Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns true if the server is running in a local LAN
        /// </summary>
        private static bool ServerIsInLocalLan(IPEndPoint serverEndPoint)
            var ownNetwork = LunaNetUtils.GetOwnInternalIPv6Network();

            if (ownNetwork != null && serverEndPoint.AddressFamily == AddressFamily.InterNetworkV6)
                // For IPv6, we strip both addresses down to the subnet portion (likely the first 64 bits) and compare them.
                // Because we only receive Global Unique Addresses from GetOwnInternalIPv6Network() (which are globally
                // unique, as the name suggests and the RFCs define), those being equal should mean both are on the same network.
                var ownBytes    = ownNetwork.Address.GetAddressBytes();
                var serverBytes = serverEndPoint.Address.GetAddressBytes();
                // TODO IPv6: We currently assume an on-link prefix length of 64 bits, which is the most common case
                // and standardized as per the RFCs. UnicastIPAddressInformation.PrefixLength is not implemented yet,
                // and also wouldn't be reliable (hosts often assign their address as /128). A possible solution could be
                // checking whether serverEndPoint matches any configured on-link/no-gateway route.
                Array.Resize(ref ownBytes, 8);
                Array.Resize(ref serverBytes, 8);
                if (ownBytes == serverBytes)

            return(Equals(LunaNetUtils.GetOwnExternalIpAddress(), serverEndPoint.Address));
        public Server(MsRegisterServerMsgData msg, IPEndPoint externalEndpoint)
            Id = msg.Id;
            ExternalEndpoint = IsLocalIpAddress(externalEndpoint.Address) ?
                               new IPEndPoint(LunaNetUtils.GetOwnExternalIpAddress(), externalEndpoint.Port) :

Exemple #3
        private static void CheckMasterServerListed()
            var ownEndpoint = new IPEndPoint(LunaNetUtils.GetOwnExternalIpAddress(), Port);

            if (!MasterServerRetriever.MasterServers.Contains(ownEndpoint))
                LunaLog.Error($"You're not in the master-servers URL ({RepoConstants.MasterServersListShortUrl}) Clients/Servers won't see you");
                LunaLog.Normal("Own ip correctly listed in master - servers URL");
        private static void CheckMasterServerListed()
            var servers     = MasterServerRetriever.RetrieveWorkingMasterServersEndpoints();
            var ownEndpoint = $"{LunaNetUtils.GetOwnExternalIpAddress()}:{Port}";

            if (!servers.Contains(ownEndpoint))
                ConsoleLogger.Log(LogLevels.Error, $"You're not in the master-servers URL ({RepoConstants.MasterServersListShortUrl}) " +
                                  "Clients/Servers won't see you");
                ConsoleLogger.Log(LogLevels.Normal, "Own ip correctly listed in master - servers URL");
Exemple #5
        private static void CheckMasterServerListed()
            var ownAddress = LunaNetUtils.GetOwnExternalIpAddress();

            if (ownAddress != null)
                var ownEndpoint = new IPEndPoint(ownAddress, Port);
                if (!MasterServerRetriever.MasterServers.Contains(ownEndpoint))
                    LunaLog.Error($"You're not listed in the master servers list ({RepoConstants.MasterServersListShortUrl}). Clients/Servers won't see you");
                    LunaLog.Normal("You're correctly listed in the master servers list");
                LunaLog.Error("Could not retrieve own external IP address, master server likely won't function properly");
Exemple #6
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns true if the server is running in a local LAN
 /// </summary>
 private static bool ServerIsInLocalLan(IPEndPoint serverEndPoint)
     return(LunaNetUtils.GetOwnExternalIpAddress() == serverEndPoint.Address.ToString());
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns true if the server is running in a local LAN
 /// </summary>
 private static bool ServerIsInLocalLan(IPEndPoint serverEndPoint)
     return(Equals(LunaNetUtils.GetOwnExternalIpAddress(), serverEndPoint.Address));
Exemple #8
        public Server(MsRegisterServerMsgData msg, IPEndPoint externalEndpoint)
            ExternalEndpoint = IsLocalIpAddress(externalEndpoint.Address) ? new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(LunaNetUtils.GetOwnExternalIpAddress()), externalEndpoint.Port) :

            InternalEndpoint = Common.CreateEndpointFromString(msg.InternalEndpoint);
            LastRegisterTime = LunaNetworkTime.UtcNow.Ticks;
            Info             = new ServerInfo
                Id = msg.Id,
                ExternalEndpoint             = $"{ExternalEndpoint.Address}:{ExternalEndpoint.Port}",
                InternalEndpoint             = $"{InternalEndpoint.Address}:{InternalEndpoint.Port}",
                Cheats                       = msg.Cheats,
                Password                     = msg.Password,
                ServerVersion                = msg.ServerVersion,
                Description                  = msg.Description,
                Website                      = msg.Website,
                WebsiteText                  = msg.WebsiteText,
                DropControlOnExit            = msg.DropControlOnExit,
                DropControlOnExitFlight      = msg.DropControlOnExitFlight,
                DropControlOnVesselSwitching = msg.DropControlOnVesselSwitching,
                GameMode                     = msg.GameMode,
                MaxPlayers                   = msg.MaxPlayers,
                ModControl                   = msg.ModControl,
                PlayerCount                  = msg.PlayerCount,
                ServerName                   = msg.ServerName,
                WarpMode                     = msg.WarpMode,
                TerrainQuality               = msg.TerrainQuality,

            SetCountryFromEndpoint(Info, ExternalEndpoint);

            Info.ServerName  = Info.ServerName.Length > 30 ? Info.ServerName.Substring(0, 30) : Info.ServerName;
            Info.Description = Info.Description.Length > 200 ? Info.Description.Substring(0, 200) : Info.Description;
            Info.Website     = Info.Website.Length > 60 ? Info.Website.Substring(0, 60) : Info.Website;
            Info.WebsiteText = Info.WebsiteText.Length > 15 ? Info.WebsiteText.Substring(0, 15) : Info.WebsiteText;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Info.Website) && !Info.Website.Contains("://"))
                Info.Website = "http://" + Info.Website;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Info.WebsiteText) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Info.Website))
                Info.WebsiteText = "URL";
Exemple #9
        public Server(MsRegisterServerMsgData msg, IPEndPoint externalEndpoint)
            ExternalEndpoint = IsLocalIpAddress(externalEndpoint.Address) ? new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(LunaNetUtils.GetOwnExternalIpAddress()), externalEndpoint.Port) :

            InternalEndpoint = Common.CreateEndpointFromString(msg.InternalEndpoint);
            LastRegisterTime = LunaTime.UtcNow.Ticks;
            Info             = new ServerInfo
                Id = msg.Id,
                ExternalEndpoint             = $"{ExternalEndpoint.Address}:{ExternalEndpoint.Port}",
                InternalEndpoint             = $"{InternalEndpoint.Address}:{InternalEndpoint.Port}",
                Cheats                       = msg.Cheats,
                Password                     = msg.Password,
                ServerVersion                = msg.ServerVersion,
                ShowVesselsInThePast         = msg.ShowVesselsInThePast,
                Description                  = msg.Description,
                DropControlOnExit            = msg.DropControlOnExit,
                DropControlOnExitFlight      = msg.DropControlOnExitFlight,
                DropControlOnVesselSwitching = msg.DropControlOnVesselSwitching,
                GameMode                     = msg.GameMode,
                MaxPlayers                   = msg.MaxPlayers,
                ModControl                   = msg.ModControl,
                PlayerCount                  = msg.PlayerCount,
                ServerName                   = msg.ServerName,
                WarpMode                     = msg.WarpMode,
                TerrainQuality               = msg.TerrainQuality

            Info.ServerName  = Info.ServerName.Length > 30 ? Info.ServerName.Substring(0, 30) : Info.ServerName;
            Info.Description = Info.Description.Length > 200 ? Info.Description.Substring(0, 200) : Info.Description;