/// <summary> /// 获取客户端IP /// </summary> /// <param name="context">HttpContext</param> /// <returns>ClientIP</returns> public static string GetClientIP(HttpContext context) { // 通过服务端转发的真实客户端IP string ip = context.Request.Headers["clientIp"]; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ip) || string.Equals("unknown", ip, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { ip = context.Request.Headers["x-forwarded-for"]; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ip) || string.Equals("unknown", ip, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { ip = context.Request.Headers["Proxy-Client-IP"]; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ip) || string.Equals("unknown", ip, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { ip = context.Request.Headers["WL-Proxy-Client-IP"]; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ip) || string.Equals("unknown", ip, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { ip = context.Connection.RemoteIpAddress.ToString(); } ip = IpUtils.ValidClientIP(ip); return(ip); }
public void IpToDecimal(string ip, string expectedDecimalIp, AddressFamily expectedAddressFamily) { var result = IpUtils.IpToDecimal(ip, out var addressFamily); Assert.Equal(result, expectedDecimalIp); Assert.Equal(addressFamily, expectedAddressFamily); }
public PooledClient(string endpointList) { var endpoints = IpUtils.ParseEndpointList(endpointList); thriftFactory = new ThriftFactory <TSampleService.Iface>(endpoints, SocketTimeout, socket => new TSampleService.Client(new TBinaryProtocol(socket))); }
private void btnConnect_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IpUtils.ValidateParams(tbServerIp.Text, tbServerName.Text, out var errorMessage)) { MessageBox.Show(this, errorMessage, "Некорректые параметры", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); return; } var serverIp = tbServerIp.Text != "" ? IPAddress.Parse(tbServerIp.Text) : IpUtils.GetLocalIp(tbServerName.Text); try { tcpSender = new Sockets.TcpClient(); tcpSender.Connect(new IPEndPoint(serverIp, ServerListenerPort)); lbConnectionStatus.Text = $"Подключен к {serverIp}"; btnConnect.Enabled = false; btnSend.Enabled = true; btnDisconnect.Enabled = true; } catch { MessageBox.Show(this, "Не удалось подключиться к удаленному серверу. Проверьте правильность ip-адреса или имени сервера.", "Ошибка", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } }
private void OnIpTextChange() { string ip = IpBox.Textbox.Text; int amountOfPeriods = ip.Count(x => x == '.'); if (ip.Any(ch => ch != '.' && !char.IsDigit(ch)) || ip.Split('.').Any(x => x.Length > 3) || amountOfPeriods > 3 || ip.Contains("..") || ip.StartsWith('.')) { RevertTextBox(); return; } void RevertTextBox() { IpBox.Textbox.Text = IpTextBefore; IpBox.Textbox.SelectionStart = CaretPositionBefore; IpBox.Textbox.SelectionLength = 0; } IpTextBefore = ip; GetCaretPos(out Point p); // Returns +9 for each number and +4 for a period. We're finding the amount of periods and adding 6 for each of them, so // that they act like a number, in order to be able to count caret position properly. Yeah, ugly. CaretPositionBefore = (p.X + amountOfPeriods * 6) / 9; bool ipCorrect = IpUtils.IsIpCorrect(ip); AddButton.Cursor = ipCorrect ? AddButtonProps.AllowCursor : AddButtonProps.DisallowCursor; IpBox.BorderColor = string.IsNullOrEmpty(ip) || ipCorrect ? IpBoxProps.NeutralColor : IpBoxProps.IncorrectColor; }
public static bool CheckWebServiceClient(out string msg, string clientIp) { msg = string.Empty; if ((WebServiceClientIpList.Count > 0) && (!IpUtils.ContainIp(WebServiceClientIpList, clientIp))) { msg = "客户端(" + clientIp + ")未被授权访问"; return(false); } return(true); }
public void RetrieveAvailableUsers() { // preparing request byte[] byteToSend = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(_me)); while (_continueRequesting) { bool timedOut = false; // sending request _udpClient.Send(byteToSend, byteToSend.Length, _broadcastIp); // ip end point used to record address and port of sender IPEndPoint remoteIpEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 0); while (!timedOut) { byte[] recBytes = null; try { // blocked until a message is received recBytes = _udpClient.Receive(ref remoteIpEndPoint); } catch (SocketException e) { if (!e.SocketErrorCode.Equals(SocketError.TimedOut)) { throw new Exception("Unexpected exception", e); } timedOut = true; // call the functions registered to the delegate, in particular in userSelection // clearing expired users CleanUsersEvent(); } if (!IpUtils.IsSelfMessage(remoteIpEndPoint) && !timedOut) { // reading response string readData = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(recBytes); // parsing available user User availableUser = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <User>(readData); availableUser.IPAddress = remoteIpEndPoint.Address.ToString(); availableUser.LastUpTime = DateTime.Now; // call the functions registered to the delegate, in particular in userSelection // adding new user AddUserEvent(availableUser); } } } }
private void ServerForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { tbPcName.Text = Dns.GetHostName(); tbIpAddress.Text = IpUtils.GetLocalIp(tbPcName.Text).ToString(); udpServer = new UdpClient(ServerListenerPort); var thread = new Thread(InitListener); thread.Start(); lbStatus.Text = "Сервер запущен"; }
private void ClientForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { tbPcName.Text = Dns.GetHostName(); tbIpAddress.Text = IpUtils.GetLocalIp(tbPcName.Text).ToString(); tbMessage.Focus(); udpServer = new Sockets.UdpClient(ClientListenerPort); var thread = new Thread(InitListener); thread.Start(); lbStatus.Text = "Клиент запущен"; }
private void ClientForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { tbPcName.Text = Dns.GetHostName(); var localIp = IpUtils.GetLocalIp(tbPcName.Text); tbIpAddress.Text = localIp.ToString(); tbServerIp.Text = localIp.ToString(); var thread = new Thread(InitListener); thread.Start(); lbStatus.Text = "Клиент запущен"; }
private static IPEndPoint GetLocalEndPointOrDefault() { IPAddress address; try { // get an ip address and use Loopback if none found address = IpUtils.GetLocalIpAddress() ?? IPAddress.Loopback; } catch (Exception) { // on failure, use Loopback address = IPAddress.Loopback; } return(new IPEndPoint(address, 0)); }
private void btnSend_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var message = tbMessage.Text; if (!IpUtils.ValidateParams(tbServerIp.Text, tbServerName.Text, message, out var errorMessage)) { MessageBox.Show(this, errorMessage, "Некорректые параметры", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); return; } var serverIp = tbServerIp.Text != "" ? IPAddress.Parse(tbServerIp.Text) : IpUtils.GetLocalIp(tbServerName.Text); SendMessage(serverIp, message); }
/// <summary> /// Construct the sls client with accessId, accessKey and server address, /// all other parameters will be set to default value /// </summary> /// <param name="endpoint">the sls server address(e.g.,http://cn-hangzhou.sls.aliyuncs.com)</param> /// <param name="accessKeyId">aliyun accessId</param> /// <param name="accessKey">aliyun accessKey</param> public LogClient(String endpoint, String accessKeyId, String accessKey, String securityToken) { if (!endpoint.StartsWith("http://") && !endpoint.StartsWith("https://")) { endpoint = "http://" + endpoint; } setEndpoint(endpoint); if (IpUtils.IsIpAddress(this._hostName)) { throw new LogException("LogClientError", "client error happens"); } _localMachinePrivateIp = IpUtils.GetLocalMachinePrivateIp(); _accessKeyId = accessKeyId; _accessKey = accessKey; _securityToken = securityToken; serviceClient = ServiceClient.Create(new ClientConfiguration()); serviceClient.Configuration.ConnectionTimeout = LogConsts.DEFAULT_SLS_CONNECT_TIMEOUT; serviceClient.Configuration.ReadWriteTimeout = LogConsts.DEFAULT_SLS_READWRT_TIMEOUT; }
public async Task <StatisticsClient> StartClientWithRetries() { _attempt = 0; _siloSettings.SiloAddresses ??= new List <string>(); _siloSettings.SiloAddresses.Add(IpUtils.IpAddress().ToString()); var innerClient = new ClientBuilder() .UseStaticClustering(_siloSettings.SiloAddresses.Select(a => new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(a), _siloSettings.SiloPort)).ToArray()) .Configure <ClusterOptions>(options => { options.ClusterId = _oskSettings.ClusterId; options.ServiceId = _oskSettings.ServiceId; }) .ConfigureLogging(logging => logging.AddConsole()) .AddSimpleMessageStreamProvider("OSKProvider") .Build(); await innerClient.Connect(RetryFilter); Console.WriteLine("Client successfully connect to silo host"); return(new StatisticsClient(innerClient, new NLogLogger(LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger()))); }
public void Listen() { while (_statusAvailableEvent.WaitOne()) { try { // ip end point used to record address and port of sender IPEndPoint remoteIpEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 0); // blocked until a message is received byte[] recBytes = _udpServer.Receive(ref remoteIpEndPoint); if (!IpUtils.IsSelfMessage(remoteIpEndPoint)) { // reading requester user //string readData = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(recBytes); //User requesterUser = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<User>(readData); //requesterUser.IPAddress = remoteIpEndPoint.Address.ToString(); // updating machine identity UpdateMe(); // preparing response byte[] byteToSend = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(_me)); // sending response _udpServer.Send(byteToSend, byteToSend.Length, remoteIpEndPoint); } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("problems while udp responding"); Console.WriteLine(e); } } }
public void IpToPaddedDecimal(string ip, string expectedDecimalIp) { var result = IpUtils.IpToPaddedDecimal(ip); Assert.Equal(result, expectedDecimalIp); }
public static Task Main(string[] args) { var oskSettings = new OskSettings(); var siloSettings = new SiloSettings(); var configuration = new ConfigurationBuilder() .AddJsonFile("appsettings.json", true, true) .Build(); configuration.GetSection("OskSettings").Bind(oskSettings); configuration.GetSection("SiloSettings").Bind(siloSettings); if (siloSettings.MaxCpuLoad < 100) { Task.Run(() => CpuOptimizer.Start(siloSettings.MaxCpuLoad, new CancellationToken())); } return(new HostBuilder() .UseOrleans(builder => { builder.UseLocalhostClustering() .ConfigureServices(services => { services.AddMongoUtils(); services.AddSingleton(oskSettings); services.AddSingleton(siloSettings); services.AddScoped <IAsyncLogger, NLogLogger>(); services.AddSingleton <IAssemblyCache, MemoryAssemblyCache>(); services.AddSingleton <IAssemblyMembersCache, MemoryAssemblyMembersCache>(); }) .Configure((Action <SchedulingOptions>)(options => options.AllowCallChainReentrancy = false)) .Configure((Action <ClusterOptions>)(options => { options.ClusterId = oskSettings.ClusterId; options.ServiceId = oskSettings.ServiceId; })) .Configure((Action <EndpointOptions>)(options => options.AdvertisedIPAddress = IpUtils.IpAddress())) .ConfigureApplicationParts(parts => AddParts(parts, siloSettings).WithReferences()) .UseDashboard(options => { options.Host = "*"; options.Port = 8080; options.HostSelf = true; options.CounterUpdateIntervalMs = 1000; }) .AddMemoryGrainStorage(name: "StatisticsGrainStorage") .AddSimpleMessageStreamProvider("OSKProvider", c => c.OptimizeForImmutableData = true); }) .ConfigureLogging(builder => builder.AddConsole()) .RunConsoleAsync()); }
public void IsIpAddressInvalidIpV4Test() { const string validIPv4 = "172.16.2541"; Assert.IsFalse(IpUtils.IsIpAddress(validIPv4)); }
public void IsIpAddressInvalidIpV6Test() { const string validIPv6 = "2001:db8:1234:0000"; Assert.IsFalse(IpUtils.IsIpAddress(validIPv6)); }
public string ResolveListenIp() { return(_resolvedListenIp ??= IpUtils.ResolveIp(ListenIp)); }
public void IsValidPublicIpTest() { const string ip = ""; Assert.IsTrue(IpUtils.IsValidPublicIp(ip)); }
public void IsNotValidPublicIpTest() { const string ip = ""; Assert.IsFalse(IpUtils.IsValidPublicIp(ip)); }
public void IsValidLoopbackIpTest() { const string ip = ""; Assert.IsTrue(IpUtils.IsLoopBack(ip)); }
public void IsIpAddressValidIpV4Test() { const string validIPv4 = ""; Assert.IsTrue(IpUtils.IsIpAddress(validIPv4)); }
public void SetAuthentication(WebSocketServer webSocketServer) { var password = HasToken() ? LoadToken() : CreateToken(); var connectionPayload = new ConnectionPayload(webSocketServer.IsSecure ? "wss" : "ws", IpUtils.GetLocalIpAddress(), webSocketServer.Port, "user", password); QRCodeGenerator qrGenerator = new QRCodeGenerator(); var qrCodeData = qrGenerator.CreateQrCode(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(connectionPayload), QRCodeGenerator.ECCLevel.Q); connectionQRCode = new PngByteQRCode(qrCodeData); webSocketServer.AuthenticationSchemes = WebSocketSharp.Net.AuthenticationSchemes.Basic; webSocketServer.UserCredentialsFinder = (id) => { #if LOCAL return(new WebSocketSharp.Net.NetworkCredential("username", "password")); #else return(id.Name == connectionPayload.AuthenticationUsername ? new WebSocketSharp.Net.NetworkCredential(connectionPayload.AuthenticationUsername, connectionPayload.AuthenticationPassword) : null); #endif }; }
/// <summary> /// Creates an FtpFileReceiverClient. /// </summary> /// <param name="path">Path to save files. Eg.: "D:/"</param> public FtpFileReceiverClient(string path) { ipUtils = new IpUtils(); this.path = path; }
public string ResolvePublicIp() { return(_resolvedPublicIp ??= IpUtils.ResolveIp(PublicIp)); }