public List <VisitBill> GetBills(string userName) { string cookies = HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["guid"] == null ? "" : HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["guid"].Value as string; string session = Session.SessionID.ToString(); if (!cookies.Equals(session)) { return(null);//身份验证失败 } MLogin.GetExeUname(); List <VisitBill> result = new List <VisitBill>(); string date = DateTime.Now.Date.ToString(); clientservice_VisitBill bills = new clientservice_VisitBill(); List <clientservice_VisitBill> list = bills.Select(" and billman='" + userName + "' and BILLDATE='" + date + "' ", " client,billdate,notepre,code,zf3,zf4,zf5 ");//公司、拜访时间、内容、单号、名字、职位、电话 foreach (clientservice_VisitBill b in list) { VisitBill v = new VisitBill(); v.client = b.CLIENT; v.code = b.CODE; v.content = b.NOTEPRE; = b.BILLDATE.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); v.hisname = b.ZF3; v.hisposition = b.ZF4; v.hisphone = b.ZF5; result.Add(v); } return(result); }
public void AccountFee(string userName, string client, string code, string eating, string other, string person, string traffic, string commission, string remark, string hisname, string hisphone, string note) { string cookies = HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["guid"] == null ? "" : HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["guid"].Value as string; string session = Session.SessionID.ToString(); if (!cookies.Equals(session)) { return;//身份验证失败 } MLogin.GetExeUname(); TreatFee t = new TreatFee(); t.BILLCODE = ScueFun.Code.BasicCode("TreatFee", "BILLCODE", "TF"); t.CLIENT = client; t.VBCODE = code;//拜访单单号 t.BILLMAN = userName; t.EATING = eating; t.OTHER = other; t.PERSON = person; t.NAME = hisname; t.PHONE = hisphone; t.NOTE = note; t.TRAFFIC = traffic; t.COMMISSION = commission; //佣金申请 t.BLANK_STR_1 = remark; //备注,说明 t.CREATETIME = SysTime.GetTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); t.STATE = 0; //已提交 t.Insert(); }
public List <VisitBill> P_HisVisit(string userName, int curPage, int pageSize) { string cookies = HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["guid"] == null ? "" : HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["guid"].Value as string; string session = Session.SessionID.ToString(); if (!cookies.Equals(session)) { return(null); } MLogin.GetExeUname(); int num = curPage * pageSize; string sql = "select top " + pageSize.ToString() + " o.* from ( " + " select row_number() over(order by id desc) as rownumber,a.* from( " + " select id, client, billdate, notepre, code from clientservice_VisitBill where billman = '" + userName + "') as a ) as o where rownumber> " + num.ToString(); DataTable dt = DBLL.ExecuteDataTable(MyGlobal.DataBase, sql); List <VisitBill> history = new List <VisitBill>(); foreach (DataRow c in dt.Rows) { VisitBill b = new VisitBill(); b.code = c["CODE"].ToString(); b.client = c["CLIENT"].ToString(); = Convert.ToDateTime(c["BILLDATE"].ToString()).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); b.content = c["NOTEPRE"].ToString(); history.Add(b); } return(history); }
public int PoiBillAudit(string userName, string type, string id) { //审核bill string cookies = HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["guid"] == null ? "" : HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["guid"].Value as string; string session = Session.SessionID.ToString(); if (!cookies.Equals(session)) { return(-1);//身份验证失败 } MLogin.GetExeUname(); L_PushPoi n = new L_PushPoi(); List <L_PushPoi> list = n.Select(" and id =" + id); if (list.Count <= 0) { return(-1); } else { n.ZF2 = userName; //审核人 n.ZF3 = SysTime.GetTime.ToString(); //审核时间 if (type.ToUpper() == "YES") { n.OPERATE_TYPE = "同意"; KFLocation.Set(list[0].BILLMAN, list[0].CLIENT, list[0].AFTER_LNG + "," + list[0].AFTER_LAT); } else { n.OPERATE_TYPE = "否决"; } return(n.Updata(" and id=" + id)); } }
public bool AuditBills(string userName, string billcode, string opinion, string type) { bool flag = false; string cookies = HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["guid"] == null ? "" : HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["guid"].Value as string; string session = Session.SessionID.ToString(); if (!cookies.Equals(session)) { return(flag);//身份验证失败 } MLogin.GetExeUname(); TreatFee t = new TreatFee(); if (type == "YES") { if (opinion.Trim() == "") { t.BLANK_STR_2 = "同意!"; } t.STATE = 10;//审核成功 } else { t.STATE = -1; //审核失败 t.BLANK_STR_2 = opinion; //审核意见 } t.AUDITDATE = System.DateTime.Now.ToString(); //审核时间 t.BLANK_STR_3 = userName; //审核人名字 t.Updata(" and BILLCODE='" + billcode + "' "); flag = true; return(flag); }
public string Reply(int id, string reply, string userName, double lng, double lat, double kflng, double kflat) { string cookies = HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["guid"] == null ? "" : HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["guid"].Value as string; string session = Session.SessionID.ToString(); if (!cookies.Equals(session)) { return(null);//身份验证失败 } MLogin.GetExeUname(); if (MyGlobal.AERA_CHECK)//是否检核范围 { if (kflng == -1 || kflat == -1) { return("None"); } if (ScueFun.LngLatDis.GetDistance(lng, lat, kflng, kflat) > MyGlobal.VISITAERA)//超出范围 { return("Toofar"); } } //事务处理开始,劫持链接通道的sql语句 TransactionSql.Start(MyGlobal.DataBase); //===>开始 DateTime now = SysTime.GetTime; List <RpBill> result = new List <RpBill>(); L_ContactSheetMsg msg = new L_ContactSheetMsg(); msg.MTITLE = reply; msg.INSERTER = userName; msg.FID = id; msg.INSERTDATE = now; msg.STATE = "已提交"; int get_id = msg.Insert(); List <L_ContactSheetMsg> msg_list = msg.Select(" and INSERTDATE='" + now.ToString() + "' "); L_ContactSheet l_Contact = new L_ContactSheet(); List <L_ContactSheet> list = l_Contact.Select(" and id = " + id.ToString()); if (list.Count > 0) { //更新关联单据号,最新的,可作为最后打卡的目标公司,名称、地址 20180904 skl puku_user u = new puku_user(); u.REFERCODE = msg_list.Count > 0 ? msg_list[0].ID.ToString():""; u.ZF1 = list[0].CLIENT; u.ZF2 = kflng.ToString(); u.ZF3 = kflat.ToString(); u.ZF4 = now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); u.Updata(" and TURENAME='" + userName + "' "); } else { return("没有该联络单!"); } //提交事务到sql服务器处理//===>结束 if (!TransactionSql.EndSql())//判断是否成功 { return("回复失败!"); } return(msg.INSERTDATE.ToString()); }
public List <VisitBill> HisVisit(string userName) { string cookies = HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["guid"] == null ? "" : HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["guid"].Value as string; string session = Session.SessionID.ToString(); if (!cookies.Equals(session)) { return(null); } MLogin.GetExeUname(); clientservice_VisitBill bills = new clientservice_VisitBill(); List <clientservice_VisitBill> list = bills.Select(" and billman='" + userName + "' order by id desc ", " top 20 client,billdate,notepre,code"); List <VisitBill> history = new List <VisitBill>(); foreach (clientservice_VisitBill c in list) { VisitBill b = new VisitBill(); b.code = c.CODE; b.client = c.CLIENT; = c.BILLDATE.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); b.content = c.NOTEPRE; history.Add(b); } return(history); }
public List <LLBill> NeighborBill(string id, string userName, double lng, double lat, int curPage, int pageSize) { string cookies = HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["guid"] == null ? "" : HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["guid"].Value as string; string session = Session.SessionID.ToString(); if (!cookies.Equals(session)) { return(null);//身份验证失败 } MLogin.GetExeUname(); DataTable dt = Function.NeighbourBill(curPage, pageSize, lng, lat); List <LLBill> result = new List <LLBill>(); foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { LLBill n = new LLBill(); = row["ID"].ToString(); //客户 n.client = row["CLIENT"].ToString(); //客户 n.code = row["CODE"].ToString(); //单号 n.depar = row["DEPAR"].ToString(); //部门 n.finshdate = Convert.ToDateTime(row["FINSHDATE"].ToString()).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); //要求完成时间 = row["ID"].ToString(); n.inserter = row["INSERTER"].ToString(); //提出人 n.machinecn = row["MACHINECN"].ToString(); //机床编号 n.mtitle = row["MTITLE"].ToString(); //内容 n.type = row["TYPE"].ToString(); //状态 n.distance = row["DISTANCE"].ToString() + "km"; //距离 n.contactor = row["CONTACTOR"].ToString(); //联系人 = row["PHONE"].ToString(); //电话 n.lng = row["ZF29"].ToString(); //经度 = row["ZF30"].ToString(); //纬度 result.Add(n); } return(result); }
public List <RpBill> GetReply(string fid) { string cookies = HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["guid"] == null ? "" : HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["guid"].Value as string; string session = Session.SessionID.ToString(); if (!cookies.Equals(session)) { return(null);//身份验证失败 } MLogin.GetExeUname(); List <RpBill> result = new List <RpBill>(); L_ContactSheetMsg msg = new L_ContactSheetMsg(); List <L_ContactSheetMsg> list = msg.Select(" and fid='" + fid + "' order by id desc ", " top 30 * "); foreach (L_ContactSheetMsg r in list) { RpBill n = new RpBill(); n.createtime = r.INSERTDATE.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); n.state = r.STATE; n.inserter = r.INSERTER; n.content = r.MTITLE; result.Add(n); } return(result); }
public VSBill YW_Detail_Bill(string code) { string cookies = HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["guid"] == null ? "" : HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["guid"].Value as string; string session = Session.SessionID.ToString(); if (!cookies.Equals(session)) { return(null);//身份验证失败 } MLogin.GetExeUname(); L_VisitSend s = new L_VisitSend(); VSBill vs = new VSBill(); //未接收消息 List <L_VisitSend> list = s.Select(" and CODE='" + code + "' "); if (list.Count <= 0) { return(null);//没有未接收消息 } else { L_VisitSend l = list[0]; = l.ID; vs.client = l.VISITCLIENT; vs.hisname = l.VISITNAME; vs.hisphone = l.VISITTEL; vs.content = l.VISITCONTENT; vs.notice = l.DOTHING; vs.visittype = l.VISITTYPE; = l.VISITDATE.ToShortDateString(); vs.state = l.STATE; vs.code = l.CODE; } return(vs); }
public List <KfkfCode> KFKF(string userId, string searchName) { //读取客户 用于客户搜索框 List <KfkfCode> ls = new List <KfkfCode>(); string cookies = HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["guid"] == null ? "" : HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["guid"].Value as string; string session = Session.SessionID.ToString(); if (!cookies.Equals(session)) { KfkfCode C = new KfkfCode(); C.NAME = "session:" + session; ls.Add(C); KfkfCode C2 = new KfkfCode(); C2.NAME = "cookies:" + cookies; ls.Add(C2); return(ls); } MLogin.GetExeUname(); string sql = " select top 30 NAME,CONTACTOR,PHONE from ClientService_kfku where id in (select max(id) from ClientService_kfku group by name) " + " group by NAME,CONTACTOR,PHONE " + " HAVING NAME like '%" + searchName + "%' or CONTACTOR like '%" + searchName + "%' or PHONE like '%" + searchName + "%' "; DataTable table = (DataTable)BLL.SqltoView(MyGlobal.DataBase, BLL.数据类型.Table, sql); foreach (DataRow r in table.Rows) { KfkfCode C = new KfkfCode(); C.NAME = r["NAME"].ToString(); ls.Add(C); } return(ls); }
public int Sign(string userName, string userId, string type, double lng, double lat) { string cookies = HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["guid"] == null ? "" : HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["guid"].Value as string; string session = Session.SessionID.ToString(); if (!cookies.Equals(session)) { return(-10);//身份验证失败 } MLogin.GetExeUname(); if (type.ToUpper() == "SIGNIN") { return(SignCS.SignIn(userName, userId, lng, lat)); } else if (type.ToUpper() == "SIGNOUT") { return(SignCS.SignOut(userName, userId, lng, lat)); } else if (type != "") { if (MyGlobal.SignType)//区分签到签退 { return(SignCS.Sign_P(userName, userId, lng, lat, type)); } else { return(SignCS.Sign_P(userName, userId, lng, lat, "")); } } else { return(-10);//身份验证失败 } }
public bool Upload() { try { string cookies = HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["guid"] == null ? "" : HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["guid"].Value as string; string session = Session.SessionID.ToString(); if (!cookies.Equals(session)) { return(false);//身份验证失败 } MLogin.GetExeUname(); System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Response.ContentType = "image/jpeg"; //var file = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Files[0]; //if(file.FileName == "") //{ // return "filename为空!"; //} string result = null; string result2 = null; result = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request["value1"]; result2 = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request["value2"]; HttpPostedFile f = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Files[0]; Random rad = new Random(); //实例化随机数产生器rad; int value = rad.Next(1000, 10000); //用rad生成大于等于1000,小于等于9999的随机数; string file_name = System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss") + "_" + result + "_" + value.ToString() + ".jpg"; // f.SaveAs(Server.MapPath(file_name)); byte[] bytes = StreamToBytes(f.InputStream); //将需要存储的图片读取为数据流 // FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(Server.MapPath(file_name), FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); //BinaryReader binaryReader = new BinaryReader(fileStream); //byte[] res = binaryReader.ReadBytes(Convert.ToInt32(fileStream.Length)); //binaryReader.Close(); //fileStream.Close(); IBLL.售后附件(bytes, file_name, result2, result); return(true); // return string.IsNullOrEmpty(result) ? "" : result; } catch (Exception ex) { return(false); } //Stream s = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.InputStream; //byte[] b = new byte[s.Length]; //s.Read(b, 0, (int)s.Length); //Encoding.UTF8.GetString(b); //string cookies = HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["guid"] == null ? "" : HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["guid"].Value as string; //string session = Session.SessionID.ToString(); //if (!cookies.Equals(session)) //{ // return null;//身份验证失败 //} //MLogin.GetExeUname(); }
public List <PushPoi> AuditPoi(string userName, int curPage, int pageSize) { //获得bill string cookies = HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["guid"] == null ? "" : HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["guid"].Value as string; string session = Session.SessionID.ToString(); if (!cookies.Equals(session)) { return(null);//身份验证失败 } MLogin.GetExeUname(); int num = curPage * pageSize; string where = ""; string sql = ""; if (userName == "郑昌仁") { where = " and zf1='总经办' "; } else if (userName == "王娅丽") { where = " and zf1='销售内勤' "; } else if (userName == "邵凯丽") { } else { return(null); } sql = "select top " + pageSize.ToString() + " o.* from ( " + " select row_number() over(order by id desc) as rownumber,a.* from( " + " select * from L_PushPoi where 1=1 and OPERATE_TYPE='已提交' " + where + ") as a ) as o where rownumber> " + num.ToString(); DataTable dt = DBLL.ExecuteDataTable(MyGlobal.DataBase, sql); List <PushPoi> result = new List <PushPoi>(); foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { PushPoi p = new PushPoi(); p.ID = row["ID"].ToString(); p.BILLMAN = row["BILLMAN"].ToString(); p.OPERATE_TIME = row["OPERATE_TIME"].ToString(); p.OPERATE_TYPE = row["OPERATE_TYPE"].ToString(); p.CLIENT = row["CLIENT"].ToString(); p.BEFORE_LNG = row["BEFORE_LNG"].ToString(); //原始定位 p.BEFORE_LAT = row["BEFORE_LAT"].ToString(); p.AFTER_LNG = row["AFTER_LNG"].ToString(); //经度//现在请求定位 p.AFTER_LAT = row["AFTER_LAT"].ToString(); //纬度 double dis = ScueFun.LngLatDis.GetDistance(Convert.ToDouble(row["BEFORE_LNG"].ToString()), Convert.ToDouble(row["BEFORE_LAT"].ToString()), Convert.ToDouble(row["AFTER_LNG"].ToString()), Convert.ToDouble(row["AFTER_LAT"].ToString())); p.DISTANCE = Math.Round(dis / 1000, 2).ToString() + "km"; result.Add(p); } return(result); }
public kfContact GetContact(string client) { kfContact contact = new kfContact(); List <Contact> result = new List <Contact>(); string cookies = HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["guid"] == null ? "" : HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["guid"].Value as string; string session = Session.SessionID.ToString(); if (!cookies.Equals(session)) { return(null); } MLogin.GetExeUname(); string kf_code = string.Empty; string tablename = string.Empty; #region //string kf_tb = string.Empty; //kfku m = new kfku(); //List<kfku> ms = m.Select(" and NAME='" + client + "' order by id desc "); //if (ms.Count > 0) //{ // kf_code = ms[0].CODE; // //kf_tb = "kfku"; // tablename = "kfku_contacter"; //} //else //{ #endregion ClientService_kfku k = new ClientService_kfku(); List <ClientService_kfku> ks = k.Select(" and NAME='" + client + "' order by id desc "); if (ks.Count > 0) { kf_code = ks[0].CODE; tablename = "clientservice_kfku_contacter"; } if (kf_code == "" || tablename == "")// { return(null); } else { string sql = " select * from " + tablename + " where 单位代码=" + kf_code.ToString(); DataTable dt = DBLL.ExecuteDataTable(MyGlobal.DataBase, sql); foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { Contact con = new Contact(); = row["ID"].ToString(); = row["姓名"].ToString(); = row["手机"].ToString(); con.position = row["职务"].ToString(); result.Add(con); } contact.list = result; contact.tablename = tablename; contact.kfcode = kf_code; } return(contact); }
public string WeixiuForm(string userId) { MLogin.GetExeUname(); WeiXiuBill weiXiu = new WeiXiuBill(); weiXiu.姓名 = "text"; weiXiu.日期 = "text"; return(ScueFun.InnerHtml.SetForm <WeiXiuBill>(weiXiu)); }
public List <WXOBJ1> AfterSRepair_P(string userName, int type, int curPage, int pageSize) { string cookies = HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["guid"] == null ? "" : HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["guid"].Value as string; string session = Session.SessionID.ToString(); if (!cookies.Equals(session)) { return(null);//身份验证失败 } MLogin.GetExeUname(); int num = curPage * pageSize; string where = " and BILLMAN='" + userName + "' and zf3 <> '' and left(code,1) <> '*' "; if (type == 0) { where += " and ((zf2='' and sz10=0 ) or (zf2<>'" + userName + "')) ";//未接收 } else if (type == 1) { where += " and zf2='" + userName + "' and id in( select zf1 from L_AfterRepair a where not exists(select 1 from L_AfterRepair b where b.refercode = a.refercode and > and OPERATE_TYPE = '接受' and BILLMAN ='" + userName + "' ) ";//处理中 } else if (type == 2) { where += " and zf2='" + userName + "' and id in( select zf1 from L_AfterRepair a where not exists(select 1 from L_AfterRepair b where b.refercode = a.refercode and > and OPERATE_TYPE = '完结' and BILLMAN ='" + userName + "' ) ";//维修完成 } else { } List <WXOBJ1> ms = new List <WXOBJ1>(); string sql = " select top " + pageSize.ToString() + " o.* from ( " + " select row_number() over(order by id desc) as rownumber, N_A.* from( " + " select * from clientservice_AfterServiceBill " + " where 1 = 1 " + where + " ) as N_A) as o where rownumber> " + num.ToString(); DataTable dt = DBLL.ExecuteDataTable(MyGlobal.DataBase, sql); foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { WXOBJ1 o = new WXOBJ1(); o.ID = Convert.ToInt32(row["ID"].ToString()); o.CODE = row["CODE"].ToString();//维修单号 o.BILLMAN = row["BILLMAN"].ToString(); o.CLIENT = row["CLIENT"].ToString(); o.BILLTYPE = row["BILLTYPE"].ToString(); o.ZF1 = row["ZF1"].ToString(); //机床编号 o.NOTEPRE = row["NOTEPRE"].ToString(); //内容描述(电话回访) o.ZF3 = row["ZF3"].ToString(); //分析描述 初判断 o.CONTACT = row["ZF27"].ToString(); o.PHONE = row["ZF28"].ToString(); o.ZF5 = row["ZF5"].ToString(); ms.Add(o); } return(ms); }
public List <FeeBill> MyFeeBills(string userName, int curPage, int pageSize) { string cookies = HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["guid"] == null ? "" : HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["guid"].Value as string; string session = Session.SessionID.ToString(); if (!cookies.Equals(session)) { return(null);//身份验证失败 } MLogin.GetExeUname(); // P_MyBill result = new P_MyBill(); int num = curPage * pageSize; // curPage++; string sql = " select top 10 o.* from( " + " select row_number() over(order by id desc) as rownumber, a.* from( " + " select * from TreatFee where BILLMAN = '" + userName + "' ) as a) as o where rownumber > " + num.ToString(); DataTable dt = DBLL.ExecuteDataTable(MyGlobal.DataBase, sql); List <FeeBill> bills = new List <FeeBill>(); foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { FeeBill bill = new FeeBill(); bill.billcode = row["BILLCODE"].ToString(); bill.billman = row["BILLMAN"].ToString(); bill.createtime = row["CREATETIME"].ToString(); bill.state = Convert.ToInt16(row["STATE"].ToString()); if (bill.state == 0) { bill.state_desc = "未审核"; } else if (bill.state == 10) { bill.state_desc = "审核通过"; } else if (bill.state == -1) { bill.state_desc = "审核失败"; } bill.vbcode = row["VBCODE"].ToString(); bill.client = row["CLIENT"].ToString(); bill.eating = row["EATING"].ToString(); bill.other = row["OTHER"].ToString(); bill.person = row["PERSON"].ToString(); bill.traffic = row["TRAFFIC"].ToString(); bill.commission = row["COMMISSION"].ToString(); bill.remark = row["BLANK_STR_1"].ToString(); bill.opinion = row["BLANK_STR_2"].ToString(); bills.Add(bill); } // result.list = bills; // = curPage; return(bills); }
public User WS3_P(string userId, string password, string uuid) { //---------------------- //lxdlxd MLogin.GetExeUname(); User NowUser = new User(); List <puku_user> mp = GetPUser.PUser(" and USERPU='" + userId.Trim() + "' "); if (mp.Count > 0) { if (BitLock.RealseLock_L(mp[0].MM) == password && uuid == mp[0].UUID) { string my = string.Empty; HttpContext.Current.Session["user"] = userId; // my = "没有cookies"; my = HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["guid"] == null ? "" : HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["guid"].Value as string; if (my != "") { string cookies = HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["guid"].Value as string; string session = Session.SessionID.ToString(); if (!session.Equals(cookies))//有cookies 但是已过期 { HttpCookie objCookie = new HttpCookie("guid", Session.SessionID.ToString()); objCookie.Expires = DateTime.MaxValue; System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Response.Cookies.Add(objCookie); } my = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["guid"].Value; } else//没有cookies 增加cookies { HttpCookie objCookie = new HttpCookie("guid", Session.SessionID.ToString()); objCookie.Expires = DateTime.MaxValue; System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Response.Cookies.Add(objCookie); } NowUser.userId = userId; = mp[0].TURENAME; NowUser.dept = mp[0].DEPT; NowUser.authorised = mp[0].允许管理物料BY仓库名称; NowUser.status = 10; return(NowUser); //var headers = Context.Request.Headers.GetValues("My-Header"); } else { NowUser.status = -1; return(NowUser); } } else { NowUser.status = -1; return(NowUser); } }
public List <string> SignNote(string userId, string date) { string cookies = HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["guid"] == null ? "" : HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["guid"].Value as string; string session = Session.SessionID.ToString(); if (!cookies.Equals(session)) { return(null);//身份验证失败 } MLogin.GetExeUname(); return(SignCS.SignRemark(userId, date)); }
public List <PU> PUKU_U(string userName) { string cookies = HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["guid"] == null ? "" : HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["guid"].Value as string; string session = Session.SessionID.ToString(); if (!cookies.Equals(session)) { return(null);//身份验证失败 } MLogin.GetExeUname(); return(UserLocation.GetPU(" and userpu <> 'admin' ")); }
//int client_id, public string GetKFLoc(string client) { //获取客户位置 string cookies = HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["guid"] == null ? "" : HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["guid"].Value as string; string session = Session.SessionID.ToString(); if (!cookies.Equals(session)) { return("NoCookies"); } MLogin.GetExeUname(); return(KFLocation.Get(client)); }
public List <LLBill> GetDBBill(string client, string userName, string dept)//获取待办事项 { string cookies = HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["guid"] == null ? "" : HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["guid"].Value as string; string session = Session.SessionID.ToString(); if (!cookies.Equals(session)) { return(null);//身份验证失败 } MLogin.GetExeUname(); List <LLBill> result = new List <LLBill>(); string where = ""; if (dept.Contains("维修")) { where = " and (depar = '" + userName + "' or depar = '维修部' or depar = '智能化' )"; } if (dept.Contains("业务") || dept.Contains("销售") || dept.Contains("文员")) { where = " and (depar = '" + userName + "' or depar = '销售部' or depar = '智能化' )"; } string sql = " select top 15 * from " + " (select * from L_ContactSheet as aa " + " left join " + " (select name, ZF29, ZF30,CONTACTOR,PHONE from clientservice_kfku ) as bb on aa.Client = bb.NAME " + " ) as cc" + " where type=0 and del =0 and Client='" + client + "' " + where + " order by finshdate "; DataTable tb = DBLL.ExecuteDataTable(MyGlobal.DataBase, sql); foreach (DataRow row in tb.Rows) { LLBill n = new LLBill(); = row["ID"].ToString(); //客户 n.client = row["CLIENT"].ToString(); //客户 n.code = row["CODE"].ToString(); //单号 n.depar = row["DEPAR"].ToString(); //部门 n.finshdate = Convert.ToDateTime(row["FINSHDATE"].ToString()).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); //要求完成时间 = row["ID"].ToString(); n.inserter = row["INSERTER"].ToString(); //提出人 n.machinecn = row["MACHINECN"].ToString(); //机床编号 n.mtitle = row["MTITLE"].ToString(); //内容 n.type = row["TYPE"].ToString(); //状态 //n.distance = row["DISTANCE"].ToString()+"km"; //距离 n.contactor = row["CONTACTOR"].ToString(); //联系人 = row["PHONE"].ToString(); //电话 n.lng = row["ZF29"].ToString(); //经度 = row["ZF30"].ToString(); //纬度 result.Add(n); } return(result); }
public List <WXOBJ1> AfterSRepair(string userName, int type) { string cookies = HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["guid"] == null ? "" : HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["guid"].Value as string; string session = Session.SessionID.ToString(); if (!cookies.Equals(session)) { return(null);//身份验证失败 } MLogin.GetExeUname(); string where = " and BILLMAN='" + userName + "' and zf3 <> '' and left(code,1) <> '*' "; string by = " top 20 * "; if (type == 0) { where += " and ((zf2='' and sz10=0 ) or (zf2<>'" + userName + "')) order by id desc ";//未接收 } else if (type == 1) { where += " and zf2='" + userName + "' and id in( select zf1 from L_AfterRepair a where not exists(select 1 from L_AfterRepair b where b.refercode = a.refercode and > and OPERATE_TYPE = '接受' and BILLMAN ='" + userName + "' ) order by id desc";//处理中 } else if (type == 2) { where += " and zf2='" + userName + "' and id in( select zf1 from L_AfterRepair a where not exists(select 1 from L_AfterRepair b where b.refercode = a.refercode and > and OPERATE_TYPE = '完结' and BILLMAN ='" + userName + "' ) order by id desc";//维修完成 } else { } List <WXOBJ1> ms = new List <WXOBJ1>(); clientservice_AfterServiceBill bill = new clientservice_AfterServiceBill(); List <clientservice_AfterServiceBill> list = bill.Select(where, by); foreach (clientservice_AfterServiceBill c in list) { WXOBJ1 o = new WXOBJ1(); o.ID = c.ID; o.CODE = c.CODE;//维修单号 o.BILLMAN = c.BILLMAN; o.CLIENT = c.CLIENT; o.BILLTYPE = c.BILLTYPE; o.ZF1 = c.ZF1; //机床编号 o.NOTEPRE = c.NOTEPRE; //内容描述(电话回访) o.ZF3 = c.ZF3; //分析描述 初判断 o.CONTACT = c.ZF27; o.PHONE = c.ZF28; o.ZF5 = c.ZF5; ms.Add(o); } return(ms); }
public FindLoc GetPep(string name, string type)//修改为name 20180728 skl { string cookies = HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["guid"] == null ? "" : HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["guid"].Value as string; string session = Session.SessionID.ToString(); if (!cookies.Equals(session)) { return(null);//身份验证失败 } MLogin.GetExeUname(); string position = ""; string lng; //经度 string lat; //纬度 string datetime = SysTime.GetTime.ToString("yyyyMMdd"); FindLoc findLoc = new FindLoc(); findLoc.status = 0;//标记状态 0:未获取到客户位置 10:获取到客户位置 List <PersonLOC> locs = new List <PersonLOC>(); if (KFLocation.Get(name) != "") { findLoc.status = 10; position = KFLocation.Get(name); string[] strs_kf = position.Split(','); lng = strs_kf[0]; lat = strs_kf[1]; //只取当天人的最新记录 string sql = "select * from scue_user a where not exists(select 1 from scue_user b where b.userpu=a.userpu and> and ='" + datetime + "' "; List <scue_user> scue_s = BLL.SqlToList <scue_user>(MyGlobal.DataBase, sql); foreach (scue_user s in scue_s) { string[] strs = s.POINTS.Split(','); int count = strs.Length - 2; string newpoi = strs[count]; string[] poi = newpoi.Split(':'); PersonLOC o = new PersonLOC(); o.userId = s.USERPU; o.userName = s.TURENAME; o.lng = Convert.ToDouble(poi[0]); = Convert.ToDouble(poi[1]); o.lastTime = s.OPERATETIME.ToString(); locs.Add(o); } findLoc.kflng = Convert.ToDouble(lng); findLoc.kflat = Convert.ToDouble(lat); findLoc.list = locs; } return(findLoc); }
static void Main() { Application.EnableVisualStyles(); Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false); //--马克岚岚---- //--数据植入代码---- string[] Getinfo = MLogin.GetExeUname(); if (Getinfo[1] == "null") { Msg Err = new Msg(3, "请勿非法启动源程序!\r\n若有疑问,请联系系统管理员", "非法启动", 1); } else { Application.Run(new MRoot()); } }
public List <FeeBill> FeeBills(string userName) { string cookies = HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["guid"] == null ? "" : HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["guid"].Value as string; string session = Session.SessionID.ToString(); if (!cookies.Equals(session)) { return(null);//身份验证失败 } MLogin.GetExeUname(); List <FeeBill> bills = new List <FeeBill>(); TreatFee t = new TreatFee(); List <TreatFee> list = t.Select(" and BILLMAN='" + userName + "' order by id desc "); foreach (TreatFee tf in list) { FeeBill bill = new FeeBill(); bill.billcode = tf.BILLCODE; bill.billman = tf.BILLMAN; bill.createtime = tf.CREATETIME; bill.state = tf.STATE; if (bill.state == 0) { bill.state_desc = "未审核"; } else if (bill.state == 10) { bill.state_desc = "审核通过"; } else if (bill.state == -1) { bill.state_desc = "审核失败"; } bill.vbcode = tf.VBCODE; bill.client = tf.CLIENT; bill.eating = tf.EATING; bill.other = tf.OTHER; bill.person = tf.PERSON; bill.traffic = tf.TRAFFIC; bill.commission = tf.COMMISSION; bill.remark = tf.BLANK_STR_1; bill.opinion = tf.BLANK_STR_2; bills.Add(bill); } return(bills); }
public void PushPoi(string userId, string name, string position)//修改为name 20180728 skl { string cookies = HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["guid"] == null ? "" : HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["guid"].Value as string; string session = Session.SessionID.ToString(); if (!cookies.Equals(session)) { return;//身份验证失败 } MLogin.GetExeUname(); List <puku_user> now = ScueFun.GetPUser.PUser(" and USERPU='" + userId + "' "); if (now.Count > 0) { KFLocation.Set(now[0].TURENAME, name, position); } }
public List <VSBill> YWBillGet(string userName, string where) { string cookies = HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["guid"] == null ? "" : HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["guid"].Value as string; string session = Session.SessionID.ToString(); if (!cookies.Equals(session)) { return(null);//身份验证失败 } MLogin.GetExeUname(); L_VisitSend s = new L_VisitSend(); List <VSBill> returnlist = new List <VSBill>(); string today_1 = System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd 00:00:00"); string today = System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd 23:59:59"); //未接收消息 List <L_VisitSend> list = s.Select(" and SENDUSER='******' and LEFT(CODE,1)<>'*' and VISITDATE < '" + today + "' " + where, " top 20 * "); if (list.Count <= 0) { return(null);//没有消息 } else { foreach (L_VisitSend l in list) { VSBill vs = new VSBill(); = l.ID; vs.client = l.VISITCLIENT; vs.hisname = l.VISITNAME; vs.hisphone = l.VISITTEL; vs.content = l.VISITCONTENT; vs.notice = l.DOTHING; vs.visittype = l.VISITTYPE; = l.VISITDATE.ToShortDateString(); vs.code = l.CODE; vs.state = l.STATE; vs.rq1 = l.RQ1.ToString(); vs.rq2 = l.RQ2.ToString(); vs.zf5 = l.ZF5; returnlist.Add(vs); } } return(returnlist); }
public List <Point> ReadPoints(string findId, string userName, string date, string start, string end) { string cookies = HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["guid"] == null ? "" : HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["guid"].Value as string; string session = Session.SessionID.ToString(); if (!cookies.Equals(session)) { return(null);//身份验证失败 } //List<Point> MLogin.GetExeUname(); string str_date = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(date, "-", ""); scue_user u = new scue_user(); List <scue_user> list = u.Select(" and USERPU='" + findId + "' and code between '" + start + "' and '" + end + "' and date='" + str_date + "' order by id "); List <Point> points = new List <Point>(); if (list.Count > 0) { foreach (scue_user user in list) { string str = user.POINTS; string[] strs = str.Split(','); for (int i = 0; i < strs.Length - 1; i++) { string[] p = strs[i].Split(':'); string strx = p[0]; string stry = p[1]; Point point = new Point { lng = Convert.ToDouble(strx), lat = Convert.ToDouble(stry), time = p[2] + ":" + p[3] + ":" + p[4] }; points.Add(point); } } return(points); } else { return(null); } // return points; }