Exemple #1
	// Use this for initialization
	void Awake () {
		player = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player");
		playerStats = player.GetComponent<PlayerStats>();
		enemyStats = GetComponent<MinionsStats>();
		//anim = GetComponent<Animator>();

Exemple #2
	/// <summary>
	/// As of Now...Enemy has random Movement, will chase Player when spoted, will attempt to leave corner
	/// Might not be running from walls.
	/// It does not have region patrol ability
	/// It does do dmg to the player
	/// It does knock back the player
	/// Still need adjustments.
	/// </summary>

	void Start(){
		stuntime = 0;
		stun = false;
		Wall = 1 << 9;
		DPlayer = 1 << 10;
		enemystats = enemy.GetComponent<MinionsStats>();
		speed = enemystats.Speed;
		//detectRange = enemystats.DetectionRange;    