Exemple #1
        public async Task SavelinksAsync([Summary("The message link to quote")] string link, [Summary("The qauntities of link to save")] int quantity)
            // Initializes the control boolean
            bool success = false;

            // Remove the message base part and splits all the IDs into an array
            string[] stringIDs = link.Replace(MessageBaseLink, "").Split('/');

            // Creates a new array to hold the IDs
            ulong[] ids = new ulong[3];

            // Parses all the IDs from strings to unsigned longs and saves the result into the array, also it stores the successes or failures into the boolean
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                success = UInt64.TryParse(stringIDs[i], out ids[i]);

            // If the parse fails, delete the original user command message
            if (!success)
                await Context.Message.DeleteAsync();

                await Ageha.Log(LogSeverity.Error, "Could not parse some ID");


            // Free up memory
            stringIDs = null;

            // Tries to get the guild from the ID
            SocketGuild sourceGuild = Context.Client.GetGuild(ids[0]);

            // If the guild is null, reply to the user
            if (sourceGuild == null)
                await ReplyAsync("I'm not in the linked server");


            // Tries to get the channel from the ID
            SocketTextChannel sourceChannel = sourceGuild?.GetTextChannel(ids[1]);

            // If the channel is null, reply to the user
            if (sourceChannel == null)
                await ReplyAsync("I can't view the linked channel");


            // Tries to get the message from the ID
            IMessage linkedMessage = sourceChannel?.GetMessageAsync(ids[2]).Result;

            // If the message is null, reply to the user
            if (linkedMessage == null)
                await ReplyAsync("The linked message doesn't exist");


            // Free up some memory
            ids = null;

            // Gets the cached messages
            var cachedMessages = await sourceChannel.GetMessagesAsync(linkedMessage, Direction.Before, quantity).FlattenAsync();

            // Puts the linked message in the list

            // Reverses the list to be in chronological order

            // Sends the quantity of found messages in the channel
            await ReplyAsync($"Found {cachedMessages.Count()} links.");

            // Creates an empty dictionary and a counter
            Dictionary <int, string> links = new Dictionary <int, string>();
            int counter = 0;

            // Only proceeds if any messages are found
            if (cachedMessages != null || cachedMessages.Count() > 0)
                // Creates a valid file name to save the links
                string fileName = $"{MakeValidFileName(sourceGuild.Name)}_{MakeValidFileName(sourceChannel.Name)}_{linkedMessage.Id}.json";

                // Iterates over all messages found
                foreach (IMessage message in cachedMessages)
                    // Only tries to pick emotes if the message isn't empty
                    if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(message.Content))
                        // Iterates over all tags
                        foreach (ITag tag in message.Tags)
                            // Only procceeds on emote tags
                            if (tag.Type == TagType.Emoji)
                                // Adds the emote link and updates the counter
                                links.Add(counter++, Emote.Parse($"<:{(tag.Value as Emote).Name}:{tag.Key.ToString()}>").Url);

                    // Checks to seed if there are any embeds
                    if (message.Embeds.Count > 0)
                        GetEmbeds(message.Embeds, ref links, ref counter);

                    // Checks to seed if there are any attachments
                    if (message.Attachments.Count > 0)
                        GetAttachments(message.Attachments, ref links, ref counter);

                // Writes the json on a file
                JsonWrapper.WriteJSON <int, string>(fileName, links);

                // Sends the json back in the channel
                await Context.Channel.SendFileAsync(fileName, $"Here is the json containing {cachedMessages.Count()} links from before the message : {linkedMessage.GetJumpUrl()}");

                // Deletes the original file