/// <summary>
        /// read the Csv File and fill the DataTable in the DataSet
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dataSet"></param>
        /// <param name="dataTableName"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public int Fill(DataSet dataSet, string dataTableName = "Table")
            DataTable dt = new DataTable(dataTableName);


            int fieldCount = reader.FieldCount;

            string[] headers = reader.GetFieldHeaders();

            foreach (string s in headers)

            int nbRows = 0;

            while (reader.ReadNextRecord())
                DataRow row = dt.NewRow();

                for (int i = 0; i < fieldCount; i++)
                    row.SetField(headers[i], reader[i]);
        // Declaration of ReadRecords Method
        /// <summary>
        /// Catches all type of exceptions generated.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="passHeader"></param>
        /// <param name="in_delimeter"></param>
        /// <param name="filePath"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public object ReadRecords(string[] passHeader = null, char in_delimeter = ',', string filePath = null)
                if (!filePath.Contains(".csv"))
                    throw new CensusAnalyserException(CensusAnalyserException.ExceptionType.INVALID_EXTENSION_OF_FILE, "Invalid Extension of file");
                else if (!filePath.Contains(actualPath))
                    throw new CensusAnalyserException(CensusAnalyserException.ExceptionType.FILE_NOT_FOUND, "Invalid file");

                // streams are used to read/write data from csv files
                //CsvReader is open source C# library to read CSV data from strings/textFiles

                CsvReader csvRecords = new CsvReader(new StreamReader(filePath), true);
                int       fieldCount = csvRecords.FieldCount;
                string[]  headers    = csvRecords.GetFieldHeaders();
                delimeter = csvRecords.Delimiter;

                // string ArrayList
                List <string[]> record = new List <string[]>();
                while (csvRecords.ReadNextRecord())
                    string[] tempRecord = new string[fieldCount];

                if (numberOfRecord == 0)
                    throw new CSVException(CSVException.ExceptionType.FILE_IS_EMPTY, "This file does not contains any data");
                if (!in_delimeter.Equals(delimeter))
                    throw new CensusAnalyserException(CensusAnalyserException.ExceptionType.INCORRECT_DELIMETER, "Incorrect Delimeter");
                else if (!IsHeaderSame(passHeader, headers))
                    throw new CensusAnalyserException(CensusAnalyserException.ExceptionType.INVALID_HEADER_ERROR, "Invalid Header");
            catch (CensusAnalyserException file_not_found)
            catch (CSVException emptyFileException)
            catch (Exception exception)
                throw new Exception(exception.Message);
        //private void OnConfiguration(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)


        private void OnImportInventory(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            OpenFileDialog diag = new OpenFileDialog();

            diag.Title           = "Select File for Import";
            diag.Filter          = "Comma Delimited|*.csv|All Files|*.*";
            diag.CheckFileExists = true;
            diag.CheckPathExists = true;
            diag.DefaultExt      = "csv";
            diag.Multiselect     = false;

            if (diag.ShowDialog() == true)
                using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(diag.FileName))
                    LumenWorks.Framework.IO.Csv.CsvReader csv = new LumenWorks.Framework.IO.Csv.CsvReader(sr, true);

                    int      fieldCount = csv.FieldCount;
                    string[] headers    = csv.GetFieldHeaders();

                    while (csv.ReadNextRecord())
                        ActiveInventoryObject Inv = new ActiveInventoryObject();

                        int i = 0;

                        Inv.UPC = csv[0];

                        Inv.Distributor = csv[1];
                        Inv.SKU         = csv[2];
                        Inv.Description = csv[3];
                        Inv.Category    = csv[4];
                        if (int.TryParse(csv[5], out i))
                            Inv.Quantity = i;

                        Inv.WholeSalePrice = Configuration.CurrencyToDecimal(csv[6]);

                        Inv.MSRP = Configuration.CurrencyToDecimal(csv[7]);

                        Inv.AdditionalOverhead = Configuration.CurrencyToDecimal(csv[8]);

                        Inv.DescriptionShort = Inv.Description;
                        Inv.Manufacturer     = csv[14];

                MessageBox.Show("Process Complete.");
        //private void OnConfiguration(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)


        private void OnImportInventory(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            OpenFileDialog diag = new OpenFileDialog();
            diag.Title = "Select File for Import";
            diag.Filter = "Comma Delimited|*.csv|All Files|*.*";
            diag.CheckFileExists = true;
            diag.CheckPathExists = true;
            diag.DefaultExt = "csv";
            diag.Multiselect = false;

            if (diag.ShowDialog() == true)
                using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(diag.FileName))
                    LumenWorks.Framework.IO.Csv.CsvReader csv = new LumenWorks.Framework.IO.Csv.CsvReader(sr, true);

                    int fieldCount = csv.FieldCount;
                    string[] headers = csv.GetFieldHeaders();

                    while (csv.ReadNextRecord())
                        ActiveInventoryObject Inv = new ActiveInventoryObject();

                        int i = 0;

                        Inv.UPC = csv[0];

                        Inv.Distributor = csv[1];
                        Inv.SKU = csv[2];
                        Inv.Description = csv[3];
                        Inv.Category = csv[4];
                        if (int.TryParse(csv[5], out i))
                            Inv.Quantity = i;

                        Inv.WholeSalePrice = Configuration.CurrencyToDecimal(csv[6]);

                        Inv.MSRP = Configuration.CurrencyToDecimal(csv[7]);

                        Inv.AdditionalOverhead = Configuration.CurrencyToDecimal(csv[8]);

                        Inv.DescriptionShort = Inv.Description;
                        Inv.Manufacturer = csv[14];


                MessageBox.Show("Process Complete.");

    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (Request["testing"] == "true")
          //fdata.DataSource = csv;

          List<PayPalRecord> PayPalRecords = new List<PayPalRecord>();

          decimal totalfees  = Decimal.Parse("0.0");
          decimal totalgross = Decimal.Parse("0.0");
          decimal totalnet   = Decimal.Parse("0.0");
          string  text       = "";
          foreach (string directory in Directory.GetDirectories(@"W:\Projects\Weavver\Accounting\Paypal"))
               foreach (string file in Directory.GetFiles(directory))
                    if (!file.EndsWith(".txt"))

                    LumenWorks.Framework.IO.Csv.CsvReader csv = new LumenWorks.Framework.IO.Csv.CsvReader(new StreamReader(file), true, '\t');

                    int fieldCount = csv.FieldCount;
                    string[] headers = csv.GetFieldHeaders();
                    decimal fees  = Decimal.Parse("0.0");
                    decimal gross = Decimal.Parse("0.0");
                    decimal net   = Decimal.Parse("0.0");

                    while (csv.ReadNextRecord())
                         string itemtitle = null;
                              itemtitle = csv["Item Title"];
                         catch (Exception ex)
                              ShowError(ex, "Import error");
                         if (itemtitle == "Snap Pro")
                              PayPalRecord item = new PayPalRecord();
                              item.Date                = csv["Date"];
                              item.Time                = csv["Time"];
                              item.TimeZone            = csv["Time Zone"];
                              item.Name                = csv["Name"];
                              item.Type                = csv["Type"];
                              item.Status              = csv["Status"];
                              item.Currency            = csv["Currency"];
                              item.Gross               = csv["Gross"];
                              item.Net                 = csv["Net"];
                              item.FromEmailAddress    = csv["From Email Address"];
                              item.ToEmailAddress      = csv["To Email Address"];
                              item.TransactionID       = csv["Transaction ID"];
                              item.CounterpartyStatus  = csv["Counterparty Status"];
                              item.ShippingAddress     = csv["Shipping Address"];
                              item.AddressStatus       = csv["Address Status"];
                              item.ItemTitle           = csv["Item Title"];
                              item.ItemID              = csv["Item ID"];
                              item.ShippingandHandlingAmount = Decimal.Parse(csv["Shipping and Handling Amount"]);
                              item.InsuranceAmount     = csv["Insurance Amount"];
                              item.SalesTax            = Decimal.Parse(csv["Sales Tax"]);
                              item.Option1Name         = csv["Option 1 Name"];
                              item.Option1Value        = csv["Option 1 Value"];
                              item.Option2Name         = csv["Option 2 Name"];
                              item.Option2Value        = csv["Option 2 Value"];
                              item.AuctionSite         = csv["Auction Site"];
                              item.BuyerID             = csv["Buyer ID"];
                              item.ReferenceTxnID      = csv["Reference Txn ID"];
                              item.InvoiceNumber       = csv["Invoice Number"];
                              item.CustomNumber        = csv["Custom Number"];
                              item.ReceiptID           = csv["Receipt ID"];
                              item.Balance             = csv["Balance"];
                              item.ContactPhoneNumber  = csv["Contact Phone Number"];
                              item.BalanceImpact       = csv["Balance Impact"];


                              fees                     += Decimal.Parse(csv["Fee"]);
                              gross                    += Decimal.Parse(csv["Gross"]);
                              net                      += Decimal.Parse(csv["Net"]);
                    text       += "<hr />";
                    totalfees  += fees;
                    totalgross += gross;
                    totalnet   += net;

          fdata.DataSource = PayPalRecords;

          //for (int i = 0; i < PayPalRecords.Count; i++)
          //     PayPalRecords[i].Commit();

          //FileData.Text  = text;
          //totalfees      = -1 * totalfees;
          //Fees.Text      = "Fees: $" + totalfees.ToString();
          //Totals.Text    = "Gross: $" + totalgross.ToString();
          //Net.Text       = "Net: $" + totalnet.ToString();

          //Net.Text        += "<br>Total Records: " + PayPalRecords.Count;
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (Request["testing"] == "true")
        //fdata.DataSource = csv;

        List <PayPalRecord> PayPalRecords = new List <PayPalRecord>();

        decimal totalfees  = Decimal.Parse("0.0");
        decimal totalgross = Decimal.Parse("0.0");
        decimal totalnet   = Decimal.Parse("0.0");
        string  text       = "";

        foreach (string directory in Directory.GetDirectories(@"W:\Projects\Weavver\Accounting\Paypal"))
            foreach (string file in Directory.GetFiles(directory))
                if (!file.EndsWith(".txt"))

                LumenWorks.Framework.IO.Csv.CsvReader csv = new LumenWorks.Framework.IO.Csv.CsvReader(new StreamReader(file), true, '\t');

                int      fieldCount = csv.FieldCount;
                string[] headers    = csv.GetFieldHeaders();
                decimal  fees       = Decimal.Parse("0.0");
                decimal  gross      = Decimal.Parse("0.0");
                decimal  net        = Decimal.Parse("0.0");

                while (csv.ReadNextRecord())
                    string itemtitle = null;
                        itemtitle = csv["Item Title"];
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        ShowError(ex, "Import error");
                    if (itemtitle == "Snap Pro")
                        PayPalRecord item = new PayPalRecord();
                        item.Date                      = csv["Date"];
                        item.Time                      = csv["Time"];
                        item.TimeZone                  = csv["Time Zone"];
                        item.Name                      = csv["Name"];
                        item.Type                      = csv["Type"];
                        item.Status                    = csv["Status"];
                        item.Currency                  = csv["Currency"];
                        item.Gross                     = csv["Gross"];
                        item.Net                       = csv["Net"];
                        item.FromEmailAddress          = csv["From Email Address"];
                        item.ToEmailAddress            = csv["To Email Address"];
                        item.TransactionID             = csv["Transaction ID"];
                        item.CounterpartyStatus        = csv["Counterparty Status"];
                        item.ShippingAddress           = csv["Shipping Address"];
                        item.AddressStatus             = csv["Address Status"];
                        item.ItemTitle                 = csv["Item Title"];
                        item.ItemID                    = csv["Item ID"];
                        item.ShippingandHandlingAmount = Decimal.Parse(csv["Shipping and Handling Amount"]);
                        item.InsuranceAmount           = csv["Insurance Amount"];
                        item.SalesTax                  = Decimal.Parse(csv["Sales Tax"]);
                        item.Option1Name               = csv["Option 1 Name"];
                        item.Option1Value              = csv["Option 1 Value"];
                        item.Option2Name               = csv["Option 2 Name"];
                        item.Option2Value              = csv["Option 2 Value"];
                        item.AuctionSite               = csv["Auction Site"];
                        item.BuyerID                   = csv["Buyer ID"];
                        item.ReferenceTxnID            = csv["Reference Txn ID"];
                        item.InvoiceNumber             = csv["Invoice Number"];
                        item.CustomNumber              = csv["Custom Number"];
                        item.ReceiptID                 = csv["Receipt ID"];
                        item.Balance                   = csv["Balance"];
                        item.ContactPhoneNumber        = csv["Contact Phone Number"];
                        item.BalanceImpact             = csv["Balance Impact"];


                        fees  += Decimal.Parse(csv["Fee"]);
                        gross += Decimal.Parse(csv["Gross"]);
                        net   += Decimal.Parse(csv["Net"]);
                text       += "<hr />";
                totalfees  += fees;
                totalgross += gross;
                totalnet   += net;

        fdata.DataSource = PayPalRecords;

        //for (int i = 0; i < PayPalRecords.Count; i++)
        //     PayPalRecords[i].Commit();

        //FileData.Text  = text;
        //totalfees      = -1 * totalfees;
        //Fees.Text      = "Fees: $" + totalfees.ToString();
        //Totals.Text    = "Gross: $" + totalgross.ToString();
        //Net.Text       = "Net: $" + totalnet.ToString();

        //Net.Text        += "<br>Total Records: " + PayPalRecords.Count;