/// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="numberOfItemsToCreate">The number of test posts to create</param>
        /// <param name="commentLimit">The upper limit of the number of random comments to create per post</param>
        public static void Run(int numberOfItemsToCreate, int commentLimit)

            List<Post> posts = new List<Post>();
            var repo = new MongoData();


            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfItemsToCreate; i++)
                var post = CreateTestPost("Discussion " + i, "email" + i + "@here.com", commentLimit);

            Console.WriteLine(String.Format("\tTotal posts[{0}] and comments[{1}]",posts.Count(),posts.Sum(post => post.Comments.Count())));
            DateTime start = DateTime.Now;
            DateTime end = DateTime.Now;

            Console.WriteLine(String.Format("\tTime to insert {0} items:{1} seconds. {2} per insert"
                                            , (posts.Count() + posts.Sum(post => post.Comments.Count()))
                                            , (end - start).TotalSeconds
                                            (end - start).TotalSeconds/
                                            (posts.Count() + posts.Sum(post => post.Comments.Count()))));

            Console.WriteLine(String.Format("\tCreated MongoDB {0} with {1} rows", MongoData.MongoDbName, numberOfItemsToCreate));

Exemple #2
    static void Main()
        string input = Console.ReadLine();

        List<decimal> inputNums = new List<decimal>();
        List<decimal> oddNums = new List<decimal>();
        List<decimal> evenNums = new List<decimal>();

        string[] numbers = input.Split(new char[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

        foreach (var num in numbers)

        int index = 1;

        for (int i = 0; i < inputNums.Count; i++)

            if (index % 2 == 1)


        if (inputNums.Count == 0)
            Console.WriteLine("OddSum=No, OddMin=No, OddMax=No, EvenSum=No, EvenMin=No, EvenMax=No");

        else if (inputNums.Count == 1)
            double oddNumsSum = (double)oddNums.Sum();
            double oddNumsMin = (double)oddNums.Min();
            double oddNumsMax = (double)oddNums.Max();
            Console.WriteLine("OddSum={0:G0}, OddMin={1:G0}, OddMax={2:G0}, EvenSum=No, EvenMin=No, EvenMax=No",
                oddNumsSum, oddNumsMin, oddNumsMax);

            double oddNumsSum = (double)oddNums.Sum();
            double oddNumsMin = (double)oddNums.Min();
            double oddNumsMax = (double)oddNums.Max();
            double evenNumsSum = (double)evenNums.Sum();
            double evenNumsMin = (double)evenNums.Min();
            double evenNumsMax = (double)evenNums.Max();

            Console.WriteLine("OddSum={0:G0}, OddMin={1:G0}, OddMax={2:G0}, EvenSum={3:G0}, EvenMin={4:G0}, EvenMax={5:G0}",  // {...:G0} Remove trailing zeros
                oddNumsSum, oddNumsMin, oddNumsMax, evenNumsSum, evenNumsMin, evenNumsMax);
Exemple #3
        public NaiveBayes(List<Case> cases)
            this.classProbabilities = new List<ClassGrouping>();
            this.attrProbabilities = new List<AttrGroupings>();

            for (int i = 0; i < cases.First().attributes.Count; i++)
                attrProbabilities.Add(new AttrGroupings(cases, i));

            var originalGroupings = cases.GroupBy(c => c.classification).ToList();
            if (originalGroupings.Count <= 25)
                for (int i = 0; i < originalGroupings.Count; i++)
                    double probability = (double)originalGroupings[i].Sum(c => c.weight) / (double)cases.Sum(c => c.weight); // trenger egentlig ikke dele her, da sum av vekter er 1.
                    this.classProbabilities.Add(new ClassGrouping(originalGroupings[i].ToList(), this.attrProbabilities, probability));
                List<Case> temp = cases.OrderBy(c => c.classification).ToList();
                int takeCount = temp.Count / numOfGroupings;

                for (int i = 0; i < numOfGroupings; i++)
                    List<Case> temp2;
                    if (i != numOfGroupings - 1) temp2 = temp.Skip(takeCount * i).Take(takeCount).ToList();
                    else temp2 = temp.Skip(takeCount * i).ToList();
                    double probability = (double)temp2.Sum(c => c.weight) / (double)cases.Sum(c => c.weight); // trenger egentlig ikke dele her, da sum av vekter er 1.
                    this.classProbabilities.Add(new ClassGrouping(temp2, this.attrProbabilities, probability));
Exemple #4
        public override void NormalizeRouletteWheel(List<AbstractPhenotype> adults)
            double average = adults.Average(x => x.Fitness);
            double standardDeviation = Math.Sqrt(adults.Sum(x => Math.Pow((x.Fitness - average), 2))/adults.Count);

            double rouletteProportion = 0;

            if (standardDeviation <= 0.0)
                double normalizedValue = 1.0/adults.Count;
                foreach (AbstractPhenotype adult in adults)
                    rouletteProportion += normalizedValue;
                    adult.RouletteProportion = rouletteProportion;
                double sigmaSum = adults.Sum(x => (1 + ((x.Fitness - average)/(2*standardDeviation))));

                foreach (AbstractPhenotype adult in adults)
                    double normalizedValue = (1 + ((adult.Fitness - average)/(2*standardDeviation)))/sigmaSum;
                    rouletteProportion += normalizedValue;
                    adult.RouletteProportion = rouletteProportion;
Exemple #5
        void AgentsEventHandler_OnPhoneCall(object sender, PhoneCallEventArguments e)
            if (!lbCalls.Items.Contains(e.PhoneCallEvent))
            lbCalls.DisplayMember = "PhoneCallID";

            long totalTime = 0, totalWait = 0;

            List<PhoneCallEvent> meList = new List<PhoneCallEvent>();

            foreach (object o in lbCalls.Items)
                meList.Add(o as PhoneCallEvent);

            //get the total number of calls
            int totalCalls = CallCenter.CallsCompleted; //(from tc in meList select tc).Count();

            //get the total time for and the total wait time
            totalTime = meList.Sum(n => n.PhoneCallLength);
            totalWait = meList.Sum(n => n.WaitTimeLength);

            //find out if there are any unassigned phone calls

            lblPendingCallsValue.Text = (from tc in meList where tc.AgentID == 0 select tc).Count().ToString();

            //now assign the variables
            if (totalCalls > 0) {
                lblAvgCallTimeValue.Text = FormatMSToTime(totalTime / totalCalls);
                lblAvgWaitValue.Text = String.Format("{0} ms", (totalWait / totalCalls));
                lblAvgCallTimeValue.Text = "N/A";

Exemple #6
        public TopicModel(ILmsService ilmsService, long selectDisciplineId)
            IEnumerable<Topic> temp_allowedTopics = ilmsService.FindService<IDisciplineService>().GetTopicsByDisciplineId((int)selectDisciplineId);
            this.disciplineName = ilmsService.FindService<IDisciplineService>().GetDiscipline((int)selectDisciplineId).Name;

            if (temp_allowedTopics != null & temp_allowedTopics.Count() != 0)
                double tempDisciplineQuality = 0;
                var temp = new List<KeyValuePair<Topic, double>>();
                foreach (var topic in temp_allowedTopics)
                    List<double> quality = new List<double>();
                    tempDisciplineQuality += quality.Sum() / quality.Count;
                    temp.Add(new KeyValuePair<Topic, double>(topic, quality.Sum() / quality.Count));

                this.disciplineQuality = tempDisciplineQuality / temp.Count;
                this.allowedTopics = temp;
                this.disciplineQuality = 0;
                this.allowedTopics = null;
Exemple #7
        public void MakeForecast(double[] x, double[] y, out double[] resX, out double[] resY, int count)
            double xmin = x.Min();
            double n = y.Length;
            List<double> x_ = new List<double>();
            for (int i = 0; i < x.Count()-1; i++)
                x_.Add(x[i] - xmin + 1);

            double sum_log_yt = y.Sum(yt => Math.Log(yt));
            double sum_t_2 = x_.Sum(t => t*t);
            double sum_t = x_.Sum(t => t);
            double sum_log_yt_t = x_.Sum(t => Math.Log(y[(int) t - 1])*t);

            double B = (sum_log_yt*sum_t - n*sum_log_yt_t)/(sum_t*sum_t - n*sum_t_2);
            double A = (sum_log_yt*sum_t_2 - sum_log_yt_t*sum_t)/(n*sum_t_2 - sum_t*sum_t);
            //double B = (sum_t*sum_log_yt - n*sum_log_yt_t)/(sum_t*sum_t - n*sum_t_2);
            //double A = 1/n*(sum_log_yt - sum_t*B);
            double a = Math.Exp(A);
            double b = Math.Exp(B);

            List<double> listX = new List<double>();
            List<double> listY = new List<double>();

            for (int i = 0; i < x.Length + count-1; i++)
                listX.Add(i + xmin);
                listY.Add(a*Math.Pow(b, i));

            resX = listX.ToArray();
            resY = listY.ToArray();
        private SeriesStatistics MapSeriesStatistics(List<SeasonStatistics> seasonStatistics)
            var seriesStatistics = new SeriesStatistics
                                       SeasonStatistics = seasonStatistics,
                                       SeriesId = seasonStatistics.First().SeriesId,
                                       EpisodeFileCount = seasonStatistics.Sum(s => s.EpisodeFileCount),
                                       EpisodeCount = seasonStatistics.Sum(s => s.EpisodeCount),
                                       TotalEpisodeCount = seasonStatistics.Sum(s => s.TotalEpisodeCount),
                                       SizeOnDisk = seasonStatistics.Sum(s => s.SizeOnDisk)

            var nextAiring = seasonStatistics.Where(s => s.NextAiring != null)
                                             .OrderBy(s => s.NextAiring)

            var previousAiring = seasonStatistics.Where(s => s.PreviousAiring != null)
                                                 .OrderBy(s => s.PreviousAiring)

            seriesStatistics.NextAiringString = nextAiring != null ? nextAiring.NextAiringString : null;
            seriesStatistics.PreviousAiringString = previousAiring != null ? previousAiring.PreviousAiringString : null;

            return seriesStatistics;
 public PersonSalaryReport( List<PersonReportItem> persons )
     Persons = persons;
     TotalSalary = persons.Sum( p => p.Salary );
     TotalTaxes = persons.Sum( p => p.Tax );
     TotalTakeHomeSalary = TotalSalary - TotalTaxes;
Exemple #10
        public RankingData(FormMain form, DateTime dtFraArg, DateTime dtTilArg, DateTime dtPickArg)
                this.main = form;
                dtFra = dtFraArg;
                dtTil = dtTilArg;
                dtPick = dtPickArg;
                velgerPeriode = FormMain.datoPeriodeVelger;

                this.varekoderDataAlle = main.appConfig.varekoder.Where(item => item.kategori == "Nettbrett" || item.kategori == "Data").ToList();
                this.varekoderData = main.appConfig.varekoder.Where(item => item.kategori == "Data").ToList();
                this.varekoderNettbrett = main.appConfig.varekoder.Where(item => item.kategori == "Nettbrett").ToList();

                this.varekoderDataColumns = varekoderData.Where(p => p.synlig == true).DistinctBy(p => p.alias).ToList();
                this.varekoderNettbrettColumns = varekoderNettbrett.Where(p => p.synlig == true).DistinctBy(p => p.alias).ToList();

                // Sjekk om listen har provisjon
                int prov = varekoderDataAlle.Sum(x => Convert.ToInt32(x.provSelger));
                prov += varekoderDataAlle.Sum(x => Convert.ToInt32(x.provTekniker));
                if (prov != 0)
                    provisjon = true;
            catch (Exception ex)
        private static BigInteger Solve(List<int> parties, int k)
            var sums = new BigInteger[parties.Sum() + 1];
            sums[0] = 1;
            var maxSum = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < parties.Count; i++)
                var number = parties[i];
                for (int j = maxSum; j >= 0; j--)
                    if (sums[j] > 0)
                        sums[j + number] += sums[j];
                        maxSum = Math.Max(j + number, maxSum);

            BigInteger combinations = 0;
            for (int i = k; i <= parties.Sum(); i++)
                combinations += sums[i];

            return combinations;
Exemple #12
    static void Main(string[] args)
        int num = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
        int[] n = Console.ReadLine().Split(' ').Select(int.Parse).ToArray();
        int[] seq = n.Distinct().ToArray();

        double combinations = Math.Pow(2, seq.Length);

        List<int> intList = new List<int>();
        int count = 0;

        for (int i = 1; i < combinations; i++)
            int sum = 0;
            CheckCombination(i, seq, ref intList);
            sum = intList.Sum();

            if ( sum == num )
                Console.WriteLine("{0} = {1}",
                    string.Join(" + ", intList.Select(x => x.ToString()).ToArray()),

            intList = new List<int>();
        if (count == 0)
            Console.WriteLine("No matching subsets.");
        public static void Calculate(IEnumerable<byte> bytes, byte bitWidth)
            var maxValues = Math.Pow(2, bitWidth);
            var blockValuesBuffer = new List<byte>();
            var blockSizes = new List<int>();

            var currentBlockSize = 0;
            foreach (var b in bytes)
                var isRepeatedByte = blockValuesBuffer.Contains(b);
                if (!isRepeatedByte && blockValuesBuffer.Count == maxValues || currentBlockSize == MaxBlockSize)
                    currentBlockSize = 0;

                if (!isRepeatedByte)


            float totalBits = blockSizes.Sum() * 8;
            float compressedBits = blockSizes.Sum() * bitWidth + blockSizes.Count * (256 /* bitmask */ + 16 /* block size */);

            Console.WriteLine("Total blocks: {0:N0}", blockSizes.Count);
            Console.WriteLine("Average block size: {0:N0}", blockSizes.Average());
            Console.WriteLine("Max block size: {0}", blockSizes.Max());
            Console.WriteLine("Estimated file size: {0:N2}%", 100 * compressedBits / totalBits);
        private static void GetSumOfLimitedCoins(int[] arr, int sum, List<int> combTemp, int index = 0)
            if (combTemp.Sum() == sum)
                combinations.Add(string.Join(",", combTemp));

            if (combTemp.Sum() > sum)

            for (int i = index; i < arr.Length; i++)
                if (!usedCoins[i])
                    usedCoins[i] = true;
                    GetSumOfLimitedCoins(arr, sum, combTemp, i);

                    usedCoins[i] = false;
Exemple #15
    static void Main()
        int searchedSum = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
        int[] numbers = Console.ReadLine().Split(' ').Select(int.Parse).ToArray();
        int[] sequence = numbers.Distinct().ToArray();

        double combinations = Math.Pow(2, sequence.Length);

        List<int> listOfInts = new List<int>();
        int count = 0;

        for (int i = 1; i < combinations; i++)
            int sum = 0;
            FindCombinations(i, sequence, ref listOfInts);
            sum = listOfInts.Sum();

            if (sum == searchedSum)
                Console.WriteLine("{0} = {1}",
                    string.Join(" + ", listOfInts.Select(x => x.ToString()).ToArray()),

            listOfInts = new List<int>();
        if (count == 0)
            Console.WriteLine("No matching subsets.");
        DtoResultadosProcesoElectoral ContarVotosProcesoElectoralUnipersonal(Pe01_ProcesoElectoral procesoElectoral)
            if (procesoElectoral != null)
                var listasProceso = procesoElectoral.Listas;
                if (listasProceso?.Count() > 0)
                    var votosProceso    = _votoRepository.Get <Mv01_Voto>(x => x.Estado.Equals(Auditoria.EstadoActivo) && x.ProcesoElectoralId == procesoElectoral.Id);
                    var resultadoListas = new List <DtoVotoDetalleLista>();
                    listasProceso.ToList()?.ForEach(x =>
                        resultadoListas.Add(ObtenerInformacionListaUniPersonal(x, votosProceso));

                    return(new DtoResultadosProcesoElectoral()
                        NumeroEmpadronados = procesoElectoral?.PadronesVotacion?.Count() ?? 0,
                        NumeroVotosValidos = resultadoListas?.Sum(x => x.CantidadVotos) ?? 0,
                        NumeroVotosBlancos = resultadoListas?.Sum(x => x.CantidadBlancos) ?? 0,
                        NumeroVotosNulos = resultadoListas?.Sum(x => x.CantidadNulos) ?? 0,
                        PorcentajeVotantes = (procesoElectoral?.PadronesVotacion?.Count() ?? 0) == 0 ? 0 : ((votosProceso?.Count() ?? 0) / (procesoElectoral.PadronesVotacion.Count()) * 100),
                        DetallesListas = resultadoListas
                throw new Exception("Proceso sin listas ");
            throw new Exception("Proceso electoral votación no existe");
        public virtual decimal Calculate(List<LineItem> lineItems)
            var totalCost = lineItems.Sum(x => x.Amount - x.TaxAmount);
            var totalTax = lineItems.Sum(x => x.TaxAmount);

            return Round(totalCost + totalCost * DefaultMargin + totalTax);
Exemple #18
        private async Task WriteBuildDetails(Build build, List <TestRun> testRuns, CodeCoverageSummary coverage, ISink sink)
            CodeCoverageStatistics linesCovered = coverage?.CoverageData?.FirstOrDefault()?.CoverageStats?.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Label == LinesCoverageStatsLabel);

            int totalTests   = testRuns?.Sum(r => r.TotalTests) ?? 0;
            int passedTests  = testRuns?.Sum(r => r.PassedTests) ?? 0;
            int ignoredTests = testRuns?.Sum(r => r.IncompleteTests + r.NotApplicableTests + r.UnanalyzedTests) ?? 0;

            await sink.Write(
                new string[]
Exemple #19
        static void Main(string[] args)

            int biggestPrime = 0;

            List<int> sumList = new List<int>();
            int sumCount = 0;

            foreach (int p in Prime.Primes)
                sumList = new List<int>();
                for (int i = Prime.Primes.IndexOf(p); i < Prime.Primes.Count; i++)

                    if (sumList.Sum() > Prime.Primes.Last())

                    int sum = sumList.Sum();

                    if (Prime.Primes.Contains(sum))
                        if (sumList.Count > sumCount)
                            biggestPrime = sum;
                            sumCount = sumList.Count;

    static void Main()
        int sumNumber = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
        int[] input = Console.ReadLine().Split(' ').Select(int.Parse).ToArray();
        int[] sequence = input.Distinct().ToArray();

        double combinations = Math.Pow(2, sequence.Length);

        List<int> sumsList = new List<int>();
        bool match = false;

        for (int i = 1; i < combinations; i++)
            int sum = 0;
            CheckCombination(i, sequence, ref sumsList);
            sum = sumsList.Sum();

            if (sum == sumNumber)
                Console.WriteLine("{0} = {1}", string.Join(" + ", sumsList.Select(x => x.ToString()).ToArray()), sumsList.Sum());
                match = true;

            sumsList = new List<int>();

        if (match == false)
            Console.WriteLine("No matching subsets.");
        public override decimal Calculate(List<LineItem> lineItems)
            var totalCost = lineItems.Sum(x => x.Amount - x.TaxAmount);
            var totalTax = lineItems.Sum(x => x.TaxAmount);

            return Round(totalCost + totalCost * (DefaultMargin + ExtraMargin) + totalTax);
    static void Main()
        int n = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
        List<int> oddNums = new List<int>();
        List<int> evenNums = new List<int>();

        int count = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < n * 2; i++)
            int number = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
            if (count % 2 == 0)

        if (oddNums.Sum() == evenNums.Sum())
            Console.WriteLine("Yes, sum={0}", oddNums.Sum());
            Console.WriteLine("No, diff={0}", Math.Abs(oddNums.Sum() - evenNums.Sum()));
        public void BuildReport(StringBuilder sb)
            sb.AppendLine("    <br/> <h3>Торговля</h3>");
            sb.AppendLine("    <br/> <table class=\"lightTable\">");

            // получить количество открытых / закрытых по счетам сделок за указанное количество дней
            var records = new List<AccountTrades>();
            foreach (var account in RobotFarm.Instance.Accounts.OrderBy(a => a.AccountId))
                var record = MakeAccountTradesRecord(account);

            var sumRecord = new AccountTrades
                AccountTitle = "- Суммарно -",
                ClosedTrades = records.Sum(r => r.ClosedTrades),
                OpenedTrades = records.Sum(r => r.OpenedTrades),
                ClosedVolumeDepo = records.Sum(r => r.ClosedVolumeDepo),
                Exposure = records.Sum(r => r.Exposure),
                OpenProfit = records.Sum(r => r.OpenProfit),
            sumRecord.LastOpen = records.Count == 0
                ? DateTime.MinValue
                : records.Max(r => r.LastOpen ?? DateTime.MinValue);
            if (sumRecord.LastOpen == DateTime.MinValue)
                sumRecord.LastOpen = null;

            sb.AppendLine("    </table>");
    static void Main(string[] args)
        List<int> list = new List<int>();
        list = Console.ReadLine().Split(new char[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).Select(x => int.Parse(x))

        Console.WriteLine("Sum: {0}, Average: {1}", list.Sum(), (double)list.Sum()/list.Count);
        protected override string GetHeaderSection(List<UserDayStats> userStats, DateTime date, int startHour, int endHour)
            var totalStarredMessages = userStats.Sum(x => x.StarredMessages);
            var totalStarsGiven = userStats.Sum(x => x.StarsGained);
            var dateValue = date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");

            return $"A total of {totalStarredMessages} messages were starred and {totalStarsGiven} stars were given on {dateValue} between hours {startHour} and {endHour}.";
        /// <summary>
        /// Take each sentences, dillute the score according to this sentence's proportion of the total
        /// length, and then round down to the nearest whole number. That's our score. 0 is most negative,
        /// 4 is most positive.
        /// </summary>
        private Sentiments CalculatedWeightedSentiment(List<ScoredSentence> sentences)
            var totalLength = sentences.Sum(s => s.Sentence.length());
            decimal averageScore = sentences.Sum(s => s.WeightedScore(totalLength));
            int finalScore =  (int) Math.Floor(averageScore);

            return (Sentiments) finalScore;
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string input = Console.ReadLine();
            List<string> text = new List<string>();
            while (input != "</table>")
                input = Console.ReadLine();
            List<decimal> result = new List<decimal>();
            Regex regex = new Regex(@"<td>(-?[0-9.?]+)</td>");
            for (int i = 2; i < text.Count; i++)
                List<decimal> tempList = new List<decimal>();
                string tempstr = text[i];
                MatchCollection matches = regex.Matches(tempstr);
                foreach (Match match in matches)


                if (tempList.Sum() > result.Sum())

            if (result.Count == 0)
                Console.WriteLine("no data");
            else if (result.Count() == 1 )
                Console.WriteLine("{0:f0} = {0}", result.First());
                StringBuilder resultBuilder = new StringBuilder();
                if (result.Sum() == 0)
                    resultBuilder.AppendFormat("{0:f0} = ", result.Sum());

                    resultBuilder.AppendFormat("{0} = ", result.Sum());

                foreach (var num in result)
                    resultBuilder.Append(num + " + ");
                Console.WriteLine(resultBuilder.ToString().Trim(new char[] { '+', ' ' }));
        public Result Execute(
            ExternalCommandData commandData, 
            ref string message, 
            ElementSet elements)
            // Get application and document objects
            UIApplication uiApp = commandData.Application;

                // Implement Selection Filter to select curves
                IList<Element> pickedRef = null;
                Selection sel = uiApp.ActiveUIDocument.Selection;
                DetailLineFilter selFilter = new DetailLineFilter();
                pickedRef = sel.PickElementsByRectangle(selFilter, "Select lines");

                // Measure their total length
                List<double> lengthList = new List<double>();
                foreach (Element e in pickedRef)
                    DetailLine line = e as DetailLine;
                    if (line != null)

                string lengthFeet = Math.Round(lengthList.Sum(), 2).ToString() + " ft";
                string lengthMeters = Math.Round(lengthList.Sum() * 0.3048, 2).ToString() + " m";
                string lengthMilimeters = Math.Round(lengthList.Sum() * 304.8, 2).ToString() + " mm";
                string lengthInch = Math.Round(lengthList.Sum() * 12, 2).ToString() + " inch";

                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                sb.AppendLine("Total Length is:");
                // Return a message window that displays total length to user
                TaskDialog.Show("Line Length", sb.ToString());

                // Assuming that everything went right return Result.Succeeded
                return Result.Succeeded;
            // This is where we "catch" potential errors and define how to deal with them
            catch (Autodesk.Revit.Exceptions.OperationCanceledException)
                // If user decided to cancel the operation return Result.Canceled
                return Result.Cancelled;
            catch (Exception ex)
                // If something went wrong return Result.Failed
                message = ex.Message;
                return Result.Failed;
Exemple #29
        public void LoadIssues(List<Issue> issues, DateTime worklogStartdate, DateTime worklogEnddate)
            Issues = issues;

            EstimateInSeconds = Issues.Sum(issue => (issue.TimeTracking != null ? issue.TimeTracking.OriginalEstimateSeconds : 0));
            TimeSpentInSeconds = Issues.Sum(issue => (issue.TimeTracking != null ? issue.TimeTracking.TimeSpentSeconds : 0));
            RemainingEstimateInSeconds = Issues.Sum(issue => (issue.TimeTracking != null ? issue.TimeTracking.RemainingEstimateSeconds : 0));

        protected override string GetHeaderSection(List<UserDayStats> userStats, DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate)
            var totalStarredMessages = userStats.Sum(x => x.StarredMessages);
            var totalStarsGiven = userStats.Sum(x => x.StarsGained);
            var start = startDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
            var end = endDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");

            return $"A total of {totalStarredMessages} messages were starred and {totalStarsGiven} stars were given between {start} and {end}.";
        public IDictionary<BetSheet, IList<BetOrder>> BuildOrder(User user, LotterySpecies specie,
            IEnumerable<AutoBetItem> betList, IDictionary<string, object> parameters)
            this._betResult = new BetResult();
            BetResult returnResult = new Models.BetResult();
            var todayLotteryCompany = TodayLotteryCompany.Instance.GetTodayCompany();       //获取今日开奖公司
            var memberComm = CommManager.GetMemberCommissionInSession(user, specie);        //获取会员的佣金
            IDictionary<BetSheet, IList<BetOrder>> betSheetDic = new Dictionary<BetSheet, IList<BetOrder>>();
            IDictionary<BetSheet, IList<BetOrder>> resultDic = new Dictionary<BetSheet, IList<BetOrder>>();
            foreach (var betOrder in betList)
                int[] nums;
                switch (betOrder.BetType)
                    case AutoBetType.TwelveZodiac: nums = LotterySystem.Current.TwelveZodiac; break;
                    case AutoBetType.EvenEven: nums = LotterySystem.Current.EvenEven; break;
                    case AutoBetType.EvenOdd: nums = LotterySystem.Current.EvenOdd; break;
                    case AutoBetType.OddEven: nums = LotterySystem.Current.OddEven; break;
                    case AutoBetType.OddOdd: nums = LotterySystem.Current.OddOdd; break;
                    case AutoBetType.Small: nums = LotterySystem.Current.Small; break;
                    case AutoBetType.Big: nums = LotterySystem.Current.Big; break;
                    default: throw new InvalidDataException("不可到达,数据异常!");
                var sheet = BuildAutoElectionCodeOrder(user, specie, betOrder.CompanyList, betOrder.WagerList, nums);

                List<BetOrder> orderList = new List<BetOrder>();
                foreach (var item in betSheetDic)
                StringBuilder companySb = new StringBuilder();
                foreach (var companyId in betOrder.CompanyList)
                    var company = todayLotteryCompany.Find(it => it.CompanyId == companyId);
                    if (company == null)
                        throw new InvalidDataException("CompanyId:" + companyId);
                    companySb.AppendFormat("{0} ", company.Abbreviation);
                BetSheet orderSheet = new BetSheet
                    Num = betOrder.BetType.ToString(),
                    Turnover = orderList.Sum(it => it.Turnover),
                    NetAmount = orderList.Sum(it => it.NetAmount),
                    Commission = orderList.Sum(it => it.Commission),
                    UserId = user.UserId,
                    Status = BetStatus.Valid,
                    IPAddress = IPHelper.IPAddress,
                    BetCompany = companySb.ToString(),
                    BetAmount = JoinSheetBetAmount(sheet.Keys)
                resultDic.Add(orderSheet, orderList);
            this._betResult = returnResult;
            return resultDic;
        public ActionResult ObtenerVentasDiarias(PagingInfo paginacion, string ANIO = null, string MES = null)
            //string mes, anio;
            if (ANIO == null && MES == null)
                //DateTime fecha = DateTime.Now;
                MES = DateTime.Now.ToString("MM");
                ANIO = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy");
            var result = _serVen.ObtenerVentasDiariasPaginado(paginacion, ANIO, MES).GroupBy(y => new { y.FECHA }).Select(z => new
                FECHA = z.Key.FECHA,
                TOTAL = z.Sum(x => x.TOTAL)
            List<VentasDiariasModel> listas = new List<VentasDiariasModel>();
            foreach (var item in result)
                VentasDiariasModel venDia = new VentasDiariasModel
                    FECHA = item.FECHA,
                    VENTA_TOTAL = item.TOTAL
                var ventadiaria = _serVen.ObtenerVentasDiariasPorCriterio(x => x.FECHA == item.FECHA);
                foreach (var diario in ventadiaria)
                    if (diario.TURNO == "DIA")
                        venDia.VENTA_DIA = diario.TOTAL;

                    else if (diario.TURNO == "TARDE")
                        venDia.VENTA_TARDE = diario.TOTAL;

                        venDia.VENTA_NOCHE = diario.TOTAL;

            listas = listas.OrderBy(x => x.FECHA).ToList();
            listas.Add(new VentasDiariasModel() { 
                VENTA_DIA = listas.Sum(x=>x.VENTA_DIA),
                VENTA_NOCHE = listas.Sum(x=>x.VENTA_NOCHE),
                VENTA_TARDE = listas.Sum(x=>x.VENTA_TARDE),
                VENTA_TOTAL = listas.Sum(x=>x.VENTA_TOTAL)
            JavaScriptSerializer javaScriptSerializer = new JavaScriptSerializer();
            string callback1 = paginacion.callback + "(" + javaScriptSerializer.Serialize(new { Rows = listas, Total = paginacion.total }) + ");";
            return JavaScript(callback1);

        internal static ValuationFeeDetails Map(List <BldgapplicationValues> bldgvalues)
            List <ValuationFeeDetailsItem> items = new List <ValuationFeeDetailsItem>();

            for (int i = 0; i < bldgvalues?.Count; i++)
                items.Add(new ValuationFeeDetailsItem(bldgvalues[i]?.SequenceNumber, bldgvalues[i]?.ComponentDescription, bldgvalues[i]?.OccupantType, bldgvalues[i]?.NumberOfOccupants,
                                                      bldgvalues[i]?.TableNumberSectLineSeq, bldgvalues[i]?.SquareFeet,
                                                      bldgvalues[i]?.SectionDescription, bldgvalues[i]?.ConstructionTypeDescription, bldgvalues[i]?.Cost, bldgvalues[i]?.ExtendedValue));
            return(new ValuationFeeDetails(bldgvalues?.Sum(t => t?.ExtendedValue), bldgvalues?.Sum(t => t?.SquareFeet), items));
        private static ArgumentListSyntax GenerateArgumentListSyntaxWithCommas(List <ExpressionSyntax> argumentSyntax)
            var argumentListSyntaxWithCommas    = new List <SyntaxNodeOrToken>();
            var allArgumentsLengthRequiresBreak = argumentSyntax?.Sum(x => x.FullSpan.Length) > 50 && argumentSyntax?.Count > 2;

            for (var i = 0; i < argumentSyntax?.Count; i++)

                if (i == argumentSyntax.Count - 1)

                if (allArgumentsLengthRequiresBreak)

            return(SyntaxFactory.ArgumentList(SyntaxFactory.SeparatedList <ArgumentSyntax>(argumentListSyntaxWithCommas)));
        private static Procedure_InclusaoReservaFiltersType GerarReservaFiltersType(string chave, string senha, Reserva reserva, List <IMes> mes, Programa programa, Estrutura estrutura, Fonte fonte, Regional regional)
            var bim1 = new string[] { "01", "02", "03" };
            var bim2 = new string[] { "04", "05", "06" };
            var bim3 = new string[] { "07", "08", "09" };
            var bim4 = new string[] { "10", "11", "12" };

            var inQuotaReserva1 = mes?.Where(x => bim1.Contains(x.Descricao)).Sum(y => y.ValorMes).ToString();
            var inQuotaReserva2 = mes?.Where(x => bim2.Contains(x.Descricao)).Sum(y => y.ValorMes).ToString();
            var inQuotaReserva3 = mes?.Where(x => bim3.Contains(x.Descricao)).Sum(y => y.ValorMes).ToString();
            var inQuotaReserva4 = mes?.Where(x => bim4.Contains(x.Descricao)).Sum(y => y.ValorMes).ToString();
            var inTotalReserva  = mes?.Sum(x => x.ValorMes).ToString();

            Procedure_InclusaoReservaFiltersType reservaFiltersType = new Procedure_InclusaoReservaFiltersType
                inOperador              = chave,
                inChave                 = senha,
                inAnoRefRes             = reserva?.AnoExercicio.ToString().Substring(2, 2),
                inAnoExercicio          = DateTime.Now.Month <= 2 ? reserva?.AnoExercicio.ToString().Substring(2, 2) : null,
                inCFPRes_1              = programa?.Cfp?.Substring(0, 2),
                inCFPRes_2              = programa?.Cfp?.Substring(2, 3),
                inCFPRes_3              = programa?.Cfp?.Substring(5, 4),
                inCFPRes_4              = programa?.Cfp?.Substring(9, 4),
                inCFPRes_5              = reserva?.OrigemRecurso?.Substring(1, 2) + "00" ?? string.Empty,
                inCEDRes_1              = estrutura?.Natureza?.Substring(0, 1),
                inCEDRes_2              = estrutura?.Natureza?.Substring(1, 1),
                inCEDRes_3              = estrutura?.Natureza?.Substring(2, 1),
                inCEDRes_4              = estrutura?.Natureza?.Substring(3, 1),
                inCEDRes_5              = estrutura?.Natureza?.Substring(4, 2),
                inOrgao                 = regional?.Descricao?.Substring(2, 2),
                inCodAplicacaoRes       = reserva?.Obra?.ToString(),
                inOrigemRecursoRes      = reserva?.OrigemRecurso?.Substring(1, 2),
                inDestinoRecursoRes     = reserva?.DestinoRecurso,
                inNumProcessoRes        = reserva?.Processo,
                inAutoProcFolhasRes     = reserva?.AutorizadoSupraFolha,
                inCodEspecDespesaRes    = reserva?.EspecificacaoDespesa,
                inEspecifDespesaRes     = reserva?.DescEspecificacaoDespesa.Replace(";", "").Replace(";", ""),
                inAutoPorAssRes         = reserva?.AutorizadoAssinatura,
                inAutoPorGrupoRes       = reserva?.AutorizadoGrupo,
                inAutoPorOrgaoRes       = reserva?.AutorizadoOrgao,
                inExamPorAssRes         = reserva?.ExaminadoAssinatura,
                inExamPorGrupoRes       = reserva?.ExaminadoGrupo,
                inExamPorOrgaoRes       = reserva?.ExaminadoOrgao,
                inRespEmissaoAssRes     = reserva?.ResponsavelAssinatura,
                inRespEmissGrupoRes     = reserva?.ResponsavelGrupo,
                inRespEmissOrgaoRes     = reserva?.ResponsavelOrgao,
                inIdentContratoANORes   = reserva?.Contrato?.Substring(0, 2),
                inIdentContratoORGAORes = reserva?.Contrato?.Substring(2, 2),
                inIdentContratoNUMRes   = reserva?.Contrato?.Substring(4, 5),
                inIdentContratoDCRes    = reserva?.Contrato?.Substring(9, 1),
                inQuotaReserva_1        = inQuotaReserva1?.Length < 3 ? "0" + inQuotaReserva1 : inQuotaReserva1,
                inQuotaReserva_2        = inQuotaReserva2?.Length < 3 ? "0" + inQuotaReserva2 : inQuotaReserva2,
                inQuotaReserva_3        = inQuotaReserva3?.Length < 3 ? "0" + inQuotaReserva3 : inQuotaReserva3,
                inQuotaReserva_4        = inQuotaReserva4?.Length < 3 ? "0" + inQuotaReserva4 : inQuotaReserva4,
                inTotalReserva          = inTotalReserva?.Length < 3 ? "0" + inTotalReserva : inTotalReserva,
                inImprimirRes           = "A"

Exemple #36
        internal static DataTable PrepareDailyActivityScoreTable(DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate
                                                                 , List <EventTelemetrySummary> eventDataSummaries, List <ViewTelemetrySummary> viewDataSummaries, List <ExceptionInfo> errorData)
            DataTable data = new DataTable();

            data.Columns.Add("Events", typeof(int));
            data.Columns.Add("Views", typeof(int));
            data.Columns.Add("Errors", typeof(int));

            DateTime dateRecord = startDate;

            while (dateRecord.Date <= endDate.Date) //include empty days
                DataRow row = data.NewRow();
                row["Date"] = ToDashboardDateString(dateRecord);

                row["Events"] =
                    eventDataSummaries?.Sum(s => s.TelemetryDetails?.Count(d => d.Timestamp.Date == dateRecord.Date));
                row["Views"] =
                    viewDataSummaries?.Sum(x => x.TelemetryDetails?.Count(d => d.Timestamp.Date == dateRecord.Date));

                row["Errors"] = errorData?.Count(x => x.Timestamp.Date == dateRecord.Date);

                dateRecord = dateRecord.AddDays(1);

Exemple #37
        public static ReadOnlySpan <byte> PackMessage(int messageType, ReadOnlySpan <byte> protobufMessage, List <ArgumentDescriptor> arguments)
            var argumentLength = arguments?.Sum(argument => argument.Argument.Length + ProtobufHubProtocolConstants.ARGUMENT_HEADER_LENGTH);

            var totalLength = ProtobufHubProtocolConstants.TYPE_PLACEHOLDER_SIZE                      // messageType
                              + ProtobufHubProtocolConstants.TOTAL_LENGTH_PLACEHOLDER_SIZE            // totalLength
                              + ProtobufHubProtocolConstants.PROTOBUF_MESSAGE_LENGTH_PLACEHOLDER_SIZE // ProtobufMessageLength
                              + protobufMessage.Length
                              + (argumentLength ?? 0);

            var byteArray = ArrayPool <byte> .Shared.Rent(totalLength);

                byteArray[0] = (byte)messageType;

                // Span share memory adress with byteArray
                var span = byteArray.AsSpan(ProtobufHubProtocolConstants.TYPE_PLACEHOLDER_SIZE);
                //var messageTotalLength = totalLength - ProtobufHubProtocolConstants.TYPE_AND_TOTAL_LENGTH_HEADER;
                //MemoryMarshal.Write(span, ref messageTotalLength);
                BinaryPrimitivesExtensions.WriteInt32(span, totalLength - ProtobufHubProtocolConstants.TYPE_AND_TOTAL_LENGTH_HEADER);

                span = byteArray.AsSpan(ProtobufHubProtocolConstants.TYPE_AND_TOTAL_LENGTH_HEADER);
                //var protobufMessageLength = protobufMessage.Length;
                //MemoryMarshal.Write(span, ref protobufMessageLength);
                BinaryPrimitivesExtensions.WriteInt32(span, protobufMessage.Length);

                span = byteArray.AsSpan(ProtobufHubProtocolConstants.MESSAGE_HEADER_LENGTH);


                var currentLength = protobufMessage.Length + ProtobufHubProtocolConstants.MESSAGE_HEADER_LENGTH;

                for (var i = 0; i < arguments?.Count; i++)
                    span = byteArray.AsSpan(currentLength);
                    //var argType = arguments[i].Type;
                    //MemoryMarshal.Write(span, ref argType);
                    BinaryPrimitivesExtensions.WriteInt32(span, arguments[i].Type);

                    span = byteArray.AsSpan(currentLength + ProtobufHubProtocolConstants.ARG_TYPE_PLACEHOLDER_SIZE);
                    //var argLength = arguments[i].Argument.Length;
                    //MemoryMarshal.Write(span, ref argLength);
                    BinaryPrimitivesExtensions.WriteInt32(span, arguments[i].Argument.Length);

                    span = byteArray.AsSpan(currentLength + ProtobufHubProtocolConstants.ARGUMENT_HEADER_LENGTH);

                    currentLength = currentLength + ProtobufHubProtocolConstants.ARGUMENT_HEADER_LENGTH + arguments[i].Argument.Length;

                return(byteArray.AsSpan(0, totalLength));
                ArrayPool <byte> .Shared.Return(byteArray);
Exemple #38
        public override void Draw(UISpriteBatch batch)
            batch.GraphicsDevice.DepthStencilState = DepthStencilState.Default;
            batch.GraphicsDevice.BlendState        = BlendState.NonPremultiplied;
            Camera.ProjectionOrigin = new Vector2(batch.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width, batch.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Height) / 2;

            batch.DrawString(GameFacade.MainFont.GetNearest(8).Font, (Comp3D?.Sum(x => x.Mesh?.Geoms?.FirstOrDefault()?.Sum(y => y.Value.PrimCount) ?? 0) ?? 0) + " tris", new Vector2(10, 10), Color.Red);
Exemple #39
 public override int GetHashCode()
     return((int)(map.GetHashCode() +
                  gameMode.GetHashCode() +
                  fragLimit +
                  timeLimit +
                  timeElapsed +
                  scoreBoard?.Sum(u => u.GetHashCode()) ?? 0));
Exemple #40
        public List <ValorPorComodo> ObterMelhorOpcaoValoresPorComodo(List <ValorPorComodo> v1, List <ValorPorComodo> v2)
            var retorno = v1;

            if (retorno?.Sum(x => x.Recortes?.Count ?? 0) < v2?.Sum(x => x.Recortes?.Count ?? 0))
                retorno = v2;

        /// <summary>
        /// Computes AnalysisXResultCell aggregated results
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="lstAnalysis">
        /// List of <see cref="AnalysisProcessingResultColumnValue"/>
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="aggregationType">
        /// <see cref="AnalysisAggregationType"/> object
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="column">
        /// <see cref="AnalysisColumn"/> object.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// List of <see cref="AnalysisXResultCell"/>
        /// </returns>
        private static List <AnalysisXResultCell> GetAnalysisXResultCells(
            List <AnalysisProcessingResultColumnValue> lstAnalysis,
            AnalysisAggregationType aggregationType,
            AnalysisColumn column)
            var xResultCells    = new List <AnalysisXResultCell>();
            var xCategoryValues = column.XCategoryValues;

            foreach (var xCategoryValue in xCategoryValues)
                var result = 0.0;
                if (aggregationType.Sum)
                    result = lstAnalysis?.Sum(x => x.ResultForXCategoryValueKey(xCategoryValue.Key)) ?? result;
                else if (aggregationType.Min)
                    if (lstAnalysis?.Any() == true)
                        result = lstAnalysis.Min(x => x.ResultForXCategoryValueKey(xCategoryValue.Key));
                else if (aggregationType.Max)
                    result = lstAnalysis?.Max(x => x.ResultForXCategoryValueKey(xCategoryValue.Key)) ?? result;
                    var count        = 0;
                    var currentCount = 0;
                    if (lstAnalysis?.Any() == true)
                        foreach (var colVal in lstAnalysis)
                            currentCount = colVal.CountForXCategoryValueKey(xCategoryValue.Key);
                            if (currentCount > 0)
                                result += colVal.ResultForXCategoryValueKey(xCategoryValue.Key) * currentCount;
                                count  += currentCount;

                    result = count > 0
                        ? result / count
                        : 0;

                xResultCells.Add(new AnalysisXResultCell(result, column.ResultColumn.DisplayStringFromNumber(result)));

        public OrderSummary GetOrderSummary(IEnumerable <MarketItem> items, List <Mineral> minerals, MineralList mineralList)
            var itemList = items.ToList();

            var perfectPurchasePrice = itemList.Sum(o => Math.Round(o.Pricing.CalculateBestTotal((int)Math.Ceiling(o.Qty)), 2));
            var buyAllPurchasePrice  = itemList.Sum(o => o.TotalPrice);

            var totalOreVolume            = (decimal)itemList.Sum(o => o.Volume * o.Qty);
            var sourceStagingShippingCost = itemList.Sum(o => o.AverageShippingCost * (decimal)o.Qty);

            var mineralBuyAllPurchasePrice = minerals?.Sum(m => m.TotalPrice);
            var totalMineralVolume         = minerals?.Sum(m => m.Volume * m.DesiredQty);
            var mineralValueRatio          = (buyAllPurchasePrice + sourceStagingShippingCost) / mineralBuyAllPurchasePrice;

            if (minerals != null)
                foreach (var mineral in minerals)
                    if (mineral.Qty == 0)
                    mineral.ComparisonTotal = Math.Round(mineral.TotalPrice * mineralValueRatio.Value, 2);
                    mineral.ComparisonPrice = Math.Round(mineral.ComparisonTotal / (decimal)mineral.DesiredQty, 2);

            return(new OrderSummary
                MarketItems = itemList,
                Minerals = minerals,
                MineralValueRatio = mineralValueRatio,
                TotalMineralVolume = totalMineralVolume,
                PurchaseCostBest = perfectPurchasePrice,
                PurchaseCost = buyAllPurchasePrice,
                TotalVolume = totalOreVolume,
                SourceStagingShippingCost = sourceStagingShippingCost,
        public IActionResult PriceControl()
            long   basketCount = 0;
            string session     = HttpContext.Session.GetString("AddProducts");
            List <CartProductViewModel> cart = new List <CartProductViewModel>();

            if (session != null)
                cart = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <CartProductViewModel> >(session);
            basketCount = cart?.Sum(item => item.Price * item.Quantity) ?? 0;
Exemple #44
        private void calculateSummary()
            _totalOunces       = _items?.Where(x => x.Type == "Beer").Sum(x => x.USOunces);
            _totalCost         = _items?.Sum(x => x.Cost);
            _averageBoxRating  = _totalOunces == 0 ? 0 : _items?.Where(x => x.Type == "Beer").Sum(x => x.USOunces * x.UntappdRating) / _totalOunces;
            _minimumBeerRating = _items?.Where(x => x.UntappdRating > 0).Min(x => x.UntappdRating);
            _totalUnique       = _items?.Where(x => x.Type == "Beer").Select(x => x.UntappdId).Distinct().Count();

            _qualifyingOunces     = _items?.Where(x => x.Type == "Beer" && x.UntappdRating >= (_minBeerRating ?? -1)).Sum(x => x.USOunces);
            _qualifyingCost       = _items?.Where(x => x.Type == "Beer").Sum(x => x.Cost);
            _qualifyingBoxRating  = calculateQualifyingBoxRating();
            _qualifyingBeerRating = calculateQualifyingBeerRating();
Exemple #45
        public override void Draw(UISpriteBatch batch)
            batch.GraphicsDevice.DepthStencilState = DepthStencilState.Default;
            batch.GraphicsDevice.BlendState        = BlendState.NonPremultiplied;
            Camera.ProjectionOrigin = new Vector2(batch.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width, batch.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Height) / 2;

            var text = (Comp3D?.Sum(x => x.Mesh?.Geoms?.FirstOrDefault()?.Sum(y => y.Value.PrimCount) ?? 0) ?? 0) + " tris";

            GameFacade.EdithVectorFont.Draw(batch.GraphicsDevice, text, new Vector2(10), Color.Black, Vector2.One * 0.6f, null);

Exemple #46
        private void conditionalOperator_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            List <Employee> employees1 = new List <Employee>();

            employees1.Add(new Employee {
                Id = 1, FirstName = "Emp 1"
            employees1.Add(new Employee {
                Id = 2, LastName = "Emp 2"

            int?length1 = employees1?.Count;               // if not null, get Count
            int length2 = employees1?.Count ?? 0;          // if not null, get Count. If null, get 0
            int empId   = employees1?[0].Id ?? 0;          // if not null, get Id property value of first index
            int idSum   = employees1?.Sum(i => i.Id) ?? 0; // if not null, get sum of Id property. If null, get 0
Exemple #47
        public void Correction(double value)
            var sum = Parents?.Sum(am => am.ActivationValue) ?? 0;

            if (sum == 0)
                ActivationValue -= value;

            foreach (var parent in Parents)
                var res = CorrectionCalc(sum, parent.ActivationValue, value);
        public async Task <IActionResult> Post(List <IFormFile> files)
            var size = files?.Sum(f => f.Length);

            if (files == null || files?.Count == 0)
                return(BadRequest("No file selected to Upload!"));
            if (size >= 10000000)
                return(BadRequest("File size larger than allowed (> 10MB)!"));

            var rabbitMQHost = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("RabbitMQHost");
            var rabbitMQPort = int.Parse(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("RabbitMQPort"));
            var queueName    = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("QueueName");

            foreach (var file in files)
                if (file.FileName.Substring(file.FileName.Length - 3, 3) != "csv")
                    ViewBag.Message = "SELECIONE APENAS ARQUIVOS CSV PARA ENVIO!";

                if (file.Length > 0)
                    var filePath = $"/repository/{file.FileName}";

                        var stream = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Create);
                        await file.CopyToAsync(stream);


                    this.RabbitMQProducer.SendMessage(rabbitMQHost, rabbitMQPort, queueName, filePath);

            return(Ok(new { count = files.Count, totalSize = size, files }));
        /// <summary>
        /// Расчет з/п для конкретного сотрудника.
        /// Расчитывает з.п подчиненных если определено должностью и сохраняет в БД
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="month">месяц</param>
        /// <param name="year">год</param>
        /// <param name="id">id сотрудника</param>
        /// <returns>Возращает сумму з.п</returns>
        public async Task <float> CalculateAsyncById(int month, int year, int id)
            float          koeffemployees = 0, salaryOfEmploees = 0, payforEmployees = 0;
            List <sreport> sreport        = new List <sreport>();
            Employee       employee       = _employee.GetSingle(n => n.Id == id, n => n.Position, p => p.Position);
            var            startPeriodDay = new DateTime(year, month, 1);
            var            YearSpan       = startPeriodDay.Year - employee.DateofRecruitment.Year;
            int            stage          = startPeriodDay.AddYears(YearSpan) <= employee.DateofRecruitment ? YearSpan : YearSpan - 1;

            if (startPeriodDay < employee.DateofRecruitment)
                return(0);                                             // Не работал на данный период
            int LongevitProcent = (int)employee.Position.LongevityKoeff * stage;

            LongevitProcent = LongevitProcent >= employee.Position.MaxLongevityKoeff ?(int)employee.Position.MaxLongevityKoeff : LongevitProcent;
            if (employee.Position.IsChildrenSalary)
                sreport = await GetAllemployeesAsync(employee, month, year);

                if (!employee.Position.IsAllChildrenSalary)
                    sreport = sreport.Where(n => n.Employee.ManagerId == id).ToList(); // Убираем данные не нужные для расчета
                koeffemployees = (float)employee.Position.Koeff;
            if (sreport.Count > 0)
                salaryOfEmploees = (float)sreport?.Sum(n => n.SumOfSalary);
                payforEmployees  = koeffemployees * salaryOfEmploees / 100;
            float Summ = employee.Position.SalaryRate * (1 + LongevitProcent / 100) + payforEmployees;

            await AddAsync(new SalaryReport
                EmployeeId       = id,
                month            = month,
                year             = year,
                DateCreate       = DateTime.Now,
                SumOfSalary      = Summ,
                salaryOfEmploees = salaryOfEmploees
            await CommitAsync();

Exemple #50
        private bool _handleFinePaidEvent(FinePaidEvent @event)
            bool update = false;

            foreach (FactionRecord record in criminalrecord.ToList())
                // If paid at 'Legal Facilities', fines are grouped by superpower
                bool match = @event.brokerpercentage == null ? record.faction == @event.faction : record.Allegiance.invariantName == @event.faction;
                if (@event.allfines || match)
                    // Get all fines incurred, excluding the discrepancy report
                    // Note that all fines are assigned to the ship, not the commander
                    List <FactionReport> reports = record.factionReports
                                                   .Where(r => !r.bounty && r.crimeDef != Crime.None && r.crimeDef != Crime.Fine && r.shipId == @event.shipid)
                    long total = reports?.Sum(r => r.amount) ?? 0;

                    // Check for discrepancy in logged fines incurred
                    if (total < @event.amount)
                        // Adjust the discrepancy report & remove when zeroed out
                        FactionReport report = record.factionReports
                                               .FirstOrDefault(r => r.crimeDef == Crime.Fine);
                        if (report != null)
                            report.amount -= Math.Min(@event.amount - total, report.amount);
                            if (report.amount == 0)
                    // Remove associated fines
                    record.factionReports = record.factionReports.Except(reports).ToList();

                    // Adjust the total fines incurred amount
                    record.fines -= Math.Min(@event.amount, record.fines);

                    update = true;
        private static Procedure_AnulacaoReservaFiltersType GerarAnulacaoFiltersType(string chave, string senha, ReservaCancelamento cancelamento, List <IMes> mes)
            var bim1 = new string[] { "01", "02", "03" };
            var bim2 = new string[] { "04", "05", "06" };
            var bim3 = new string[] { "07", "08", "09" };
            var bim4 = new string[] { "10", "11", "12" };

            Procedure_AnulacaoReservaFiltersType reforcoFiltersType = new Procedure_AnulacaoReservaFiltersType
                inChave = senha,
                //  inImpressora =
                inOperador           = chave,
                inNumReserva         = cancelamento?.Reserva.ToString(),
                inQuotaAnulacao_1    = mes?.Where(x => bim1.Contains(x.Descricao)).Sum(y => y.ValorMes).ToString(),
                inQuotaAnulacao_2    = mes?.Where(x => bim2.Contains(x.Descricao)).Sum(y => y.ValorMes).ToString(),
                inQuotaAnulacao_3    = mes?.Where(x => bim3.Contains(x.Descricao)).Sum(y => y.ValorMes).ToString(),
                inQuotaAnulacao_4    = mes?.Where(x => bim4.Contains(x.Descricao)).Sum(y => y.ValorMes).ToString(),
                inTotalAnulacao      = mes?.Sum(x => x.ValorMes).ToString(),
                inAutoPorAssAnu      = cancelamento?.AutorizadoAssinatura,
                inAutoPorGrupoAnu    = cancelamento?.AutorizadoGrupo,
                inAutoPorOrgaoAnu    = cancelamento?.AutorizadoOrgao,
                inAutoProcFolhasAnu  = cancelamento?.AutorizadoSupraFolha,
                inDestinoRecursoAnu  = cancelamento?.DestinoRecurso,
                inExamPorAssAnu      = cancelamento?.ExaminadoAssinatura,
                inExamPorGrupoAnu    = cancelamento?.ExaminadoGrupo,
                inExamPorOrgaoAnu    = cancelamento?.ExaminadoOrgao,
                inNumProcessoAnu     = cancelamento?.Processo,
                InOrigemRecursoAnu   = cancelamento?.OrigemRecurso?.Substring(1, 2),
                inCodEspecDespesaAnu = cancelamento?.EspecificacaoDespesa,
                inEspecifiDespesaRef = cancelamento?.DescEspecificacaoDespesa.Replace(";", "").Replace(";", ""),
                inRespEmissGrupoAnu  = cancelamento?.ResponsavelGrupo,
                inRespEmissaoAssAnu  = cancelamento?.ResponsavelAssinatura,
                inRespEmissOrgaoAnu  = cancelamento?.ResponsavelOrgao,
                inImprimirAnu        = "A"

        /// <summary>
        /// This method is an implementation of the WooliesX trolleyTotal end point
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="trolleyRequest"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task <decimal> CalculateTrolleyTotal(TrolleyRequest trolleyRequest)
            var applicableSpecials = new List <Special>();
            var trolleyProducts    = trolleyRequest.Products;
            var trolleySpecials    = trolleyRequest.Specials;
            var trolleyQuantities  = trolleyRequest.Quantities;

            var products = (from p in trolleyProducts
                            join q in trolleyQuantities on p.Name equals q.Name
                            select new TrolleyProduct {
                Name = p.Name, Price = p.Price, Quantity = q.Quantity

            if (trolleySpecials != null && trolleySpecials.Any())
                foreach (var special in trolleySpecials)
                    var totalPrice = (from tp in products
                                      join sp in special.Quantities on tp.Name equals sp.Name
                                      group new { tp, sp } by tp.Name
                                      into productQtyGroup
                                      select productQtyGroup.Sum(x => x.tp.Price * x.sp.Quantity)).Sum();

                    special.TotalBenefit = totalPrice - special.Total;

                var result = GetApplicableSpecials(products?.ToDictionary(x => x.Name), trolleySpecials);

                if (result != null && result.Any())

            return((applicableSpecials?.Sum(x => x.Total) ?? 0) + products.Sum(p => p.Quantity * p.Price));
Exemple #53
        public ReadOnlySpan <byte> PackMessage(int messageType, ReadOnlySpan <byte> protobufMessage, List <ArgumentDescriptor> arguments)
            var argumentLength = arguments?.Sum(argument => argument.Argument.Length + ProtobufHubProtocolConstants.ARGUMENT_HEADER_LENGTH);

            var totalLength = 1   // messageType
                              + 4 // totalLength
                              + 4 // ProtobufMessageLength
                              + protobufMessage.Length
                              + (argumentLength ?? 0);

            var byteArray = ArrayPool <byte> .Shared.Rent(totalLength);

                byteArray[0] = (byte)messageType;
                BitConverter.GetBytes(totalLength - ProtobufHubProtocolConstants.TYPE_AND_TOTAL_LENGTH_HEADER).CopyTo(byteArray, 1);
                BitConverter.GetBytes(protobufMessage.Length).CopyTo(byteArray, 5);
                protobufMessage.ToArray().CopyTo(byteArray, ProtobufHubProtocolConstants.MESSAGE_HEADER_LENGTH);

                var currentLength = protobufMessage.Length + ProtobufHubProtocolConstants.MESSAGE_HEADER_LENGTH;

                for (var i = 0; i < arguments?.Count; i++)
                    BitConverter.GetBytes(arguments[i].Type).CopyTo(byteArray, currentLength);
                    BitConverter.GetBytes(arguments[i].Argument.Length).CopyTo(byteArray, currentLength + ProtobufHubProtocolConstants.ARGUMENT_HEADER_LENGTH / 2);
                    arguments[i].Argument.CopyTo(byteArray, currentLength + ProtobufHubProtocolConstants.ARGUMENT_HEADER_LENGTH);
                    currentLength = currentLength + ProtobufHubProtocolConstants.ARGUMENT_HEADER_LENGTH + arguments[i].Argument.Length;

                return(byteArray.AsSpan().Slice(0, totalLength));
                ArrayPool <byte> .Shared.Return(byteArray);
        public async Task <decimal> CalculateTrolleyTotal(Trolley trolley)
            _eligibleSpecials = new List <Special>();
            var products = (from p in trolley.Products
                            join q in trolley.Quantities on p.Name equals q.Name
                            select new Product {
                Name = p.Name, Price = p.Price, Quantity = q.Quantity

            if (trolley.Specials?.Count() > 0)
                foreach (var special in trolley.Specials)
                    special.FullTotal = CalculateFullTotal(special.Quantities, products);

                ApplyBundeledSpecials(products, trolley);

            var regularPriceProductTotal  = products.Sum(p => p.Quantity * p.Price);
            var bundeledPriceProductTotal = _eligibleSpecials?.Sum(x => x.Total) ?? 0;

            return(regularPriceProductTotal + bundeledPriceProductTotal);
        public static IEnumerable <int> DeployFunnlling()
            var totalRageCount = rageSpell.Sum(u => u.Count);

            Log.Info($"[{AllInOnePushDeploy.AttackName}] deploy funnelling troops on sides");

            var QW = AllInOnePushDeploy.QWSettings == 1 && queen?.Count > 0 && healer?.Count >= AllInOnePushDeploy.HealerOnQWSettings ? true : false;

            if (QW)
                Log.Info($"{AllInOnePushDeploy.AttackName} start queen walk");
                foreach (var t in Deploy.AtPoint(queen, AllInOnePushDeploy.FirstFunnellingPoint))
                    yield return(t);

                yield return(400);

                foreach (var t in Deploy.AtPoint(healer, AllInOnePushDeploy.QWHealer, AllInOnePushDeploy.HealerOnQWSettings))
                    yield return(t);

                Deploy.WatchHeroes(new List <DeployElement> {

                if (AllInOnePushDeploy.RageOnQWSettings == 1)
                    var rageCount = rageSpell?.Sum(u => u.Count);
                    if (rageCount > 0)
                        var unit = rageSpell.FirstOrDefault();

                        foreach (var t in Deploy.AtPoint(unit, AllInOnePushDeploy.QWRagePoint))
                            yield return(t);

                yield return(10000);

                if (bowler?.Count > 0)
                    bowlerFunnelCount = bowler.Count / 4;
                    foreach (var t in Deploy.AtPoint(bowler, AllInOnePushDeploy.SecondFunnellingPoint, bowlerFunnelCount))
                        yield return(t);
                if (witch?.Count > 4)
                    witchFunnelCount = witch.Count / 4;
                    foreach (var t in Deploy.AtPoint(witch, AllInOnePushDeploy.SecondFunnellingPoint, witchFunnelCount))
                        yield return(t);

                if (healer?.Count > 0)
                    foreach (var t in Deploy.AtPoint(healer, AllInOnePushDeploy.SecondFunnellingPoint, healer.Count))
                        yield return(t);
                yield return(1000);

                if (AllInOnePushDeploy.RageFunnelling == 1 && totalRageCount >= 3)
                    foreach (var t in DeploySpell(rageSpell, AllInOnePushDeploy.SecondFunnellingRagePoint))
                        yield return(t);
                if (wizard?.Count > 0)
                    foreach (var t in Deploy.AtPoint(wizard, AllInOnePushDeploy.SecondFunnellingPoint))
                        yield return(t);
                yield return(5000);
                if (bowler?.Count > 0 || witch?.Count > 0)
                    Log.Info($"{AllInOnePushDeploy.AttackName} start funnlling ");
                    if (bowler?.Count > 0)
                        bowlerFunnelCount = bowler.Count / 4;
                        foreach (var t in Deploy.AtPoint(bowler, AllInOnePushDeploy.FirstFunnellingPoint, bowlerFunnelCount))
                            yield return(t);
                    if (witch?.Count > 0)
                        witchFunnelCount = witch.Count > 4 ? witch.Count / 4 : witch.Count / 2;
                        foreach (var t in Deploy.AtPoint(witch, AllInOnePushDeploy.FirstFunnellingPoint, witchFunnelCount))
                            yield return(t);

                    if (healer?.Count >= 2)
                        healerFunnlCount = healer.Count / 2;
                        foreach (var t in Deploy.AtPoint(healer, AllInOnePushDeploy.FirstFunnellingPoint, healerFunnlCount))
                            yield return(t);

                    if (bowler?.Count > 0)
                        foreach (var t in Deploy.AtPoint(bowler, AllInOnePushDeploy.SecondFunnellingPoint, bowlerFunnelCount))
                            yield return(t);
                    if (witchFunnelCount > 0 && witch?.Count > 0)
                        foreach (var t in Deploy.AtPoint(witch, AllInOnePushDeploy.SecondFunnellingPoint, witchFunnelCount))
                            yield return(t);

                    if (healer?.Count > 0 && healerFunnlCount > 0)
                        foreach (var t in Deploy.AtPoint(healer, AllInOnePushDeploy.SecondFunnellingPoint, healerFunnlCount))
                            yield return(t);

                    if (AllInOnePushDeploy.RageFunnelling == 1 && totalRageCount >= 3)
                        foreach (var t in DeploySpell(rageSpell, AllInOnePushDeploy.QWRagePoint))
                            yield return(t);

                        foreach (var t in DeploySpell(rageSpell, AllInOnePushDeploy.SecondFunnellingRagePoint))
                            yield return(t);
                    if (wizard?.Count > 0)
                        foreach (var t in Deploy.AtPoint(wizard, AllInOnePushDeploy.FirstFunnellingPoint))
                            yield return(t);
                        foreach (var t in Deploy.AtPoint(wizard, AllInOnePushDeploy.SecondFunnellingPoint))
                            yield return(t);
                    yield return(new Random().Next(10000, 13000));
                    if (wizard?.Count > 0)
                        var waves = wizard.Count > 12 ? 2 : 1;
                        foreach (var t in DeployWizard(waves))
                            yield return(t);
Exemple #56
        public ParticipantResult CalculateParticipantsResults(LeaderboardParticipant participant, List <SummaryActivity> activites)
            var result = activites?.Sum(x => (x.Distance ?? 0d) / 1000) ?? 0;

            return(new ParticipantResult(participant, result, string.Format("{0:0.##} km", result)));
 private string GetWorkNeeded() =>
 _slimeHutches?.Sum(slimeHutch => slimeHutch.waterSpots.Count).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
Exemple #58
        public async Task <IEnumerable <DashboardDto> > GetDashboardData(int userId)
            List <Inventory>       items = new List <Inventory>();
            List <ProductCategory> cats  = new List <ProductCategory>();
            var responseList             = new List <DashboardDto>();

            items = await _context.Inventories.Where(i => i.AppUserId == userId).ToListAsync();

            cats = await _context.ProductCategories.ToListAsync();

            //All gender and age range possibilities
            var response = new DashboardDto()
                AppUserId    = userId,
                Gender       = "All",
                AgeRange     = "All",
                AveragePrice = items?.Average(i => i?.ItemPrice),
                TotalCount   = items?.Sum(i => i?.ItemCount),
                Categories   = GetCategorySummary(items, cats)


            //Boys 2-4
            var itemsFiltered = items?.Where(i => i?.Gender == "Boys" && i?.AgeRange == "2 - 4");

            response = new DashboardDto()
                AppUserId    = userId,
                Gender       = "Boys",
                AgeRange     = "2 - 4",
                AveragePrice = itemsFiltered?.Average(i => i?.ItemPrice),
                TotalCount   = itemsFiltered?.Sum(i => i?.ItemCount),
                Categories   = GetCategorySummary(itemsFiltered.ToList(), cats)

            //Boys 5-9
            itemsFiltered = items?.Where(i => i?.Gender == "Boys" && i?.AgeRange == "5 - 9");
            response      = new DashboardDto()
                AppUserId    = userId,
                Gender       = "Boys",
                AgeRange     = "5 - 9",
                AveragePrice = itemsFiltered?.Average(i => i?.ItemPrice),
                TotalCount   = itemsFiltered?.Sum(i => i?.ItemCount),
                Categories   = GetCategorySummary(itemsFiltered.ToList(), cats)

            //Boys 10-14
            itemsFiltered = items?.Where(i => i?.Gender == "Boys" && i?.AgeRange == "10 - 14");
            response      = new DashboardDto()
                AppUserId    = userId,
                Gender       = "Boys",
                AgeRange     = "10 - 14",
                AveragePrice = itemsFiltered?.Average(i => i?.ItemPrice),
                TotalCount   = itemsFiltered?.Sum(i => i?.ItemCount),
                Categories   = GetCategorySummary(itemsFiltered.ToList(), cats)

            //Girls 2-4
            itemsFiltered = items?.Where(i => i?.Gender == "Girls" && i?.AgeRange == "2 - 4");
            response      = new DashboardDto()
                AppUserId    = userId,
                Gender       = "Girls",
                AgeRange     = "2 - 4",
                AveragePrice = itemsFiltered?.Average(i => i?.ItemPrice),
                TotalCount   = itemsFiltered?.Sum(i => i?.ItemCount),
                Categories   = GetCategorySummary(itemsFiltered.ToList(), cats)

            //Girls 5-9
            itemsFiltered = items?.Where(i => i?.Gender == "Girls" && i?.AgeRange == "5 - 9");
            response      = new DashboardDto()
                AppUserId    = userId,
                Gender       = "Girls",
                AgeRange     = "5 - 9",
                AveragePrice = itemsFiltered?.Average(i => i?.ItemPrice),
                TotalCount   = itemsFiltered?.Sum(i => i?.ItemCount),
                Categories   = GetCategorySummary(itemsFiltered.ToList(), cats)

            //Girls 10-14
            itemsFiltered = items?.Where(i => i?.Gender == "Girls" && i?.AgeRange == "10 - 14");
            response      = new DashboardDto()
                AppUserId    = userId,
                Gender       = "Girls",
                AgeRange     = "10 - 14",
                AveragePrice = itemsFiltered?.Average(i => i?.ItemPrice),
                TotalCount   = itemsFiltered?.Sum(i => i?.ItemCount),
                Categories   = GetCategorySummary(itemsFiltered.ToList(), cats)

            //Either 2-4
            itemsFiltered = items?.Where(i => i?.Gender == "Either" && i?.AgeRange == "2 - 4");
            response      = new DashboardDto()
                AppUserId    = userId,
                Gender       = "Either",
                AgeRange     = "2 - 4",
                AveragePrice = itemsFiltered?.Average(i => i?.ItemPrice),
                TotalCount   = itemsFiltered?.Sum(i => i?.ItemCount),
                Categories   = GetCategorySummary(itemsFiltered.ToList(), cats)

            //Either 5-9
            itemsFiltered = items?.Where(i => i?.Gender == "Either" && i?.AgeRange == "5 - 9");
            response      = new DashboardDto()
                AppUserId    = userId,
                Gender       = "Either",
                AgeRange     = "5 - 9",
                AveragePrice = itemsFiltered?.Average(i => i?.ItemPrice),
                TotalCount   = itemsFiltered?.Sum(i => i?.ItemCount),
                Categories   = GetCategorySummary(itemsFiltered.ToList(), cats)

            //Either 10-14
            itemsFiltered = items?.Where(i => i?.Gender == "Either" && i?.AgeRange == "10 - 14");
            response      = new DashboardDto()
                AppUserId    = userId,
                Gender       = "Either",
                AgeRange     = "10 - 14",
                AveragePrice = itemsFiltered?.Average(i => i?.ItemPrice),
                TotalCount   = itemsFiltered?.Sum(i => i?.ItemCount),
                Categories   = GetCategorySummary(itemsFiltered.ToList(), cats)

Exemple #59
        public ValidationResult Validate(Element element, Dictionary <string, dynamic> viewModel, FormSchema baseForm)
            if (element.Type != EElementType.MultipleFileUpload)
                return new ValidationResult {
                           IsValid = true

            var key = $"{element.Properties.QuestionId}{FileUploadConstants.SUFFIX}";

            if (!viewModel.ContainsKey(key))
                return new ValidationResult {
                           IsValid = true

            List <DocumentModel> documentModel = viewModel[key];

            if (documentModel == null)
                return new ValidationResult {
                           IsValid = true

            var maxCombinedFileSize = element.Properties.MaxCombinedFileSize > 0 ? element.Properties.MaxCombinedFileSize * SystemConstants.OneMBInBinaryBytes : SystemConstants.DefaultMaxCombinedFileSize;

            var sessionGuid   = _sessionHelper.GetSessionGuid();
            var cachedAnswers = _distributedCache.GetString(sessionGuid);

            var convertedAnswers = cachedAnswers == null
                ? new FormAnswers {
                Pages = new List <PageAnswers>()
                : JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <FormAnswers>(cachedAnswers);

            var path = viewModel.FirstOrDefault(_ => _.Key.Equals("Path")).Value;

            var pageAnswersString = convertedAnswers.Pages.FirstOrDefault(_ => _.PageSlug.Equals(path))?.Answers.FirstOrDefault(_ => _.QuestionId == key);
            var response          = new List <FileUploadModel>();

            if (pageAnswersString != null)
                response = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <FileUploadModel> >(pageAnswersString.Response.ToString());

            if (documentModel.Sum(_ => _.FileSize) + response?.Sum(_ => _.FileSize) < maxCombinedFileSize)
                return new ValidationResult {
                           IsValid = true

            return(new ValidationResult
                IsValid = false,
                Message = $"The total size of all your added files must not be more than {maxCombinedFileSize.ToReadableMaxFileSize()}MB"
        public ParticipantResult CalculateParticipantsResults(LeaderboardParticipant participant, List <SummaryActivity> activities)
            var result = activities?.Sum(x => x.TotalElevationGain ?? 0d) ?? 0;

            return(new ParticipantResult(participant, result, string.Format("{0:0.#} m", result)));