public static void Map() { var map = new MapOptions <Simple>(); new OptionSet { { "f|files=", data => map.Add(data, x => x.Multiple) } }.Parse(new[] { "--files", "foo", "asdf" }); map .Data .Should() .BeEquivalentTo(new OptionArgument("Multiple", "foo")); }
public static void Multiple() { var map = new MapOptions <Simple>(); var set = new OptionSet { { "f|files=", data => map.Add(data, x => x.Multiple) } }; set.Parse(new[] { "--files", "foo", "asdf" }); var builder = new ConfigurationBuilder() .AddCommandLineOptions(map) .Build(); var options = new Simple(); builder.Bind(options); options .Multiple .Should() .BeEquivalentTo("foo"); }
private static MapOptions <CommandLineOptions> TryParseCommandLine(string[] args) { MapOptions <CommandLineOptions> map = new MapOptions <CommandLineOptions>(); bool help = false; OptionSet options = new OptionSet { { "h|help|?", "Shows this message and exits", _ => help = true }, { "service", "Required to run when registered as a Windows service. To register service: sc.exe create Smtp4dev binPath= \"{PathToExe} --service\"", _ => { } }, { "urls=", "The URLs the web interface should listen on. For example, http://localhost:123. Use `*` in place of hostname to listen for requests on any IP address or hostname using the specified port and protocol (for example, http://*:5000)", _ => { } }, { "hostname=", "Specifies the server hostname. Used in auto-generated TLS certificate if enabled.", data => map.Add(data, x => x.ServerOptions.HostName) }, { "allowremoteconnections", "Specifies if remote connections will be allowed to the SMTP server.", data => map.Add(data, x => x.ServerOptions.AllowRemoteConnections) }, { "smtpport=", "Set the port the SMTP server listens on. Specify 0 to assign automatically", data => map.Add(data, x => x.ServerOptions.Port) }, { "db=", "Specifies the path where the database will be stored relative to APPDATA env var on Windows or XDG_CONFIG_HOME on non-Windows. Specify \"\" to use an in memory database.", data => map.Add(data, x => x.ServerOptions.Database) }, { "messagestokeep=", "Specifies the number of messages to keep", data => map.Add(data, x => x.ServerOptions.NumberOfMessagesToKeep) }, { "sessionstokeep=", "Specifies the number of sessions to keep", data => map.Add(data, x => x.ServerOptions.NumberOfSessionsToKeep) }, { "tlsmode=", "Specifies the TLS mode to use. None=Off. StartTls=On demand if client supports STARTTLS. ImplicitTls=TLS as soon as connection is established.", data => map.Add(data, x => x.ServerOptions.TlsMode) }, { "tlscertificate=", "Specifies the TLS certificate to use if TLS is enabled/requested. Specify \"\" to use an auto-generated self-signed certificate (then see console output on first startup)", data => map.Add(data, x => x.ServerOptions.TlsCertificate) }, { "basepath=", "Specifies the virtual path from web server root where SMTP4DEV web interface will be hosted. e.g. \"/\" or \"/smtp4dev\"", data => map.Add(data, x => x.ServerOptions.BasePath) }, { "relaysmtpserver=", "Sets the name of the SMTP server that will be used to relay messages or \"\" if messages relay should not be allowed", data => map.Add(data, x => x.RelayOptions.SmtpServer) }, { "relaysmtpport=", "Sets the port number for the SMTP server used to relay messages", data => map.Add(data, x => x.RelayOptions.SmtpServer) }, { "relayautomaticallyemails=", "A comma separated list of recipient addresses for which messages will be relayed automatically. An empty list means that no messages are relayed", data => map.Add(data, x => x.RelayOptions.AutomaticEmailsString) }, { "relaysenderaddress=", "Specifies the address used in MAIL FROM when relaying messages. (Sender address in message headers is left unmodified). The sender of each message is used if not specified.", data => map.Add(data, x => x.RelayOptions.SenderAddress) }, { "relayusername="******"The username for the SMTP server used to relay messages. If \"\" no authentication is attempted", data => map.Add(data, x => x.RelayOptions.Login) }, { "relaypassword="******"The password for the SMTP server used to relay messages", data => map.Add(data, x => x.RelayOptions.Password) } }; try { List <string> badArgs = options.Parse(args); if (badArgs.Any()) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Unrecognised command line arguments: " + string.Join(" ", badArgs)); help = true; } } catch (OptionException e) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Invalid command line: " + e.Message); help = true; } if (help) { Console.Error.WriteLine(); Console.Error.WriteLine(" > For information about default values see documentation in appsettings.json."); Console.Error.WriteLine(); options.WriteOptionDescriptions(Console.Error); return(null); } else { Console.Error.WriteLine(); Console.Error.WriteLine(" > For help use argument --help"); Console.Error.WriteLine(); } return(map); }
public static MapOptions <CommandLineOptions> TryParseCommandLine(IEnumerable <string> args, bool isDesktopApp) { MapOptions <CommandLineOptions> map = new MapOptions <CommandLineOptions>(); StringWriter errorStream = new StringWriter(); bool help = false; bool hadBadArgs = false; OptionSet options = new OptionSet { { "h|help|?", "Shows this message and exits", _ => help = true }, { "baseappdatapath=", "Set the base config and appData path", data => map.Add(data, x => x.BaseAppDataPath) }, { "hostname=", "Specifies the server hostname. Used in auto-generated TLS certificate if enabled.", data => map.Add(data, x => x.ServerOptions.HostName) }, { "allowremoteconnections", "Specifies if remote connections will be allowed to the SMTP and IMAP servers. Use -allowremoteconnections+ to enable or -allowremoteconnections- to disable", data => map.Add((data != null).ToString(), x => x.ServerOptions.AllowRemoteConnections) }, { "smtpport=", "Set the port the SMTP server listens on. Specify 0 to assign automatically", data => map.Add(data, x => x.ServerOptions.Port) }, { "db=", "Specifies the path where the database will be stored relative to APPDATA env var on Windows or XDG_CONFIG_HOME on non-Windows. Specify \"\" to use an in memory database.", data => map.Add(data, x => x.ServerOptions.Database) }, { "messagestokeep=", "Specifies the number of messages to keep", data => map.Add(data, x => x.ServerOptions.NumberOfMessagesToKeep) }, { "sessionstokeep=", "Specifies the number of sessions to keep", data => map.Add(data, x => x.ServerOptions.NumberOfSessionsToKeep) }, { "tlsmode=", "Specifies the TLS mode to use. None=Off. StartTls=On demand if client supports STARTTLS. ImplicitTls=TLS as soon as connection is established.", data => map.Add(data, x => x.ServerOptions.TlsMode) }, { "tlscertificate=", "Specifies the TLS certificate to use if TLS is enabled/requested. Specify \"\" to use an auto-generated self-signed certificate (then see console output on first startup)", data => map.Add(data, x => x.ServerOptions.TlsCertificate) }, { "tlscertificateprivatekey=", "Specifies the TLS certificate private key. Ignored if tlscertificate is blank", data => map.Add(data, x => x.ServerOptions.TlsCertificatePrivateKey) }, { "relaysmtpserver=", "Sets the name of the SMTP server that will be used to relay messages or \"\" if messages relay should not be allowed", data => map.Add(data, x => x.RelayOptions.SmtpServer) }, { "relaysmtpport=", "Sets the port number for the SMTP server used to relay messages", data => map.Add(data, x => x.RelayOptions.SmtpPort) }, { "relayautomaticallyemails=", "A comma separated list of recipient addresses for which messages will be relayed automatically. An empty list means that no messages are relayed", data => map.Add(data, x => x.RelayOptions.AutomaticEmailsString) }, { "relaysenderaddress=", "Specifies the address used in MAIL FROM when relaying messages. (Sender address in message headers is left unmodified). The sender of each message is used if not specified.", data => map.Add(data, x => x.RelayOptions.SenderAddress) }, { "relayusername="******"The username for the SMTP server used to relay messages. If \"\" no authentication is attempted", data => map.Add(data, x => x.RelayOptions.Login) }, { "relaypassword="******"The password for the SMTP server used to relay messages", data => map.Add(data, x => x.RelayOptions.Password) }, { "relaytlsmode=", "Sets the TLS mode when connecting to relay SMTP server. See:", data => map.Add(data, x => x.RelayOptions.TlsMode) }, { "imapport=", "Specifies the port the IMAP server will listen on - allows standard email clients to view/retrieve messages", data => map.Add(data, x => x.ServerOptions.ImapPort) }, { "nousersettings", "Skip loading of appsetttings.json file in %APPDATA%", data => map.Add((data != null).ToString(), x => x.NoUserSettings) }, { "debugsettings", "Prints out most settings values on startup", data => map.Add((data != null).ToString(), x => x.DebugSettings) }, { "recreatedb", "Recreates the DB on startup if it already exists", data => map.Add((data != null).ToString(), x => x.ServerOptions.RecreateDb) }, { "locksettings", "Locks settings from being changed by user via web interface", data => map.Add((data != null).ToString(), x => x.ServerOptions.LockSettings) } }; if (!isDesktopApp) { options.Add("service", "Required to run when registered as a Windows service. To register service: sc.exe create Smtp4dev binPath= \"{PathToExe} --service\"", _ => { }); options.Add( "urls=", "The URLs the web interface should listen on. For example, http://localhost:123. Use `*` in place of hostname to listen for requests on any IP address or hostname using the specified port and protocol (for example, http://*:5000)", data => map.Add(data, x => x.Urls)); options.Add( "basepath=", "Specifies the virtual path from web server root where SMTP4DEV web interface will be hosted. e.g. \"/\" or \"/smtp4dev\"", data => map.Add(data, x => x.ServerOptions.BasePath)); } try { List <string> badArgs = options.Parse(args); if (badArgs.Any()) { errorStream.WriteLine("Unrecognised command line arguments: " + string.Join(" ", badArgs)); hadBadArgs = true; } } catch (OptionException e) { errorStream.WriteLine("Invalid command line: " + e.Message); hadBadArgs = true; } if (help || hadBadArgs) { errorStream.WriteLine(); errorStream.WriteLine(" > For information about default values see documentation in appsettings.json."); errorStream.WriteLine(); options.WriteOptionDescriptions(errorStream); throw new CommandLineOptionsException(errorStream.ToString()) { IsHelpRequest = help }; } else { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(" > For help use argument --help"); Console.WriteLine(); } return(map); }