private void Load(Dsl.DslFile dataFile) { lock (m_Lock) { for (int i = 0; i < dataFile.DslInfos.Count; i++) { if (dataFile.DslInfos[i].GetId() == "skill") { Dsl.FunctionData funcData = dataFile.DslInfos[i].First; if (null != funcData) { Dsl.CallData callData = funcData.Call; if (null != callData && callData.HaveParam()) { int id = int.Parse(callData.GetParamId(0)); if (!m_SkillInstances.ContainsKey(id)) { SkillInstance instance = new SkillInstance(); instance.Init(dataFile.DslInfos[i]); m_SkillInstances.Add(id, instance); LogSystem.Debug("ParseSkill {0}", id); } //else //{ //repeated skill config. //} } } } } } }
public static object Decode(byte[] msgbuf) { int id = (int)(((int)msgbuf[0] << 8) | ((int)msgbuf[1])); if (id < 0) { LogSystem.Debug("decode error:message id({0}) error !!!", id); return(null); } if (m_DicIDMsg.ContainsKey(id)) { Type t = m_DicIDMsg[id]; m_Stream.SetLength(0); m_Stream.Write(msgbuf, 2, msgbuf.Length - 2); m_Stream.Position = 0; object msg = m_Serializer.Deserialize(m_Stream, null, t); if (msg == null) { LogSystem.Debug("decode error:can't find id {0} !!!", id); return(null); } return(msg); } return(null); }
internal void SendMessage(object msg) { if (!m_IsConnected) { return; } NetOutgoingMessage om = m_NetClient.CreateMessage(); byte[] bt = Serialize.Encode(msg); om.Write(bt); NetSendResult result = m_NetClient.SendMessage(om, NetDeliveryMethod.ReliableOrdered); if (result == NetSendResult.FailedNotConnected) { m_IsConnected = false; m_WaitDisconnect = false; m_CanSendMessage = false; LogSystem.Debug("{0} SendMessage FailedNotConnected {1}", Robot.LobbyNetworkSystem.User, LobbyRobot.Robot.GetDateTime()); } else if (result == NetSendResult.Dropped) { LogSystem.Error("{0} SendMessage {1} Dropped {2}", Robot.LobbyNetworkSystem.User, msg.ToString(), LobbyRobot.Robot.GetDateTime()); } m_NetClient.FlushSendQueue(); }
private void Load(int id, Dsl.FunctionData funcData) { if (null != funcData) { string key = funcData.GetId(); if (key == "skill" || key == "skilldsl") { Dsl.CallData callData = funcData.Call; if (null != callData) { int dslId = id; if (callData.HaveParam()) { dslId = int.Parse(callData.GetParamId(0)); } SkillInstance instance = new SkillInstance(); instance.Init(funcData); instance.OuterDslSkillId = dslId; if (!m_SkillInstances.ContainsKey(dslId)) { m_SkillInstances.Add(dslId, instance); } else { m_SkillInstances[dslId] = instance; } LogSystem.Debug("ParseSkill {0}", dslId); } } } }
internal void Tick() { try { if (m_NetClient == null) { return; } long curTime = TimeUtility.GetLocalMilliseconds(); if (m_IsConnected && m_CanSendMessage) { if (curTime - m_LastPingTime >= m_PingInterval) { InternalPing(); } } ProcessMsg(); if (m_WaitDisconnect && m_WaitDisconnectTime + 5000 < curTime) { m_WaitDisconnect = false; LogSystem.Debug("{0} auth failed, restart match !!! {1}", Robot.LobbyNetworkSystem.User, LobbyRobot.Robot.GetDateTime()); QuitBattle(true); Robot.LobbyNetworkSystem.QuitRoom(); Robot.StorySystem.SendMessage("missionfailed"); } } catch (Exception e) { LogSystem.Error("{0} Exception:{1}\n{2}", Robot.LobbyNetworkSystem.User, e.Message, e.StackTrace); } }
private List <T> ConvertNumericList <T>(string vec) { List <T> list = new List <T>(); string strPos = vec; string[] resut = strPos.Split(new string[] { ",", " " }, StringSplitOptions.None); try { if (resut != null && resut.Length > 0 && resut[0] != "") { for (int index = 0; index < resut.Length; index++) { list.Add((T)Convert.ChangeType(resut[index], typeof(T))); } } } catch (System.Exception ex) { string info = string.Format("ExtractNumeric Error vec:{0} ex:{1} stacktrace:{2}", vec, ex.Message, ex.StackTrace); LogSystem.Debug(info); list.Clear(); } return(list); }
public void OnPong(long time, long sendPingTime, long sendPongTime) { if (time < sendPingTime) { return; } ++m_PingPongNumber; long rtt = time - sendPingTime; if (TimeUtility.AverageRoundtripTime == 0) { TimeUtility.AverageRoundtripTime = rtt; } else { TimeUtility.AverageRoundtripTime = (long)(TimeUtility.AverageRoundtripTime * 0.7f + rtt * 0.3f); } LogSystem.Debug("RoundtripTime:{0} AverageRoundtripTime:{1}", rtt, TimeUtility.AverageRoundtripTime); long diff = sendPongTime + rtt / 2 - time; TimeUtility.RemoteTimeOffset = (TimeUtility.RemoteTimeOffset * (m_PingPongNumber - 1) + diff) / m_PingPongNumber; }
private void HandleGetOnlineTimeRewardResult(JsonMessage lobbyMsg) { JsonData jsonData = lobbyMsg.m_JsonData; ArkCrossEngineMessage.Msg_LC_GetOnlineTimeRewardResult protoData = lobbyMsg.m_ProtoData as ArkCrossEngineMessage.Msg_LC_GetOnlineTimeRewardResult; RoleInfo role = LobbyClient.Instance.CurrentRole; if (null != protoData) { if (protoData.m_ResultCode == (int)GeneralOperationResult.LC_Succeed) { // 成功 if (!role.OnLineDurationRewardedIndex.Contains(protoData.m_Index)) { role.OnLineDurationRewardedIndex.Add(protoData.m_Index); LogSystem.Debug("GetOnlineTimeRewardResult succed"); } } else if (protoData.m_ResultCode == (int)GeneralOperationResult.LC_Failure_Code_Used) { LogSystem.Debug("GetOnlineTimeRewardResult alread get"); // 已经领取 } else if (protoData.m_ResultCode == (int)GeneralOperationResult.LC_Failure_Time) { LogSystem.Debug("GetOnlineTimeRewardResult time not OK"); // 时间不够 } else { // 未知错误 } } }
internal void ConnectIfNotOpen() { if (!IsConnected) { m_LastReceiveHeartbeatTime = 0; m_LastQueueingTime = 0; m_LastShowQueueingNum = 0; m_LastConnectTime = TimeUtility.GetLocalMilliseconds(); LogSystem.Debug("ConnectIfNotOpen at time:{0} ServerAddress:{1}", m_LastConnectTime, m_Url); WorldSystem.Instance.WaitMatchSceneId = -1; m_IsLogining = true; m_IsQueueing = false; #if !PLATFORM_WEBGL m_WebSocket = new WebSocket4Net.WebSocket(m_Url); #else m_WebSocket = WebSocketWrapper.Instance; m_WebSocket.SetUrl(m_Url); #endif m_WebSocket.AllowUnstrustedCertificate = true; m_WebSocket.EnableAutoSendPing = true; m_WebSocket.AutoSendPingInterval = 10; m_WebSocket.Opened += OnWsOpened; m_WebSocket.MessageReceived += OnWsMessageReceived; m_WebSocket.DataReceived += OnWsDataReceived; m_WebSocket.Error += OnWsError; m_WebSocket.Closed += OnWsClosed; m_WebSocket.Open(); } }
public bool CheckRoadBlock(Vector3 start, Vector3 end, Vector3[] polygon, out Vector3 roadBlock) { bool ret = false; List <CellPos> cells = cell_manager_.GetCellsCrossByLine(start, end); Vector3 blockPos = new Vector3(); VisitCellsCrossByLine(start, end, (int row, int col) => { byte status = cell_manager_.cells_arr_[row, col]; byte block = BlockType.GetBlockType(status); byte subtype = BlockType.GetBlockSubType(status); if (BlockType.NOT_BLOCK != block && BlockType.SUBTYPE_ROADBLOCK == subtype) { Vector3 pos = cell_manager_.GetCellCenter(row, col); if (Geometry.PointInPolygon(pos, polygon, 0, polygon.Length) > 0) { blockPos = pos; ret = true; LogSystem.Debug("CheckRoadBlock {0} -> {1} find roadblock {2}", start.ToString(), end.ToString(), pos.ToString()); return(false); } } return(true); }); roadBlock = blockPos; return(ret); }
private void NetworkThread() { while (!m_IsQuited) { if (m_IsWaitStart) { Thread.Sleep(1000); } else { while (!m_IsQuited && !m_IsConnected && !m_IsWaitStart) { LogSystem.Debug("{0} Connect ip:{1} port:{2} key:{3} {4}\nNetPeer Statistic:{5}", Robot.LobbyNetworkSystem.User, m_Ip, m_Port, m_Key, LobbyRobot.Robot.GetDateTime(), m_NetClient.Statistics.ToString()); try { m_NetClient.Connect(m_Ip, m_Port); } catch { } for (int ct = 0; ct < 10 && !m_IsConnected; ++ct) { OnRecvMessage(); LogSystem.Debug("{0} Wait NetConnectionStatus.Connected ... {1}", Robot.LobbyNetworkSystem.User, LobbyRobot.Robot.GetDateTime()); if (!m_IsConnected) { Thread.Sleep(1000); } } } OnRecvMessage(); } } }
internal void SendMessage(object msg) { try { if (!m_IsConnected) { return; } NetOutgoingMessage om = m_NetClient.CreateMessage(); byte[] bt = Serialize.Encode(msg); om.Write(bt); NetSendResult result = m_NetClient.SendMessage(om, NetDeliveryMethod.ReliableOrdered); if (result == NetSendResult.FailedNotConnected) { m_IsConnected = false; m_WaitDisconnect = false; m_CanSendMessage = false; LogSystem.Debug("SendMessage FailedNotConnected"); } else if (result == NetSendResult.Dropped) { LogSystem.Error("SendMessage {0} Dropped", msg.ToString()); } m_NetClient.FlushSendQueue(); } catch (Exception ex) { LogSystem.Error("NetworkSystem.SendMessage throw Exception:{0}\n{1}", ex.Message, ex.StackTrace); } }
private void CustomNetWorkThread(int pharse) { if (m_IsWaitStart) { return; } if (pharse == 1) { if (!m_IsQuited && !m_IsConnected && !m_IsWaitStart) { LogSystem.Debug("Connect ip:{0} port:{1} key:{2}\nNetPeer Statistic:{3}", m_Ip, m_Port, m_Key, m_NetClient.Statistics.ToString()); GameControler.NotifyRoomServerDisconnected(); try { m_NetClient.Connect(m_Ip, m_Port); } catch { } for (int ct = 0; ct < 10 && !m_IsConnected; ++ct) { OnRecvMessage(); LogSystem.Debug("Wait NetConnectionStatus.Connected ..."); if (!m_IsConnected) { Thread.Sleep(1000); } } } OnRecvMessage(); } }
private void Load(int id, Dsl.DslFile dataFile) { lock (m_Lock) { for (int i = 0; i < dataFile.DslInfos.Count; i++) { if (dataFile.DslInfos[i].GetId() == "skill") { Dsl.FunctionData funcData = dataFile.DslInfos[i].First; if (null != funcData) { Dsl.CallData callData = funcData.Call; if (null != callData) { int dslId = id; if (callData.HaveParam()) { dslId = int.Parse(callData.GetParamId(0)); } if (!m_SkillInstances.ContainsKey(dslId)) { SkillInstance instance = new SkillInstance(); instance.Init(dataFile.DslInfos[i]); instance.OuterDslSkillId = dslId; m_SkillInstances.Add(dslId, instance); LogSystem.Debug("ParseSkill {0}", dslId); } } } } } } }
private void OnRecvMessage() { m_NetClient.MessageReceivedEvent.WaitOne(1000); NetIncomingMessage im; while ((im = m_NetClient.ReadMessage()) != null) { switch (im.MessageType) { case NetIncomingMessageType.DebugMessage: case NetIncomingMessageType.VerboseDebugMessage: LogSystem.Debug("Debug Message: {0}", im.ReadString()); break; case NetIncomingMessageType.ErrorMessage: LogSystem.Debug("Error Message: {0}", im.ReadString()); break; case NetIncomingMessageType.WarningMessage: LogSystem.Debug("Warning Message: {0}", im.ReadString()); break; case NetIncomingMessageType.StatusChanged: NetConnectionStatus status = im.SenderConnection.Status; string reason = im.ReadString(); LogSystem.Debug("Network Status Changed:{0} Reason:{1}\nStatistic:{2}", status.ToString(), reason, im.SenderConnection.Statistics.ToString()); if (NetConnectionStatus.Disconnected == status) { m_IsConnected = false; } else if (NetConnectionStatus.Connected == status) { OnConnected(im.SenderConnection); } break; case NetIncomingMessageType.Data: if (m_IsConnected == false) { break; } try { object msg = Serialize.Decode(im.ReadBytes(im.LengthBytes)); if (msg != null) { PushMsg(msg, im.SenderConnection); } } catch (Exception ex) { GfxSystem.GfxLog("Decode Message exception:{0}\n{1}", ex.Message, ex.StackTrace); } break; default: break; } m_NetClient.Recycle(im); } }
protected void Logging(string message, LogType en) { try { try { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(MethodName)) { MethodName = string.Format("{0}", new System.Diagnostics.StackTrace().GetFrame(1).GetMethod().Name); } } catch (Exception ex) { LogSystem.Error(ex); } string threadInfo = GetThreadId(); message = new StringBuilder().Append("- ClassName: ").Append(ClassName) .Append("\n- MethodName: ").Append(MethodName). Append("\n- UserName: "******"\n- ThreadInfo: ").Append(threadInfo) .Append(message).ToString(); switch (en) { case LogType.Debug: LogSystem.Debug(message); break; case LogType.Info: LogSystem.Info(message); break; case LogType.Warn: LogSystem.Warn(message); break; case LogType.Error: LogSystem.Error(message); break; case LogType.Fatal: LogSystem.Fatal(message); break; default: break; } } catch (Exception ex) { try { LogSystem.Error("EntityBase.Logging.Exception.", ex); } catch (Exception) { } } }
bool GenerateMatrix() { Vector2 newSize = unclampedGridSize; newSize.x *= Mathf.Sign(newSize.x); newSize.y *= Mathf.Sign(newSize.y); if (nodeSize < newSize.x / (float)maxNodeNumInWidth || nodeSize < newSize.y / (float)maxNodeNumInDepth) { if (m_NodeSizeSelfAdaption) { LogSystem.Debug("Gird width and depth are not able to over num " + maxNodeNumInWidth + " and " + maxNodeNumInDepth + ".\n" + "Node size will be scaled automatically to fit this constraint."); } else { LogSystem.Debug("Gird width and depth are not able to over num " + maxNodeNumInWidth + " and " + maxNodeNumInDepth); return(false); } } float nodeWidthSize = Mathf.Clamp(nodeSize, newSize.x / (float)maxNodeNumInWidth, Mathf.Infinity); float nodeDepthSize = Mathf.Clamp(nodeSize, newSize.y / (float)maxNodeNumInDepth, Mathf.Infinity); nodeSize = Mathf.Max(nodeWidthSize, nodeDepthSize); newSize.x = newSize.x < nodeSize ? nodeSize : newSize.x; newSize.y = newSize.y < nodeSize ? nodeSize : newSize.y; gridSize = newSize; nodeNumInWidth = Mathf.FloorToInt(gridSize.x / nodeSize); nodeNumInDepth = Mathf.FloorToInt(gridSize.y / nodeSize); if (Mathf.Approximately(gridSize.x / nodeSize, Mathf.CeilToInt(gridSize.x / nodeSize))) { nodeNumInWidth = Mathf.CeilToInt(gridSize.x / nodeSize); } if (Mathf.Approximately(gridSize.y / nodeSize, Mathf.CeilToInt(gridSize.y / nodeSize))) { nodeNumInDepth = Mathf.CeilToInt(gridSize.y / nodeSize); } float remainderX = gridSize.x - ((float)nodeNumInWidth * nodeSize); float remainderY = gridSize.y - ((float)nodeNumInDepth * nodeSize); Vector3 newCenter = new Vector3(gridCoordinateCenter.x + remainderX * 0.5f, gridCoordinateCenter.y + 0.5f, gridCoordinateCenter.z + remainderY * 0.5f); Matrix4x4 m = Matrix4x4.TRS(newCenter, Quaternion.Euler(, new Vector3(nodeSize, 1, nodeSize)); m_Matrix = m; m_InverseMatrix = m.inverse; return(true); }
internal static void Execute(object msg, NetConnection conn, NetworkSystem networkSystem) { Msg_RC_NpcTarget targetmsg = msg as Msg_RC_NpcTarget; if (null == targetmsg) { return; } LogSystem.Debug("NpcTarget, npc:{0} target:{1} robot:{2} {3}", targetmsg.npc_id, targetmsg.target_id, networkSystem.Robot.LobbyNetworkSystem.User, LobbyRobot.Robot.GetDateTime()); }
private void Load(ScriptableData.ScriptableDataFile dataFile) { lock (m_Lock) { for (int i = 0; i < dataFile.ScriptableDatas.Count; i++) { if (dataFile.ScriptableDatas[i].GetId() == "skill") { ScriptableData.FunctionData funcData = dataFile.ScriptableDatas[i].First; if (null != funcData) { ScriptableData.CallData callData = funcData.Call; if (null != callData && callData.HaveParam()) { int id = int.Parse(callData.GetParamId(0)); if (!m_SkillInstances.ContainsKey(id)) { SkillInstance instance = new SkillInstance(); instance.Init(dataFile.ScriptableDatas[i]); m_SkillInstances.Add(id, instance); LogSystem.Debug("ParseSkill {0}", id); } //else //{ //repeated skill config. //} } } } } /* * foreach (ScriptableData.ScriptableDataInfo info in dataFile.ScriptableDatas) { * if (info.GetId() == "skill") { * ScriptableData.FunctionData funcData = info.First; * if (null != funcData) { * ScriptableData.CallData callData = funcData.Call; * if (null != callData && callData.HaveParam()) { * int id = int.Parse(callData.GetParamId(0)); * if (!m_SkillInstances.ContainsKey(id)) { * SkillInstance instance = new SkillInstance(); * instance.Init(info); * m_SkillInstances.Add(id, instance); * * LogSystem.Debug("ParseSkill {0}", id); * } else { * //repeated skill config. * } * } * } * } * }*/ } }
public void AddState(State state) { if (state == null) { return; } if (state_dict_.ContainsKey( { LogSystem.Debug("add state failed, state already exist " +; return; } state_dict_.Add(, state); state.fsm = this; }
private void OpenSceneIfPending(DateTime now) { if (_pendingSceneToOpen != null) { LogSystem.Debug("WORLD: opening scene {0}", _pendingSceneToOpen.GetType().Name); // Time. if (_time.SinceGameStart <= float.Epsilon) { _time.MarkAsGameStarted(now); } _time.MarkAsSceneStarted(now); _time.Update(now); // Call new scene initialization, in this moment the scene decide which components will be kept // on world and wich objects will be removed. _pendingSceneToOpen.Initialize(); // Remove the scene survivors from components to remove. var sceneSurvivables = _componentsToRemove .Where(c => (c is ISceneSurvivable) && ((ISceneSurvivable)c).CanSurvive(CurrentScene, _pendingSceneToOpen)); sceneSurvivables.EnableAll(); _componentsToRemove = _componentsToRemove.Except(sceneSurvivables).ToList(); // Remove the components selected by the scene to be removed from world. foreach (var c in _componentsToRemove) { Components.Remove(c); _updatables.Remove(c as IUpdatable); _drawables.Remove(c as IDrawable); PhysicSystem.RemoveCollidable(c as ICollidable); } _componentsToRemove.Clear(); // Change the current world scene. CurrentScene = _pendingSceneToOpen; _pendingSceneToOpen = null; LogSystem.Debug("WORLD: scene opened"); } else { _time.Update(now); } }
private void HandleSyncSignInCount(JsonMessage lobbyMsg) { JsonData jsonData = lobbyMsg.m_JsonData; ArkCrossEngineMessage.Msg_LC_SyncSignInCount protoData = lobbyMsg.m_ProtoData as ArkCrossEngineMessage.Msg_LC_SyncSignInCount; if (null != protoData) { RoleInfo roleInfo = LobbyClient.Instance.CurrentRole; if (null != roleInfo) { roleInfo.RestSignInCount = protoData.m_RestSignInCountCurDay; roleInfo.SignInCountCurMonth = protoData.m_SignInCountCurMonth; GfxSystem.PublishGfxEvent("ge_sync_sign_count", "ui"); } LogSystem.Debug("Sync SignIn Count, count = {0}, cur SignInCountCurMonth = {1}", protoData.m_RestSignInCountCurDay, protoData.m_SignInCountCurMonth); } }
private void SignInAndGetReward() { try { LogSystem.Debug("Try SignIn and GetReward"); JsonMessage msg = new JsonMessage(JsonMessageID.SignInAndGetReward); msg.m_JsonData.Set("m_Guid", m_Guid); ArkCrossEngineMessage.Msg_CL_SignInAndGetReward protoData = new ArkCrossEngineMessage.Msg_CL_SignInAndGetReward(); protoData.m_Guid = m_Guid; msg.m_ProtoData = protoData; SendMessage(msg); } catch (Exception ex) { LogSystem.Error("Exception:{0}\n{1}", ex.Message, ex.StackTrace); } }
internal void Start(uint key, string ip, int port, int heroId, int campId, int sceneId) { StartNetClient(); m_Key = key; m_Ip = ip; m_Port = port; m_HeroId = heroId; m_CampId = campId; m_SceneId = sceneId; m_IsWaitStart = false; m_IsConnected = false; m_WaitDisconnect = false; m_CanSendMessage = false; LogSystem.Debug("NetworkSystem.Start key {0} ip {1} port {2} hero {3} camp {4} scene {5}", key, ip, port, heroId, campId, sceneId); }
private static JsonMessage DecodeJsonMessage(string msgStr) { JsonMessage msg = null; if (s_Inited) { try { #if DEBUG LogSystem.Debug("DecodeJsonMessage:{0}", msgStr); #endif int ix = msgStr.IndexOf('|'); if (ix > 0) { int id = int.Parse(msgStr.Substring(0, ix)); int ix2 = msgStr.IndexOf('|', ix + 1); msg = new JsonMessage(id); if (ix2 > 0) { string jsonStr = msgStr.Substring(ix + 1, ix2 - ix - 1); string protoStr = msgStr.Substring(ix2 + 1); msg.m_JsonData = JsonMapper.ToObject(jsonStr); Type t = s_MessageHandlers[id].m_ProtoType; if (null != t) { byte[] bytes = Convert.FromBase64String(protoStr); msg.m_ProtoData = Encoding.Decode(t, bytes); } } else { string jsonStr = msgStr.Substring(ix + 1); msg.m_JsonData = JsonMapper.ToObject(jsonStr); } } } catch (Exception ex) { LogSystem.Error("[Exception] DecodeJsonMessage:{0} throw:{1}\n{2}", msgStr, ex.Message, ex.StackTrace); } } return(msg); }
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private void HandleSignInAndGetRewardResult(JsonMessage lobbyMsg) { JsonData jsonData = lobbyMsg.m_JsonData; ArkCrossEngineMessage.Msg_LC_SignInAndGetRewardResult protoData = lobbyMsg.m_ProtoData as ArkCrossEngineMessage.Msg_LC_SignInAndGetRewardResult; bool rewardResult = false; if (null != protoData) { if (protoData.m_ResultCode == (int)GeneralOperationResult.LC_Succeed) { // 成功 rewardResult = true; LogSystem.Debug("SignIn succeed"); RoleInfo roleInfo = LobbyClient.Instance.CurrentRole; if (null != roleInfo) { --roleInfo.RestSignInCount; ++roleInfo.SignInCountCurMonth; } } else { if (protoData.m_ResultCode == (int)GeneralOperationResult.LC_Failure_CostError) { // 次数不足 LogSystem.Debug("Do not have enough sign in time."); } else if (protoData.m_ResultCode == (int)GeneralOperationResult.LC_Failure_Overflow) { LogSystem.Debug("Sign in count can not exceed datetime."); // 签到次数不能超过日期数 } else { LogSystem.Debug("Unknonw error."); // 未知错误 } } } GfxSystem.PublishGfxEvent("ge_sign_award_result", "ui", rewardResult); }
public static void MoveChildToNode(GameObject obj, string childname, string nodename) { Transform child = GetChildNodeByName(obj, childname); if (child == null) { LogSystem.Debug("----not find child! {0} on {1}", childname,; return; } Transform togglenode = TriggerUtil.GetChildNodeByName(obj, nodename); if (togglenode == null) { LogSystem.Debug("----not find node! {0} on {1}", nodename,; return; } child.parent = togglenode; child.localRotation = UnityEngine.Quaternion.identity; child.localPosition =; }
internal bool SendMessage(string msgStr) { bool ret = false; try { if (IsConnected) { m_WebSocket.Send(msgStr); #if DEBUG LogSystem.Debug("SendToLobby {0}", msgStr); #endif ret = true; } } catch (Exception ex) { LogSystem.Error("SendMessage throw exception:{0}\n{1}", ex.Message, ex.StackTrace); } return(ret); }
protected void Logging(string message, LogType en) { try { string threadInfo = GetThreadId(); message = new StringBuilder().Append("- RequestUrl: ").Append(RequestUrl) .Append("\n- UserName: "******"\n- ThreadInfo: ").Append(threadInfo) .Append(message).ToString(); switch (en) { case LogType.Debug: LogSystem.Debug(message); break; case LogType.Info: LogSystem.Info(message); break; case LogType.Warn: LogSystem.Warn(message); break; case LogType.Error: LogSystem.Error(message); break; case LogType.Fatal: LogSystem.Fatal(message); break; default: break; } } catch (Exception ex) { LogSystem.Error("AdapterBase.Logging.Exception.", ex); } }
internal object Decode(Type t, byte[] msgbuf) { m_DataStream.SetLength(0); m_DataStream.Write(msgbuf, 0, msgbuf.Length); m_DataStream.Position = 0; try { object msg = m_Serializer.Deserialize(m_DataStream, null, t); if (msg == null) { LogSystem.Debug("decode message error:can't find {0} len({1}) !!!", t.Name, msgbuf.Length); return(null); } //LogSystem.Debug("decode message:id {0} len({1})[{2}]", id, msgbuf.Length - 2, jsonData.GetType().Name); return(msg); } catch (Exception ex) { LogSystem.Error("decode message error:{0} len({1}) {2}\n{3}\nData:\n{4}", t.Name, msgbuf.Length, ex.Message, ex.StackTrace, CrossEngineHelper.BinToHex(msgbuf)); throw ex; } }