Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Run all the matches for the current game date
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="MatchCallback"></param>
        public void Run(IMatchCallback MatchCallback)
            MatchPlayer    mp = new MatchPlayer();
            WorldAdapter   wa = new WorldAdapter();
            FixtureAdapter fa = new FixtureAdapter();
            TeamAdapter    ta = new TeamAdapter();
            ManagerAdapter ma = new ManagerAdapter();

            foreach (Fixture f in fa.GetFixtures(wa.CurrentDate))
                mp.Fixture     = f;
                mp.Interactive = false;

                for (int t = 0; t <= 1; t++)
                    if (ma.GetManager(ta.GetTeam(f.TeamIDs[t]).ManagerID).Human)
                        mp.Interactive = true;

                mp.MatchCallback = MatchCallback;

        public void SetupGameScreenData(GameScreenSetup dataFromUI)
            if (dataFromUI.TeamData == null)
                throw new Exception("TeamData is null");

            ManagerAdapter ma = new ManagerAdapter();
            WorldAdapter   wa = new WorldAdapter();

            SetupData             = dataFromUI;
            SetupData.ManagerData = ma.GetManager(SetupData.TeamData.ManagerID);

            MyTeam = (wa.CurrentManagerID == SetupData.TeamData.ManagerID);

            if (MyTeam)

            SetupData.ShowContinueButton = MyTeam;

            SetupData.Title1 = SetupData.TeamData.Name;
            SetupData.Title2 = SetupData.ManagerData.Name;

            ctlFormation.team = SetupData.TeamData;
Exemple #3
        public void SetupGameScreenData(GameScreenSetup dataFromUI)
            if (dataFromUI.TeamData == null)
                throw new Exception("TeamData is null");

            ManagerAdapter ma = new ManagerAdapter();
            WorldAdapter   wa = new WorldAdapter();

            SetupData             = dataFromUI;
            SetupData.ManagerData = ma.GetManager(SetupData.TeamData.ManagerID);

            MyTeam = (wa.CurrentManagerID == SetupData.TeamData.ManagerID);

            SetupData.ShowContinueButton = MyTeam;

            SetupData.Title1 = SetupData.TeamData.Name;
            SetupData.Title2 = SetupData.ManagerData.Name;

        private ScreenReturnData SetupGame()
            ScreenReturnData ValidationResult = ValidateInput();

            if (ValidationResult != null)

            Manager you = new Manager();

            you.FirstName   = txtFirstName.Text;
            you.LastName    = txtSurname.Text;
            you.Human       = true;
            you.DateOfBirth = new DateTime(Convert.ToInt32(cboDOBYear.Text), cboDOBMonth.SelectedIndex + 1, Convert.ToInt32(cboDOBDay.Text));
            you.Reputation  = 50;

            ManagerAdapter ma        = new ManagerAdapter();
            int            ManagerID = ma.AddManager(you);
            Team           T         = ta.GetTeam(lstTeams.SelectedID);

            ma.AssignToTeam(ManagerID, T.UniqueID);

            return(new ScreenReturnData(ScreenReturnCode.Ok));
Exemple #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Loop round all AI teams, and select a team appropriate to play the fixture.
        /// </summary>
        public void SelectTeamIfPlaying()
            FixtureAdapter fa = new FixtureAdapter();
            WorldAdapter   wa = new WorldAdapter();
            TeamAdapter    ta = new TeamAdapter();
            ManagerAdapter ma = new ManagerAdapter();

            List <Fixture> AllFixtures = fa.GetFixtures(wa.CurrentDate);

            int TESTf = 0;

            foreach (Fixture f in AllFixtures)
                Debug.Print("Fixture " + f.ToString());

                for (int t = 0; t <= 1; t++)
                    Team    ThisTeam = ta.GetTeam(f.TeamIDs[t]);
                    Manager M        = ma.GetManager(ThisTeam.ManagerID);

                    if (!M.Human)
                        Team          Opposition = ta.GetTeam(f.TeamIDs[1 - t]);
                        PlayerAdapter pa         = new PlayerAdapter();
                        int[,] PlayerGridPositions = new int[5, 8]; // TODO: Maybe not hard code these...
                        for (int x = 0; x <= PlayerGridPositions.GetUpperBound(0); x++)
                            for (int y = 0; y <= PlayerGridPositions.GetUpperBound(1); y++)
                                PlayerGridPositions[x, y] = -1;

                        Formation TeamFormation      = new FormationAdapter().GetFormation(ThisTeam.CurrentFormation);
                        List <AvailablePlayer> avail = GetEligiblePlayers(ThisTeam, f);

                        foreach (Point2 point in TeamFormation.Points)
                            AvailablePlayer SelPlayer = FindBestPlayerForPosition(point, avail);
                            if (SelPlayer == null)
                                throw new Exception("Unable to find a player for this position");

                            PlayerGridPositions[point.X, point.Y] = SelPlayer.PlayerID;

                        ta.SavePlayerFormation(ThisTeam.UniqueID, TeamFormation.UniqueID, PlayerGridPositions);
        public static void ThirdDemo()
            IPerson managerOrEmployeee = null;
            IPerson employeeOrManager  = null;

            //Based on the need person can be both Manager Or Employee and simply provide a One level of Abstraction
            managerOrEmployeee = new ManagerAdapter();
            employeeOrManager  = new EmployeeAdapter();

            Console.WriteLine($"{managerOrEmployeee.GetType().Name} have a salary of {managerOrEmployeee.CalculateSalary()} Euro");
            Console.WriteLine($"{employeeOrManager.GetType().Name} have a salary of {employeeOrManager.CalculateSalary()} Euro");
        public void GoodAndBadFixtureFeedback(List <Fixture> fixtures)
            ManagerAdapter ma = new ManagerAdapter();
            EmailAdapter   ea = new EmailAdapter();

            foreach (Manager m in ma.GetHumanManagers())
                foreach (Fixture f in fixtures)
                    for (int team = 0; team <= 1; team++)
                        if (f.TeamIDs[team] == m.CurrentTeam) // Find manager's team
                            int opp = 1 - team;               // Opposition team

                            if (Math.Abs(f.Score[team] - f.Score[opp]) >= 3)
                                if (f.Score[team] > f.Score[opp])
                                    ea.SendEmail(m.UniqueID, EmailType.GoodMatch, new List <int>()
                                        f.Score[0], f.Score[1], f.TeamIDs[opp]

                                if (f.Score[team] < f.Score[opp])
                                    ea.SendEmail(m.UniqueID, EmailType.BadMatch, new List <int>()
                                        f.Score[0], f.Score[1], f.TeamIDs[opp]
Exemple #8
        private void NextManagerOrContinueDay()
            ManagerAdapter ma = new ManagerAdapter();
            FixtureAdapter fa = new FixtureAdapter();
            WorldAdapter   wa = new WorldAdapter();
            TeamAdapter    ta = new TeamAdapter();

            if (HumanManagers == null)
                // Going to first manager, which means we have to run Start Of Day, unless loading from a savegame
                if (!SaveGameJustLoaded)
                    SaveGameJustLoaded = false;

                HumanManagers       = ma.GetHumanManagers();
                PlayingHumanManager = 0;
                wa.CurrentManagerID = HumanManagers[PlayingHumanManager].UniqueID;

                if (HumanManagers.Count() < 1)
                    throw new Exception("No human managers");
                // Check selections if a matchday
                if (fa.IsTodayAMatchDay(HumanManagers[PlayingHumanManager].CurrentTeam))
                    const int REQUIREDCOUNT = 11;
                    int       PlayerCount   = ta.CountSelectedPlayers(HumanManagers[PlayingHumanManager].CurrentTeam);
                    if (PlayerCount < REQUIREDCOUNT)
                        UiUtils.OpenDialogBox(UiUtils.MainWindowGrid, LangResources.CurLang.MatchDay,
                                              string.Format(LangResources.CurLang.YouHaveNotSelectedEnoughPlayers, PlayerCount, REQUIREDCOUNT),
                                              new List <DialogButton>()
                            new DialogButton(LangResources.CurLang.OK, null, null)


                // Go to next human manager
                if (PlayingHumanManager >= HumanManagers.Count())
                    HumanManagers       = null;
                    wa.CurrentManagerID = -1;
                    wa.CurrentManagerID = HumanManagers[PlayingHumanManager].UniqueID;

            if (HumanManagers != null)
                // Display home screen for the current manager
                Manager PlayingManager = HumanManagers[PlayingHumanManager];

                if (fa.IsTodayAMatchDay(PlayingManager.CurrentTeam))
                    Fixture f          = fa.GetNextFixture(PlayingManager.CurrentTeam, wa.CurrentDate);
                    int     Opposition = (f.TeamIDs[0] != PlayingManager.CurrentTeam ? f.TeamIDs[0] : f.TeamIDs[1]);
                    string  Message    = string.Format(LangResources.CurLang.YouHaveAMatchAgainst, ta.GetTeam(Opposition).Name);

                    UiUtils.OpenDialogBox(UiUtils.MainWindowGrid, LangResources.CurLang.MatchDay, Message,
                                          new List <DialogButton>()
                        new DialogButton(LangResources.CurLang.OK, null, null)
                if (fa.IsTodayAMatchDay())
                    ShowGameScreen(new MatchdayMain(), true);