                throw new Exception("请扫描或输入待入库的条码标签");
            ModelAdo<LocationModel> adoLoc = new ModelAdo<LocationModel>();
            List<LocationModel> lm = adoLoc.GetList("SC36001=@wh and SC36002=@bin", "", "", new SqlParameter("@wh", this.Warehouse), new SqlParameter("@bin", this.Bin));

            if (lm.Count == 0)
                throw new Exception("仓库或库位不存在");
            using (TransactionScope ts = new TransactionScope())

                ModelAdo<RWBarcodeModel> adoRW = new ModelAdo<RWBarcodeModel>();
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                foreach (string item in Barcodes)
                    sb.Append(",'" + item + "'");
                sb.Remove(0, 1);

                string sql = @"
            declare @RC int
            declare @result nvarchar(200)
            declare @dj varchar(30)
            set @RC=0
            set @result=N'YES'
            select @RC=count(RW01001) from RW01 where RW01001 IN ([BIDS]) and RW01032>1
            if @RC>0
            set @result=N'已入库的料不可再入库'
            set @RC=0
            select @RC=count(distinct(RW01014)) from RW01 where RW01001 IN ([BIDS])
            if @RC>1
            set @result=N'多张采购单请分批收货'
            set @RC=0
            select @RC=count(distinct(RW01043)) from RW01 where RW01001 IN ([BIDS])
            if @RC>1
            set @result=N'PO收货、WO收货以及STOCK RECEIVE请分开操作'
            if @result='YES'
            exec PROC_GETID 'RW03',@dj output

            insert into RW03(RW03001,RW03002,RW03003,RW03004,RW03005,RW03006,RW03007,RW03008)

            insert into RW02(RW02002,RW02003,RW02004,RW02005,RW02010,RW02011)
            select RW01001,getdate(),@userid,@username,@dj,N'入库到'+@whstr from RW01 where RW01001 IN ([BIDS])

            insert into RW04(RW04002,RW04003,RW04004,RW04005)
            select getdate(),@dj,RW01001,N'入库到'+@whstr from RW01 where RW01001 IN ([BIDS])

            update RW01 set RW01008=@wh,RW01009=@sh,RW01010=getdate(),RW01024=@userid,RW01025=@username,RW01027=@dj,RW01032=2 where RW01001 IN ([BIDS])

            UPDATE WK01 SET WK01006=getdate() where WK01006 is null and WK01004<= (select sum(RW01006) FROM RW01 WHERE RW01032=2 and RW01033=WK01001 and RW01002=WK01002 GROUP BY RW01033,RW01002)
            select @result MSG
                sql = sql.Replace("[BIDS]", sb.ToString());
                DataSet ds = adoRW.GetDataSet(sql, new SqlParameter("@Remark", this.Remark), new SqlParameter("@userid", this.LoginUserID), new SqlParameter("@username", this.LoginUserName),
                    new SqlParameter("@wh", this.Warehouse), new SqlParameter("@sh", this.Bin), new SqlParameter("@whstr", this.Warehouse + "[" + this.Bin + "]"));
                if (ds != null && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                    string msg = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][0] + "";
                    if (msg != "YES")
                        throw new Exception(msg);
                return this;
        public override BarcodeModel.MODEL.BaseSearchModel Insert()
            if (Barcodes == null || Barcodes.Length == 0)
                throw new Exception("请扫描或输入待入库的条码标签");
            ModelAdo<LocationModel> adoLoc = new ModelAdo<LocationModel>();
            List<LocationModel> lm = adoLoc.GetList("SC36001=@wh and SC36002=@bin", "", "", new SqlParameter("@wh", this.Warehouse), new SqlParameter("@bin", this.Bin));

            if (lm.Count == 0)
                throw new Exception("仓库或库位不存在");

            //①:修改原材料领料单RW08状态 :RW08008	int		状态(1已申请 2部分发货 3关闭)
            //③:插入RW10	原材料领料单BARCODE	中间表

            //⑦:插入RW02	原材料历史记录
            using (TransactionScope ts = new TransactionScope())
                ModelAdo<RWBarcodeModel> adoRW = new ModelAdo<RWBarcodeModel>();
                List<SqlParameter> parameters = new List<SqlParameter>();
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                foreach (string item in Barcodes)
                    sb.Append(",'" + item + "'");
                sb.Remove(0, 1);

                string sql = @"
            declare @RC int
            declare @result nvarchar(200)
            declare @dj varchar(30)
            set @RC=0
            set @result=N'YES'
            select @RC=count(RW01001) from RW01 where RW01001 IN ([BIDS]) and RW01032 <> 2
            if @RC>0
            set @result=N'存在不能做领料操作的信息,不能进行领料操作'

            if @result='YES'
            declare @calcstatus int

            Update RW09 set RW09005=@userid,RW09006=@username,RW09011=@ReceivedCount, RW09012=@ReceiveSurplusCount where RW09001=@ReceiveLine

            set @calcstatus=2
            select @calcstatus=SUM(RW09012) from RW09 where RW09003=@ReceiveID
            if @calcstatus>0
            set @ReceiveStatus=2
            set @ReceiveStatus=3

            Update RW08 set RW08008=@ReceiveStatus where RW08001=@ReceiveID

            insert into RW10(RW10002,RW10003,RW10004,RW10005,RW10006,RW10007)
            select getdate(),@userid,@username,@ReceiveID,@ReceiveLine,RW01001 from RW01 where RW01001 IN ([BIDS])

            exec PROC_GETID 'RW03',@dj output

            insert into RW03(RW03001,RW03002,RW03003,RW03004,RW03005,RW03006,RW03007,RW03008)

            insert into RW02(RW02002,RW02003,RW02004,RW02005,RW02010,RW02011)
            select RW01001,getdate(),@userid,@username,@dj,N'领料单['+ @ReceiveID +'];移库到'+@whstr from RW01 where RW01001 IN ([BIDS])

            insert into RW04(RW04002,RW04003,RW04004,RW04005)
            select getdate(),@dj,RW01001,N'领料单['+ @ReceiveID +']; 移库到'+@whstr from RW01 where RW01001 IN ([BIDS])

            update RW01 set RW01016 =RW01008 ,RW01017 = RW01009,RW01008=@wh,RW01009=@sh,RW01024=@userid,RW01025=@username,RW01027=@dj,RW01032=3 where RW01001 IN ([BIDS])

            select @result MSG

                parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@userid", this.LoginUserID));
                parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@username", this.LoginUserName));
                parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@Remark", this.Remark));
                parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@ReceiveID", this.ReceiveID));
                parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@ReceiveStatus", this.ReceiveStatus));
                parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@ReceiveLine", this.ReceiveLine));
                parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@ReceivedCount", this.ReceivedCount));
                parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@ReceiveSurplusCount", this.ReceiveSurplusCount));

                parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@wh", this.Warehouse));
                parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@sh", this.Bin));
                parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@whstr", this.Warehouse + "[" + this.Bin + "]"));

                sql = sql.Replace("[BIDS]", sb.ToString());
                DataSet ds = adoRW.GetDataSet(sql, parameters.ToArray());
                if (ds != null && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                    string msg = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][0] + "";
                    if (msg != "YES")
                        throw new Exception(msg);
                return this;
Exemple #19
        public override List<BaseSearchModel> GetALL(bool enableSearch = false)
            ModelAdo<RWHistoryModel> adoRW = new ModelAdo<RWHistoryModel>();
            List<SqlParameter> listParam = new List<SqlParameter>();
            StringBuilder sbWhere = new StringBuilder();
            sbWhere.Append(" 1=1 ");

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.BarcodeID))
                sbWhere.Append(" AND RW02002 = @BarcodeID");
                listParam.Add(new SqlParameter("@BarcodeID", this.BarcodeID));

            return adoRW.GetList(sbWhere.ToString(), " RW02001 DESC ", "*", listParam.ToArray()).ConvertAll<BaseSearchModel>(m => m as BaseSearchModel);
 public override List<BaseSearchModel> GetALL(bool enableSearch = false)
     ModelAdo<ReceiveDetailModel> adoRDetails = new ModelAdo<ReceiveDetailModel>();
     List<SqlParameter> listParam = new List<SqlParameter>();
     StringBuilder sbWhere = new StringBuilder();
     sbWhere.Append(" 1=1 ");
     if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ReceiveID))
         sbWhere.Append(" AND RW09003 = @ReceiveID ");
         listParam.Add(new SqlParameter("@ReceiveID", this.ReceiveID));
     List<BaseSearchModel> models = null;
     if (this.doPager)
         int count = 0;
         adoRDetails.PageSize = this.PageSize;
         models = adoRDetails.GetList(this.PageIndex, sbWhere.ToString(), " RW09001 DESC  ", out count, "*", listParam.ToArray()).ConvertAll<BaseSearchModel>(m => m as BaseSearchModel);
         base.totalCount = count;
         models = adoRDetails.GetList(sbWhere.ToString(), " RW09001 DESC  ", "*", listParam.ToArray()).ConvertAll<BaseSearchModel>(m => m as BaseSearchModel);
     return models;
Exemple #21
        public override List<BaseSearchModel> GetALL(bool enableSearch = false)
            ModelAdo<WCTimeModel> adoWCTime = new ModelAdo<WCTimeModel>();
            List<SqlParameter> listParam = new List<SqlParameter>();
            StringBuilder sbWhere = new StringBuilder();
            sbWhere.Append(" 1=1 ");
            if (!QueryBeginTime.Equals(DateTime.MinValue) && !QueryEndTime.Equals(DateTime.MinValue))
                sbWhere.Append(" AND DueDate BETWEEN  @QueryBeginTime AND @QueryEndTime ");
                listParam.Add(new SqlParameter("@QueryBeginTime", QueryBeginTime));
                listParam.Add(new SqlParameter("@QueryEndTime", QueryEndTime));

            List<BaseSearchModel> models = null;
            models = adoWCTime.GetList(sbWhere.ToString(), SearchOrderBy, "*", listParam.ToArray()).ConvertAll<BaseSearchModel>(m => m as BaseSearchModel);

            return models;