Exemple #1
        private Container ICSelector()
            ScrolledWindow sw = new ScrolledWindow();

            ICStore = new ListStore((int)GLib.TypeFundamentals.TypeString, (int)GLib.TypeFundamentals.TypeInt);
            ICView  = new TreeView(ICStore);
            TreeViewColumn col = new TreeViewColumn();
            TreeIter       iter;
            CellRenderer   renderer = new CellRendererText();

            col.Title = "MemberType";
            col.PackStart(renderer, true);
            col.AddAttribute(renderer, "markup", 0);
            ICView.HeadersVisible = false;

            ICStore.Append(out iter);
            ICStore.SetValue(iter, 0, new GLib.Value(ICLabel("all", factory.staticCount + factory.instanceCount)));
            ICStore.SetValue(iter, 1, new GLib.Value((int)(BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Instance)));
            ICStore.Append(out iter);
            ICStore.SetValue(iter, 0, new GLib.Value(ICLabel("instance", factory.instanceCount)));
            ICStore.SetValue(iter, 1, new GLib.Value((int)BindingFlags.Instance));
            ICStore.Append(out iter);
            ICStore.SetValue(iter, 0, new GLib.Value(ICLabel("class", factory.staticCount)));
            ICStore.SetValue(iter, 1, new GLib.Value((int)BindingFlags.Static));

            ICView.Selection.SelectPath(new TreePath("0"));
            ICView.Selection.Changed += new EventHandler(ICSelectionChanged);
            ICView.BorderWidth        = 5;

Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Populates the completion window with data.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="items">List of completion data.</param>
        public void Populate(List<ICompletionItem> items)

            // Add empty first row.
            foreach (ICompletionItem item in items)
                IEnumerable<string> descriptionLines = item.Description?.Split(Environment.NewLine.ToCharArray()).Select(x => x.Trim()).Where(x => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(x)).Take(2);
                string description = descriptionLines?.Count() < 2 ? descriptionLines.FirstOrDefault() : descriptionLines?.Aggregate((x, y) => x + Environment.NewLine + y);
                completionModel.AppendValues(item.Image, item.DisplayText, item.Units, item.ReturnType, description, item.CompletionText, item.IsMethod);
Exemple #3
        private Container MemberSelector()
            ScrolledWindow sw = new ScrolledWindow();

            memberStore = new ListStore((int)GLib.TypeFundamentals.TypeString, (int)GLib.TypeFundamentals.TypeInt);
            MTView      = new TreeView(memberStore);
            TreeViewColumn col = new TreeViewColumn();
            TreeIter       iter;
            CellRenderer   renderer = new CellRendererText();

            col.Title = "MemberType";
            col.PackStart(renderer, true);
            col.AddAttribute(renderer, "markup", 0);
            MTView.HeadersVisible = false;

            foreach (MemberRecordFactory rv in recordFactory)
                memberStore.Append(out iter);
                memberStore.SetValue(iter, 0, new GLib.Value(rv.FullTitle));

            MTView.Selection.SelectPath(new TreePath("0"));
            MTView.Selection.Changed += new EventHandler(MemberFilterSelectionChanged);
            MTView.BorderWidth        = 5;


Exemple #4
        private void UpdateSearchBox()
            _searchResultsStoreCount = 0;

            foreach (var m in Book.SearchTitles(_searchTextView.Buffer.Text))
                _searchResultsStore.SetValue(_searchResultsStore.Append(), 0,
                                             new TitleSearchResult(m.Key, _searchResultsStoreCount, m.Value));

                if (_searchResultsStoreCount >= 100)
            if (_searchResultsStoreCount == 1)
                SelectedIndex = 0;
                SelectedIndex = -1;
Exemple #5
        void addButton_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //create the object
            object instance = System.Activator.CreateInstance(types[0]);

            //get existing selection and insert after it
            TreeIter  oldIter, newIter;
            TreeModel model;

            if (itemTree.Selection.GetSelected(out model, out oldIter))
                newIter = itemStore.InsertAfter(oldIter);
            //or append if no previous selection
                newIter = itemStore.Append();
            itemStore.SetValue(newIter, 0, instance);

            //select, set name and update all the indices
Exemple #6
        public TreeIter NewRow()
            TreeIter rowTreeIter = new TreeIter();

            store.Append(out rowTreeIter);
Exemple #7
        private void FillGrid(int start, int count)
            grid.Model = null;

            int end = start + count;

            if (dataSource.Rows.Count < end)
                end = dataSource.Rows.Count;

            for (int i = start; i < end; i++)
                DataRow row = dataSource.Rows[i];

                TreeIter iter = store.Append();
                for (int j = 0; j < columnCount; j++)
                    //HACK: this is a hack for a bug that doesn't allow gchars in a liststore
                    if (conversionLookup.ContainsKey(j))
                        ConvertObjectFunc func = conversionLookup[j];
                        store.SetValue(iter, j, func(row[j]));
                        store.SetValue(iter, j, row[j]);

            grid.Model = store;
Exemple #8
    public static void Copy(TreeModel tree, TreeIter tree_iter, ListStore list, bool first)
        // Copy this iter's values to the list
        TreeIter list_iter = list.Append();

        for (int i = 0; i < list.NColumns; i++)
            list.SetValue(list_iter, i, tree.GetValue(tree_iter, i));
            if (i == 1)
                //Console.WriteLine("Copying {0}", list.GetValue(list_iter, i));

        // Copy the first child, which will trigger the copy if its siblings (and their children)
        TreeIter child_iter;

        if (tree.IterChildren(out child_iter, tree_iter))
            Copy(tree, child_iter, list, true);

        // Add siblings and their children if we are the first child, otherwise doing so would repeat
        if (first)
            while (tree.IterNext(ref tree_iter))
                Copy(tree, tree_iter, list, false);
        private void FillListView(string serverPath)

            var versionControl = projectCollection.GetService <RepositoryService>();
            var itemSet        = versionControl.QueryItemsExtended(this._currentWorkspace, new ItemSpec(serverPath, RecursionType.OneLevel), DeletedState.NonDeleted, ItemType.Any);

            foreach (var item in itemSet.Skip(1).OrderBy(i => i.ItemType).ThenBy(i => i.TargetServerItem))
                var row = _listStore.Append();
                _listStore.SetValue(row, 0, item);
                _listStore.SetValue(row, 1, GetItemImage(item.ItemType));
                _listStore.SetValue(row, 2, item.ServerPath.ItemName);
                if (this._currentWorkspace != null)
                    if (item.ChangeType != ChangeType.None && !item.HasOtherPendingChange)
                        _listStore.SetValue(row, 3, item.ChangeType.ToString());
                        _listStore.SetValue(row, 4, this._currentWorkspace.OwnerName);
                    if (item.HasOtherPendingChange)
                        var           remoteChanges = this._currentWorkspace.GetPendingSets(item.SourceServerItem, RecursionType.None);
                        List <string> changeNames   = new List <string>();
                        List <string> userNames     = new List <string>();
                        foreach (var remoteChange in remoteChanges)
                            var pChange = remoteChange.PendingChanges.FirstOrDefault();
                            if (pChange == null)
                        _listStore.SetValue(row, 3, string.Join(", ", changeNames));
                        _listStore.SetValue(row, 4, string.Join(", ", userNames));
                if (!IsMapped(item.ServerPath))
                    _listStore.SetValue(row, 5, "Not mapped");
                    if (!item.IsInWorkspace)
                        _listStore.SetValue(row, 5, "Not downloaded");
                        _listStore.SetValue(row, 5, item.IsLatest ? "Yes" : "No");
                _listStore.SetValue(row, 6, item.CheckinDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm"));
Exemple #10
        private void AddToStore(ListStore store, GLib.Value field, GLib.Value value, GLib.Value details, GLib.Value icon)
            TreeIter iter = store.Append();

            store.SetValue(iter, 0, field);
            store.SetValue(iter, 1, value);
            store.SetValue(iter, 2, details);
            store.SetValue(iter, 3, icon);
Exemple #11
        private void Append(ListStore store, MemberRecord mr, Type type)
            TreeIter iter;

            store.Append(out iter);

            store.SetValue(iter, 0, new GLib.Value(mr.Label));
            store.SetValue(iter, 1, new GLib.Value(type.FullName));
            store.SetValue(iter, 2, new GLib.Value(mr.Icon));
            store.SetValue(iter, 3, new GLib.Value(mr.GetType() == typeof(TypeRecord)));
Exemple #12
        void PopulateData()
            // performance, would get raised for each new row
            store.RowChanged -= HandleTreeStoreRowChanged;

            foreach (Table2D table2D in data.List2D)
                TreeIter newNode = store.Append();
                SetNodeContent(newNode, table2D);

            store.RowChanged += HandleTreeStoreRowChanged;
        private void AddFile(string fileName)
            Gdk.Pixbuf pixbuf = new Gdk.Pixbuf(fileName);

            if (pixbuf.Width > 80 | pixbuf.Height > 80)
                pixbuf = pixbuf.ScaleSimple(80, 80, Gdk.InterpType.Hyper);
            TreeIter iter = store.Append();

            store.SetValue(iter, 0, pixbuf);
            store.SetValue(iter, 1, fileName);
Exemple #14
        private void HeightCellEdited(object o, EditedArgs args)
            Gtk.TreeIter iter;
            Gtk.TreePath path = new Gtk.TreePath(args.Path);
            heightModel.GetIter(out iter, path);
            int row = path.Indices[0];
            int col;

            for (col = 0; col < treeview1.Columns.Count(); col++)
                if (treeview1.Columns[col].CellRenderers[0] == o)
            if (col == treeview1.Columns.Count())
                return;  // Could not locate the column!
            string value = args.NewText.Trim();

            if (value == (string)heightModel.GetValue(iter, col))
            if (value == String.Empty)
                heightModel.SetValue(iter, col, value);
            else if (col == 0)
                DateTime dateval;
                if (DateTime.TryParse(args.NewText, out dateval))
                    heightModel.SetValue(iter, col, value);
                double numval;
                if (Double.TryParse(args.NewText, out numval))
                    heightModel.SetValue(iter, col, value);
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(value) && row == heightModel.IterNChildren() - 1)  // Entry on the last row? Add a new blank one
Exemple #15
        public void SetupHeights(DateTime[] dates, double[] heights, double[] NDemands, double[] CanopyWidths, double[] TreeLeafAreas)
            while (treeview1.Columns.Length > 0)
                TreeViewColumn col = treeview1.GetColumn(0);
                foreach (CellRenderer render in col.CellRenderers)
                    if (render is CellRendererText)
                        CellRendererText textRender = render as CellRendererText;
                        textRender.Edited -= HeightCellEdited;
            string[] colLabels = new string[] { "Date", "Height (m)", "N Demands (g/m2)", "Canopy Width (m)", "Tree Leaf Area (m2)" };
            // Begin by creating a new ListStore with the appropriate number of
            // columns. Use the string column type for everything.
            Type[] colTypes = new Type[5];
            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                colTypes[i] = typeof(string);
                CellRendererText textRender = new Gtk.CellRendererText();

                textRender.Editable = true;
                textRender.Edited  += HeightCellEdited;
                textRender.Xalign   = i == 0 ? 0.0f : 1.0f; // For right alignment of text cell contents; left align the first column

                TreeViewColumn column = new TreeViewColumn(colLabels[i], textRender, "text", i);
                column.Sizing    = TreeViewColumnSizing.Autosize;
                column.Resizable = true;
                column.Alignment = 0.5f; // For centered alignment of the column header
            // Add an empty column at the end; auto-sizing will give this any "leftover" space
            TreeViewColumn fillColumn = new TreeViewColumn();

            fillColumn.Sizing = TreeViewColumnSizing.Autosize;

            heightModel = new ListStore(colTypes);

            for (int i = 0; i < dates.Count(); i++)
                heightModel.AppendValues(dates[i].ToShortDateString(), (heights[i] / 1000).ToString(), NDemands[i].ToString(), CanopyWidths[i].ToString(), TreeLeafAreas[i].ToString());
            // Add an empty row to allow for adding new values
            treeview1.Model = heightModel;
        void PopulateData()
            // performance, would get raised for each new row
            store.RowChanged -= HandleTreeStoreRowChanged;
            TreeIter newNode;

            foreach (var table3D in data.List3D)
                // TreeStore: newNode = store.AppendNode ();
                // ListStore:
                newNode = store.Append();
                SetNodeContent(newNode, table3D);

            store.RowChanged += HandleTreeStoreRowChanged;
Exemple #17
        public static ListStore PopulateComboBox(ComboBox comboBox, params string[] values)
            var cmbStore = new ListStore(typeof(string));

            foreach (var text in values)
                var iter = cmbStore.Append();
                cmbStore.SetValue(iter, 0, text);
            comboBox.Model = cmbStore;
            var cell = new CellRendererText();

            cell.Ellipsize = Pango.EllipsizeMode.End;
            comboBox.PackStart(cell, true);
            comboBox.AddAttribute(cell, "text", 0);
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the add button clicked event.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">
        /// A <see cref="System.Object"/>
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="a">
        /// A <see cref="EventArgs"/>
        /// </param>
        private void OnAddBtnClicked(object sender, EventArgs a)
            TreeIter iter = symbolLabelsModel.Append();

            // We select and scroll to the new row.
                                        true, 1.0f, 0.0f);

            TreeIter selected;

            symbolLabelsTV.Selection.GetSelected(out selected);
            if (!EditIter(selected))
                // If we pressed the cancel button, we remove the new iter.
                symbolLabelsModel.Remove(ref iter);

            changes = true;
Exemple #19
        protected virtual void addFileAssociation(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            bool     foundExisting = false;
            TreeIter newIter       = TreeIter.Zero;

            foreach (TreeIter iter in WalkStore(defaultAssociationsStore))
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty((string)defaultAssociationsStore.GetValue(iter, COL_EXT)))
                    foundExisting = true;
                    newIter       = iter;
            if (!foundExisting)
                newIter = defaultAssociationsStore.Append();

Exemple #20
        public override void LaunchDialogue()
            //the Type in the collection
            IList  collection  = (IList)Value;
            string displayName = Inspector.DisplayName;

            //populate list with existing items
            ListStore itemStore = new ListStore(typeof(object), typeof(int), typeof(string));

            for (int i = 0; i < collection.Count; i++)
                itemStore.AppendValues(collection [i], i, collection [i].ToString());

            #region Building Dialogue

            TreeView      itemTree;
            InspectorGrid grid;
            TreeIter      previousIter = TreeIter.Zero;

            //dialogue and buttons
            Dialog dialog = new Dialog()
                Title       = displayName + " Editor",
                Modal       = true,
                AllowGrow   = true,
                AllowShrink = true,
            var toplevel = this.Container.Toplevel as Window;
            if (toplevel != null)
                dialog.TransientFor = toplevel;

            dialog.AddActionWidget(new Button(Stock.Cancel), ResponseType.Cancel);
            dialog.AddActionWidget(new Button(Stock.Ok), ResponseType.Ok);

            //three columns for items, sorting, PropGrid
            HBox hBox = new HBox();
            dialog.VBox.PackStart(hBox, true, true, 5);

            //propGrid at end
            grid = new InspectorGrid(base.EditorManager)
                CurrentObject = null,
                WidthRequest  = 200,
                ShowHelp      = false
            hBox.PackEnd(grid, true, true, 5);

            //followed by a ButtonBox
            VBox buttonBox = new VBox();
            buttonBox.Spacing = 6;
            hBox.PackEnd(buttonBox, false, false, 5);

            //add/remove buttons
            Button addButton = new Button(new Image(Stock.Add, IconSize.Button));
            buttonBox.PackStart(addButton, false, false, 0);
            if (types [0].IsAbstract)
                addButton.Sensitive = false;
            Button removeButton = new Button(new Gtk.Image(Stock.Remove, IconSize.Button));
            buttonBox.PackStart(removeButton, false, false, 0);

            //sorting buttons
            Button upButton = new Button(new Image(Stock.GoUp, IconSize.Button));
            buttonBox.PackStart(upButton, false, false, 0);
            Button downButton = new Button(new Image(Stock.GoDown, IconSize.Button));
            buttonBox.PackStart(downButton, false, false, 0);

            //Third column has list(TreeView) in a ScrolledWindow
            ScrolledWindow listScroll = new ScrolledWindow();
            listScroll.WidthRequest  = 200;
            listScroll.HeightRequest = 320;
            hBox.PackStart(listScroll, false, false, 5);

            itemTree = new TreeView(itemStore);
            itemTree.Selection.Mode = SelectionMode.Single;
            itemTree.HeadersVisible = false;

            //renderers and attribs for TreeView
            CellRenderer rdr = new CellRendererText();
            itemTree.AppendColumn(new TreeViewColumn("Index", rdr, "text", 1));
            rdr = new CellRendererText();
            itemTree.AppendColumn(new TreeViewColumn("Object", rdr, "text", 2));


            #region Events

            addButton.Clicked += delegate {
                //create the object
                object instance = System.Activator.CreateInstance(types[0]);

                //get existing selection and insert after it
                TreeIter oldIter, newIter;
                if (itemTree.Selection.GetSelected(out oldIter))
                    newIter = itemStore.InsertAfter(oldIter);
                //or append if no previous selection
                    newIter = itemStore.Append();
                itemStore.SetValue(newIter, 0, instance);

                //select, set name and update all the indices
                UpdateName(itemStore, newIter);

            removeButton.Clicked += delegate {
                //get selected iter and the replacement selection
                TreeIter iter, newSelection;
                if (!itemTree.Selection.GetSelected(out iter))

                newSelection = iter;
                if (!IterPrev(itemStore, ref newSelection))
                    newSelection = iter;
                    if (!itemStore.IterNext(ref newSelection))
                        newSelection = TreeIter.Zero;

                //new selection. Zeroing previousIter prevents trying to update name of deleted iter.
                previousIter = TreeIter.Zero;
                if (itemStore.IterIsValid(newSelection))

                //and the removal and index update
                itemStore.Remove(ref iter);

            upButton.Clicked += delegate {
                TreeIter iter, prev;
                if (!itemTree.Selection.GetSelected(out iter))

                //get previous iter
                prev = iter;
                if (!IterPrev(itemStore, ref prev))

                //swap the two
                itemStore.Swap(iter, prev);

                //swap indices too
                object prevVal = itemStore.GetValue(prev, 1);
                object iterVal = itemStore.GetValue(iter, 1);
                itemStore.SetValue(prev, 1, iterVal);
                itemStore.SetValue(iter, 1, prevVal);

            downButton.Clicked += delegate {
                TreeIter iter, next;
                if (!itemTree.Selection.GetSelected(out iter))

                //get next iter
                next = iter;
                if (!itemStore.IterNext(ref next))

                //swap the two
                itemStore.Swap(iter, next);

                //swap indices too
                object nextVal = itemStore.GetValue(next, 1);
                object iterVal = itemStore.GetValue(iter, 1);
                itemStore.SetValue(next, 1, iterVal);
                itemStore.SetValue(iter, 1, nextVal);

            itemTree.Selection.Changed += delegate {
                TreeIter iter;
                if (!itemTree.Selection.GetSelected(out iter))
                    removeButton.Sensitive = false;
                removeButton.Sensitive = true;

                //update grid
                object obj = itemStore.GetValue(iter, 0);
                grid.CurrentObject = obj;

                //update previously selected iter's name
                UpdateName(itemStore, previousIter);

                //update current selection so we can update
                //name next selection change
                previousIter = iter;

            grid.Changed += delegate {
                TreeIter iter;
                if (itemTree.Selection.GetSelected(out iter))
                    UpdateName(itemStore, iter);

            TreeIter selectionIter;
            removeButton.Sensitive = itemTree.Selection.GetSelected(out selectionIter);

            grid.ShowToolbar = false;


            //if 'OK' put items back in collection
            if (GtkExtensions.ShowCustomDialog(dialog, toplevel) == (int)ResponseType.Ok)
                DesignerTransaction tran = CreateTransaction(Instance);
                object old = collection;

                try {
                    foreach (object[] o in itemStore)
                    EndTransaction(Instance, tran, old, collection, true);
                catch {
                    EndTransaction(Instance, tran, old, collection, false);
        /// <summary>
        /// Populate the grid from the DataSource.
        /// Note that we don't statically set the contents of the grid cells, but rather do this
        /// dynamically in OnSetCellData. However, we do set up appropriate attributes for
        /// cell columns, and a set of cell renderers.
        /// </summary>
        private void PopulateGrid()
            // WaitCursor = true;
            // Set the cursor directly rather than via the WaitCursor property, as the property setter
            // runs a message loop. This is normally desirable, but in this case, we have lots
            // of events associated with the grid data, and it's best to let them be handled in the
            // main message loop.

            if (mainWindow != null)
                mainWindow.Cursor = new Gdk.Cursor(Gdk.CursorType.Watch);
            fixedcolview.Visible = false;
            // Begin by creating a new ListStore with the appropriate number of
            // columns. Use the string column type for everything.
            int nCols = DataSource != null ? this.DataSource.Columns.Count : 0;

            Type[] colTypes = new Type[nCols];
            for (int i = 0; i < nCols; i++)
                colTypes[i] = typeof(string);
            gridmodel = new ListStore(colTypes);
            gridview.ModifyBase(StateType.Active, fixedcolview.Style.Base(StateType.Selected));
            gridview.ModifyText(StateType.Active, fixedcolview.Style.Text(StateType.Selected));
            fixedcolview.ModifyBase(StateType.Active, gridview.Style.Base(StateType.Selected));
            fixedcolview.ModifyText(StateType.Active, gridview.Style.Text(StateType.Selected));

            image1.Visible = false;
            // Now set up the grid columns
            for (int i = 0; i < nCols; i++)
                /// Design plan: include renderers for text, toggles and combos, but hide all but one of them
                CellRendererText   textRender   = new Gtk.CellRendererText();
                CellRendererPixbuf pixbufRender = new CellRendererPixbuf();
                pixbufRender.Pixbuf = new Gdk.Pixbuf(null, "ApsimNG.Resources.MenuImages.Save.png");
                pixbufRender.Xalign = 0.5f;

                if (i == 0)
                    colLookup.Add(textRender, i);
                    colLookup.Add(pixbufRender, i);

                textRender.FixedHeightFromFont = 1; // 1 line high
                pixbufRender.Height            = 23;
                textRender.Editable            = !isReadOnly;
                textRender.Xalign = ((i == 0) || (i == 1) && isPropertyMode) ? 0.0f : 1.0f; // For right alignment of text cell contents; left align the first column

                TreeViewColumn column = new TreeViewColumn();
                column.Title = this.DataSource.Columns[i].Caption;

                if (i == 0)
                    column.PackStart(textRender, true);     // 0
                    column.PackStart(pixbufRender, false);  // 3

                column.Sizing    = TreeViewColumnSizing.Autosize;
                column.Resizable = true;

                if (i == 0)
                    column.SetCellDataFunc(textRender, OnSetCellData);
                    column.SetCellDataFunc(pixbufRender, RenderActivityStatus);
                if (i == 1 && isPropertyMode)
                    column.Alignment = 0.0f;
                    column.Alignment = 0.5f; // For centered alignment of the column header

                // Gtk Treeview doesn't support "frozen" columns, so we fake it by creating a second, identical, TreeView to display
                // the columns we want frozen
                // For now, these frozen columns will be treated as read-only text
                TreeViewColumn fixedColumn = new TreeViewColumn(this.DataSource.Columns[i].ColumnName, textRender, "text", i);
                fixedColumn.Sizing    = TreeViewColumnSizing.Autosize;
                fixedColumn.Resizable = true;
                fixedColumn.SetCellDataFunc(textRender, OnSetCellData);
                fixedColumn.Alignment = 0.5f; // For centered alignment of the column header
                fixedColumn.Visible   = false;

            if (!isPropertyMode)
                // Add an empty column at the end; auto-sizing will give this any "leftover" space
                TreeViewColumn fillColumn = new TreeViewColumn();
                fillColumn.Sizing = TreeViewColumnSizing.Autosize;

            int nRows = DataSource != null ? this.DataSource.Rows.Count : 0;

            gridview.Model     = null;
            fixedcolview.Model = null;
            for (int row = 0; row < nRows; row++)
                // We could store data into the grid model, but we don't.
                // Instead, we retrieve the data from our datastore when the OnSetCellData function is called
            gridview.Model = gridmodel;


            gridview.EnableSearch     = false;
            fixedcolview.EnableSearch = false;


            if (mainWindow != null)
                mainWindow.Cursor = null;
        private void RecentTrades_CollectionChanged(object sender, NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs e)
            var coll = sender as ICollection <PublicTrade>;
            var tmax = viewModel.TradesMaxItemCount;

            switch (e.Action)
            case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Add:
                Debug.Assert(e.NewItems.Count == 1);
                Debug.Assert(e.NewStartingIndex == 0);
                Debug.Print($"PublicTrades: Added {e.NewItems.Count} items.");
                    if (count < tmax)
                        count += 1;
                    // [count-1] point to latest item! we need to copy [count-2] to [count-1].
                    TreeIter iter, slctIter = GetSelection();
                    for (int ind = count - 1; ind > 0; ind -= 1)
                        store.GetIterFromString(out iter, (ind - 1).ToString());
                        var value = store.GetValue(iter, 0);
                        store.GetIterFromString(out iter, ind.ToString());
                        store.SetValue(iter, 0, value);
                    store.GetIterFirst(out iter);
                    store.SetValue(iter, 0, e.NewItems[0]);
                    // try restore selection.
                    if (!slctIter.Equals(TreeIter.Zero))
                        if (store.IterNext(ref slctIter))

            case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Move:

            case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Remove:
                Debug.Print($"PublicTrades: Removed {e.OldItems.Count} items.");
                //Gtk.Application.Invoke(delegate {
                //TreeIter iter;
                //                  store.GetIterFirst(out iter);
                //                  for (int i = 0; i < e.OldStartingIndex; ++i)
                //                      store.IterNext(ref iter);
                //                  for (int i = 0; i < e.OldItems.Count; ++i)
                //                  {
                //                      //store.Remove(ref iter);
                //                      store.IterNext(ref iter);
                //                  }
                ////nodeview1.ScrollToPoint(0, 0);


            case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Replace:

            case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Reset:
                Debug.Print($"PublicTrades: Reset. {coll.Count} items.");
                    count = 0;
                    foreach (var item in coll.ToList())
                        count += 1;
Exemple #23
 public TreeIter NewRow()