private void InitAdsPanel() { for(int i = 0;i<m_ADGroup.transform.childCount;i++) { Destroy(m_ADGroup.transform.GetChild(i).gameObject); } for(int i = 0;i<m_adNumber;i++) { GameObject go = Instantiate(m_ADButton); = "Advertisement " + i; go.transform.SetParent(m_ADGroup.transform, false); ItemButton button = go.GetComponent<ItemButton>(); button.SetSwitchable(true); button.SetText(; button.AddOnClick(()=>{ if(m_selectedButton != null) { m_selectedButton.Deselect(); } m_selectedButton = m_selectedButton == button ? null : button; m_confirmBtn.interactable = m_selectedButton != null; }); } m_confirmBtn.interactable = m_selectedButton != null; }
private void init() { button=GetComponent<ItemButton>(); hoverNoise=((GameObject)GameObject.Find("ButtonHoverSound")).GetComponent<AudioSource>(); clickNoise=((GameObject)GameObject.Find("ButtonClickSound")).GetComponent<AudioSource>(); wrongClickNoise=((GameObject)GameObject.Find("ButtonWrongClickSound")).GetComponent<AudioSource>(); initialized=true; }
private void SendToShelf(Button interactedButton, ItemButton itemButton, ItemInstance itemInstance) { if (itemInstance.stock > 1) { AddItemToActiveShelf(itemButton, itemInstance); } else { //If it is the last item destroy it after moving it to the other container. AddItemToActiveShelf(itemButton, itemInstance); playerInventory.TakeItem(itemInstance); Destroy(interactedButton.gameObject); } }
public void InitializeInventoryView(CharacterEntity entity, Action <ItemButton> onItemButtonClicked = null) { m_entity = entity; entity.EntityInventory.onInventoryUpdated += UpdateInventory; m_onItemButtonClicked = onItemButtonClicked; for (int i = 0; i < GameDataManager.instance.GlobalConfig.m_maxItemSlots; i++) { ItemButton newButton = GameObject.Instantiate <ItemButton>(m_buttonPrefab); newButton.transform.SetParent(m_itemContainer); newButton.Slot = i; newButton.UpdateItemContainer(null); m_buttonsDict.Add(i, newButton); } }
public WndBlacksmith(Blacksmith troll, Hero hero) { ItemSelector = new BlacksmithItemSelector(this); var titlebar = new IconTitle(); titlebar.Icon(troll.Sprite); titlebar.Label(Utils.Capitalize(troll.Name)); titlebar.SetRect(0, 0, WIDTH, 0); Add(titlebar); var message = PixelScene.CreateMultiline(TxtPrompt, 6); message.MaxWidth = WIDTH; message.Measure(); message.Y = titlebar.Bottom() + Gap; Add(message); BtnItem1 = new ItemButton(); BtnItem1.ClickAction = () => { BtnPressed = BtnItem1; GameScene.SelectItem(ItemSelector, WndBag.Mode.UPGRADEABLE, TxtSelect); }; BtnItem1.SetRect((WIDTH - BtnGap) / 2 - BtnSize, message.Y + message.Height + BtnGap, BtnSize, BtnSize); Add(BtnItem1); BtnItem2 = new ItemButton(); BtnItem2.ClickAction = () => { BtnPressed = BtnItem2; GameScene.SelectItem(ItemSelector, WndBag.Mode.UPGRADEABLE, TxtSelect); }; BtnItem2.SetRect(BtnItem1.Right() + BtnGap, BtnItem1.Top(), BtnSize, BtnSize); Add(BtnItem2); BtnReforge = new RedButton(TxtReforge); BtnReforge.ClickAction = button => { troll.Upgrade(BtnItem1.Item, BtnItem2.Item); Hide(); }; BtnReforge.Enable(false); BtnReforge.SetRect(0, BtnItem1.Bottom() + BtnGap, WIDTH, 20); Add(BtnReforge); Resize(WIDTH, (int)BtnReforge.Bottom()); }
private void CheckVariant(ItemButton itemButton) { bool guessWasSuccessfull = quizModeController.CheckIfWinner(itemButton.item); if (guessWasSuccessfull) { SwitchFromQuizToBrowse(itemButton.item); soundController.TellRight(); } else { itemButton.MoveRedCrossForward(); soundController.TellWrong(); } }
public void CreateInventory(PlayerResources newPlayerResources) { items = new ItemButton[ItemModel.instance.itemData.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < ItemModel.instance.itemData.Count; ++i) { GameObject newButton = Instantiate(itemButtonPrefab, content); ItemButton itemButton = newButton.GetComponent <ItemButton>(); itemButton.SetItem(i); itemButton.button.onClick.AddListener(() => SelectItem(itemButton.Id)); items[i] = itemButton; } playerResources = newPlayerResources; IsActive = true; }
public void ClientInventoryItemClicked(ItemButton itemButton) { if (itemButton.InventoryItem != null) { BaseItemContainer baseItem = itemButton.InventoryItem.ItemContainer; if (baseItem != null && baseItem.ItemUseType == BaseItemContainer.EItemUseType.Active) { if (baseItem.AbilityBase) { CharacterLogic characterLogic = m_entity.EntityLogic as CharacterLogic; EAttackType attackType = (EAttackType)Enum.Parse(typeof(EAttackType), "ItemSlot" + itemButton.Slot); characterLogic.TryToCastAbilityOnClient(attackType, false); } } } }
void GenerateItem(string _name, string _description) { Item newItem = (Item)Instantiate(GameManager.instance.itemPrefab); newItem.itemName = _name; newItem.description = _description; newItem.transform.SetParent(this.transform, false); newItem.gameObject.SetActive(true); ItemButton button = (ItemButton)Instantiate(GameManager.instance.itemButtonPrefab); button.thisItem = newItem; button.itemName.text = newItem.itemName; button.transform.SetParent(itemPanel, false); button.gameObject.SetActive(true); }
public void _UpdateItems() { foreach (GameObject oldButton in GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("ItemButton")) { Destroy(oldButton); } madeChanges = true; foreach (Item item in openProject.items) { ItemButton itemButton = Instantiate(itemPrefab, itemList).GetComponent <ItemButton>(); itemButton.item = item; } }
public void LoadItemButton(ItemButton itemButton) { string key = itemButton.itemName; itemButton.level = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(key + "_level"); itemButton.currentCost = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(key + "_cost", itemButton.startCurrentCost); itemButton.goldPerSec = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(key + "_goldPerSec"); if (PlayerPrefs.GetInt(key + "_isPurchased") == 1) { itemButton.isPurchased = true; } else { itemButton.isPurchased = false; } }
public void InitialiseTargetList() { foreach (Transform transform in listContainer) { Destroy(transform.gameObject); } for (int i = 0; i < InventoryManager.Instance.inventorySlots.Length; i++) { if (!InventoryManager.Instance.inventorySlots[i].empty) { ItemButton button = Instantiate(buttonPrefab, listContainer).GetComponent <ItemButton>(); button.Initialise(i, commandMenu, InventoryManager.Instance.inventorySlots[i].item); } } }
public void SaveItemButton(ItemButton itemButton) { string key = itemButton.itemName; PlayerPrefs.SetInt(key + "_level", itemButton.level); PlayerPrefs.SetInt(key + "_cost", itemButton.currentCost); PlayerPrefs.SetInt(key + "_goldPerSec", itemButton.goldPerSec); if (itemButton.isPurchased == true) { PlayerPrefs.SetInt(key + "_isPurchased", 1); } else { PlayerPrefs.SetInt(key + "_isPurchased", 0); } }
private void _init() { _lastUpdated = DateTime.Now; // events clickerButton.onClick.AddListener(() => Click()); // init player player = Player.GetInstance(); player.Init(); // init UI dropController.Init(); UnityEngine.Object buttonPrefab = Resources.Load("ItemButton"); buttons = new ItemButton[player.items.Count]; _itemIds = new int[player.items.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < player.items.Count; ++i) { hardwares[i].SetActive(false); GameObject obj = Instantiate(buttonPrefab) as GameObject; RectTransform rect = obj.GetComponent <RectTransform>(); rect.SetParent(buttonContainer); rect.anchoredPosition = new Vector2(0, i * -58); int index = i; _itemIds[i] = player.items[i].id; ItemButton button = obj.GetComponent <ItemButton>(); button.SetOnMouseCallback(() => ShowTip(index)); button.SetItem(player.items[i]); button.SetSprite(player.items[i].id); buttons[i] = button; obj.GetComponent <Button>().onClick.AddListener(() => BuyItem(index)); } // load data & refresh player.Load(); for (int i = 0; i < player.items.Count; ++i) { buttons[i].SetItem(player.items[i]); if (player.items[i].unlocked) { buttons[i].Unlock(); } if (player.items[i].level > 0) { hardwares[i].SetActive(true); } dropController.SetMaxUnlockedNum(player.unlockedItem); dropController.SetSpeed(player.autoValue); } RefreshScore(); }
public void TryTransferItemToOtherList(ItemButton itmBtn) { if (itmBtn.transform.parent.Equals(shopViewPortContent)) { //Debug.Log("Move to shopping list."); MoveToShoppingList(itmBtn); } else if (itmBtn.transform.parent.Equals(listViewPortContent)) { //Debug.Log("Move out of shopping list."); MoveOutOfShoppingList(itmBtn); } else { throw new InvalidOperationException(); } }
// Use this for initialization public void Initialize(CharacterEntity entity) { if (!m_initialized) { foreach (BaseItemContainer item in InventoryManager.Instance.m_items) { ItemButton newButton = Instantiate <ItemButton>(m_itemButtonPrefab); newButton.transform.SetParent(m_itemContainer); newButton.UpdateItemContainer(item, ShowStoreItem); } if (m_inventoryView != null) { m_inventoryView.InitializeInventoryView(entity, ShowInventoryItem); } m_initialized = true; } }
void BuildElement(string id, string text, string count) // создание нового элемента и настройка параметров { RectTransform clone = Instantiate(element) as RectTransform; = id; clone.SetParent(scroll.content); clone.localScale =; clone.anchoredPosition = new Vector2(e_Pos.x, e_Pos.y - curY); ItemButton item = clone.GetComponent <ItemButton>(); SetMainButton(item.mainButton, id); SetRemoveButton(item.removeButton, id); item.mainButtonText.text = text; = id; item.count.text = count; buttons.Add(clone); }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new ItemButton, and adds it to the provided game object as a child. /// </summary> /// <param name="item"></param> /// <param name="newPanelParent"></param> private ItemButton AddNewItemButton(ItemInstance item, GameObject newPanelParent) { Button newButton = Instantiate(itemButtonPrefab); newButton.transform.SetParent(newPanelParent.transform, false); Image image = newButton.GetComponent <Image>(); image.sprite = item.item.itemIcon; ItemButton itemButton = newButton.GetComponent <ItemButton>(); itemButton.heldItem = item; newButton.onClick.AddListener(delegate { MoveItem(newButton); }); return(itemButton); }
public void loadItemButton(ItemButton itemButton) { string key = itemButton.itemName; itemButton.level = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(key + "_level", 0); itemButton.goldPerSec = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(key + "_GoldBySec", itemButton.startGoldPerSec); itemButton.currentCost = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(key + "_cost", itemButton.startCurrentCost); if (PlayerPrefs.GetInt(key + "_purchase") == 1) { itemButton.isPurchase = true; } else { itemButton.isPurchase = false; } }
void LoadItems() //create all buttons and link the to their coresponding item { currentHand = Instantiate(HandSlot); //create hand item currentHand.transform.SetParent(transform); //set parent for acces currentHand.transform.localPosition =; currentTemp = Instantiate(TempSlot); //same as above for swap loot currentTemp.transform.SetParent(transform); for (int i = 1; i < playerInv.loots.Count; i++) //loop for each item in inventory, besides the first one which is the hand slot { GameObject newButt = Instantiate(itemButton); //create the gameobject newButt.transform.SetParent(transform.GetChild(0)); //give it the correct parent for sorting ItemButton itemButtonScript = newButt.GetComponent <ItemButton>(); itemButtonScript.index = i; // link it to item by giving it it's index in inventory } }
public ItemButton SetUpButton(int index, ItemButton itemButton) { if (GameManager.instance.itemsHeld[index] != "") { itemButton.buttonImage.gameObject.SetActive(true); Item foundItem = GameManager.instance.GetItemDetails(GameManager.instance.itemsHeld[index]); itemButton.buttonImage.sprite = foundItem.itemSprite; itemButton.amountText.text = GameManager.instance.itemsInventory[index].ToString(); itemButton.buttonValue = index; } else { itemButton.buttonImage.gameObject.SetActive(false); itemButton.amountText.text = ""; } return(itemButton); }
public void Setup(Battler _focus) { focus = _focus; nameTag.text =; //Attacks foreach (BattleSkill i in focus.attacks) { SkillButton newButton = Instantiate(skillButtonPrefab); newButton.transform.SetParent(attacks.transform); newButton.attack = i; //attackButtons.Add(newButton); } //Specials foreach (BattleSkill i in focus.specials) { SkillButton newButton = Instantiate(skillButtonPrefab); newButton.transform.SetParent(specials.transform); newButton.attack = i; //attackButtons.Add(newButton); } //Items foreach (BattleItem i in focus.items) { ItemButton newButton = Instantiate(itemButtonPrefab); newButton.transform.SetParent(items.transform); newButton.item = i; //attackButtons.Add(newButton); } // Test /*foreach (BattleAction i in focus.allActions.Where(x => x is BattleSkill)) * { * SkillButton newButton = Instantiate(skillButtonPrefab); * newButton.transform.SetParent(items.transform); * * newButton.attack = (i as BattleSkill); * //attackButtons.Add(newButton); * }*/ /*if (focus.rank == 0 && manager.GetPlayersInRank(0).Count <= 1) * { * strategyButtons[0].GetComponent<Image>().color = Color.grey; * }*/ }
private void PopulateListItem(Node node, int nodeIndex) { listItens = node.GetListItens(); for (int i = 0; i < listItens.Count; i++) { GameObject newObject = Instantiate(buttonsPrefabs[1], panelInteraction.transform); ItemButton pointer = newObject.GetComponent <ItemButton>(); pointer.SetController(this); pointer.SetParentNode(listNodes[i]); pointer.SetParentIndex(nodeIndex); pointer.SetItem(listItens[i]); pointer.SetIndex(i); itenButtonList.Add(newObject); } }
private void AssignItemToButton(InventoryItem item, GameObject button) { if (button != null) { ItemButton btn = button.GetComponent <ItemButton>(); btn.item = item; if (item.count == 0) { button.SetActive(false); } else { button.SetActive(true); numItemTypesWithItemsRemaining++; } } }
private void AddItemToActiveShelf(ItemButton itemButton, ItemInstance itemInstance) { playerInventory.TakeItem(itemInstance); //If the active shelf does not have this item then we have to create a new button. if (!activeShelf.heldItems.Contains(itemButton.heldItem)) { ItemInstance newItemInstance = new ItemInstance(); newItemInstance.item = itemButton.heldItem.item; ItemButton newItemButton = AddNewItemButton(newItemInstance, shelfInventoryPanel); activeShelf.heldItems.Add(newItemButton.heldItem); ShelfItem(newItemButton.heldItem, 1); } else { activeShelf.changeStock(itemButton.heldItem, 1); ShelfItem(itemButton.heldItem, 1); } }
/// <summary> /// Moves item between inventories. /// </summary> /// <param name="interactedButton"></param> private void MoveItem(Button interactedButton) { ItemButton itemButton = interactedButton.GetComponent <ItemButton>(); ItemInstance itemInstance = itemButton.heldItem; int itemStock = playerInventory.GetStock(itemInstance); //If the button is on the player inventory panel we are sending it to the shelf if (interactedButton.transform.IsChildOf(playerInventoryPanel.transform)) { SendToShelf(interactedButton, itemButton, itemInstance); } //Else we are sending it to the player inventory else { SendToPlayerInventory(interactedButton, itemButton, itemInstance); } isModified = true; }
protected internal virtual void PlaceItem(Item item) { var x = col * (SLOT_SIZE + SLOT_MARGIN); var y = TITLE_HEIGHT + row * (SLOT_SIZE + SLOT_MARGIN); var itemButton = new ItemButton(this, item); itemButton.SetPos(x, y); Add(itemButton); itemButton.Item(item); if (++col >= COLS) { col = 0; row++; } count++; }
//взять кнопку из пула и просетапить ее полученным аргументом itemToSetupWith public void TakeOneButtonFromPoolAndSetupWith(Item itemToSetupWith) { GameObject returningGameObject = buttonObjectPool.GetObject(this.transform); ItemButton buttonUnderConstruction = returningGameObject.GetComponent <ItemButton> (); buttonUnderConstruction.Setup(itemToSetupWith); // фиксим якоря и оффсеты при возвращении из пула RectTransform buttonRectTransform = buttonUnderConstruction.GetComponent <RectTransform>(); buttonRectTransform.anchorMax = new Vector2(1, 1); buttonRectTransform.anchorMin = new Vector2(0, 0); buttonRectTransform.offsetMin = new Vector2(buttonRectTransform.offsetMin.x, 0); buttonRectTransform.offsetMax = new Vector2(buttonRectTransform.offsetMax.x, 0); buttonRectTransform.offsetMin = new Vector2(buttonRectTransform.offsetMin.y, 0); buttonRectTransform.offsetMax = new Vector2(buttonRectTransform.offsetMax.y, 0); }
public void OnBeginDrag(PointerEventData eventData) { itemSlotDraggedFrom = eventData.pointerDrag.GetComponent <ItemButton>(); if (itemSlotDraggedFrom.amountText.text != "") { replicatedItem = Instantiate(GameManager.instance.GetItemDetails(GameManager.instance.itemsHeld[itemSlotDraggedFrom.itemAmount])); sRenderer = replicatedItem.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>(); sRenderer.color = new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, .6f); // set opacity lower // we co Vector3 mousePos = Input.mousePosition; Vector3 itemPos = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(mousePos); itemPos.z = 0; replicatedItem.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().sortingLayerName = "Player"; replicatedItem.transform.position = itemPos; replicatedItem.gameObject.SetActive(true); } }
public void OnDrop(PointerEventData eventData) { Destroy(replicatedItem.gameObject); if (eventData.pointerDrag != null) { if ( != "ItemButtons") { itemMovingTo = eventData.pointerEnter.transform.parent.GetComponent <ItemButton>(); MoveItemInInventory(itemMovingTo); } else { itemMovingTo = eventData.pointerEnter.GetComponent <ItemButton>(); MoveItemInInventory(eventData.pointerEnter.GetComponent <ItemButton>()); } } }
/** * Go through the items list and see how many items are there * Add item buttons as needed for each item * Call the setup funtion in ItemButton */ private void AddItemButtons() { for (int i = 0; i < Storage.Instance.unlockedItems.Count; i++) { // new item = the item at the current index in unlockedItems Item item = Storage.Instance.unlockedItems[i]; // get an object from the pool and store the reference in the new button GameObject newItemButton = itemButtonObjectPool.GetObject(); // set the parent of the new button to the content panel newItemButton.transform.SetParent(contentPanel, false); newItemButton.transform.localScale = new Vector3(1, 1, 1); // Get a reference to the item button script ItemButton itemButton = newItemButton.GetComponent <ItemButton>(); // pass item and a reference to this crafting list itemButton.Setup(item, this); } }
void SpawnButton(Item i, Fighter f) { GameObject go = Instantiate(itemButtonPrefab, itemList.transform); ItemButton btn = go.GetComponent <ItemButton>(); go.GetComponent <UIHighlight>().OnSelectAction += () => { hovered = btn.GetItem(); }; go.GetComponent <Button>().onClick.AddListener(() => { OpenActionMenu(); }); if (i.IsUseable(f)) { btn.label.color = Color.white; } else { btn.label.color = Color.gray; } btn.SetItem(i); }
public PredefinedColorList(Screen screen, PredefinedColorDialog owner) : base(screen) { this.owner = owner; paging.ItemCountPerPage = 5; var stackPanel = new StackPanel(screen) { Orientation = Orientation.Vertical, HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Stretch, VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Stretch }; Content = stackPanel; var pageButtonPanel = new StackPanel(screen) { HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Right }; stackPanel.Children.Add(pageButtonPanel); var backPageButton = new Button(screen) { Focusable = false, Width = BlockViewerGame.SpriteSize, HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left, Content = new Image(screen) { Texture = screen.Content.Load<Texture2D>("UI/ArrowLeft") } }; backPageButton.Click += (Control s, ref RoutedEventContext c) => BackPage(); pageButtonPanel.Children.Add(backPageButton); pageTextBlock = new TextBlock(screen) { Width = BlockViewerGame.SpriteSize * 2, ForegroundColor = Color.White, BackgroundColor = Color.Black, ShadowOffset = new Vector2(2) }; pageButtonPanel.Children.Add(pageTextBlock); var forwardPageButton = new Button(screen) { Focusable = false, Width = BlockViewerGame.SpriteSize, HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Right, Content = new Image(screen) { Texture = screen.Content.Load<Texture2D>("UI/ArrowRight") } }; forwardPageButton.Click += (Control s, ref RoutedEventContext c) => ForwardPage(); pageButtonPanel.Children.Add(forwardPageButton); for (int i = 0; i < itemButtons.Length; i++) { itemButtons[i] = new ItemButton(screen); itemButtons[i].KeyDown += OnListItemButtonKeyDown; itemButtons[i].Click += OnListItemButtonClick; stackPanel.Children.Add(itemButtons[i]); } }
public PredefinedColorGrid(Screen screen, PredefinedColorDialog owner) : base(screen) { this.owner = owner; paging.ItemCountPerPage = columnCount * rowCount; var stackPanel = new StackPanel(screen) { Orientation = Orientation.Vertical, HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Stretch, VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Stretch }; Content = stackPanel; var pageButtonPanel = new StackPanel(screen) { HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Right }; stackPanel.Children.Add(pageButtonPanel); var backPageButton = new Button(screen) { Focusable = false, Width = BlockViewerGame.SpriteSize, HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left, Content = new Image(screen) { Texture = screen.Content.Load<Texture2D>("UI/ArrowLeft") } }; backPageButton.Click += (Control s, ref RoutedEventContext c) => BackPage(); pageButtonPanel.Children.Add(backPageButton); pageTextBlock = new TextBlock(screen) { Width = BlockViewerGame.SpriteSize * 2, ForegroundColor = Color.White, BackgroundColor = Color.Black, ShadowOffset = new Vector2(2) }; pageButtonPanel.Children.Add(pageTextBlock); var forwardPageButton = new Button(screen) { Focusable = false, Width = BlockViewerGame.SpriteSize, HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Right, Content = new Image(screen) { Texture = screen.Content.Load<Texture2D>("UI/ArrowRight") } }; forwardPageButton.Click += (Control s, ref RoutedEventContext c) => ForwardPage(); pageButtonPanel.Children.Add(forwardPageButton); var vColorPanel = new StackPanel(screen) { Orientation = Orientation.Vertical, HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center }; stackPanel.Children.Add(vColorPanel); for (int i = 0; i < rowCount; i++) { var hColorPanel = new StackPanel(screen); vColorPanel.Children.Add(hColorPanel); for (int j = i * columnCount; j < (i + 1) * columnCount; j++) { itemButtons[j] = new ItemButton(screen); hColorPanel.Children.Add(itemButtons[j]); int mod = j % columnCount; if (mod == 0) { itemButtons[j].KeyDown += OnLeftColorButtonKeyDown; } else if (mod == columnCount - 1) { itemButtons[j].KeyDown += OnRightColorButtonKeyDown; } itemButtons[j].GotFocus += OnItemButtonGotFocus; itemButtons[j].LostFocus += OnItemButtonLostFocus; itemButtons[j].Click += OnItemButtonClick; } } }
public ADAMenu() { PostProcessing.Add((IRequireResource)this); item = new Button(); item.Area = new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle(14, 362, 158, 42); item.OnMouseUp = delegate { if(currState == AMenuState.INV) { currState = AMenuState.NONE; } else { currState = AMenuState.INV; } }; stat = new Button(); stat.Area = new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle(14, 409, 158, 42); stat.OnMouseUp = delegate { if(currState == AMenuState.STAT) { currState = AMenuState.NONE; } else { currState = AMenuState.STAT; } }; journal = new Button(); journal.Area = new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle(14, 456, 158, 42); journal.OnMouseUp = delegate { }; skill = new Button(); skill.Area = new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle(14, 503, 158, 42); skill.OnMouseUp = delegate { if(currState == AMenuState.SKILL) { currState = AMenuState.NONE; } else { currState = AMenuState.SKILL; } }; quit = new Button(); quit.Area = new Rectangle(14, 552, 158, 42); quit.OnMouseUp = delegate { StaticVars.inst.Exit(); }; menu = new Menu(); menu.Add(item); menu.Add(journal); menu.Add(skill); menu.Add(stat); menu.Add(quit); pktButtons = new Button[6]; // Scroll Left button pktButtons[0] = new Button(); pktButtons[0].Active = false; pktButtons[0].Visible = false; pktButtons[0].Area = new Rectangle(231, 55, 13, 19); pktButtons[0].OnMouseUp = delegate { if(pktCenter > 1) pktCenter--; if(pktCenter == 1) { pktButtons[0].Active = false; pktButtons[0].Visible = false; } pktButtons[5].Active = true; pktButtons[5].Visible = true; }; // Actual Tabs for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { pktButtons[i + 1] = new Button(); pktButtons[i + 1].Active = false; pktButtons[i + 1].Visible = false; pktButtons[i + 1].Area = new Rectangle(244 + (i * 121), 55, 121, 19); } pktButtons[1].OnMouseUp = delegate { if(currDragButton == -1) { currPkt = pktCenter - 1; StaticVars.player.Stats.Inv.Pockets[currPkt].Condense(); } else { if(StaticVars.player.Stats.Inv.Pockets[pktCenter - 1].Content.Contains<Item.Item>(null)) { // Contains empty space... Item.Item alpha = StaticVars.player.Stats.Inv.Pockets[currPkt][currDragButton]; StaticVars.player.Stats.Inv.Pockets[pktCenter - 1].Add(alpha); StaticVars.player.Stats.Inv.Pockets[currPkt][currDragButton] = null; } } currDragButton = -1; }; pktButtons[2].OnMouseUp = delegate { if(currDragButton == -1) { currPkt = pktCenter; StaticVars.player.Stats.Inv.Pockets[currPkt].Condense(); } else { if(StaticVars.player.Stats.Inv.Pockets[pktCenter].Content.Contains<Item.Item>(null)) { // Contains empty space... Item.Item alpha = StaticVars.player.Stats.Inv.Pockets[currPkt][currDragButton]; StaticVars.player.Stats.Inv.Pockets[pktCenter].Add(alpha); StaticVars.player.Stats.Inv.Pockets[currPkt][currDragButton] = null; } } currDragButton = -1; }; pktButtons[3].OnMouseUp = delegate { if(currDragButton == -1) { currPkt = pktCenter + 1; StaticVars.player.Stats.Inv.Pockets[currPkt].Condense(); } else { if(StaticVars.player.Stats.Inv.Pockets[pktCenter + 1].Content.Contains<Item.Item>(null)) { // Contains empty space... Item.Item alpha = StaticVars.player.Stats.Inv.Pockets[currPkt][currDragButton]; StaticVars.player.Stats.Inv.Pockets[pktCenter + 1].Add(alpha); StaticVars.player.Stats.Inv.Pockets[currPkt][currDragButton] = null; } } currDragButton = -1; }; pktButtons[4].OnMouseUp = delegate { if(currDragButton == -1) { currPkt = pktCenter + 2; StaticVars.player.Stats.Inv.Pockets[currPkt].Condense(); } else { if(StaticVars.player.Stats.Inv.Pockets[pktCenter + 2].Content.Contains<Item.Item>(null)) { // Contains empty space... Item.Item alpha = StaticVars.player.Stats.Inv.Pockets[currPkt][currDragButton]; StaticVars.player.Stats.Inv.Pockets[pktCenter + 2].Add(alpha); StaticVars.player.Stats.Inv.Pockets[currPkt][currDragButton] = null; } } currDragButton = -1; }; // Scroll Right button pktButtons[5] = new Button(); pktButtons[5].Active = false; pktButtons[5].Visible = false; pktButtons[5].Area = new Rectangle(728, 55, 13, 19); pktButtons[5].OnMouseUp = delegate { if(pktCenter < StaticVars.player.Stats.Inv.Pockets.Count - 3) pktCenter++; if(pktCenter == StaticVars.player.Stats.Inv.Pockets.Count - 3) { pktButtons[5].Active = false; pktButtons[5].Visible = false; } pktButtons[0].Active = true; pktButtons[0].Visible = true; }; itemButtons = new ItemButton[20]; for(int i = 0; i < 20; i++) { itemButtons[i] = new ItemButton(i, this); } }