void LoadDatabase(LSDatabase database) { _database = database; bool isValid = false; if (_database != null) { if (database.GetType() != DatabaseType) { //Note: A hacky fix for changing the type of a previously saved database is to turn on Debug mode //and change the script type of the database asset in the inspector. Back it up before attempting! Debug.Log("Loaded database type does not match DatabaseType."); } DatabaseEditor = new EditorLSDatabase(); DatabaseEditor.Initialize(this, Database, out isValid); } if (!isValid) { Debug.Log("Load unsuccesful"); this.DatabaseEditor = null; this._database = null; IsLoaded = false; return; } LSFSettingsManager.GetSettings().Database = database; LSFSettingsModifier.Save(); IsLoaded = true; }
public static void Setup() { //LSFSettingsManagers.GetSettings().Database is the most recent database loaded/created. //You can also set this manually by dragging the desired database onto the saved LSFSettings in... //'Assets/Resources/LockstepFrameworkSettings' LSDatabase database = LSFSettingsManager.GetSettings().Database; _currentDatabase = database; }
private void FillDGV(DateTime DTStart, DateTime DTEnd) { string sSQL = "SELECT Name as 名称,DT_Start as 开始时间,DT_End as 结束时间 ,UserName as 操作员,Status,StepNumber as 总层数,rowguid as 唯一标示 FROM p_processinfo "; sSQL += "where DT_Start between '" + DTStart.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss"); sSQL += "' and '" + DTEnd.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "'order by DT_Start desc;"; DTValue = LSDatabase.GetSOEData(sSQL); dGV1.DataSource = DTValue; dGV1.AutoSizeColumnsMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnsMode.AllCells; }
public void UpdateReal(DateTime DT_S, DateTime DT_N, int iSec)//按时间长度增加曲线 { if (iSec > 0) { DT_S = DT_N.AddSeconds(-1 * iSec); } UpdateListTable(); foreach (var nTable in ListTable) { DataTable DTValue = LSDatabase.GetFastHisData(DT_S, DT_N, nTable.Key, nTable.Value); DateTime DT_ss; if (DTValue.Rows.Count > 0) { DT_ss = DateTime.Parse(DTValue.Rows[DTValue.Rows.Count - 1]["Date_Time"].ToString()); } else { DT_ss = DT_S; } double[] x = new double[DTValue.Rows.Count]; double[] y = new double[DTValue.Rows.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < DTValue.Rows.Count; i++) { x[i] = new XDate(DateTime.Parse(DTValue.Rows[i]["Date_Time"].ToString())); //Debug.WriteLine(DTValue.Rows[i]["Date_Time"].ToString() + ":" + x[i].ToString()); } for (int j = 1; j < DTValue.Columns.Count; j++) { foreach (CLSYAxisGroup nGroup in ListYAxisGroup) { foreach (CLSCurve nCurve in nGroup.ListCur) { if (nCurve.StaName == nTable.Key && nCurve.VarName == DTValue.Columns[j].ColumnName) { for (int i = 0; i < DTValue.Rows.Count; i++) { y[i] = CABC.CABCDGV.GetValFromDT(DTValue, nCurve.VarName, i, 0); } nCurve.ListPT.Clear(); nCurve.ListPT.Add(x, y); if (iSec > 0) { nCurve.iSec = iSec; nCurve.UpdateReal(DT_ss, DT_N); } } } } } } }
bool LoadDatabaseFromPath(string absolutePath) { string relativePath = absolutePath.GetRelativeUnityAssetPath(); LSDatabase database = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath <LSDatabase>(relativePath); if (database != null) { LoadDatabase(database); return(true); } DatabaseEditor = null; return(false); }
private void butQuery_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { this.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor; butQuery.Enabled = false; DateTime DT_S, DT_E; if (dTP_S.Value > dTP_E.Value) { DT_E = dTP_S.Value; DT_S = dTP_E.Value; } else { DT_E = dTP_E.Value; DT_S = dTP_S.Value; } string sSQL = "SELECT (@i:=@i+1) as 序号, AL_SOELog.Date_Time as 时间,"; sSQL += "AL_SOELog.StationName as 子站名称,AL_SOELog.AlarmType as 类型 ,"; sSQL += "AL_SOELog.Recorder as 报警内容,AL_SOELog.ConfirmTime as 确认时间,"; sSQL += "AL_SOELog.ConfirmName as 确认人 FROM (select @i:=0)it,AL_SOELog "; sSQL += "where AL_SOELog.Date_Time between '" + DT_S.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "' and '" + DT_E.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "' "; string sSQL1 = sSQL + " and (AL_SOELog.Priority=1 or AL_SOELog.Priority=2) and AL_SOELog.AlarmType!= '人工操作' order by AL_SOELog.Date_Time;"; DataTable DTValue = LSDatabase.GetSOEData(sSQL1); HisdGV1.DataSource = DTValue; HisdGV1.AutoSizeColumnsMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnsMode.AllCells; string sSQL2 = sSQL + " and AL_SOELog.Priority=3 and AL_SOELog.AlarmType!= '人工操作' order by AL_SOELog.Date_Time;"; DataTable DTValue2 = LSDatabase.GetSOEData(sSQL2); HisdGV2.DataSource = DTValue2; HisdGV2.AutoSizeColumnsMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnsMode.AllCells; string sSQL3 = sSQL + " and AL_SOELog.AlarmType= '人工操作' order by AL_SOELog.Date_Time;"; DataTable DTValue3 = LSDatabase.GetSOEData(sSQL3); HisdGV3.DataSource = DTValue3; HisdGV3.AutoSizeColumnsMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnsMode.AllCells; } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "butQuery_Click"); } finally { this.Cursor = Cursors.Default; butQuery.Enabled = true; } }
private bool CreateDatabase(string absolutePath) { LSDatabase database = (LSDatabase)ScriptableObject.CreateInstance(DatabaseType); if (database == null) { return(false); } string relativePath = absolutePath.GetRelativeUnityAssetPath(); AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(database, relativePath); AssetDatabase.SaveAssets(); AssetDatabase.Refresh(); LoadDatabase(database); return(true); }
public void InitTimeList() { try { listBox1.Items.Clear(); string sSQL = "SELECT year(DT_Start) as Y,month(DT_Start) as M,count(*) as N FROM p_processinfo group by year(DT_Start) , month(DT_Start) order by DT_Start desc;"; DataTable ListValue = LSDatabase.GetSOEData(sSQL); foreach (DataRow nRow in ListValue.Rows) { DateTime DT = new DateTime(Convert.ToInt32(nRow["Y"]), Convert.ToInt32(nRow["M"]), 1, 0, 0, 0); listBox1.Items.Add(DT.ToString("yyyy年MM月") + "(" + nRow["N"] + ")"); } listBox1.SelectedIndex = 0; } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("InitTimeList:" + ex.Message); } }
public void Initialize(EditorLSDatabaseWindow window, LSDatabase database, out bool valid) { this.MainWindow = window; Database = database; InitializeData(); bool isValid = true; for (int i = 0; i < DataItemInfos.Count; i++) { DataItemInfo info = DataItemInfos [i]; bool bufferValid; CreateDataHelper(info, out bufferValid); if (!bufferValid) { Debug.LogError("Database does not match database type described by the database editor. Make sure Lockstep_Database.asset is the correct database type."); isValid = false; break; } } valid = isValid; }
public DataHelper( Type targetType, EditorLSDatabase sourceEditor, LSDatabase sourceDatabase, string displayName, string dataFieldName, SortInfo[] sorts, out bool valid) { Sorts = sorts; this.TargetType = targetType; SourceEditor = sourceEditor; this.DisplayName = displayName; SourceDatabase = sourceDatabase; _dataFieldName = dataFieldName; FieldInfo info = sourceDatabase.GetType().GetField(_dataFieldName, BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance); if (info == null) { Debug.Log(string.Format("Field with fieldName of {0} not found.", dataFieldName)); valid = false; return; } _getData = () => (DataItem[])info.GetValue(sourceDatabase); _setData = (value) => info.SetValue(sourceDatabase, value); if (Data == null) { Data = (DataItem[])Array.CreateInstance(TargetType, 0); } DataItemAttribute dataAttribute = (DataItemAttribute)Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(targetType, typeof(DataItemAttribute)); _dataAttribute = dataAttribute ?? new DataItemAttribute(); valid = true; }
public static string ToJson(LSDatabase database) { return(JsonUtility.ToJson(database, true)); }
public CUserDBUM(string _sApp, LSDatabase _DB) : base(_sApp, _DB) { }
public CUserInfo(string _sApp, LSDatabase _DB) { nDatabase = _DB; sXMLPath = _sApp + "\\Project\\User.xml"; LoadXML(); }