protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { MainLogin.DestinationPageUrl = this.Destination; if (!Page.IsPostBack) { //Uri u = Request.Url; //String[] uSegs = u.Segments.TakeWhile(seg => seg != u.Segments.Last()).ToArray(); //((HyperLink)MainLogin.FindControl("hlReset")).NavigateUrl = ResolveUrl("ResetPassword.aspx"); if (ClientUrl != null && ClientUrl != String.Empty) { lbtnRegister.Visible = true; } WorkWithSignInTextBoxes(); if (IsTimeout) { Literal lFail = (Literal)MainLogin.FindControl("FailureText"); lFail.Text = "<div style=\"text-align:left;color:red;\">For your security we logged you out after being idle for 15 minutes.<br /><b style=\"color:red;\">Please sign in again.</b></div>"; FormsAuthentication.SignOut(); ThisSession.ClearSessionVariables(); } else if (!System.Web.HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated) { ThisSession.ClearSessionVariables(); } } else { } }
protected bool LoadUserEmployerSessionInfo(out String lastUrl) { //Overloaded method to return whether or not the user completed IQ, no need to store in session using (GetKeyEmployeeInfo gkei = new GetKeyEmployeeInfo(MainLogin.UserName.Trim())) { if (!gkei.PutInSession(MainLogin.UserName)) { Literal failText = (Literal)MainLogin.FindControl("FailureText"); failText.Text = gkei.SqlException; failText.Visible = true; lastUrl = "error"; return(false); } if (gkei.Tables.Count < 4) { lastUrl = "error"; return(false); } if (gkei.Tables[3].Rows.Count < 1) { lastUrl = "error"; return(false); } if (gkei.Tables[3].Rows[0].Field <string>("action") == "completed") { lastUrl = ""; return(true); } lastUrl = gkei.Tables[3].Rows[0].Field <string>("url"); return(false); } }
protected void LoadUserEmployerSessionInfo() { //Which employer database? GetKeyEmployeeInfo gkei = new GetKeyEmployeeInfo(MainLogin.UserName.Trim()); if (!gkei.PutInSession(MainLogin.UserName)) { Literal failText = (Literal)MainLogin.FindControl("FailureText"); failText.Text = gkei.SqlException; failText.Visible = true; } }
protected void LoadUserSessionInfo() { //Which employer database? GetKeyUserInfo gkui = new GetKeyUserInfo(ThisSession.UserLogginID); if (!gkui.PutInSession()) { Literal failText = (Literal)MainLogin.FindControl("FailureText"); failText.Text = gkui.SqlException; failText.Visible = true; } }
protected void WorkWithSignInTextBoxes() { using (TextBox userName = (MainLogin.FindControl("UserName") as TextBox)) { //Add client side scripting to default the username text to 'Enter email address' if the user doesn't enter anything userName.Attributes.Add("onclick", "if(this.value=='Enter email address'){this.value='';}"); userName.Attributes.Add("onblur", "this.value=!this.value?'Enter email address':this.value;"); } using (TextBox pwdWatermark = (MainLogin.FindControl("txtPasswordWatermark") as TextBox)) { //Add client side scripting to allow for password hashing and default the text to 'Enter Password' if the user doesn't enter anything using (TextBox Password = (MainLogin.FindControl("Password") as TextBox)) { pwdWatermark.Attributes.Add("onfocus", " = 'none';" + "document.getElementById('" + Password.ClientID + "').style.display = 'block';" + "document.getElementById('" + Password.ClientID + "').focus();"); Password.Style.Clear(); Password.Style.Add("display", "none"); Password.Attributes.Add("onblur", "if(this.value==''){'none';" + "document.getElementById('" + pwdWatermark.ClientID + "').style.display = 'block';}"); } } }
protected void MainLogin_LoggedIn(object sender, EventArgs e) { String mlUN = MainLogin.UserName.Trim(); Boolean IsCustomer = Roles.IsUserInRole(mlUN, "Customer"), IsCallCenter = Roles.IsUserInRole(mlUN, "CallCenter"), IsAdmin = Roles.IsUserInRole(mlUN, "Admin"), IsManagement = Roles.IsUserInRole(mlUN, "Management"), IsDebugUser = Roles.IsUserInRole(mlUN, "DebugUser"); bool iqComplete; string lastIQUrl; if (IsCustomer) { using (TextBox userName = (MainLogin.FindControl("UserName") as TextBox)) { String sUN = Encoder.HtmlEncode(userName.Text.Trim()); ThisSession.UserLogginID = Membership.GetUser(sUN).ProviderUserKey.ToString(); ThisSession.LoggedIn = true; LoadUserSessionInfo(); //LoadUserEmployerSessionInfo(); iqComplete = LoadUserEmployerSessionInfo(out lastIQUrl); LoadEmployerContent(); using (GetPasswordQuestions gpq = new GetPasswordQuestions()) { if (!gpq.PutInSession()) { ThisSession.CurrentAvailableSecurityQuestions = new[] { "none" }; } ThisSession.CurrentSecurityQuestion = Membership.GetUser(sUN).PasswordQuestion; } using (InsertUserLoginHistory iulh = new InsertUserLoginHistory()) { iulh.UserName = Membership.GetUserNameByEmail(ThisSession.PatientEmail); iulh.Domain = Request.Url.Host; if (IsDebugUser) { iulh.CallCenterID = Guid.Empty.ToString(); } iulh.PostData(); } if (ThisSession.SavingsChoiceEnabled) { if (!iqComplete) { if (lastIQUrl == null || lastIQUrl == "null" || lastIQUrl.Trim() == "" || lastIQUrl == "error") { Response.Redirect("~/SavingsChoice/SavingsChoiceWelcome.aspx"); } else { Response.Redirect("~/SavingsChoice/" + lastIQUrl); } } } } if (Request.QueryString.AllKeys.Contains("dest")) { HttpContext.Current.Session["requestedTab"] = Encoder.HtmlEncode(Request.QueryString["dest"]); } } else if (IsCallCenter) { Response.Redirect(ResolveUrl("~/CallCenter/Default.aspx")); } else if (IsAdmin && !IsManagement) { using (InsertUserLoginHistory iulh = new InsertUserLoginHistory()) { iulh.UserName = Membership.GetUserNameByEmail(ThisSession.PatientEmail); iulh.Domain = Request.Url.Host; iulh.PostData(); if (!iulh.HasErrors && iulh.RowsBack != 1) { } } Response.Redirect("~/Admin/Default.aspx"); } else if (IsManagement && !IsAdmin) { Response.Redirect("~/ContentManagement/Default.aspx"); } else if (IsManagement && IsAdmin) { Response.Redirect("~/AdminPortal/Default.aspx"); } }