public void UpdateQuality(ItemProxy item) { switch (item.Name) { case "Aged Brie": item.IncrementQuality(); if (item.SellIn <= 0) { item.IncrementQuality(); } item.DecreaseSellIn(); break; case "Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros": break; case "Backstage passes to a TAFKAL80ETC concert": item.IncrementQuality(); if (item.SellIn <= 10) { item.IncrementQuality(); } if (item.SellIn <= 5) { item.IncrementQuality(); } if (item.SellIn <= 0) { item.ResetQuality(); } item.DecreaseSellIn(); break; case "Conjured hat": item.DecreaseQuality(); item.DecreaseQuality(); if (item.SellIn <= 0) { item.DecreaseQuality(); item.DecreaseQuality(); } item.DecreaseSellIn(); break; default: item.DecreaseQuality(); if (item.SellIn <= 0) { item.DecreaseQuality(); } item.DecreaseSellIn(); break; } }
protected virtual void AdjustSellIn(ItemProxy item) { item.DecreaseSellIn(); }