private void prentsader() { DataTable tbl = new DataTable(); tbl = db.Ce_runquery("select branch,s_month,s_year from sader_b_e where branch='" + br_find1.SelectedValue + "' and s_month='" + mon_find.Text + "' and s_year='" + year_find.Text + "' "); if (br_find1.SelectedIndex != -1) { if (tbl.Rows.Count == 1) { LocalReport.sad c = new LocalReport.sad((int)br_find1.SelectedValue, Convert.ToInt32(mon_find.Text), Convert.ToInt32(year_find.Text)); c.ShowDialog(); LocalReport.saderet e = new LocalReport.saderet((int)br_find1.SelectedValue, Convert.ToInt32(mon_find.Text), Convert.ToInt32(year_find.Text)); e.ShowDialog(); } else { MessageBox.Show(" لم يتم تسجيل بيانات صادر البنوك والئتمان "); } } else { MessageBox.Show(" اختار الفرع من فضلك "); } }
private void قيدصادرالائتمانToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Program.def_P = ""; DataTable tbl = new DataTable(); tbl = db.Ce_runquery("select branch,s_month,s_year from sader_b_e where branch='" + br_find1.SelectedValue + "' and s_month='" + mon_find.Text + "' and s_year='" + year_find.Text + "' "); if (tbl.Rows.Count == 1) { if (br_find1.SelectedIndex != -1) { LocalReport.saderet c = new LocalReport.saderet((int)br_find1.SelectedValue, Convert.ToInt32(mon_find.Text), Convert.ToInt32(year_find.Text)); c.ShowDialog(); } else { MessageBox.Show("اختار الفرع من فضلك"); } } else { MessageBox.Show("لم يتم تسجيل البيانات"); } }