private void ParkingLotListSelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e) { foreach (var oldItem in e.RemovedItems) { var oldItemContainer = ParkingLotList.ContainerFromItem(oldItem); var oldListViewItem = oldItemContainer as ListViewItem; if (oldListViewItem != null) { Debug.WriteLine("[MainView] parking lot list: remove selected visual state for " + (oldItem as ParkingLot).Name); var element = oldListViewItem.ContentTemplateRoot as Control; if (element != null) { VisualStateManager.GoToState(element, "Unselected", false); } } } foreach (var newItem in e.AddedItems) { var newItemContainer = ParkingLotList.ContainerFromItem(newItem); var newListViewItem = newItemContainer as ListViewItem; if (newListViewItem != null) { Debug.WriteLine("[MainView] parking lot list: add selected visual state for " + (newItem as ParkingLot).Name); var element = newListViewItem.ContentTemplateRoot as Control; if (element != null) { VisualStateManager.GoToState(element, "Selected", false); } } } }
private async void AddPinOnLoad() { lat =; lng = viewModel.Item.lon; ParkingLotList lots = await parkingLotService.GetParkingLots(); OldParkingLot lot; if (viewModel.Item.Id != "1") { lot = lots.parkingLotList[1]; } else { lot = lots.parkingLotList[0]; } CustomPin lotPin = new CustomPin { Type = PinType.Place, Position = new Position(, lot.lon), Label = viewModel.Item.lotName + " Open Spots: " + lot.OpenSpots, id = "lot" + viewModel.Item.Id, url = "" }; customMap.Pins.Add(lotPin); customMap.MoveToRegion(MapSpan.FromCenterAndRadius(new Position(lat, lng), Distance.FromMiles(0.1))); Content = customMap; }
public ParkingLot ChooseParkingLot() { var parkingLotChosen = ParkingLotList.Where(lot => !lot.IsFull).ToList(); return(parkingLotChosen.Any() ? parkingLotChosen.OrderByDescending(lot => lot.LotAvailable).First() : ParkingLotList[^ 1]);
protected override ParkingLot GetParkingLot() { var maxSpaceParkingLot = ParkingLotList[0]; foreach (var parkingLot in ParkingLotList.Where(parkingLot => parkingLot.RemianParkingSpace() > maxSpaceParkingLot.RemianParkingSpace())) { maxSpaceParkingLot = parkingLot; } return(maxSpaceParkingLot); }
async Task ExecuteLoadItemsCommand() { ParkingLotList lotList = new ParkingLotList(); List <OldParkingLot> lots = new List <OldParkingLot>(); IParkingLotService parkingLotService = new ParkingLotServiceImpl(); if (IsBusy) { return; } IsBusy = true; try { Items.Clear(); lotList = await parkingLotService.GetParkingLots(); foreach (OldParkingLot lot in lotList.parkingLotList) { ParkingLot parkingItem = new ParkingLot(); parkingItem.Id = lot.lotId.ToString(); parkingItem.Description = "Number of open parking spots " + lot.OpenSpots; parkingItem.lotName = lot.lotName; parkingItem.Text = lot.lotName; parkingItem.address = lot.address; =; parkingItem.zipCode = lot.zipCode; parkingItem.state = lot.state; =; parkingItem.lon = lot.lon; Items.Add(parkingItem); } /* * var items = await DataStore.GetItemsAsync(true); * foreach (var item in items) * { * Items.Add(item); * } */ } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.WriteLine(ex); } finally { IsBusy = false; } }
private async void AddPinOnLoad() { await MapUtils.RetrieveLocation(); lat = MapUtils.getLat(); lng = MapUtils.getLng(); /* * var customPin = new CustomPin * { * Type = PinType.Place, * Position = new Position(lat, lng), * Label = "My Position!", * id = "myPin" * }; * * customMap.Pins.Clear(); * customMap.Pins.Add(customPin); */ customMap.Pins.Clear(); ParkingLotList lots = await parkingLotService.GetParkingLots(); foreach (OldParkingLot lot in lots.parkingLotList) { var lotPin = new CustomPin { Type = PinType.Place, Position = new Position(, lot.lon), Label = lot.lotName + " Open Spots: " + lot.OpenSpots, id = "lot" + lot.lotId, url = "" }; customMap.Pins.Add(lotPin); } customMap.MoveToRegion(MapSpan.FromCenterAndRadius(new Position(lat, lng), Distance.FromMiles(0.1))); }
private async void SetParkingLotListSelectionVisualState(ParkingLot selectedItem = null) { if (selectedItem == null) { selectedItem = Vm.SelectedParkingLot; } if (selectedItem != null) { ListViewItem listViewItem = null; var count = 0; while (listViewItem == null && count < 10) { var itemContainer = ParkingLotList.ContainerFromItem(selectedItem); listViewItem = itemContainer as ListViewItem; await Task.Delay(200); count++; } if (listViewItem != null) { Debug.WriteLine("[MainView] parking lot list: set selected visual state for " + selectedItem.Name); VisualStateManager.GoToState(listViewItem.ContentTemplateRoot as Control, "Selected", false); } else { Debug.WriteLine("[MainVm] parking lot list: list view item is null :/"); } ParkingLotList.ScrollIntoView(selectedItem); } else { Debug.WriteLine("[MainView] parking lot list: set selected index to -1"); ParkingLotList.SelectedIndex = -1; } }
private async void AddPinsToMap() { await MapUtils.RetrieveLocation(); lat = MapUtils.getLat(); lng = MapUtils.getLng(); /*var customPin = new CustomPin * { * Type = PinType.Place, * Position = new Position(lat, lng), * Label = "", * id = "userPin" * }; * * //Add pin to map * customMap.Pins.Clear(); * customMap.Pins.Add(customPin); */ customMap.Pins.Clear(); ParkingLotList lots = await parkingLotService.GetParkingLots(); foreach (OldParkingLot lot in lots.parkingLotList) { var lotPin = new CustomPin { Type = PinType.Place, Position = new Position(, lot.lon), Label = lot.lotName + " Open Spots: " + lot.OpenSpots, id = "lot" + lot.lotId, url = "", }; customMap.Pins.Add(lotPin); } }
public ParkingLot ChooseParkingLot() { var parkingLotsChosen = ParkingLotList.Where(lot => !lot.IsFull).ToList(); return(parkingLotsChosen.Any() ? parkingLotsChosen.First() : ParkingLotList[^ 1]);
public MainPage() { InitializeComponent(); if (ResponsiveStateGroup.CurrentState == desktopViewVisualState) { //this should use "-1 * CoreApplication.GetCurrentView().TitleBar.Height" but it returns 0 at this point :( SetMapBottomMargin(-32); } NavigationCacheMode = NavigationCacheMode.Required; CoreApplication.GetCurrentView().TitleBar.ExtendViewIntoTitleBar = true; Map.Loaded += async(sender, args) => { SetMapBottomMargin(0); Debug.WriteLine("[MainView] map: map loaded"); if (_initialMapBbox != null) { Debug.WriteLine("[MainView] map: map loaded, set initial bounds"); await Map.TrySetViewBoundsAsync(_initialMapBbox, null, MapAnimationKind.None); _zoomedToInitialView = true; } else if (_initialCoordinates != null) { Debug.WriteLine("[MainView] map: map loaded, set initial coords"); await Map.TrySetViewAsync(_initialCoordinates, null, null, null, MapAnimationKind.None); _zoomedToInitialView = true; } _mapLoaded = true; }; Messenger.Default.Register(this, (ZoomMapToBoundsMessage msg) => { if (!_mapLoaded) { _initialMapBbox = msg.BoundingBox; //set initial bbox as the following won't work while splash screen is still visible } else { DispatcherHelper.CheckBeginInvokeOnUI(async() => { Debug.WriteLine("[MainView] map: zoom map to bounds msg"); await Map.TrySetViewBoundsAsync(msg.BoundingBox, null, MapAnimationKind.Bow); _zoomedToInitialView = _mapLoaded; }); } }); Messenger.Default.Register(this, (ZoomMapToCoordinateMessage msg) => { if (!_mapLoaded) { _initialCoordinates = msg.Point; //set initial coordinates as the following won't work while splash screen is still visible } else { DispatcherHelper.CheckBeginInvokeOnUI(async() => { Debug.WriteLine("[MainView] map: zoom map to coordinates msg"); await Map.TrySetViewAsync(msg.Point, null, null, null, MapAnimationKind.Bow); _zoomedToInitialView = _mapLoaded; }); } }); Messenger.Default.Register(this, (ShowSearchResultOnMapMessage msg) => { DispatcherHelper.CheckBeginInvokeOnUI(async() => { DrawingService.DrawSearchResult(Map, msg.Result); Debug.WriteLine("[MainView] map: show search result - wait until initial view was zoomed to"); await WaitForInitialMapZoom(); Debug.WriteLine("[MainView] map: show search result"); await Map.TrySetViewAsync(msg.Result.Point, null, null, null, MapAnimationKind.Bow); }); }); Messenger.Default.Register(this, (HideSearchResultOnMapMessage msg) => { DrawingService.RemoveSearchResult(Map); }); Messenger.Default.Register(this, (InfoDialogToggleVisibilityMessage msg) => { FindName(nameof(InfoDialog)); _infoDialogVisible = msg.IsVisible; InfoDialog.Visibility = msg.Visibility; }); Messenger.Default.Register(this, async(UpdateParkingLotListSelectionMessage msg) => { Debug.WriteLine("[MainView] update parking lot list: message received"); SetParkingLotListSelectionVisualState(); }); Vm.PropertyChanged += OnViewModelPropertyChanged; ParkingLotList.SelectionChanged += (sender, args) => { try { ParkingLotList.ScrollIntoView(ParkingLotList.SelectedItem); } catch (Exception) { Debug.WriteLine("Cannot scroll currenct parking lot list item..."); } }; Map.MapElementClick += (sender, args) => { Vm.SelectedParkingLot = DrawingService.GetParkingLotOfIcon(args.MapElements.GetTopmostIcon()); }; SystemNavigationManager.GetForCurrentView().BackRequested += (sender, args) => { if (_infoDialogVisible) { Messenger.Default.Send(new InfoDialogToggleVisibilityMessage(false)); args.Handled = true; } }; UpdateParkingLotFilter(); }
protected override ParkingLot GetParkingLot() { return(ParkingLotList.FirstOrDefault(parkingLot => parkingLot.IsAvailable()) ?? ParkingLotList[0]); }