Exemple #1
        public ListViewEntries()
            ListView list = new ListView ();
            var editableTextField = new DataField<string> ();
            var nonEditableTextField = new DataField<string> ();

            ListStore store = new ListStore (editableTextField, nonEditableTextField);
            list.DataSource = store;
            list.GridLinesVisible = GridLines.Horizontal;

            var textCellView = new TextCellView { Editable = true, TextField = editableTextField };
            list.Columns.Add (new ListViewColumn ("Editable", textCellView));
            list.Columns.Add (new ListViewColumn ("Not Editable", new TextCellView { Editable = false, TextField = nonEditableTextField }));

            Random rand = new Random ();

            for (int n = 0; n < 10; n++) {
                var r = store.AddRow ();
                store.SetValue (r, editableTextField, "Editable value " + n);
                store.SetValue (r, nonEditableTextField, "Non-editable value " + n);
            PackStart (list, true);
            var btn = new Button ("Add Row");
            btn.Clicked += delegate {
                var row = store.AddRow ();
                store.SetValues (row, editableTextField, "New editable text", nonEditableTextField, "New non-editable text");
                list.StartEditingCell (row, textCellView);
            PackStart (btn, false, hpos: WidgetPlacement.Start);
        internal void Init(string title, ImmutableArray <ISymbol> members, ImmutableArray <PickMembersOption> options)
            this.Title = title;
            listBoxPublicMembers.Accessible.Description = title;

            this.Options = options;
            foreach (var member in members)
                var row = treeStore.AddRow();
                treeStore.SetValue(row, symbolIncludedField, false);
                treeStore.SetValue(row, symbolField, member);
                treeStore.SetValue(row, symbolTextField, member.ToDisplayString(memberDisplayFormat));
                treeStore.SetValue(row, symbolIconField, ImageService.GetIcon(MonoDevelop.Ide.TypeSystem.Stock.GetStockIcon(member)));
            if (!options.IsDefaultOrEmpty)
                foreach (var option in options)
                    var checkBox = new CheckBox(option.Title);
                    checkBox.State    = option.Value ? CheckBoxState.On : CheckBoxState.Off;
                    checkBox.Toggled += delegate {
                        option.Value = !option.Value;
Exemple #3
        private void DrawSelectedAsset(AssetProperties assetProperties)
            foreach (var file in assetProperties.Asset.Files)
                var row = _selectedAssetStore.AddRow();
                _selectedAssetStore.SetValue(row, _selectedAssetNameField, file.ReducedPath);
                var imageSize = imageService.GetImageSize(file.Path);
                _selectedAssetStore.SetValue(row, _selectedAssetSizeField, imageSize.Width + "x" + imageSize.Height);
                _selectedAssetStore.SetValue(row, _selectedAssetImageField, Image.FromFile(file.Path).WithBoxSize(30, 30));

            if (assetProperties.Result.Value == null)
            foreach (var condition in assetProperties.Result.Value)
                var row         = _selectedAssetResultStore.AddRow();
                var resultImage = condition.IsFulfilled ? Image.FromResource("SwissAddinKnife.Resources.success.png") :

                _selectedAssetResultStore.SetValue(row, _selectedAssetResultIconField, resultImage.WithBoxSize(15));
                _selectedAssetResultStore.SetValue(row, _selectedAssetResultDescriptionField, condition.Description);
Exemple #4
		public ListView1 ()
			PackStart (new Label ("The listview should have a red background"));
			ListView list = new ListView ();
			list.GridLinesVisible = GridLines.Both;
			ListStore store = new ListStore (name, icon, text, icon2, progress);
			list.DataSource = store;
			list.Columns.Add ("Name", icon, name);
			list.Columns.Add ("Text", icon2, text);
			list.Columns.Add ("Progress", new TextCellView () { TextField = text }, new CustomCell () { ValueField = progress });

			var png = Image.FromResource (typeof(App), "class.png");

			Random rand = new Random ();
			for (int n=0; n<100; n++) {
				var r = store.AddRow ();
				store.SetValue (r, icon, png);
				store.SetValue (r, name, "Value " + n);
				store.SetValue (r, icon2, png);
				store.SetValue (r, text, "Text " + n);
				store.SetValue (r, progress, new CellData { Value = rand.Next () % 100 });
			PackStart (list, true);

			list.RowActivated += delegate(object sender, ListViewRowEventArgs e) {
				MessageDialog.ShowMessage ("Row " + e.RowIndex + " activated");

			Menu contextMenu = new Menu ();
			contextMenu.Items.Add (new MenuItem ("Test menu"));
			list.ButtonPressed += delegate(object sender, ButtonEventArgs e) {
				int row = list.GetRowAtPosition(new Point(e.X, e.Y));
				if (e.Button == PointerButton.Right && row >= 0) {
					// Set actual row to selected
					contextMenu.Popup(list, e.X, e.Y);

			var but = new Button ("Scroll one line");
			but.Clicked += delegate {
				list.VerticalScrollControl.Value += list.VerticalScrollControl.StepIncrement;
			PackStart (but);

			var spnValue = new SpinButton ();
			spnValue.MinimumValue = 0;
			spnValue.MaximumValue = 99;
			spnValue.IncrementValue = 1;
			spnValue.Digits = 0;
			var btnScroll = new Button ("Go!");
			btnScroll.Clicked += (sender, e) => list.ScrollToRow((int)spnValue.Value);

			HBox scrollActBox = new HBox ();
			scrollActBox.PackStart (new Label("Scroll to Value: "));
			scrollActBox.PackStart (spnValue);
			scrollActBox.PackStart (btnScroll);
			PackStart (scrollActBox);
Exemple #5
        public ListView2()
            ListView list = new ListView();

            editable    = new DataField <bool> ();
            nonEditable = new DataField <bool> ();
            var       textField = new DataField <string> ();
            ListStore store     = new ListStore(editable, nonEditable, textField);

            list.DataSource = store;

            list.Columns.Add(new ListViewColumn("Editable", new CheckBoxCellView {
                Editable = true, ActiveField = editable
            list.Columns.Add(new ListViewColumn("Not Editable", new CheckBoxCellView {
                Editable = false, ActiveField = nonEditable
            list.Columns.Add(new ListViewColumn("Editable", new TextCellView {
                Editable = true, TextField = textField

            Random rand = new Random();

            for (int n = 0; n < 100; n++)
                var r = store.AddRow();
                store.SetValue(r, editable, rand.Next(0, 2) == 0);
                store.SetValue(r, nonEditable, rand.Next(0, 2) == 0);
                store.SetValue(r, textField, n.ToString());
            PackStart(list, true);
Exemple #6
        protected override Widget GetMainControl()
            var icon = new DataField <Image> ();
            var name = new DataField <string> ();

            var listStore = new ListStore(icon, name);

            scaffolders = GetScaffolders().Value;

            foreach (var scaffolder in scaffolders)
                var row = listStore.AddRow();
                var png = ImageService.GetIcon("md-html-file-icon", Gtk.IconSize.Dnd);

                listStore.SetValue(row, icon, png);
                listStore.SetValue(row, name, scaffolder.Name);

            listBox = new ListBox();
            listBox.Views.Add(new ImageCellView(icon));
            listBox.Views.Add(new TextCellView(name));

            listBox.DataSource        = listStore;
            listBox.HeightRequest     = 300;
            listBox.WidthRequest      = 300;
            listBox.SelectionChanged += SelectionChanged;
            listBox.RowActivated     += RowActivated;
            listBox.FocusedRow = 0;
Exemple #7
        public ListView1()
            PackStart (new Label ("The listview should have a red background"));
            ListView list = new ListView ();
            ListStore store = new ListStore (name, icon, text, icon2, progress);
            list.DataSource = store;
            list.Columns.Add ("Name", icon, name);
            list.Columns.Add ("Text", icon2, text);
            list.Columns.Add ("Progress", new CustomCell () { ValueField = progress });

            var png = Image.FromResource (typeof(App), "class.png");

            Random rand = new Random ();

            for (int n=0; n<100; n++) {
                var r = store.AddRow ();
                store.SetValue (r, icon, png);
                store.SetValue (r, name, "Value " + n);
                store.SetValue (r, icon2, png);
                store.SetValue (r, text, "Text " + n);
                store.SetValue (r, progress, rand.Next () % 100);
            PackStart (list, true);

            list.RowActivated += delegate(object sender, ListViewRowEventArgs e) {
                MessageDialog.ShowMessage ("Row " + e.RowIndex + " activated");

            var but = new Button ("Scroll one line");
            but.Clicked += delegate {
                list.VerticalScrollControl.Value += list.VerticalScrollControl.StepIncrement;
            PackStart (but);
Exemple #8
        public ListViewCombos()
            ListView list = new ListView ();
            var indexField = new DataField<int> ();

            var indexField2 = new DataField<int> ();
            var itemsField = new DataField<ItemCollection> ();

            ListStore store = new ListStore (indexField, indexField2, itemsField);
            list.DataSource = store;
            list.GridLinesVisible = GridLines.Horizontal;

            var comboCellView = new ComboBoxCellView { Editable = true, SelectedIndexField = indexField };
            comboCellView.Items.Add (1, "one");
            comboCellView.Items.Add (2, "two");
            comboCellView.Items.Add (3, "three");

            list.Columns.Add (new ListViewColumn ("List 1", comboCellView));

            var comboCellView2 = new ComboBoxCellView { Editable = true, SelectedIndexField = indexField2, ItemsField = itemsField };
            list.Columns.Add (new ListViewColumn ("List 2", comboCellView2));

            int p = 0;
            for (int n = 0; n < 10; n++) {
                var r = store.AddRow ();
                store.SetValue (r, indexField, n % 3);
                var col = new ItemCollection ();
                for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
                    col.Add (p, "p" + p);
                store.SetValues (r, indexField2, n % 3, itemsField, col);
            PackStart (list, true);
		public override void Initialize (OptionsDialog dialog, object dataObject)
			base.Initialize (dialog, dataObject);

			config = (SolutionRunConfigInfo)dataObject;

			store = new ListStore (selectedField, projectNameField, projectField, runConfigField, projectRunConfigsField);
			listView = new ListView (store);

			var col1 = new ListViewColumn (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Solution Item"));
			var cb = new CheckBoxCellView (selectedField);
			cb.Toggled += SelectionChanged;
			cb.Editable = true;
			col1.Views.Add (cb);
			col1.Views.Add (new TextCellView (projectNameField));
			listView.Columns.Add (col1);

			var configSelView = new ComboBoxCellView (runConfigField);
			configSelView.Editable = true;
			configSelView.ItemsField = projectRunConfigsField;
			var col2 = new ListViewColumn (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Run Configuration"), configSelView);
			listView.Columns.Add (col2);

			foreach (var it in config.Solution.GetAllSolutionItems ().Where (si => si.SupportsExecute ()).OrderBy (si => si.Name)) {
				var row = store.AddRow ();
				var si = config.EditedConfig.Items.FirstOrDefault (i => i.SolutionItem == it);
				var sc = si?.RunConfiguration?.Name ?? it.GetDefaultRunConfiguration ()?.Name;
				var configs = new ItemCollection ();
				foreach (var pc in it.GetRunConfigurations ())
					configs.Add (pc.Name);
				store.SetValues (row, selectedField, si != null, projectNameField, it.Name, projectField, it, runConfigField, sc, projectRunConfigsField, configs);
Exemple #10
        public ListView1()
            PackStart(new Label("The listview should have a red background"));
            ListView list = new ListView()
                BackgroundColor = Colors.Red
            ListStore store = new ListStore(name, icon, text, icon2);

            list.DataSource = store;
            list.Columns.Add("Name", icon, name);
            list.Columns.Add("Text", icon2, text);

            var png = Image.FromResource(typeof(App), "class.png");

            for (int n = 0; n < 100; n++)
                var r = store.AddRow();
                store.SetValue(r, icon, png);
                store.SetValue(r, name, "Value " + n);
                store.SetValue(r, icon2, png);
                store.SetValue(r, text, "Text " + n);
            PackStart(list, BoxMode.FillAndExpand);
        protected override Widget GetMainControl()
            var icon = new DataField <Image> ();
            var name = new DataField <string> ();

            var listStore = new ListStore(icon, name);

            var scaffolders = GetScaffolders().Value;

            foreach (var scaffolder in scaffolders)
                var row = listStore.AddRow();
                var png = Image.FromResource("file-web-32.png");
                listStore.SetValue(row, icon, png);
                listStore.SetValue(row, name, scaffolder.Name);

            listBox = new ListBox();
            listBox.Views.Add(new ImageCellView(icon));
            listBox.Views.Add(new TextCellView(name));

            listBox.DataSource        = listStore;
            listBox.HeightRequest     = 300;
            listBox.WidthRequest      = 300;
            listBox.SelectionChanged += (sender, e) => Args.Scaffolder = scaffolders [listBox.SelectedRow];
            listBox.FocusedRow = 0;
Exemple #12
        public ListView1()
            PackStart (new Label ("The listview should have a red background"));
            ListView list = new ListView () {
                BackgroundColor = Colors.Red
            ListStore store = new ListStore (name, icon, text, icon2);
            list.DataSource = store;
            list.Columns.Add ("Name", icon, name);
            list.Columns.Add ("Text", icon2, text);

            var png = Image.FromResource (typeof(App), "class.png");

            for (int n=0; n<100; n++) {
                var r = store.AddRow ();
                store.SetValue (r, icon, png);
                store.SetValue (r, name, "Value " + n);
                store.SetValue (r, icon2, png);
                store.SetValue (r, text, "Text " + n);
            PackStart (list, BoxMode.FillAndExpand);

            list.RowActivated += delegate(object sender, ListViewRowEventArgs e) {
                MessageDialog.ShowMessage ("Row " + e.RowIndex + " activated");
Exemple #13
        public ListView2()
            ListView list = new ListView ();
            var editableActiveField = new DataField<bool> ();
            var nonEditableActiveField = new DataField<bool> ();
            var textField = new DataField<string> ();
            var textField2 = new DataField<string> ();
            var editableField = new DataField<bool> ();
            var somewhatEditableData = new DataField<bool>();

            ListStore store = new ListStore(editableActiveField, nonEditableActiveField, textField, textField2, editableField, somewhatEditableData);
            list.DataSource = store;

            list.Columns.Add (new ListViewColumn("Editable", new CheckBoxCellView { Editable = true, ActiveField = editableActiveField }));
            list.Columns.Add (new ListViewColumn("Not Editable", new CheckBoxCellView { Editable = false, ActiveField = nonEditableActiveField }));
            list.Columns.Add (new ListViewColumn("Editable", new TextCellView { Editable = true, TextField = textField }));
            list.Columns.Add(new ListViewColumn("Somewhat Editable", new CheckBoxCellView { EditableField = editableField, ActiveField = somewhatEditableData }));
            list.Columns.Add (new ListViewColumn("Somewhat Editable", new TextCellView { EditableField = editableField, TextField = textField2 }));

            Random rand = new Random ();

            for (int n=0; n<100; n++) {
                var r = store.AddRow ();
                store.SetValue (r, editableActiveField, rand.Next(0, 2) == 0);
                store.SetValue (r, nonEditableActiveField, rand.Next(0, 2) == 0);
                store.SetValue(r, somewhatEditableData, rand.Next(0, 2) == 0);
                store.SetValue (r, textField, n.ToString ());
                var edit = (n % 2) == 0;
                store.SetValue (r, editableField, edit);
                store.SetValue (r, textField2, edit ? "editable" : "not editable");
            PackStart (list, true);
Exemple #14
        public ListBoxSample()
            // Default list box

            ListBox list = new ListBox ();

            for (int n=0; n<100; n++)
                list.Items.Add ("Value " + n);

            PackStart (list, true);

            // Custom list box

            ListBox customList = new ListBox ();
            ListStore store = new ListStore (name, icon);
            customList.DataSource = store;
            customList.Views.Add (new ImageCellView (icon));
            customList.Views.Add (new TextCellView (name));

            var png = Image.FromResource (typeof(App), "class.png");

            for (int n=0; n<100; n++) {
                var r = store.AddRow ();
                store.SetValue (r, icon, png);
                store.SetValue (r, name, "Value " + n);
            PackStart (customList, true);
Exemple #15
        public ListView1()
            PackStart(new Label("The listview should have a red background"));
            ListView  list  = new ListView();
            ListStore store = new ListStore(name, icon, text, icon2, progress);

            list.DataSource = store;
            list.Columns.Add("Name", icon, name);
            list.Columns.Add("Text", icon2, text);
            list.Columns.Add("Progress", new CustomCell()
                ValueField = progress

            var png = Image.FromResource(typeof(App), "class.png");

            Random rand = new Random();

            for (int n = 0; n < 100; n++)
                var r = store.AddRow();
                store.SetValue(r, icon, png);
                store.SetValue(r, name, "Value " + n);
                store.SetValue(r, icon2, png);
                store.SetValue(r, text, "Text " + n);
                store.SetValue(r, progress, rand.Next() % 100);
            PackStart(list, BoxMode.FillAndExpand);

            list.RowActivated += delegate(object sender, ListViewRowEventArgs e) {
                MessageDialog.ShowMessage("Row " + e.RowIndex + " activated");
Exemple #16
 void LoadData(BaseTeamFoundationServer server)
     server.ProjectCollections.ForEach(c => c.LoadProjects());
     foreach (var col in server.ProjectCollections)
         var row = collectionStore.AddRow();
         collectionStore.SetValue(row, collectionName, col.Name);
         collectionStore.SetValue(row, collectionItem, col);
     collectionsList.SelectionChanged += (sender, e) =>
         if (collectionsList.SelectedRow > -1)
             var collection = collectionStore.GetValue(collectionsList.SelectedRow, collectionItem);
             foreach (var project in collection.Projects)
                 var node       = projectsStore.AddNode();
                 var project1   = project;
                 var isSelected = SelectedProjects.Any(x => string.Equals(x.Uri, project1.Uri, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
                 node.SetValue(isProjectSelected, isSelected);
                 node.SetValue(projectName, project.Name);
                 node.SetValue(projectItem, project);
     if (server.ProjectCollections.Any())
Exemple #17
        public ListBoxSample()
            // Default list box

            ListBox list = new ListBox();

            for (int n = 0; n < 100; n++)
                list.Items.Add("Value " + n);

            PackStart(list, true);

            // Custom list box

            ListBox   customList = new ListBox();
            ListStore store      = new ListStore(name, icon);

            customList.DataSource = store;
            customList.Views.Add(new ImageCellView(icon));
            customList.Views.Add(new TextCellView(name));

            var png = Image.FromResource(typeof(App), "class.png");

            for (int n = 0; n < 100; n++)
                var r = store.AddRow();
                store.SetValue(r, icon, png);
                store.SetValue(r, name, "Value " + n);
            PackStart(customList, true);
        public ListView2()
            ListView list = new ListView();
            var      editableActiveField    = new DataField <bool> ();
            var      nonEditableActiveField = new DataField <bool> ();
            var      textField            = new DataField <string> ();
            var      textField2           = new DataField <string> ();
            var      editableField        = new DataField <bool> ();
            var      somewhatEditableData = new DataField <bool>();

            ListStore store = new ListStore(editableActiveField, nonEditableActiveField, textField, textField2, editableField, somewhatEditableData);

            list.DataSource       = store;
            list.GridLinesVisible = GridLines.Horizontal;

            var checkCellView = new CheckBoxCellView {
                Editable = true, ActiveField = editableActiveField

            checkCellView.Toggled += (sender, e) => {
                if (list.CurrentEventRow == null)
                    MessageDialog.ShowError("CurrentEventRow is null. This is not supposed to happen");
                    store.SetValue(list.CurrentEventRow, textField, "Toggled");

            list.Columns.Add(new ListViewColumn("Editable", checkCellView));
            list.Columns.Add(new ListViewColumn("Not Editable", new CheckBoxCellView {
                Editable = false, ActiveField = nonEditableActiveField
            list.Columns.Add(new ListViewColumn("Editable", new TextCellView {
                Editable = true, TextField = textField
            list.Columns.Add(new ListViewColumn("Somewhat Editable", new CheckBoxCellView {
                EditableField = editableField, ActiveField = somewhatEditableData
            list.Columns.Add(new ListViewColumn("Somewhat Editable", new TextCellView {
                EditableField = editableField, TextField = textField2

            Random rand = new Random();

            for (int n = 0; n < 100; n++)
                var r = store.AddRow();
                store.SetValue(r, editableActiveField, rand.Next(0, 2) == 0);
                store.SetValue(r, nonEditableActiveField, rand.Next(0, 2) == 0);
                store.SetValue(r, somewhatEditableData, rand.Next(0, 2) == 0);
                store.SetValue(r, textField, n.ToString());
                var edit = (n % 2) == 0;
                store.SetValue(r, editableField, edit);
                store.SetValue(r, textField2, edit ? "editable" : "not editable");
            PackStart(list, true);
        void AppendPackageToListView(PackageViewModel packageViewModel)
            int row = packageStore.AddRow();

            packageStore.SetValue(row, packageHasBackgroundColorField, IsOddRow(row));
            packageStore.SetValue(row, packageCheckBoxAlphaField, GetPackageCheckBoxAlpha());
            packageStore.SetValue(row, packageViewModelField, packageViewModel);
Exemple #20
        public EnvironmentVariableCollectionEditor()
            store = new ListStore(keyField, valueField);
            list  = new ListView(store);
            PackStart(list, true);

            TextCellView crt = new TextCellView();

            crt.Editable  = true;
            crt.TextField = keyField;
            var col = list.Columns.Add(GettextCatalog.GetString("Variable"), crt);

            col.CanResize    = true;
            crt.TextChanged += (s, a) => NotifyChanged();

            valueCell           = new TextCellView();
            valueCell.Editable  = true;
            valueCell.TextField = valueField;
            col                    = list.Columns.Add(GettextCatalog.GetString("Value"), valueCell);
            col.CanResize          = true;
            valueCell.TextChanged += (s, a) => NotifyChanged();

            var box = new HBox();

            var btn = new Button(GettextCatalog.GetString("Add"));

            btn.Clicked += delegate {
                var row = store.AddRow();
                list.StartEditingCell(row, crt);
                crt.TextChanged += CrtTextChanged;

            deleteButton          = new Button(GettextCatalog.GetString("Remove"));
            deleteButton.Clicked += delegate {
                var row = list.SelectedRow;
                if (row != -1)
                    if (row < store.RowCount)
                    else if (store.RowCount > 0)
                        list.SelectRow(store.RowCount - 1);

Exemple #21
        public ListView1()
            PackStart(new Label("The listview should have a red background"));
            ListView  list  = new ListView();
            ListStore store = new ListStore(name, icon, text, icon2, progress);

            list.DataSource = store;
            list.Columns.Add("Name", icon, name);
            list.Columns.Add("Text", icon2, text);
            list.Columns.Add("Progress", new TextCellView()
                TextField = text
            }, new CustomCell()
                ValueField = progress

            var png = Image.FromResource(typeof(App), "class.png");

            Random rand = new Random();

            for (int n = 0; n < 100; n++)
                var r = store.AddRow();
                store.SetValue(r, icon, png);
                store.SetValue(r, name, "Value " + n);
                store.SetValue(r, icon2, png);
                store.SetValue(r, text, "Text " + n);
                store.SetValue(r, progress, new CellData {
                    Value = rand.Next() % 100
            PackStart(list, true);

            list.RowActivated += delegate(object sender, ListViewRowEventArgs e) {
                MessageDialog.ShowMessage("Row " + e.RowIndex + " activated");

            Menu contextMenu = new Menu();

            contextMenu.Items.Add(new MenuItem("Test menu"));
            list.ButtonPressed += delegate(object sender, ButtonEventArgs e) {
                int row = list.GetRowAtPosition(new Point(e.X, e.Y));
                if (e.Button == PointerButton.Right && row >= 0)
                    // Set actual row to selected
                    contextMenu.Popup(list, e.X, e.Y);

            var but = new Button("Scroll one line");

            but.Clicked += delegate {
                list.VerticalScrollControl.Value += list.VerticalScrollControl.StepIncrement;
 public void LoadValues(IDictionary <string, string> values)
     foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> val in values)
         store.SetValues(store.AddRow(), keyField, val.Key, valueField, val.Value);
Exemple #23
        protected void Button_plus_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs args)
            var dialog = new CharDialog(this.ParentWindow.Icon, (char)32, (char)126);

            dialog.TransientFor = this.ParentWindow;

            if (dialog.Run() == Command.Ok)
                char start, end;

                dialog.char1.GetCurrentChar(out start);
                dialog.char2.GetCurrentChar(out end);
                SetListValues(listStore.AddRow(), start, end);

 private void FillProjects()
     foreach (var project in _projects)
         var row = _projectsStore.AddRow();
         _projectsStore.SetValue(row, _projectSelectedDataField, true);
         _projectsStore.SetValue(row, _projectNameDataField, project.Name);
        internal void FillAnalytics()
            if (_controller.SelectedApplication == null)


            _appNameLabel.Text = _controller.SelectedApplication.Name.UppercaseFirst();

            Task.Run(async() =>
                var audienceAnalytics = _controller.LoadAudienceAnalytics(_controller.SelectedApplication.OwnerName, _controller.SelectedApplication.Name);
                var sessionAnalytics  = _controller.LoadSessionAnalytics(_controller.SelectedApplication.OwnerName, _controller.SelectedApplication.Name);

                await Runtime.RunInMainThread(() =>
                    _devicesPlotView.Model   = _controller.CreatePiePlotModel(audienceAnalytics, Models.AudienceAnalyticsType.Devices);
                    _countriesPlotView.Model = _controller.CreatePiePlotModel(audienceAnalytics, Models.AudienceAnalyticsType.Countries);
                    _languagesPlotView.Model = _controller.CreatePiePlotModel(audienceAnalytics, Models.AudienceAnalyticsType.Languages);
                    _usersPlotView.Model     = _controller.CreateBarPlotModel(audienceAnalytics);

                    _devicesPlotView.SetSizeRequest(200, 200);

                    _countriesPlotView.SetSizeRequest(200, 200);

                    _devicesPlotView.SetSizeRequest(200, 200);



                    foreach (var item in sessionAnalytics.Durations)
                        var row = _durationsStore.AddRow();
                        _durationsStore.SetValue(row, _descriptionField, item.Description);
                        _durationsStore.SetValue(row, _countField, item.Count);


                    foreach (var item in sessionAnalytics.Statistics)
                        var row = _statisticsStore.AddRow();
                        _statisticsStore.SetValue(row, _statisticsDescriptionField, item.Description);
                        _statisticsStore.SetValue(row, _statisticsCountField, item.Count);
                        _statisticsStore.SetValue(row, _statisticsChangeField, item.Change);

Exemple #26
        internal void FillData()


            Task.Run(async() =>
                var apps = new List <Models.Application>();

                    apps = _controller.LoadApplications();
                catch (Exception ex)
                    LoggingService.LogError("Load applications failed.", ex);
                    MessageService.ShowError("An error ocurred loading the applications.", ex);

                await Runtime.RunInMainThread(() =>
                    if (apps.Any())
                        foreach (var app in apps)
                            var row = _listStore.AddRow();
                            _listStore.SetValue(row, _nameField, app.Name);
                            _listStore.SetValue(row, _ownerField, app.OwnerName);
                            _listStore.SetValue(row, _appField, app);

                        if (apps.Any())

 private void UpdateServersList()
     foreach (var server in TFSVersionControlService.Instance.Servers)
         var row = serverStore.AddRow();
         serverStore.SetValue(row, nameField, server.Name);
         serverStore.SetValue(row, urlField, server.Uri.ToString());
         serverStore.SetValue(row, serverField, server);
        void FillData(Addin[] addins)
            summary.Text = $"Count: {addins.Length}";

            foreach (var addin in addins)
                int row = listStore.AddRow();
                listStore.SetValue(row, labelField, addin.Name);
            // TODO: clicking a node should open addin info tab
Exemple #29
 private void OnAddWorkingFolder(object sender, EventArgs e)
     using (var projectSelect = new ProjectSelectDialog(this.projectCollection))
         if (projectSelect.Run(this) == Command.Ok && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(projectSelect.SelectedPath))
             using (SelectFolderDialog folderSelect = new SelectFolderDialog("Browse For Folder"))
                 folderSelect.Multiselect      = false;
                 folderSelect.CanCreateFolders = true;
                 if (folderSelect.Run(this))
                     var row = _workingFoldersStore.AddRow();
                     _workingFoldersStore.SetValue(row, _tfsFolder, projectSelect.SelectedPath);
                     _workingFoldersStore.SetValue(row, _localFolder, folderSelect.Folder);
 void FillStore(IEnumerable <CompletionCharacters> completionCharacters)
     foreach (var c in completionCharacters)
         var row = store.AddRow();
         store.SetValue(row, language, c.Language);
         store.SetValue(row, completeOnSpace, c.CompleteOnSpace);
         store.SetValue(row, completeOnChars, c.CompleteOnChars);
Exemple #31
        void FillData(Addin[] addins)
            var points = GatherExtensionPoints(addins);

            summary.Text = $"Count: {points.Length}";

            foreach (var point in points)
                int row = listStore.AddRow();
                listStore.SetValue(row, labelField, point);
 private void FillStore(List <ExtendedItem> items)
     foreach (var item in items)
         var row = fileStore.AddRow();
         fileStore.SetValue(row, isCheckedField, true);
         fileStore.SetValue(row, nameField, item.ServerPath.ItemName);
         fileStore.SetValue(row, folderField, item.ServerPath.ParentPath);
         fileStore.SetValue(row, itemField, item);
 public void AddItems(List <ExtendedItem> items)
     foreach (var item in items)
         var row = listStore.AddRow();
         listStore.SetValue(row, itemField, item);
         listStore.SetValue(row, isSelectedField, true);
         VersionControlPath path = item.TargetServerItem;
         listStore.SetValue(row, nameField, path.ItemName);
         listStore.SetValue(row, pathField, path.ParentPath);
 void OnFileDialogClicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (fileDialog.Run(this))
         foreach (var fileName in fileDialog.FileNames)
             var row = _imagesStore.AddRow();
             _imagesStore.SetValue(row, _imageNameField, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fileName));
             _imagesStore.SetValue(row, _imagePathField, fileName);
Exemple #35
		public override IScrollableWidget CreateScrollableWidget ()
			DataField<string> text = new DataField<string> ();
			ListStore s = new ListStore (text);
			var list = new ListView (s);
			list.Columns.Add ("Hi", text);

			for (int n = 0; n < 100; n++) {
				var r = s.AddRow ();
				s.SetValue (r, text, n + new string ('.',100));
			return list;
Exemple #36
        public ListBoxSample()
            // Default list box

            ListBox list = new ListBox();

            for (int n = 0; n < 100; n++)
                list.Items.Add("Value " + n);

            PackStart(list, true);

            // Custom list box

            ListBox customList = new ListBox();

            customList.GridLinesVisible = true;
            ListStore store = new ListStore(name, icon);

            customList.DataSource = store;
            customList.Views.Add(new ImageCellView(icon));
            customList.Views.Add(new TextCellView(name));

            var png = Image.FromResource(typeof(App), "class.png");

            for (int n = 0; n < 100; n++)
                var r = store.AddRow();
                store.SetValue(r, icon, png);
                store.SetValue(r, name, "Value " + n);
            PackStart(customList, true);

            var spnValue = new SpinButton();

            spnValue.MinimumValue   = 0;
            spnValue.MaximumValue   = 99;
            spnValue.IncrementValue = 1;
            spnValue.Digits         = 0;
            var btnScroll = new Button("Go!");

            btnScroll.Clicked += (sender, e) => customList.ScrollToRow((int)spnValue.Value);

            HBox scrollActBox = new HBox();

            scrollActBox.PackStart(new Label("Scroll to Value: "));
Exemple #37
        public ListViewEntries()
            ListView list = new ListView();
            var      editableTextField    = new DataField <string> ();
            var      nonEditableTextField = new DataField <string> ();

            ListStore store = new ListStore(editableTextField, nonEditableTextField);

            list.DataSource       = store;
            list.GridLinesVisible = GridLines.Horizontal;

            var textCellView = new TextCellView {
                Editable = true, TextField = editableTextField

            list.Columns.Add(new ListViewColumn("Editable", textCellView));
            list.Columns.Add(new ListViewColumn("Not Editable", new TextCellView {
                Editable = false, TextField = nonEditableTextField

            Random rand = new Random();

            for (int n = 0; n < 10; n++)
                var r = store.AddRow();
                store.SetValue(r, editableTextField, "Editable value " + n);
                store.SetValue(r, nonEditableTextField, "Non-editable value " + n);
            PackStart(list, true);
            var btn = new Button("Add Row");

            btn.Clicked += delegate {
                var row = store.AddRow();
                store.SetValues(row, editableTextField, "New editable text", nonEditableTextField, "New non-editable text");
                list.StartEditingCell(row, textCellView);
            PackStart(btn, false, hpos: WidgetPlacement.Start);
		public EnvironmentVariableCollectionEditor ()
			store = new ListStore (keyField, valueField);
			list = new ListView (store);
			PackStart (list, true);

			TextCellView crt = new TextCellView ();
			crt.Editable = true;
			crt.TextField = keyField;
			var col = list.Columns.Add (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Variable"), crt);
			col.CanResize = true;
			crt.TextChanged += (s,a) => NotifyChanged ();

			valueCell = new TextCellView ();
			valueCell.Editable = true;
			valueCell.TextField = valueField;
			col = list.Columns.Add (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Value"), valueCell);
			col.CanResize = true;
			valueCell.TextChanged += (s, a) => NotifyChanged ();

			var box = new HBox ();

			var btn = new Button (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Add"));
			btn.Clicked += delegate {
				var row = store.AddRow ();
				list.SelectRow (row);
				list.StartEditingCell (row, crt);
				crt.TextChanged += CrtTextChanged;
				UpdateButtons ();
			box.PackStart (btn);

			deleteButton = new Button (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Remove"));
			deleteButton.Clicked += delegate {
				var row = list.SelectedRow;
				if (row != -1) {
					store.RemoveRow (row);
					if (row < store.RowCount)
						list.SelectRow (row);
					else if (store.RowCount > 0)
						list.SelectRow (store.RowCount - 1);
					UpdateButtons ();
					NotifyChanged ();
			box.PackStart (deleteButton);

			PackStart (box);
			UpdateButtons ();
Exemple #39
        public ListView2()
            ListView list = new ListView();
            var editableActiveField = new DataField<bool>();
            var nonEditableActiveField = new DataField<bool>();
            var textField = new DataField<string>();
            var textField2 = new DataField<string>();
            var editableField = new DataField<bool>();
            var somewhatEditableData = new DataField<bool>();

            ListStore store = new ListStore(editableActiveField, nonEditableActiveField, textField, textField2, editableField, somewhatEditableData);
            list.DataSource = store;
            list.GridLinesVisible = GridLines.Horizontal;

            var checkCellView = new CheckBoxCellView { Editable = true, ActiveField = editableActiveField };
            checkCellView.Toggled += (sender, e) =>

                if (list.CurrentEventRow == 0)
                    MessageDialog.ShowError("CurrentEventRow is null. This is not supposed to happen");
                    store.SetValue(list.CurrentEventRow, textField, "Toggled");

            list.Columns.Add(new ListViewColumn("Editable", checkCellView));
            list.Columns.Add(new ListViewColumn("Not Editable", new CheckBoxCellView { Editable = false, ActiveField = nonEditableActiveField }));
            list.Columns.Add(new ListViewColumn("Editable", new TextCellView { Editable = true, TextField = textField }));
            list.Columns.Add(new ListViewColumn("Somewhat Editable", new CheckBoxCellView { EditableField = editableField, ActiveField = somewhatEditableData }));
            list.Columns.Add(new ListViewColumn("Somewhat Editable", new TextCellView { EditableField = editableField, TextField = textField2 }));

            Random rand = new Random();

            for (int n = 0; n < 100; n++)
                var r = store.AddRow();
                store.SetValue(r, editableActiveField, rand.Next(0, 2) == 0);
                store.SetValue(r, nonEditableActiveField, rand.Next(0, 2) == 0);
                store.SetValue(r, somewhatEditableData, rand.Next(0, 2) == 0);
                store.SetValue(r, textField, n.ToString());
                var edit = (n % 2) == 0;
                store.SetValue(r, editableField, edit);
                store.SetValue(r, textField2, edit ? "editable" : "not editable");
            PackStart(list, true);
        private void FillWorkspaces()
            var workspaces = _showRemoteCheck.State == CheckBoxState.On ? WorkspaceHelper.GetRemoteWorkspaces(this.projectCollection) :

            foreach (var workspace in workspaces)
                var row = _listStore.AddRow();
                _listStore.SetValue(row, _name, workspace.Name);
                _listStore.SetValue(row, _computer, workspace.Computer);
                _listStore.SetValue(row, _owner, workspace.OwnerName);
                _listStore.SetValue(row, _comment, workspace.Comment.Replace(Environment.NewLine, " "));
        public WidgetFocus()
            var       text   = new TextEntry();
            var       check  = new CheckBox("CheckBox");
            var       slider = new HSlider();
            ListStore store  = new ListStore(value);
            var       list   = new ListView(store);

            list.Columns.Add("Value", value);
            list.HeadersVisible = false;
            for (int n = 0; n < 10; n++)
                var r = store.AddRow();
                store.SetValue(r, value, "Value " + n);

            var btn1 = new Button("TextEnty");
            var btn2 = new Button("Checkbox");
            var btn3 = new Button("Slider");
            var btn4 = new Button("ListBox");
            var btn5 = new Button("Button");

            btn1.Clicked += (sender, e) => text.SetFocus();
            btn2.Clicked += (sender, e) => check.SetFocus();
            btn3.Clicked += (sender, e) => slider.SetFocus();
            btn4.Clicked += (sender, e) => list.SetFocus();
            btn5.Clicked += (sender, e) => btn1.SetFocus();

            var btnBox = new HBox();


            var focusBox = new HBox();
            var vbox     = new VBox();

            focusBox.PackStart(list, true);

            PackStart(focusBox, true);
Exemple #42
		public WidgetFocus ()
			var text = new TextEntry ();
			var check = new CheckBox ("CheckBox");
			var slider = new HSlider ();
			ListStore store = new ListStore (value);
			var list = new ListView (store);
			list.Columns.Add ("Value", value);
			list.HeadersVisible = false;
			for (int n=0; n<10; n++) {
				var r = store.AddRow ();
				store.SetValue (r, value, "Value " + n);

			var btn1 = new Button ("TextEnty");
			var btn2 = new Button ("Checkbox");
			var btn3 = new Button ("Slider");
			var btn4 = new Button ("ListBox");
			var btn5 = new Button ("Button");

			btn1.Clicked += (sender, e) => text.SetFocus ();
			btn2.Clicked += (sender, e) => check.SetFocus ();
			btn3.Clicked += (sender, e) => slider.SetFocus ();
			btn4.Clicked += (sender, e) => list.SetFocus ();
			btn5.Clicked += (sender, e) => btn1.SetFocus ();

			var btnBox = new HBox ();
			btnBox.PackStart (btn1);
			btnBox.PackStart (btn2);
			btnBox.PackStart (btn3);
			btnBox.PackStart (btn4);
			btnBox.PackStart (btn5);

			var focusBox = new HBox ();
			var vbox = new VBox ();
			vbox.PackStart (text);
			vbox.PackStart (check);
			vbox.PackStart (slider);
			focusBox.PackStart (vbox);
			focusBox.PackStart (list, true);

			PackStart (btnBox);
			PackStart (focusBox, true);
Exemple #43
		public ListBoxSample ()
			// Default list box
			ListBox list = new ListBox ();
			for (int n=0; n<100; n++)
				list.Items.Add ("Value " + n);
			PackStart (list, true);
			// Custom list box
			ListBox customList = new ListBox ();
			customList.GridLinesVisible = true;
			ListStore store = new ListStore (name, icon);
			customList.DataSource = store;
			customList.Views.Add (new ImageCellView (icon));
			customList.Views.Add (new TextCellView (name));
			var png = Image.FromResource (typeof(App), "class.png");
			for (int n=0; n<100; n++) {
				var r = store.AddRow ();
				store.SetValue (r, icon, png);
				store.SetValue (r, name, "Value " + n);
			PackStart (customList, true);

			var spnValue = new SpinButton ();
			spnValue.MinimumValue = 0;
			spnValue.MaximumValue = 99;
			spnValue.IncrementValue = 1;
			spnValue.Digits = 0;
			var btnScroll = new Button ("Go!");
			btnScroll.Clicked += (sender, e) => customList.ScrollToRow((int)spnValue.Value);

			HBox scrollActBox = new HBox ();
			scrollActBox.PackStart (new Label("Scroll to Value: "));
			scrollActBox.PackStart (spnValue);
			scrollActBox.PackStart (btnScroll);
			PackStart (scrollActBox);
Exemple #44
        public ListView1()
            ListView list = new ListView ();
            ListStore store = new ListStore (name, icon, text, icon2);
            list.DataSource = store;
            list.Columns.Add ("Name", icon, name);
            list.Columns.Add ("Text", icon2, text);

            var png = Image.FromResource (typeof(App), "class.png");

            for (int n=0; n<100; n++) {
                var r = store.AddRow ();
                store.SetValue (r, icon, png);
                store.SetValue (r, name, "Value " + n);
                store.SetValue (r, icon2, png);
                store.SetValue (r, text, "Text " + n);
            PackStart (list, BoxMode.FillAndExpand);
Exemple #45
        public ListView2()
            ListView list = new ListView ();
            editable = new DataField<bool> ();
            nonEditable = new DataField<bool> ();
            var textField = new DataField<string> ();
            ListStore store = new ListStore (editable, nonEditable, textField);
            list.DataSource = store;

            list.Columns.Add (new ListViewColumn("Editable", new CheckBoxCellView { Editable = true, ActiveField = editable }));
            list.Columns.Add (new ListViewColumn("Not Editable", new CheckBoxCellView { Editable = false, ActiveField = nonEditable }));
            list.Columns.Add (new ListViewColumn("Editable", new TextCellView { Editable = true, TextField = textField }));

            Random rand = new Random ();

            for (int n=0; n<100; n++) {
                var r = store.AddRow ();
                store.SetValue (r, editable, rand.Next(0, 2) == 0);
                store.SetValue (r, nonEditable, rand.Next(0, 2) == 0);
                store.SetValue (r, textField, n.ToString ());
            PackStart (list, true);
Exemple #46
		public ComboBoxes ()
			HBox box = new HBox ();
			ComboBox c = new ComboBox ();
			c.Items.Add ("One");
			c.Items.Add ("Two");
			c.Items.Add ("Three");
			c.SelectedIndex = 1;
			box.PackStart (c);
			Label la = new Label ();
			box.PackStart (la);
			c.SelectionChanged += delegate {
				la.Text = "Selected: " + (string)c.SelectedItem;
			PackStart (box);
			box = new HBox ();
			ComboBox c2 = new ComboBox ();
			box.PackStart (c2);
			Button b = new Button ("Fill combo (should grow)");
			box.PackStart (b);
			b.Clicked += delegate {
				for (int n=0; n<10; n++) {
					c2.Items.Add ("Item " + new string ('#', n));
			PackStart (box);
			// Combo with custom labels
			box = new HBox ();
			ComboBox c3 = new ComboBox ();
			c3.Items.Add (0, "Combo with custom labels");
			c3.Items.Add (1, "One");
			c3.Items.Add (2, "Two");
			c3.Items.Add (3, "Three");
			c3.Items.Add (ItemSeparator.Instance);
			c3.Items.Add (4, "Maybe more");
			var la3 = new Label ();
			box.PackStart (c3);
			box.PackStart (la3);
			c3.SelectionChanged += delegate {
				la3.Text = string.Format ("Selected item: {0} with label {1}",
			PackStart (box);
			box = new HBox ();
			var c4 = new ComboBoxEntry ();
			var la4 = new Label ();
			box.PackStart (c4);
			box.PackStart (la4);
			c4.Items.Add (1, "One");
			c4.Items.Add (2, "Two");
			c4.Items.Add (3, "Three");
			c4.TextEntry.PlaceholderText = "This is an entry";
			c4.TextEntry.Changed += delegate {
				la4.Text = "Selected text: " + c4.TextEntry.Text;
			PackStart (box);

			HBox selBox = new HBox ();
			Label las = new Label ("Selection:");
			selBox.PackStart (las);
			Button selReplace = new Button ("Replace");
			selReplace.Clicked += delegate {
				c4.TextEntry.SelectedText = "[TEST]";
			selBox.PackEnd (selReplace);
			Button selAll = new Button ("Select all");
			selAll.Clicked += delegate {
				c4.TextEntry.SelectionStart = 0;
				c4.TextEntry.SelectionLength = c4.TextEntry.Text.Length;
			selBox.PackEnd (selAll);
			Button selPlus = new Button ("+");
			selPlus.Clicked += delegate {
			selBox.PackEnd (selPlus);
			Button selRight = new Button (">");
			selRight.Clicked += delegate {
			selBox.PackEnd (selRight);
			PackStart (selBox);

			c4.TextEntry.SelectionChanged += delegate {
				las.Text = "Selection: (" + c4.TextEntry.CursorPosition + " <-> " + c4.TextEntry.SelectionStart + " + " + c4.TextEntry.SelectionLength + ") " + c4.TextEntry.SelectedText;

			var c5 = new ComboBoxEntry ();
			c5.TextEntry.TextAlignment = Alignment.Center;
			c5.TextEntry.Text = "centered text with red background";
			c5.BackgroundColor = Colors.Red;
			c5.Items.Add (1, "One");
			c5.Items.Add (2, "Two");
			c5.Items.Add (3, "Three");
			PackStart (c5);

			// A complex combobox
			// Three data fields
			var imgField = new DataField<Image> ();
			var textField = new DataField<string> ();
			var descField = new DataField<string> ();
			ComboBox cbox = new ComboBox ();
			ListStore store = new ListStore (textField, imgField, descField);
			cbox.ItemsSource = store;
			var r = store.AddRow ();
			store.SetValue (r, textField, "Information");
			store.SetValue (r, descField, "Icons are duplicated on purpose");
			store.SetValue (r, imgField, StockIcons.Information);
			r = store.AddRow ();
			store.SetValue (r, textField, "Error");
			store.SetValue (r, descField, "Another item");
			store.SetValue (r, imgField, StockIcons.Error);
			r = store.AddRow ();
			store.SetValue (r, textField, "Warning");
			store.SetValue (r, descField, "A third item");
			store.SetValue (r, imgField, StockIcons.Warning);
			// Four views to show three data fields
			cbox.Views.Add (new ImageCellView (imgField));
			cbox.Views.Add (new TextCellView (textField));
			cbox.Views.Add (new ImageCellView (imgField));
			cbox.Views.Add (new TextCellView (descField));
			cbox.SelectedIndex = 0;
			PackStart (cbox);
Exemple #47
        public MultiplayerView(LauncherWindow window)
            Window = window;
            this.MinWidth = 250;

            MultiplayerLabel = new Label("Multiplayer")
                Font = Font.WithSize(16),
                TextAlignment = Alignment.Center
            ServerIPEntry = new TextEntry()
                PlaceholderText = "Server IP",
                Text = UserSettings.Local.LastIP
            ConnectButton = new Button("Connect");
            BackButton = new Button("Back");
            ServerListView = new ListView() { MinHeight = 200, SelectionMode = SelectionMode.Single };
            AddServerButton = new Button("Add server");
            RemoveServerButton = new Button("Remove") { Sensitive = false };
            ServerCreationBox = new VBox() { Visible = false };
            NewServerLabel = new Label("Add new server:") { TextAlignment = Alignment.Center };
            NewServerName = new TextEntry() { PlaceholderText = "Name" };
            NewServerAddress = new TextEntry() { PlaceholderText = "Address" };
            CommitAddNewServer = new Button("Add server");
            CancelAddNewServer = new Button("Cancel");

            var iconField = new DataField<Image>();
            var nameField = new DataField<string>();
            var playersField = new DataField<string>();
            ServerListStore = new ListStore(iconField, nameField, playersField);
            ServerListView.DataSource = ServerListStore;
            ServerListView.HeadersVisible = false;
            ServerListView.Columns.Add(new ListViewColumn("Icon", new ImageCellView { ImageField = iconField }));
            ServerListView.Columns.Add(new ListViewColumn("Name", new TextCellView { TextField = nameField }));
            ServerListView.Columns.Add(new ListViewColumn("Players", new TextCellView { TextField = playersField }));

            ServerIPEntry.KeyReleased += (sender, e) => 
                if (e.Key == Key.Return || e.Key == Key.NumPadEnter)
                    ConnectButton_Clicked(sender, e);
            BackButton.Clicked += (sender, e) =>
            ConnectButton.Clicked += ConnectButton_Clicked;
            ServerListView.SelectionChanged += (sender, e) => 
                RemoveServerButton.Sensitive = ServerListView.SelectedRow != -1;
                ServerIPEntry.Sensitive = ServerListView.SelectedRow == -1;
            AddServerButton.Clicked += (sender, e) => 
                AddServerButton.Sensitive = false;
                RemoveServerButton.Sensitive = false;
                ConnectButton.Sensitive = false;
                ServerListView.Sensitive = false;
                ServerIPEntry.Sensitive = false;
                ServerCreationBox.Visible = true;
            CancelAddNewServer.Clicked += (sender, e) => 
                AddServerButton.Sensitive = true;
                RemoveServerButton.Sensitive = true;
                ConnectButton.Sensitive = true;
                ServerListView.Sensitive = true;
                ServerIPEntry.Sensitive = true;
                ServerCreationBox.Visible = false;
            RemoveServerButton.Clicked += (sender, e) => 
                var server = UserSettings.Local.FavoriteServers[ServerListView.SelectedRow];
                UserSettings.Local.FavoriteServers = UserSettings.Local.FavoriteServers.Where(
                    s => s.Name != server.Name && s.Address != server.Address).ToArray();
            CommitAddNewServer.Clicked += (sender, e) => 
                var server = new FavoriteServer
                    Name = NewServerName.Text,
                    Address = NewServerAddress.Text
                var row = ServerListStore.AddRow();
                using (var stream = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream("TrueCraft.Launcher.Content.default-server-icon.png"))
                    ServerListStore.SetValue(row, iconField, Image.FromStream(stream));
                ServerListStore.SetValue(row, nameField, server.Name);
                ServerListStore.SetValue(row, playersField, "TODO/50");
                UserSettings.Local.FavoriteServers = UserSettings.Local.FavoriteServers.Concat(new[] { server }).ToArray();
                AddServerButton.Sensitive = true;
                RemoveServerButton.Sensitive = true;
                ConnectButton.Sensitive = true;
                ServerListView.Sensitive = true;
                ServerIPEntry.Sensitive = true;
                ServerCreationBox.Visible = false;

            foreach (var server in UserSettings.Local.FavoriteServers)
                var row = ServerListStore.AddRow();
                using (var stream = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream("TrueCraft.Launcher.Content.default-server-icon.png"))
                    ServerListStore.SetValue(row, iconField, Image.FromStream(stream));
                ServerListStore.SetValue(row, nameField, server.Name);
                ServerListStore.SetValue(row, playersField, "TODO/50");

            var addServerHBox = new HBox();
            AddServerButton.WidthRequest = RemoveServerButton.WidthRequest = 0.5;
            addServerHBox.PackStart(AddServerButton, true);
            addServerHBox.PackStart(RemoveServerButton, true);

            var commitHBox = new HBox();
            CancelAddNewServer.WidthRequest = CommitAddNewServer.WidthRequest = 0.5;
            commitHBox.PackStart(CommitAddNewServer, true);
            commitHBox.PackStart(CancelAddNewServer, true);


Exemple #48
        public ComboBoxes()
            HBox box = new HBox ();
            ComboBox c = new ComboBox ();
            c.Items.Add ("One");
            c.Items.Add ("Two");
            c.Items.Add ("Three");
            c.SelectedIndex = 1;
            box.PackStart (c);
            Label la = new Label ();
            box.PackStart (la);
            c.SelectionChanged += delegate {
                la.Text = "Selected: " + (string)c.SelectedItem;
            PackStart (box);

            box = new HBox ();
            ComboBox c2 = new ComboBox ();
            box.PackStart (c2);
            Button b = new Button ("Fill combo (should grow)");
            box.PackStart (b);
            b.Clicked += delegate {
                for (int n=0; n<10; n++) {
                    c2.Items.Add ("Item " + new string ('#', n));
            PackStart (box);

            // Combo with custom labels

            box = new HBox ();
            ComboBox c3 = new ComboBox ();
            c3.Items.Add (0, "Combo with custom labels");
            c3.Items.Add (1, "One");
            c3.Items.Add (2, "Two");
            c3.Items.Add (3, "Three");
            c3.Items.Add (ItemSeparator.Instance);
            c3.Items.Add (4, "Maybe more");
            var la3 = new Label ();
            box.PackStart (c3);
            box.PackStart (la3);
            c3.SelectionChanged += delegate {
                la3.Text = string.Format ("Selected item: {0} with label {1}",
            PackStart (box);

            box = new HBox ();
            var c4 = new ComboBoxEntry ();
            var la4 = new Label ();
            box.PackStart (c4);
            box.PackStart (la4);

            c4.Items.Add (1, "One");
            c4.Items.Add (2, "Two");
            c4.Items.Add (3, "Three");
            c4.TextEntry.PlaceholderText = "This is an entry";
            c4.TextEntry.Changed += delegate {
                la4.Text = "Selected text: " + c4.TextEntry.Text;
            PackStart (box);

            // A complex combobox

            // Three data fields
            var imgField = new DataField<Image> ();
            var textField = new DataField<string> ();
            var descField = new DataField<string> ();

            ComboBox cbox = new ComboBox ();
            ListStore store = new ListStore (textField, imgField, descField);

            cbox.ItemsSource = store;
            var r = store.AddRow ();
            store.SetValue (r, textField, "Information");
            store.SetValue (r, descField, "Icons are duplicated on purpose");
            store.SetValue (r, imgField, Image.FromIcon (StockIcons.Information, IconSize.Small));
            r = store.AddRow ();
            store.SetValue (r, textField, "Error");
            store.SetValue (r, descField, "Another item");
            store.SetValue (r, imgField, Image.FromIcon (StockIcons.Error, IconSize.Small));
            r = store.AddRow ();
            store.SetValue (r, textField, "Warning");
            store.SetValue (r, descField, "A third item");
            store.SetValue (r, imgField, Image.FromIcon (StockIcons.Warning, IconSize.Small));

            // Four views to show three data fields
            cbox.Views.Add (new ImageCellView (imgField));
            cbox.Views.Add (new TextCellView (textField));
            cbox.Views.Add (new ImageCellView (imgField));
            cbox.Views.Add (new TextCellView (descField));

            cbox.SelectedIndex = 0;

            PackStart (cbox);
Exemple #49
		public DefaultFontSelectorBackend ()
			families = Font.AvailableFontFamilies.ToList ();
			families.Sort ();

			storeFonts = new ListStore (dfamily, dfamilymarkup);
			listFonts.DataSource = storeFonts;
			listFonts.HeadersVisible = false;
			listFonts.Columns.Add ("Font", new TextCellView () { TextField = dfamily, MarkupField = dfamilymarkup });
			listFonts.MinWidth = 150;

			foreach (var family in families) {
				var row = storeFonts.AddRow ();
				storeFonts.SetValues (row, dfamily, family, dfamilymarkup, "<span font=\"" + family + " " + (listFonts.Font.Size) + "\">" + family + "</span>");

			storeFace = new ListStore (dfaceName, dfaceMarkup, dfaceFont);
			listFace.DataSource = storeFace;
			listFace.HeadersVisible = false;
			listFace.Columns.Add ("Style", new TextCellView () { TextField = dfaceName, MarkupField = dfaceMarkup });
			listFace.MinWidth = 60;
			//listFace.HorizontalScrollPolicy = ScrollPolicy.Never;

			foreach (var size in DefaultFontSizes)
				listSize.Items.Add (size);

			spnSize.Digits = 1;
			spnSize.MinimumValue = 1;
			spnSize.MaximumValue = 800;
			spnSize.IncrementValue = 1;
			PreviewText = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.";

			spnSize.ValueChanged += (sender, e) => {
				if (DefaultFontSizes.Contains (spnSize.Value)) {
					var row = Array.IndexOf(DefaultFontSizes, spnSize.Value);
					listSize.UnselectAll ();
				SetFont(selectedFont.WithSize (spnSize.Value));

			SelectedFont = Font.SystemFont;
			UpdateFaceList (selectedFont); // family change not connected at this point, update manually

			listFonts.SelectionChanged += (sender, e) => {
				if (listFonts.SelectedRow >= 0) {
					var newFont = selectedFont.WithFamily (storeFonts.GetValue (listFonts.SelectedRow, dfamily));
					UpdateFaceList (newFont);

			listFace.SelectionChanged += (sender, e) => {
				if (listFace.SelectedRow >= 0)
					SetFont (storeFace.GetValue (listFace.SelectedRow, dfaceFont).WithSize (selectedFont.Size));

			listSize.SelectionChanged += (sender, e) => {
				if (listSize.SelectedRow >= 0 && Math.Abs (DefaultFontSizes [listSize.SelectedRow] - spnSize.Value) > double.Epsilon)
					spnSize.Value = DefaultFontSizes[listSize.SelectedRow];

			VBox familyBox = new VBox ();
			familyBox.PackStart (new Label ("Font:"));
			familyBox.PackStart (listFonts, true);

			VBox styleBox = new VBox ();
			styleBox.PackStart (new Label ("Style:"));
			styleBox.PackStart (listFace, true);

			VBox sizeBox = new VBox ();
			sizeBox.PackStart (new Label ("Size:"));
			sizeBox.PackStart (spnSize);
			sizeBox.PackStart (listSize, true);

			HBox fontBox = new HBox ();
			fontBox.PackStart (familyBox, true);
			fontBox.PackStart (styleBox, true);
			fontBox.PackStart (sizeBox);

			VBox mainBox = new VBox ();
			mainBox.MinWidth = 350;
			mainBox.MinHeight = 300;
			mainBox.PackStart (fontBox, true);
			mainBox.PackStart (new Label ("Preview:"));
			mainBox.PackStart (previewText);

			Content = mainBox;
        public void LoadQuery(StoredQuery query)
            using (var progress = new MonoDevelop.Ide.ProgressMonitoring.MessageDialogProgressMonitor(true, false, false))
                var fields = CachedMetaData.Instance.Fields;
                WorkItemStore store = new WorkItemStore(query);
                var data = store.LoadByPage(progress);
                if (data.Count > 0)
                    var firstItem = data[0];
                    List<IDataField> dataFields = new List<IDataField>();
                    var mapping = new Dictionary<Field, IDataField<object>>();
                    foreach (var item in firstItem.WorkItemInfo.Keys)
                        var field = fields[item];
                        var dataField = new DataField<object>();
                        mapping.Add(field, dataField);

                    if (dataFields.Any())
                        workItemField = new DataField<WorkItem>();
                        dataFields.Insert(0, workItemField);
                        var listStore = new ListStore(dataFields.ToArray());
                        foreach (var map in mapping)
                            listView.Columns.Add(map.Key.Name, map.Value);
                        listView.DataSource = listStore;
                        foreach (var workItem in data)
                            var row = listStore.AddRow();
                            listStore.SetValue(row, workItemField, workItem);
                            foreach (var map in mapping)
                                object value;
                                if (workItem.WorkItemInfo.TryGetValue(map.Key.ReferenceName, out value))
                                    listStore.SetValue(row, map.Value, value);
                                    listStore.SetValue(row, map.Value, null);
Exemple #51
		public ListViewCellBounds ()
			MinHeight = 120;
			MinWidth = 100;

			container = new VBox ();
			ListView = new ListView();

			ListView.GridLinesVisible = GridLines.Both;
			ListStore = new ListStore (name, icon, text, check, progress);
			ListView.DataSource = ListStore;
			ListView.Columns.Add ("Name", icon, name);
			ListView.Columns.Add ("Check", new TextCellView () { TextField = text }, new CustomCell () { ValueField = progress, Size = new Size(20, 20) }, new CheckBoxCellView() { ActiveField = check });
			//list.Columns.Add ("Progress", new TextCellView () { TextField = text }, new CustomCell () { ValueField = progress }, new TextCellView () { TextField = text } );
			ListView.Columns.Add ("Progress", new CustomCell () { ValueField = progress });

			var png = Image.FromResource (typeof(App), "class.png");

			Random rand = new Random ();

			for (int n=0; n<100; n++) {
				var r = ListStore.AddRow ();
				ListStore.SetValue (r, icon, png);
				if (rand.Next (50) > 25) {
					ListStore.SetValue (r, name, "Value \n" + n);
					ListStore.SetValue (r, check, false);
				} else {
					ListStore.SetValue (r, name, "Value " + n);
					ListStore.SetValue (r, check, true);
				ListStore.SetValue (r, text, "Text " + n);
				ListStore.SetValue (r, progress, new CellData { Value = rand.Next () % 100 });

			ListView.SelectionChanged += (sender, e) => UpdateTracker (ListView.SelectedRow);
			ListView.MouseMoved += (sender, e) => UpdateTracker (ListView.GetRowAtPosition (e.X, e.Y));

			drawer = new ListTrackingCanvas (this);

			container.PackStart (ListView, true);
			container.PackStart (drawer);
			AddChild (container);
        public SingleplayerView(LauncherWindow window)
            Worlds.Local = new Worlds();

            Window = window;
            this.MinWidth = 250;

            SingleplayerLabel = new Label("Singleplayer")
                Font = Font.WithSize(16),
                TextAlignment = Alignment.Center
            WorldListView = new ListView
                MinHeight = 200,
                SelectionMode = SelectionMode.Single
            CreateWorldButton = new Button("New world");
            DeleteWorldButton = new Button("Delete") { Sensitive = false };
            PlayButton = new Button("Play") { Sensitive = false };
            BackButton = new Button("Back");
            CreateWorldBox = new VBox() { Visible = false };
            NewWorldName = new TextEntry() { PlaceholderText = "Name" };
            NewWorldSeed = new TextEntry() { PlaceholderText = "Seed (optional)" };
            NewWorldCommit = new Button("Create") { Sensitive = false };
            NewWorldCancel = new Button("Cancel");
            NameField = new DataField<string>();
            WorldListStore = new ListStore(NameField);
            WorldListView.DataSource = WorldListStore;
            WorldListView.HeadersVisible = false;
            WorldListView.Columns.Add(new ListViewColumn("Name", new TextCellView { TextField = NameField, Editable = false }));
            ProgressLabel = new Label("Loading world...") { Visible = false };
            ProgressBar = new ProgressBar() { Visible = false, Indeterminate = true, Fraction = 0 };

            BackButton.Clicked += (sender, e) =>
            CreateWorldButton.Clicked += (sender, e) =>
                CreateWorldBox.Visible = true;
            NewWorldCancel.Clicked += (sender, e) =>
                CreateWorldBox.Visible = false;
            NewWorldName.Changed += (sender, e) =>
                NewWorldCommit.Sensitive = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(NewWorldName.Text);
            NewWorldCommit.Clicked += NewWorldCommit_Clicked;
            WorldListView.SelectionChanged += (sender, e) =>
                PlayButton.Sensitive = DeleteWorldButton.Sensitive = WorldListView.SelectedRow != -1;
            PlayButton.Clicked += PlayButton_Clicked;
            DeleteWorldButton.Clicked += (sender, e) =>
                var world = Worlds.Local.Saves[WorldListView.SelectedRow];
                Worlds.Local.Saves = Worlds.Local.Saves.Where(s => s != world).ToArray();
                Directory.Delete(world.BaseDirectory, true);

            foreach (var world in Worlds.Local.Saves)
                var row = WorldListStore.AddRow();
                WorldListStore.SetValue(row, NameField, world.Name);

            var createDeleteHbox = new HBox();
            CreateWorldButton.WidthRequest = DeleteWorldButton.WidthRequest = 0.5;
            createDeleteHbox.PackStart(CreateWorldButton, true);
            createDeleteHbox.PackStart(DeleteWorldButton, true);

            var newWorldHbox = new HBox();
            NewWorldCommit.WidthRequest = NewWorldCancel.WidthRequest = 0.5;
            newWorldHbox.PackStart(NewWorldCommit, true);
            newWorldHbox.PackStart(NewWorldCancel, true);

Exemple #53
        public ListBoxSample()
            // Default list box

            ListBox list = new ListBox();

            for (int n = 0; n < 100; n++)
                list.Items.Add("Value " + n);

            list.KeyPressed += (sender, e) =>
                if (e.Key == Key.Insert)
                    int r = list.SelectedRow + 1;
                    list.Items.Insert(r, "Value " + list.Items.Count + 1);
                    list.FocusedRow = r;

            PackStart(list, true);

            // Custom list box

            ListBox customList = new ListBox();
            customList.GridLinesVisible = true;
            ListStore store = new ListStore(name, icon);
            customList.DataSource = store;
            customList.Views.Add(new ImageCellView(icon));
            customList.Views.Add(new TextCellView(name));

            var png = Image.FromResource(typeof(Application), "class.png");

            for (int n = 0; n < 100; n++)
                var r = store.AddRow();
                store.SetValue(r, icon, png);
                store.SetValue(r, name, "Value " + n);

            customList.KeyPressed += (sender, e) =>
                if (e.Key == Key.Insert)
                    var r = store.InsertRowAfter(customList.SelectedRow < 0 ? 0 : customList.SelectedRow);
                    store.SetValue(r, icon, png);
                    store.SetValue(r, name, "Value " + (store.RowCount + 1));
                    customList.FocusedRow = r;

            PackStart(customList, true);

            var spnValue = new SpinButton();
            spnValue.MinimumValue = 0;
            spnValue.MaximumValue = 99;
            spnValue.IncrementValue = 1;
            spnValue.Digits = 0;
            var btnScroll = new Button("Go!");
            btnScroll.Clicked += (sender, e) => customList.ScrollToRow((int)spnValue.Value);

            HBox scrollActBox = new HBox();
            scrollActBox.PackStart(new Label("Scroll to Value: "));