protected virtual void Start()
		// getting the mask sensor
		_maskSensor = GetComponent<MaskSensor>();
		// we get the player from its tag
		_playerTransform = GameManager.Instance.Player.transform;
		if (_playerTransform == null || _maskSensor == null) 
			Debug.LogError ("Destroying enemy object " + + " since the player variable is not initialized.");
			GameObject.Destroy (this);
		LastFlipToPlayer = Time.time;
	protected virtual void Start()
		// getting the mask sensor
		_maskSensor = GetComponent<MaskSensor>();
		// we get the CorgiController2D component
		_controller = GetComponent<CorgiController>();
		// we get the player from its tag
		_playerTransform = GameManager.Instance.Player.transform;
		if (_playerTransform == null || _controller == null || _maskSensor == null) 
			Debug.LogError ("Destroying enemy object " + + " since its variables are not initialized.");
			GameObject.Destroy (this);
