/// <summary>
        /// Type reference departure.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        public override void ExitType_reference(KryptonParser.Type_referenceContext context)
            // Remove ourselves from the stack if we are a generic
            var generic = context.generic_types() != null;

            if (generic)
        /// <summary>
        /// Type reference entry.
        /// (namespace_reference '::')? type_name generic_types?
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        public override void EnterType_reference(KryptonParser.Type_referenceContext context)
            // pass if we are a generic attribute reference.
            var attribute = context.generic_attribute_reference();

            if (attribute != null)

            var parent = _typeReferenceContainers.Peek();

            var name = context.type_name().GetText();
            var ns   = context.namespace_reference()?.GetText() ?? "";

            // if "this" is the namespace we are referencing the local context
            // setting the namespace to nothing will make us look through the active context first
            if (ns == LocalNamespaceToken)
                ns = "";

            var path          = ns.Split(new[] { NamespaceDelimiterToken }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
            var activeContext = _contextStack.Peek();

            // Resolve the member reference
            if (!TryResolveMember(path, name, activeContext, out var member))
                throw new KryptonParserException($"Unable to resolve type {ns} {name}");

            IType type;

            // If we are a generic type...
            var generic = context.generic_types() != null;

            if (generic)
                type = new GenericType(name);
                type = new ConcreteType(name);

            // Create a type reference and add it to our parent.
            var reference = new FormalTypeReference(type, member.Parent);
