public ActionResult CreateItem() { ItemCategory itmCatg = new ItemCategory(); ItemType itmTy = new ItemType(); ItemStatus itmSts = new ItemStatus(); ItemPriority itmPry = new ItemPriority(); ViewBag.CategoryVB = new SelectList(itmCatg.GetItemCategories(), "CategoryId", "CategoryName"); ViewBag.ItemTypeVB = new SelectList(itmTy.GetItemTypes(), "ItemTypeId", "ItemName"); ViewBag.ItemStatusVB = new SelectList(itmSts.GetItemStatus(), "ItemStatusId", "ItemStatusName"); ViewBag.ItemPriorityVB = new SelectList(itmPry.GetItemPriority(), "PriorityId", "PriorityName"); return(View()); }
public ActionResult Edit(int ID) { // To be Loaded in Edit form ItemCategory itmCatg = new ItemCategory(); ItemType itmTy = new ItemType(); ItemStatus itmSts = new ItemStatus(); ItemPriority itmPry = new ItemPriority(); TrackerItem itmObj = new TrackerItem(); var item = itmObj.GetById(ID); ViewBag.CategoryVB = new SelectList(itmCatg.GetItemCategories(), "CategoryId", "CategoryName", item.ItemCategory); ViewBag.ItemTypeVB = new SelectList(itmTy.GetItemTypes(), "ItemTypeId", "ItemName", item.ItemType); ViewBag.ItemStatusVB = new SelectList(itmSts.GetItemStatus(), "ItemStatusId", "ItemStatusName", item.ItemStatus); ViewBag.ItemPriorityVB = new SelectList(itmPry.GetItemPriority(), "PriorityId", "PriorityName", item.ItemPriority); return(View(item)); }
public ActionResult CreateItem(TrackerItem itm, HttpPostedFileBase file) { //var ItemCategory = frm["ItemCategory"]; // var CategoryId = frm["CategoryId"]; //var ItemTypeId = frm["ItemType"]; //var Priority = frm["Priority"]; //var ItemCreatedDate = frm["ItemCreatedDate"]; //var CreatedBy = frm["CreatedBy"]; //var Owner = frm["Owner"]; //var Imapct = frm["Imapct"]; //var Resolution = frm["Resolution"]; //var Resolved =frm["Resolved"]; var fileName = String.Empty; if (ValidateForm(itm)) { //File Validation if (file != null && file.ContentLength > 0) { fileName = Path.GetFileName(file.FileName); var path = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/Content/upload_attachements"), fileName); file.SaveAs(path); } // After data validation Success TrackerItem ti = new TrackerItem(); ti.ItemId = itm.ItemId; ti.ProjectName = itm.ProjectName; ti.ItemSummary = itm.ItemSummary; ti.ItemCategory = itm.ItemCategory; ti.ItemPriority = itm.ItemPriority; ti.ItemType = itm.ItemType; ti.ItemStatus = itm.ItemStatus; ti.ItemSummary = itm.ItemSummary; ti.CreatedBy = itm.CreatedBy; ti.ItemCreatedDate = itm.ItemCreatedDate; ti.ParentId = itm.ParentId; ti.AssignedTo = itm.AssignedTo; ti.AssignedDate = itm.AssignedDate; ti.ItemEndDate = itm.ItemEndDate; ti.Owner = itm.Owner; ti.WorkCompleted = itm.WorkCompleted; ti.ResolvedDate = itm.ResolvedDate; ti.Impact = itm.Impact; ti.Resolution = itm.Resolution; ti.AttachmentPath = fileName; ti.Add(ti); //Add button Valid True if (ModelState.IsValid) { ViewBag.Message = "Item has created successfully."; return(RedirectToAction("ItemsList", "Home")); } //ViewBag.Message = "Item has created successfully."; //RedirectToAction("ItemsList","Home"); } else { //Error ViewBag.Message = "There are errors in creating Item."; } ItemCategory itmCatg = new ItemCategory(); ItemType itmTy = new ItemType(); ItemStatus itmSts = new ItemStatus(); ItemPriority itmPry = new ItemPriority(); ViewBag.CategoryVB = new SelectList(itmCatg.GetItemCategories(), "CategoryId", "CategoryName"); ViewBag.ItemTypeVB = new SelectList(itmTy.GetItemTypes(), "ItemTypeId", "ItemName"); ViewBag.ItemStatusVB = new SelectList(itmSts.GetItemStatus(), "ItemStatusId", "ItemStatusName"); ViewBag.ItemPriorityVB = new SelectList(itmPry.GetItemPriority(), "PriorityId", "PriorityName"); return(View()); }