void Update()
            if (kinectManager && kinectManager.IsInitialized() && kinectManager.IsUserDetected())
                // 检测站在指定位置的人是否离开指定区域
                if (kinectManager.GetAllUserIds().Contains(oldUserID))
                    Vector3 SpineBasePos = kinectManager.GetJointKinectPosition(oldUserID, jointIndex);
                    if (!IsInRect(SpineBasePos))
                        if (PlayerNotInRect != null)

                foreach (var userId in kinectManager.GetAllUserIds())
                    // 追踪当前用户骨骼
                    if (kinectManager.IsJointTracked(userId, jointIndex))
                        Vector3 SpineBasePos = kinectManager.GetJointKinectPosition(userId, jointIndex);
                        if (IsInRect(SpineBasePos))
                            //var posX = SpineBasePos.x.ToString("F2");
                            //var posZ = SpineBasePos.z.ToString("F2");
                            //Debug.Log(string.Format("*********Pos: [{0}, {1}]" , posX,posZ));
                            oldUserID = userId;
                            if (PlayerInRect != null)

            if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Tab))
                foreach (var item in kinectManager.GetAllUserIds())
                    if (kinectManager.IsJointTracked(item, jointIndex))
                        Vector3 SpineBasePos = kinectManager.GetJointKinectPosition(item, jointIndex);
                        kinectConfig.PlayerPosX = SpineBasePos.x;
                        kinectConfig.PlayerPosZ = SpineBasePos.z;
                        Debug.Log("PosX:" + kinectConfig.PlayerPosX);
                        Debug.Log("PosZ:" + kinectConfig.PlayerPosZ);
    // returns the checksum of current users
    protected long GetUserChecksum(out int userCount)
        userCount = 0;
        long checksum = 0;

        //bool foundUserZero = false;
        if (mKinectManager && mKinectManager.IsInitialized())
            userCount = mKinectManager.GetUsersCount();
            //for (int i = 0; i < userCount; i++)
            // a trick to avoid dismissing userID 0
            //long userID = mKinectManager.GetUserIdByIndex(i);

            //if (userID == 0)
            //	foundUserZero = true;
            //	Debug.Log("Found user zero! ");

            //checksum ^= userID;

            ////Debug.Log("\r\n==== foundUserZero ======");
            //checksum = 0;

            string      debubgTextString = "";
            List <long> ids = mKinectManager.GetAllUserIds();

            ////Debug.Log("\r\n==== start of list ======");
            foreach (long id in ids)
                //checksum ^= id;
                checksum         += id;
                debubgTextString += "id-> " + id + "\n\r";
                //Debug.Log("id-> " + id);
            //Debug.Log("\r\n==== end of list ======");

            if (userDebugText)
                userDebugText.text = debubgTextString + " CHECKSUM: " + checksum;

Exemple #3
    void Update()
        // 初期化
        _NearPlayer     = null;
        _NearPlayerHead = null;

        // Kinectの認識されているユーザー数を読み込み
        List <long> userList = new List <long>();

            userList = kinectManager.GetAllUserIds();
            // NiceCatch;
        if (userList.Count != 0)
            // 初期化
            float _NearPlayerPos = 1000; // if文用

            // 認識されているプレイヤーを探索
            for (int i = 0; i < userList.Count; i++)
                // 正確に認識されているか
                if (KinectInterop.TrackingState.Tracked == kinectManager.GetJointTrackingState(userList[i], (int)KinectInterop.JointType.SpineBase))
                    // 一番近くいるプレイヤー情報だけ格納
                    if (_CubemanList[i].transform.position.z < _NearPlayerPos)
                        userID          = userList[i];
                        userNumber      = i;
                        _NearPlayerPos  = _CubemanList[i].transform.position.z;
                        _NearPlayer     = _CubemanList[i];
                        _NearPlayerHead = _CubemanHeadList[i];
            // 初期化
            if (_NearPlayer)
                _NearPlayer = null;
Exemple #4
    void Update()
        // get the face-tracking manager instance
        if (faceManager == null)
            kinectManager = KinectManager.Instance;
            faceManager   = FacetrackingManager.Instance;

        // get user-id by user-index
        long userId = kinectManager ? kinectManager.GetUserIdByIndex(playerIndex) : 0;

        if (kinectManager && kinectManager.IsInitialized() && userId != 0 &&
            faceManager && faceManager.IsTrackingFace(userId) && foregroundCamera)
            // get head position
            Vector3 newPosition = faceManager.GetHeadPosition(userId, true);

            // get head rotation
            Quaternion newRotation = initialRotation * faceManager.GetHeadRotation(userId, true);

            // rotational fix, provided by Richard Borys:
            // The added rotation fixes rotational error that occurs when person is not centered in the middle of the kinect
            Vector3 addedRotation = newPosition.z != 0f ? new Vector3(Mathf.Rad2Deg * (Mathf.Tan(newPosition.y) / newPosition.z),
                                                                      Mathf.Rad2Deg * (Mathf.Tan(newPosition.x) / newPosition.z), 0) : Vector3.zero;

            addedRotation.x = newRotation.eulerAngles.x + addedRotation.x;
            addedRotation.y = newRotation.eulerAngles.y + addedRotation.y;
            addedRotation.z = newRotation.eulerAngles.z + addedRotation.z;

            newRotation = Quaternion.Euler(-addedRotation.x, addedRotation.y, -addedRotation.z);
            // end of rotational fix

            if (smoothFactorRotation != 0f)
                transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(transform.rotation, newRotation, smoothFactorRotation * Time.deltaTime);
                transform.rotation = newRotation;

            // get the background rectangle (use the portrait background, if available)
            Rect backgroundRect             = foregroundCamera.pixelRect;
            PortraitBackground portraitBack = PortraitBackground.Instance;

            if (portraitBack && portraitBack.enabled)
                backgroundRect = portraitBack.GetBackgroundRect();

            // model position
            newPosition = kinectManager.GetJointPosColorOverlay(userId, (int)KinectInterop.JointType.Head, foregroundCamera, backgroundRect);
            if (newPosition == Vector3.zero)
                // hide the model behind the camera
                newPosition.z = -10f;

            if (verticalOffset != 0f)
                // add the vertical offset
                Vector3 dirHead = new Vector3(0, verticalOffset, 0);
                dirHead      = transform.InverseTransformDirection(dirHead);
                newPosition += dirHead;

            // go to the new position
            if (smoothFactorMovement != 0f && transform.position.z >= 0f)
                transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(transform.position, newPosition, smoothFactorMovement * Time.deltaTime);
                transform.position = newPosition;

            // scale the model if needed
            if (!IsForceScale && Math.Abs(transform.localScale.x - modelScaleFactor) > 0.00001f)
                transform.localScale = new Vector3(modelScaleFactor, modelScaleFactor, modelScaleFactor);
            // hide the model behind the camera
            //if(transform.position.z >= 0f)
            //	transform.position = new Vector3(0f, 0f, -10f);
            if (kinectManager.GetAllUserIds().Count <= 0)
                // transform.position = new Vector3(0f, 0f, -10f);
Exemple #5
        public void Monitoring()
            if (!isInit)
            if (kinectManager == null)
                kinectManager = KinectManager.Instance;
            List <long> ids = kinectManager.GetAllUserIds();

            for (int i = 0; i < ids.Count; i++)
                long userid = ids[i];
                int jointIndex = (int)KinectInterop.JointType.Head;
                //if (!kinectManager.IsJointTracked(userid, jointIndex))
                //    continue;
                Vector3 userPos = kinectManager.GetUserPosition(userid);
                //Vector3 userPos = kinectManager.GetJointKinectPosition(userid, jointIndex);
                //print(userid + "===" + userPos);
                //userPos = new Vector3(-userPos.x, userPos.y, userPos.z);
                //float x = float.Parse(string.Format("{0:f3}", userPos.x));
                //float y = float.Parse(string.Format("{0:f3}", userPos.y));

                //if (x<minX)
                //    minX = x;
                //    print("minX"+minX + "---" + userPos.z);
                //if (x>maxX)
                //    maxX = x;
                //    print("maxX" + maxX + "---" + userPos.z);

                Vector2 origin = new Vector2(Screen.width / 2, Screen.height / 2);
                //Vector2 userScreenPos = new Vector2(origin.x + basicDistance / 2 / userPos.z * x * Screen.width / 2, origin.y + basicDistance / userPos.z * y * Screen.height / 2); // 正式环境删除400
                Vector2 userScreenPos = new Vector2(origin.x + userPos.x / 4f * Screen.width, userPos.y * Screen.height / 2);

                //Vector2 userScreenPos = new Vector2(origin.x + userPos.x;
                KinectAgent kinectAgent = _manager.kinectManager.GetAgentById(userid);

                if (!InEffectiveRange(new Vector3(userScreenPos.x, userScreenPos.y, userPos.z)))
                    if (kinectAgent != null)

                if (kinectAgent == null)
                    if (_manager.kinectManager.CalScreenPositionIsAvailable(userScreenPos))
                        _manager.kinectManager.AddKinectAgents(userScreenPos, userid);
                    Vector2 rectPosition = new Vector2();
                    RectTransformUtility.ScreenPointToLocalPointInRectangle(_parentRectTransform, userScreenPos, null, out rectPosition);
                    float currentY = kinectAgent.GetComponent <RectTransform>().anchoredPosition.y;
                    var   to       = new Vector2(rectPosition.x, currentY);

                    Debug.Log("@@@ kinectAgent 进行移动");


                    if (_manager.kinectManager.HasEnterCardRange(kinectAgent))
                    KinectAgent target = _manager.kinectManager.HasEnterKinectCardRange(kinectAgent);
                    if (target)
                        if (kinectAgent.createTime < target.createTime)

            // 那 ids 去进行校对,返回需要删除的遮罩
            var existAgents = _manager.kinectManager.kinectAgents;

            // 比对ids 和 existagents.userid
            foreach (var item in existAgents)
                if (!ids.Contains(item.userId) && item.status != KinectAgentStatusEnum.Destoring && item.status != KinectAgentStatusEnum.Obsolete)
                    //print("目标被移除:" + item.userId);
            // 得出结果,调用kinectAgent.Close();