public MatchedGamesResult GetMatchedGames(string playerOne, string playerTwo)
            var returnedResult = new MatchedGamesResult {
                playerOneName = "Kifflom",
                playerTwoName = "Infury",
                MatchedGames  = new List <Game> {
                    new Game {
                        gameID = 100, map = "The Pit", gametype = "CTF 3Flag", gamedate = new DateTime(2010, 2, 2)
                    new Game {
                        gameID = 200, map = "Narrows", gametype = "CTF 3Flag", gamedate = new DateTime(2010, 4, 2)
                    new Game {
                        gameID = 3400, map = "Heretic", gametype = "Slayer", gamedate = new DateTime(2011, 4, 2)

        [HttpGet("scrape/H2/{names}")] //GET api/pointcheck
        public async Task <ActionResult <List <Game> > > ScrapeH2(string names)
            string[]    players        = names.Split("&");
            List <Game> playerOneGames = new List <Game>();
            List <Game> playerTwoGames = new List <Game>();

            string playerOne = players[0]; //gamertag before the & in http req - spaces seem to work by default?
            string playerTwo = players[1];

            MatchedGamesResult resultObj = new MatchedGamesResult();                      //object to be returned from the endpoint

            resultObj.playerOneEmblem = await _repository.GetEmblem("Halo 2", playerOne); //link to the service record emblem

            resultObj.playerTwoEmblem = await _repository.GetEmblem("Halo 2", playerTwo);

            if (resultObj.playerOneEmblem == null)
                resultObj.note = playerOne + " has no games for Halo 2";
                return(Ok(resultObj)); //if either playerOne's name isn't a legit GT for that game
            else if (resultObj.playerTwoEmblem == null)
                resultObj.note = playerTwo + " has no games for Halo 2";
                return(Ok(resultObj)); //if either playerTwo's name isn't a legit GT for that game

            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Players received: " + playerOne + " " + playerTwo + " " + System.DateTime.Now);

            //var reader = new StreamReader(Request.Body); //read request's json body

            //string reqBody= await reader.ReadToEndAsync(); - don't need to read body; no customs for H2

            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Getting " + playerOne + "'s H2 games " + System.DateTime.Now);

            playerOneGames = await _repository.ScrapeH2(getCustoms : false, playerName : playerOne); //get mm games

            if (_repository.CorruptedCount() > 50)
                resultObj.note += (playerOne + "has " + _repository.CorruptedCount() + " corrupted games. consider re-running ");

            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Getting " + playerTwo + "'s H2 games " + System.DateTime.Now);

            playerTwoGames = await _repository.ScrapeH2(getCustoms : false, playerName : playerTwo); //get mm games

            if (_repository.CorruptedCount() > 50)
                resultObj.note += (playerTwo + "has " + _repository.CorruptedCount() + " corrupted games. consider re-running ");

            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Filtering game lists to find common gameIDs " + System.DateTime.Now);
            resultObj.MatchedGames = playerOneGames.Intersect(playerTwoGames, _comparer).ToList();

            string gamesMatchBaseUrl = ""; //different for each game
            var    final             = from game in resultObj.MatchedGames
                                       join p2game in playerTwoGames on game.gameID equals p2game.gameID
                                       select new Game
                gameUrl          = gamesMatchBaseUrl + game.gameID,
                gameID           = game.gameID,
                map              =,
                playlist         = game.playlist,
                gametype         = game.gametype,
                gamedate         = game.gamedate,
                playerOnePlacing = game.playerOnePlacing,
                playerTwoPlacing = p2game.playerOnePlacing

            resultObj.MatchedGames = final.ToList();

            resultObj.playerOneName = playerOne; resultObj.playerTwoName = playerTwo;

            if (resultObj.MatchedGames.Count > 0)
                resultObj.MatchedGames.Sort((x, y) => DateTime.Compare(y.gamedate, x.gamedate));
                resultObj.note = playerOne + " and " + playerTwo + " have no matched games for Halo 2";
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("sending resultObj" + System.DateTime.Now);

        [HttpGet("scrape/HR/{names}")] //GET api/pointcheck/scrape/HR/[name1&name2]
        public async Task <ActionResult <List <Game> > > ScrapeHR(string names)
            bool getCustoms;

            string[] players = names.Split("&");

            List <Game> playerOneGames = new List <Game>();
            List <Game> playerTwoGames = new List <Game>();

            string playerOne = players[0]; //gamertag before the & in http req
            string playerTwo = players[1];

            StringValues getCustomsValue;

            Request.Headers.TryGetValue("getCustoms", out getCustomsValue); //read request's header for getCustoms flag

            getCustoms = getCustomsValue.Contains("true");           //if getCustoms:true, search for custom games as well.

            MatchedGamesResult resultObj = new MatchedGamesResult(); //object to be returned from the endpoint

            resultObj.playerOneName = playerOne; resultObj.playerTwoName = playerTwo;
            //emblem check doubles as "does this guy exist?" check
            resultObj.playerOneEmblem = await _repository.GetEmblem("Halo Reach", playerOne);  //link to the service record emblem

            resultObj.playerTwoEmblem = await _repository.GetEmblem("Halo Reach", playerTwo);

            if (resultObj.playerOneEmblem == null)
                resultObj.note = playerOne + " has no games for Halo Reach";
                return(Ok(resultObj)); //if either playerOne's name isn't a legit GT for that game
            else if (resultObj.playerTwoEmblem == null)
                resultObj.note = playerTwo + " has no games for Halo Reach";
                return(Ok(resultObj)); //if either playerOne's name isn't a legit GT for that game
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Players received: " + playerOne + " " + playerTwo + " " + System.DateTime.Now);

            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Getting " + playerOne + "'s HR games " + System.DateTime.Now);

            playerOneGames = await _repository.ScrapeHR(getCustoms, playerOne);

            if (_repository.CorruptedCount() > 50)
                resultObj.note += (playerOne + " has " + _repository.CorruptedCount() + " corrupted games. Re-run search to fix");

            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Getting " + playerTwo + "'s HR games " + System.DateTime.Now);

            playerTwoGames = await _repository.ScrapeHR(getCustoms, playerTwo);

            if (_repository.CorruptedCount() > 50)
                resultObj.note += (playerTwo + " has " + _repository.CorruptedCount() + " corrupted games. Re-run search to fix");

            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Filtering game lists to find common gameIDs " + System.DateTime.Now);
            resultObj.MatchedGames = playerOneGames.Intersect(playerTwoGames, _comparer).ToList();

            string gamesMatchBaseUrl = ""; //different for each game
            var    final             = from game in resultObj.MatchedGames
                                       join p2game in playerTwoGames on game.gameID equals p2game.gameID
                                       select new Game
                gameUrl          = gamesMatchBaseUrl + game.gameID,
                gameID           = game.gameID,
                map              =,
                playlist         = game.playlist,
                gametype         = game.gametype,
                gamedate         = game.gamedate,
                playerOnePlacing = game.playerOnePlacing,
                playerTwoPlacing = p2game.playerOnePlacing,
                playerOneKD      = game.playerOneKD,
                playerTwoKD      = p2game.playerOneKD

            resultObj.MatchedGames = final.ToList();
            if (resultObj.MatchedGames.Count > 0)
                resultObj.MatchedGames.Sort((x, y) => DateTime.Compare(y.gamedate, x.gamedate)); //order games by date desc
                resultObj.note = playerOne + " and " + playerTwo + " have no matched games for Halo Reach";

            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("sending resultObj " + System.DateTime.Now);

        [HttpGet("scrape/H3/{names}")] //GET api/pointcheck/scrape/H3/[name1&name2]
        public async Task <ActionResult <List <Game> > > ScrapeH3(string names)
            //need to refactor H3 scrape in repository to handle customs in one call like HR does
            bool getCustoms;

            string[] players = names.Split("&");

            List <Game> playerOneGames = new List <Game>();
            List <Game> playerTwoGames = new List <Game>();

            string playerOne = players[0]; //gamertag before the & in http req
            string playerTwo = players[1];

            MatchedGamesResult resultObj = new MatchedGamesResult();                      //object to be returned from the endpoint

            resultObj.playerOneEmblem = await _repository.GetEmblem("Halo 3", playerOne); //link to the service record emblem

            resultObj.playerTwoEmblem = await _repository.GetEmblem("Halo 3", playerTwo);

            StringValues getCustomsValue;

            Request.Headers.TryGetValue("getCustoms", out getCustomsValue); //read request's header for getCustoms flag

            getCustoms = getCustomsValue.Contains("true"); //if getCustoms:true, search for custom games as well.

            if (resultObj.playerOneEmblem == null)
                resultObj.note = playerOne + " has no games for Halo 3";
                return(Ok(resultObj)); //if either playerOne's name isn't a legit GT for that game
            else if (resultObj.playerTwoEmblem == null)
                resultObj.note = playerTwo + " has no games for Halo 3";
                return(Ok(resultObj)); //if either playerOne's name isn't a legit GT for that game

            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Players received: " + playerOne + " " + playerTwo + " " + System.DateTime.Now);

            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Getting " + playerOne + "'s H3 MM games " + System.DateTime.Now);

            playerOneGames = await _repository.ScrapeH3(getCustoms : false, playerName : playerOne); //get mm games

            if (_repository.CorruptedCount() > 50)
                resultObj.note += (playerOne + " has " + _repository.CorruptedCount() + " corrupted games. consider re-running ");

            if (getCustoms)
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Getting " + playerOne + "'s H3 Custom games " + System.DateTime.Now);

                var result = await _repository.ScrapeH3(getCustoms : true, playerName : playerOne); //get custom games if requested

                playerOneGames.AddRange(result);                                                    //append customs to list

            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Getting " + playerTwo + "'s H3 MM games " + System.DateTime.Now);

            playerTwoGames = await _repository.ScrapeH3(getCustoms : false, playerName : playerTwo); //get mm games

            if (_repository.CorruptedCount() > 50)
                resultObj.note += (playerTwo + " has " + _repository.CorruptedCount() + " corrupted games. consider re-running ");

            if (getCustoms)
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Getting " + playerTwo + "'s H3 Custom games " + System.DateTime.Now);

                var result = await _repository.ScrapeH3(getCustoms : true, playerName : playerTwo); //get custom games if requested

                playerTwoGames.AddRange(result);                                                    //append customs to list

            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Filtering game lists to find common gameIDs " + System.DateTime.Now);
            resultObj.MatchedGames = playerOneGames.Intersect(playerTwoGames, _comparer).ToList();

            string gamesMatchBaseUrl = ""; //different for each game
            var    final             = from game in resultObj.MatchedGames
                                       join p2game in playerTwoGames on game.gameID equals p2game.gameID
                                       select new Game //get games both players share
                gameUrl          = gamesMatchBaseUrl + game.gameID,
                gameID           = game.gameID,
                map              =,
                playlist         = game.playlist,
                gametype         = game.gametype,
                gamedate         = game.gamedate,
                playerOnePlacing = game.playerOnePlacing,
                playerTwoPlacing = p2game.playerOnePlacing

            resultObj.MatchedGames = final.ToList();

            resultObj.playerOneName = playerOne; resultObj.playerTwoName = playerTwo;
            if (resultObj.MatchedGames.Count > 0)
                resultObj.MatchedGames.Sort((x, y) => DateTime.Compare(y.gamedate, x.gamedate));
                resultObj.note = playerOne + " and " + playerTwo + " have no matched games for Halo 3";

            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("sending resultObj" + System.DateTime.Now);
