Exemple #1
    public void applyTexture()
        switch (selectMode)
        case 4:
            materialManager.AddMaterial(objectToMove, "Wood");

        case 5:
            materialManager.AddMaterial(objectToMove, "Metal");

            Debug.Log("No texture selected");
Exemple #2
        private void Window_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
                #region Init World

                _boundryMin = new Point3D(-BOUNDRYSIZEHALF, -BOUNDRYSIZEHALF, -BOUNDRYSIZEHALF);

                _world           = new World();
                _world.Updating += new EventHandler <WorldUpdatingArgs>(World_Updating);

                _world.SetCollisionBoundry(_boundryMin, _boundryMax);

                //TODO: Only draw the boundry lines if options say to

                #region Materials

                _materialManager = new MaterialManager(_world);

                // Bot
                var material = new Game.Newt.v2.NewtonDynamics.Material();
                _material_Bot = _materialManager.AddMaterial(material);

                // Collisions
                //_materialManager.RegisterCollisionEvent(_material_Bot, _material_Bot, Collision_BotBot);
                //_materialManager.RegisterCollisionEvent(_material_Bot, _material_Asteroid, Collision_BotAsteroid);

                #region Map

                _map = new Map(_viewport, null, _world);
                _map.SnapshotFequency_Milliseconds = 250;
                _map.SnapshotMaxItemsPerNode       = 10;
                _map.ShouldBuildSnapshots          = false;
                _map.ShouldShowSnapshotLines       = false;
                _map.ShouldSnapshotCentersDrift    = true;
                //_map.ItemAdded += Map_ItemAdded;
                //_map.ItemRemoved += Map_ItemRemoved;

                #region Update Manager

                _updateManager = new UpdateManager(
                    new Type[] { typeof(ControlledThrustBot) },
                    new Type[] { typeof(ControlledThrustBot) },


            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString(), this.Title, MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error);
Exemple #3
        private void SaveMaterial()
            var isFormValid = true;

            if (Math.Abs(dblInPrice.Value) <= 0)
                isFormValid = false;
                ErrorProvider.SetError(dblInPrice, Resources.ThisFieldIsRequired);
            if (txtName.Text.FullTrim().IsNullOrEmptyOrWhiteSpace())
                isFormValid = false;
                ErrorProvider.SetError(txtName, Resources.ThisFieldIsRequired);
            if (txtCode.Text.FullTrim().IsNullOrEmptyOrWhiteSpace())
                isFormValid = false;
                ErrorProvider.SetError(txtCode, Resources.ThisFieldIsRequired);
            if (!isFormValid)
            var isMaterialCodeExists = !IsEditMode
                ? MaterialManager.IsMaterialCodeExists(txtCode.Text.FullTrim())
                : txtCode.Text.FullTrim() != Material.Code &&

            var isMaterialNameExists = !IsEditMode
                ? MaterialManager.IsMaterialNameExists(txtName.Text.FullTrim())
                : txtName.Text.FullTrim() != Material.Name &&

            if (isMaterialNameExists && isMaterialCodeExists)
                isFormValid = ShowConfirmationDialog(Resources.MaterialCodeAndNameAlreadyUsed) == DialogResult.Yes;
            else if (isMaterialNameExists)
                isFormValid = ShowConfirmationDialog(Resources.MaterialNameAlreadyUsed) == DialogResult.Yes;
            else if (isMaterialCodeExists)
                isFormValid = ShowConfirmationDialog(Resources.MaterialCodeAlreadyUsed) == DialogResult.Yes;
            if (!isFormValid)
            if (!IsEditMode)
                MaterialManager.AddMaterial(new Material
                    Code       = txtCode.Text.FullTrim(),
                    Name       = txtName.Text.FullTrim(),
                    Price      = (decimal)dblInPrice.Value,
                    Quantity   = (decimal)dblInQuantity.Value,
                    IsArchived = false
                Material.Code     = txtCode.Text.FullTrim();
                Material.Name     = txtName.Text.FullTrim();
                Material.Price    = (decimal)dblInPrice.Value;
                Material.Quantity = (decimal)dblInQuantity.Value;
            ShowInfoMsg(IsEditMode ? Resources.MaterialEditedSuccessfully : Resources.MaterialAddedSuccessfully);
Exemple #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Once the world is created on the worker thread, maps and bots need to be created for each room
        /// NOTE: This is called from the worker thread
        /// </summary>
        private void Arena_WorldCreated(object sender, EventArgs e)
            World world = Arena.WorldAccessor.World;

            #region materials

            MaterialManager = new MaterialManager(world);
            MaterialIDs     = new MaterialIDs();

            // Wall
            Game.Newt.v2.NewtonDynamics.Material material = new Game.Newt.v2.NewtonDynamics.Material();
            material.Elasticity = ItemOptionsArco.ELASTICITY_WALL;
            MaterialIDs.Wall    = MaterialManager.AddMaterial(material);

            // Bot
            material        = new Game.Newt.v2.NewtonDynamics.Material();
            MaterialIDs.Bot = MaterialManager.AddMaterial(material);

            // Bot Ram
            material            = new Game.Newt.v2.NewtonDynamics.Material();
            material.Elasticity = ItemOptionsArco.ELASTICITY_BOTRAM;
            MaterialIDs.BotRam  = MaterialManager.AddMaterial(material);

            // Exploding Bot
            material = new Game.Newt.v2.NewtonDynamics.Material();
            material.IsCollidable    = false;
            MaterialIDs.ExplodingBot = MaterialManager.AddMaterial(material);

            // Weapon
            material           = new Game.Newt.v2.NewtonDynamics.Material();
            MaterialIDs.Weapon = MaterialManager.AddMaterial(material);

            // Treasure Box
            material = new Game.Newt.v2.NewtonDynamics.Material();
            MaterialIDs.TreasureBox = MaterialManager.AddMaterial(material);

            //TODO: Uncomment these
            // Collisions
            //_materialManager.RegisterCollisionEvent(_materialIDs.Bot, _materialIDs.Bot, Collision_BotBot);
            //_materialManager.RegisterCollisionEvent(_materialIDs.Bot, _materialIDs.Weapon, Collision_BotWeapon);
            //_materialManager.RegisterCollisionEvent(_materialIDs.Weapon, _materialIDs.Weapon, Collision_WeaponWeapon);
            ////_materialManager.RegisterCollisionEvent(_materialIDs.Bot, _materialIDs.Wall, Collision_BotWall);
            //_materialManager.RegisterCollisionEvent(_materialIDs.Weapon, _materialIDs.Wall, Collision_WeaponWall);
            //_materialManager.RegisterCollisionEvent(_materialIDs.Weapon, _materialIDs.TreasureBox, Collision_WeaponTreasureBox);
            //_materialManager.RegisterCollisionEvent(_materialIDs.Bot, _materialIDs.TreasureBox, Collision_BotTreasureBox);


            List <KeepItems2D> keep2Ds = new List <KeepItems2D>();

            foreach (var(room, _) in Arena.AllRooms)
                #region keep 2D

                //TODO: drag plane should either be a plane or a large cylinder, based on the current (level|scene|stage|area|arena|map|place|region|zone)

                // This game is 3D emulating 2D, so always have the mouse go to the XY plane
                DragHitShape dragPlane = new DragHitShape();
                dragPlane.SetShape_Plane(new Triangle(new Point3D(-1, -1, room.Center.Z), new Point3D(1, -1, room.Center.Z), new Point3D(0, 1, room.Center.Z)));

                // This will keep objects onto that plane using forces (not velocities)
                KeepItems2D keep2D = new KeepItems2D
                    SnapShape = dragPlane,

                //keep2D.Add(room.Bot, false);


                #region bot

                ShipCoreArgs core = new ShipCoreArgs()
                    World         = world,
                    Material_Ship = MaterialIDs.Bot,
                    Map           = room.Map,

                //BotConstructor_Events events = new BotConstructor_Events();

                // Create the bot
                Bot bot = null;
                if (RequestCustomBot != null)
                    bot = RequestCustomBot(core, keep2D, dragPlane, MaterialIDs);
                    BotConstruction_Result construction = BotConstructor.ConstructBot(DNA, core, ShipExtraArgs);
                    bot = new Bot(construction);

                // Find some parts
                BrainNEAT brainPart = bot.Parts.FirstOrDefault(o => o is BrainNEAT) as BrainNEAT;
                if (brainPart == null)
                    throw new ApplicationException("Didn't find BrainNEAT part");

                SensorHoming[] homingParts = bot.Parts.
                                             Where(o => o is SensorHoming).
                                             Select(o => (SensorHoming)o).

                if (homingParts.Length == 0)
                    throw new ApplicationException("Didn't find SensorHoming part");


                room.Bot         = bot;
                room.BrainPart   = brainPart;
                room.HomingParts = homingParts;

                foreach (SensorHoming homing in homingParts)
                    homing.HomePoint  = room.Center;
                    homing.HomeRadius = (ROOMSIZE / 2d) * Evaluator3.MULT_HOMINGSIZE;


                keep2D.Add(room.Bot, false);

            Keep2D = keep2Ds.ToArray();

            world.Updated += World_Updated;
Exemple #5
        private void Window_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
                //_backgroundTiles = new BackgoundTiles(_sceneCanvas, _camera, (Brush)this.FindResource("color_SceneBackAlt"));

                #region Init World

                _boundryMin = new Point3D(-BOUNDRYSIZEHALF, -BOUNDRYSIZEHALF, -BOUNDRYSIZEHALF);

                _world           = new World();
                _world.Updating += new EventHandler <WorldUpdatingArgs>(World_Updating);

                _world.SetCollisionBoundry(_boundryMin, _boundryMax);

                //TODO: Only draw the boundry lines if options say to

                #region Materials

                _materialManager = new MaterialManager(_world);

                // Bot
                var material = new Game.Newt.v2.NewtonDynamics.Material();
                _material_Bot = _materialManager.AddMaterial(material);

                // Asteroid
                material            = new Game.Newt.v2.NewtonDynamics.Material();
                material.Elasticity = .1d;
                _material_Asteroid  = _materialManager.AddMaterial(material);

                // Collisions
                _materialManager.RegisterCollisionEvent(_material_Bot, _material_Bot, Collision_BotBot);
                _materialManager.RegisterCollisionEvent(_material_Bot, _material_Asteroid, Collision_BotAsteroid);

                #region Trackball

                // Camera Trackball
                _trackball                       = new TrackBallRoam(_camera);
                _trackball.EventSource           = grdViewPort; //NOTE:  If this control doesn't have a background color set, the trackball won't see events (I think transparent is ok, just not null)
                _trackball.AllowZoomOnMouseWheel = true;
                _trackball.ShouldHitTestOnOrbit  = true;
                //_trackball.GetOrbitRadius += new GetOrbitRadiusHandler(Trackball_GetOrbitRadius);

                #region Map

                _map = new Map(_viewport, null, _world);
                _map.SnapshotFequency_Milliseconds = 250;// 125;
                _map.SnapshotMaxItemsPerNode       = 10;
                _map.ShouldBuildSnapshots          = true;
                _map.ShouldShowSnapshotLines       = false;
                _map.ShouldSnapshotCentersDrift    = true;
                _map.ItemAdded   += Map_ItemAdded;
                _map.ItemRemoved += Map_ItemRemoved;

                #region Update Manager

                _updateManager = new UpdateManager(
                    new Type[] { typeof(SwarmBot1a) },
                    new Type[] { typeof(SwarmBot1a) },

                #region Strokes

                _strokes = new SwarmObjectiveStrokes(_world.WorldClock, SUBSTROKESIZE, 15);
                _strokes.PointsChanged += Strokes_PointsChanged;

                #region Bot Clusters

                _botClusters = new SwarmClusters(_map);

                _botClusterTimer           = new System.Timers.Timer();
                _botClusterTimer.Interval  = 1111;
                _botClusterTimer.AutoReset = false;       // makes sure only one tick is firing at a time
                _botClusterTimer.Elapsed  += BotClusterTimer_Elapsed;


            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString(), this.Title, MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error);
Exemple #6
        private void Window_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
                _itemOptions = new ItemOptions();

                #region Init World

                _boundryMin = new Point3D(-BOUNDRYSIZEHALF, -BOUNDRYSIZEHALF, -BOUNDRYSIZEHALF);

                _world           = new World();
                _world.Updating += new EventHandler <WorldUpdatingArgs>(World_Updating);

                _world.SetCollisionBoundry(_boundryMin, _boundryMax);

                //TODO: Only draw the boundry lines if options say to

                #region Materials

                _materialManager = new MaterialManager(_world);

                // Wall
                Game.Newt.v2.NewtonDynamics.Material material = new Game.Newt.v2.NewtonDynamics.Material();
                material.Elasticity = .1d;
                _material_Wall      = _materialManager.AddMaterial(material);

                // Bot
                material      = new Game.Newt.v2.NewtonDynamics.Material();
                _material_Bot = _materialManager.AddMaterial(material);

                // Exploding Bot
                material = new Game.Newt.v2.NewtonDynamics.Material();
                material.IsCollidable  = false;
                _material_ExplodingBot = _materialManager.AddMaterial(material);

                // Food
                material            = new Game.Newt.v2.NewtonDynamics.Material();
                material.Elasticity = .1d;
                _material_Food      = _materialManager.AddMaterial(material);

                // Egg
                material            = new Game.Newt.v2.NewtonDynamics.Material();
                material.Elasticity = .5d;
                _material_Egg       = _materialManager.AddMaterial(material);

                // Projectile
                material             = new Game.Newt.v2.NewtonDynamics.Material();
                _material_Projectile = _materialManager.AddMaterial(material);

                // Collisions
                _materialManager.RegisterCollisionEvent(_material_Bot, _material_Bot, Collision_BotBot);
                _materialManager.RegisterCollisionEvent(_material_Bot, _material_Food, Collision_BotFood);
                //TODO: May want to listen to projectile collisions

                #region Trackball

                // Trackball
                _trackball                       = new TrackBallRoam(_camera);
                _trackball.KeyPanScale           = 15d;
                _trackball.EventSource           = grdViewPort; //NOTE:  If this control doesn't have a background color set, the trackball won't see events (I think transparent is ok, just not null)
                _trackball.AllowZoomOnMouseWheel = true;
                _trackball.ShouldHitTestOnOrbit = true;
                //_trackball.UserMovedCamera += new EventHandler<UserMovedCameraArgs>(Trackball_UserMovedCamera);
                //_trackball.GetOrbitRadius += new EventHandler<GetOrbitRadiusArgs>(Trackball_GetOrbitRadius);

                #region Camera Pool

                //TODO: Make the number of threads more configurable, look at how many processors there are
                //_cameraPool = new CameraPool(2, Colors.Black);
                _cameraPool = new CameraPool(1, Colors.Black);

                #region Map

                _map = new Map(_viewport, _cameraPool, _world)
                    SnapshotFequency_Milliseconds = 250,        // 125
                    SnapshotMaxItemsPerNode       = 10,
                    ShouldBuildSnapshots          = true,
                    ShouldShowSnapshotLines       = false,
                    ShouldSnapshotCentersDrift    = true,

                _updateManager = new UpdateManager(
                    new Type[] { typeof(Swimbot) },
                    new Type[] { typeof(Swimbot) },

                #region Fields

                _radiation = new RadiationField()
                    AmbientRadiation = 0d,

                //_gravity = new GravityFieldUniform()
                //    Gravity = new Vector3D(0, 0, 0),

                //TODO: Support a uniform fluid

                #region ItemSelectDragLogic

                _selectionLogic = new ItemSelectDragLogic(_map, _camera, _viewport, grdViewPort)
                    ShouldMoveItemWithSpring = true,
                    ShouldSpringCauseTorque  = false,
                    SpringColor      = null,  // Colors.Chartreuse
                    ShowDebugVisuals = false, // true

                _selectionLogic.SelectableTypes.Add(typeof(Egg <ShipDNA>));

                _selectionLogic.ItemSelected += new EventHandler <ItemSelectedArgs>(SelectionLogic_ItemSelected);


            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString(), this.Title, MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error);
Exemple #7
        private void Window_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
                _itemOptions = new ItemOptions();

                #region Init World

                _boundryMin = new Point3D(-BOUNDRYSIZEHALF, -BOUNDRYSIZEHALF, -BOUNDRYSIZEHALF);

                _world           = new World();
                _world.Updating += new EventHandler <WorldUpdatingArgs>(World_Updating);

                _world.SetCollisionBoundry(_boundryMin, _boundryMax);

                #region Materials

                _materialManager = new MaterialManager(_world);

                // Wall
                Game.Newt.v2.NewtonDynamics.Material material = new Game.Newt.v2.NewtonDynamics.Material();
                material.Elasticity = .1d;
                _material_Wall      = _materialManager.AddMaterial(material);

                // Ball
                material       = new Game.Newt.v2.NewtonDynamics.Material();
                _material_Ball = _materialManager.AddMaterial(material);

                #region Trackball

                // Trackball
                _trackball                       = new TrackBallRoam(_camera);
                _trackball.KeyPanScale           = 15d;
                _trackball.EventSource           = grdViewPort; //NOTE:  If this control doesn't have a background color set, the trackball won't see events (I think transparent is ok, just not null)
                _trackball.AllowZoomOnMouseWheel = true;
                _trackball.ShouldHitTestOnOrbit = true;
                //_trackball.UserMovedCamera += new EventHandler<UserMovedCameraArgs>(Trackball_UserMovedCamera);
                //_trackball.GetOrbitRadius += new EventHandler<GetOrbitRadiusArgs>(Trackball_GetOrbitRadius);


                #region Chased Ball

                _chasedBall = new ChasedBall();

                _chasedBall.MotionType_Position    = MotionType_Position.Stop;
                _chasedBall.MotionType_Orientation = MotionType_Orientation.Stop;

                _chasedBall.BoundrySizeChanged += new EventHandler(ChasedBall_BoundrySizeChanged);

                // Ball visual
                _chasedBallVisual           = GetChaseBallVisual_Position();
                _chasedBallTransform        = new TranslateTransform3D();
                _chasedBallVisual.Transform = _chasedBallTransform;

                // Direction Visual
                var directionVisual = GetChaseBallVisual_Orientation();
                _chasedDirectionModel  = directionVisual.Item1;
                _chasedDirectionVisual = directionVisual.Item2;

                // Panels (the act of instantiating them will update the ball's properties)
                pnlChasePosition.Content = new ChasedPosition(_chasedBall)
                    Foreground = Brushes.White,

                pnlChaseOrientation.Content = new ChasedOrientation(_chasedBall)
                    Foreground = Brushes.White,

                #region Debug Visuals

                // Put these on the viewport before the ball so that it is propertly semitransparent

                //TODO: Draw the bounding box.  Use XYZ colors.  This will help the user stay oriented

                #region Body Ball

                _bodyBall = new BodyBall(_world);

                //_bodyBall.PhysicsBody.AngularDamping = new Vector3D(.0001, .0001, .0001);
                //_bodyBall.PhysicsBody.AngularVelocity = new Vector3D(0, 0, 4 * Math.PI);




            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString(), this.Title, MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error);
Exemple #8
        private void Window_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
                //_camera.Position = new Point3D(0, 0, -1000);
                //_camera.LookDirection = new Vector3D(0, 0, 1);
                //_camera.UpDirection = new Vector3D(0, 1, 0);

                #region Init World

                // Set the size of the world to something a bit random (gets boring when it's always the same size)
                double halfSize = 325 + StaticRandom.Next(500);
                halfSize   *= 1d + (StaticRandom.NextDouble() * 5d);
                _boundryMin = new Point3D(-halfSize, -halfSize, halfSize * -.25);
                _boundryMax = new Point3D(halfSize, halfSize, halfSize * .25);

                _world           = new World();
                _world.Updating += new EventHandler <WorldUpdatingArgs>(World_Updating);

                var boundryLines = _world.SetCollisionBoundry(_boundryMin, _boundryMax);

                // Draw the lines
                _boundryLines           = new ScreenSpaceLines3D(true);
                _boundryLines.Thickness = 1d;
                _boundryLines.Color     = WorldColors.BoundryLines;

                foreach (var line in boundryLines.innerLines)
                    _boundryLines.AddLine(line.from, line.to);

                #region Materials

                _materialManager = new MaterialManager(_world);

                // Asteroid
                Game.Newt.v2.NewtonDynamics.Material material = new Game.Newt.v2.NewtonDynamics.Material();
                material.Elasticity      = .25d;
                material.StaticFriction  = .9d;
                material.KineticFriction = .75d;
                _material_Asteroid       = _materialManager.AddMaterial(material);

                // Mineral
                material                 = new Game.Newt.v2.NewtonDynamics.Material();
                material.Elasticity      = .5d;
                material.StaticFriction  = .9d;
                material.KineticFriction = .4d;
                _material_Mineral        = _materialManager.AddMaterial(material);

                // Space Station (force field)
                material                 = new Game.Newt.v2.NewtonDynamics.Material();
                material.Elasticity      = .99d;
                material.StaticFriction  = .02d;
                material.KineticFriction = .01d;
                _material_SpaceStation   = _materialManager.AddMaterial(material);

                _materialManager.RegisterCollisionEvent(_material_SpaceStation, _material_Asteroid, Collision_SpaceStation);
                _materialManager.RegisterCollisionEvent(_material_SpaceStation, _material_Mineral, Collision_SpaceStation);

                #region Trackball

                // Trackball
                _trackball                       = new TrackBallRoam(_camera);
                _trackball.KeyPanScale           = 15d;
                _trackball.EventSource           = grdViewPort; //NOTE:  If this control doesn't have a background color set, the trackball won't see events (I think transparent is ok, just not null)
                _trackball.AllowZoomOnMouseWheel = true;
                //_trackball.GetOrbitRadius += new GetOrbitRadiusHandler(Trackball_GetOrbitRadius);
                _trackball.ShouldHitTestOnOrbit = true;

                #region Map

                _map = new Map(_viewport, null, _world);
                _map.SnapshotFequency_Milliseconds = 125;
                _map.SnapshotMaxItemsPerNode       = 10;
                _map.ShouldBuildSnapshots          = true;
                _map.ShouldShowSnapshotLines       = _optionsPanel.OctreeShowLines;
                _map.ShouldSnapshotCentersDrift    = _optionsPanel.OctreeCentersDrift;

                #region UpdateManager

                _updateManager = new UpdateManager(
                    new Type[] { typeof(SpaceStation) },
                    new Type[0],


                //TODO:  Add these during a timer to minimize the load time
                if (_optionsPanel.ShowStars)
                CreateSpaceStations();          // creating these last so stuff shows up behind them

                #region Start Position

                #region Farthest Station

                //// The center is too chaotic, so choose the farthest out space station
                //Point3D farthestStationPoint = new Point3D(0, 0, 0);
                //double farthestStationDistance = 0d;
                //foreach (Point3D stationPosition in _map.GetAllObjects().Where(o => o is SpaceStation).Select(o => o.PositionWorld))
                //    double distance = stationPosition.ToVector().LengthSquared;
                //    if (distance > farthestStationDistance)
                //    {
                //        farthestStationPoint = stationPosition;
                //        farthestStationDistance = distance;
                //    }

                //// Set the camera near there
                //_camera.Position = farthestStationPoint + (farthestStationPoint.ToVector().ToUnit() * 75d) + Math3D.GetRandomVectorSphericalShell(25d);
                //_camera.LookDirection = _camera.Position.ToVector() * -1d;
                //_camera.UpDirection = new Vector3D(0, 0, 1);

                #region Random Station

                List <Point3D> stationPoints = _map.GetAllItems().Where(o => o is SpaceStation).Select(o => o.PositionWorld).ToList();
                Point3D        stationPoint  = stationPoints[StaticRandom.Next(stationPoints.Count)];

                // Set the camera near there
                _camera.Position      = stationPoint + (stationPoint.ToVector().ToUnit() * 75d) + Math3D.GetRandomVector_Spherical_Shell(25d);
                _camera.LookDirection = _camera.Position.ToVector() * -1d;
                _camera.UpDirection   = new Vector3D(0, 0, 1);



                //TODO:  kuler for dialogs

            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString(), this.Title, MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error);