public static void GenerateSpaceTranslationSurfaceInputs( NeededCoordinateSpace neededSpaces, InterpolatorType interpolatorType, ShaderGenerator surfaceInputs, string toReplace = "float3 {0};") { if ((neededSpaces & NeededCoordinateSpace.Object) > 0) { surfaceInputs.AddShaderChunk(string.Format(toReplace, CoordinateSpace.Object.ToVariableName(interpolatorType)), false); } if ((neededSpaces & NeededCoordinateSpace.World) > 0) { surfaceInputs.AddShaderChunk(string.Format(toReplace, CoordinateSpace.World.ToVariableName(interpolatorType)), false); } if ((neededSpaces & NeededCoordinateSpace.View) > 0) { surfaceInputs.AddShaderChunk(string.Format(toReplace, CoordinateSpace.View.ToVariableName(interpolatorType)), false); } if ((neededSpaces & NeededCoordinateSpace.Tangent) > 0) { surfaceInputs.AddShaderChunk(string.Format(toReplace, CoordinateSpace.Tangent.ToVariableName(interpolatorType)), false); } }
public static void GenerateSpaceTranslationSurfaceInputs( NeededCoordinateSpace neededSpaces, InterpolatorType interpolatorType, ShaderStringBuilder builder, string format = "float3 {0};") { if ((neededSpaces & NeededCoordinateSpace.Object) > 0) { builder.AppendLine(format, CoordinateSpace.Object.ToVariableName(interpolatorType)); } if ((neededSpaces & NeededCoordinateSpace.World) > 0) { builder.AppendLine(format, CoordinateSpace.World.ToVariableName(interpolatorType)); } if ((neededSpaces & NeededCoordinateSpace.View) > 0) { builder.AppendLine(format, CoordinateSpace.View.ToVariableName(interpolatorType)); } if ((neededSpaces & NeededCoordinateSpace.Tangent) > 0) { builder.AppendLine(format, CoordinateSpace.Tangent.ToVariableName(interpolatorType)); } }
static internal IInterpolator GetInterpolator(Type type, InterpolatorType interpolatorType) { Dictionary <Type, IInterpolator> interpolatorDictionary = null; switch (interpolatorType) { case InterpolatorType.Linear: interpolatorDictionary = mInterpolators; break; case InterpolatorType.ClosestRotation: interpolatorDictionary = mRotationInterpolators; break; } if (interpolatorDictionary.ContainsKey(type)) { return(interpolatorDictionary[type]); } else { throw new InvalidOperationException("There is no interpolator registered for type " + type.ToString()); } }
public static void GenerateSpaceTranslations( NeededCoordinateSpace neededSpaces, InterpolatorType type, CoordinateSpace from, InputType inputType, ShaderStringBuilder pixelShader, Dimension dimension) { if ((neededSpaces & NeededCoordinateSpace.Object) > 0 && from != CoordinateSpace.Object) { pixelShader.AppendLine("float{0} {1} = {2};", DimensionToString(dimension), CoordinateSpace.Object.ToVariableName(type), ConvertBetweenSpace(from.ToVariableName(type), from, CoordinateSpace.Object, inputType, from)); } if ((neededSpaces & NeededCoordinateSpace.World) > 0 && from != CoordinateSpace.World) { pixelShader.AppendLine("float{0} {1} = {2};", DimensionToString(dimension), CoordinateSpace.World.ToVariableName(type), ConvertBetweenSpace(from.ToVariableName(type), from, CoordinateSpace.World, inputType, from)); } if ((neededSpaces & NeededCoordinateSpace.View) > 0 && from != CoordinateSpace.View) { pixelShader.AppendLine("float{0} {1} = {2};", DimensionToString(dimension), CoordinateSpace.View.ToVariableName(type), ConvertBetweenSpace(from.ToVariableName(type), from, CoordinateSpace.View, inputType, from)); } if ((neededSpaces & NeededCoordinateSpace.Tangent) > 0 && from != CoordinateSpace.Tangent) { pixelShader.AppendLine("float{0} {1} = {2};", DimensionToString(dimension), CoordinateSpace.Tangent.ToVariableName(type), ConvertBetweenSpace(from.ToVariableName(type), from, CoordinateSpace.Tangent, inputType, from)); } }
public static string ToVariableName(this CoordinateSpace space, InterpolatorType type) { var index = (int)space + (int)type * s_SpaceCount; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(s_VariableNames[index])) { s_VariableNames[index] = string.Format("{0}Space{1}", space, type); } return(s_VariableNames[index]); }
static internal IInterpolator GetInterpolator(Type type, string memberName) { InterpolatorType interpolatorType = InterpolatorType.Linear; if (mRotationMembers.Contains(memberName)) { interpolatorType = InterpolatorType.ClosestRotation; } return(GetInterpolator(type, interpolatorType)); }
public void Effort2LowLevel() { // Tval = (-1f * Ind + Mathf.Min(Ind, Fre)) + Dir; //EMOTE and chi Tval = (-1f * Mathf.Max(Ind, Fre)) + Mathf.Max(Dir, Bnd); //Funda // WbMag = Mathf.Max(0.6f * ind, Mathf.Max(0.5f * lgt, 1.0f * fre) ); //In Chi's thesis WbMag = Mathf.Max(0.6f * Ind, Mathf.Max(0.5f * Lgt, 0.4f * Fre)); //In emote paper //WxMag = -0.3f * lgt + (0.2f * fre - 0.8f * Mathf.Min(str, fre )); //In Chi's thesis WxMag = -0.3f * Lgt + (0.3f * Fre - 0.9f * Mathf.Min(Str, Fre)); //In emote paper DMag = EtMag = WtMag = 0.4f * Ind; EfMag = WfMag = 2f * Ind; Texp = 1f + 2f * Sud + (0.2f * Mathf.Min(Str, Sud) - 0.6f * Mathf.Min(Fre, Sud)) - 0.2f * Mathf.Max(Str, 0.5f * Mathf.Min(Dir, Sus)) - 0.4f * Fre - 0.1f * Mathf.Min(Ind, Fre); //chi // Texp = 1f + 2f * Sud + (0.2f * Mathf.Min(Str, Sud) - 0.1f * Mathf.Min(Fre, Sud)) - 0.2f * Mathf.Max(Str, Mathf.Min(Dir, Sus)) - 0.4f * Fre - 0.5f * Mathf.Min(Ind, Fre); //emote ==> causes strange behaviors in ind + fre Ti = 0.5f + 0.4f * Mathf.Max(Str, Sud) - 0.4f * Mathf.Max(Lgt, Sus) + 0.8f * Mathf.Min(Bnd, Lgt); //both // V0 = 0.1f * Str - Mathf.Max(0.06f * Mathf.Min(Sus, Str), 0.1f * Mathf.Min(Fre, Str)); V0 = 0.2f * Str - Mathf.Max(0.06f * Mathf.Min(Sus, Str), 0.1f * Mathf.Min(Fre, Str)); //funda V1 = Mathf.Max(0.03f * Mathf.Max(Lgt, Sus), 0.2f * Fre - 0.1f * Mathf.Min(Ind, Fre)); T0 = 0.2f * Str + 0.01f; SquashMag = Mathf.Max(0.2f * Lgt, 0.15f * Fre); //speed = 2 in neutral state //TODO: Bound also affects speed SetSpeed(2 + Mathf.Max(Sud, 0.5f * Str) - Mathf.Max(Sus, 0.2f * Lgt, 0.2f * Bnd)); _interpolatorType = InterpolatorType.EndEffector; /* * if (fre > 0) * _interpolatorType = InterpolatorType.elbowAngle; * else if (ind > 0 ) * _interpolatorType = InterpolatorType.elbowPos; * else * _interpolatorType = InterpolatorType.endEffector; */ }
public void ResetParameters() { SetSpeed(2f); V0 = V1 = 0f; Ti = 0.5f; Texp = 1.0f; Tval = 0f; T0 = 0.01f; T1 = 0.99f; TrMag = TfMag = 0f; HrMag = HfMag = 0f; SquashMag = 0f; WbMag = 0f; WxMag = WtMag = WfMag = 0f; EtMag = DMag = EfMag = 0f; _interpolatorType = InterpolatorType.EndEffector; }
public void Reset() { _animInfo = GetComponent <AnimationInfo>(); _animInfo.InitKeyPoints(); //should always update interpolators _animInfo.InitInterpolators(Tval, Continuity, Bias); _interpolatorType = InterpolatorType.EndEffector; // FUNDA Effort2LowLevel(); //initialize low level parameters #if DEBUGMODE _targetRPrev = new List <Vector3>(); _targetLPrev = new List <Vector3>(); #endif _velArr = new List <float>(); _tppArr = new List <float>(); }
public void LoadSettings() { try { if (File.Exists(backupOldSettingsFile) || File.Exists(oldSettingsFile)) { DarkLog.Debug("[Settings]: Loading old settings"); LoadOldSettings(); SaveSettings(); File.Delete(backupOldSettingsFile); File.Delete(oldSettingsFile); } bool saveAfterLoad = false; ConfigNode mainNode = new ConfigNode(); if (File.Exists(backupSettingsFile) && !File.Exists(settingsFile)) { DarkLog.Debug("[Settings]: Restoring backup file"); File.Copy(backupSettingsFile, settingsFile); } if (!File.Exists(settingsFile)) { mainNode = GetDefaultSettings(); playerName = DEFAULT_PLAYER_NAME; mainNode.Save(settingsFile); } if (!File.Exists(backupSettingsFile)) { DarkLog.Debug("[Settings]: Backing up settings"); File.Copy(settingsFile, backupSettingsFile); } mainNode = ConfigNode.Load(settingsFile); ConfigNode settingsNode = mainNode.GetNode("SETTINGS"); ConfigNode playerNode = settingsNode.GetNode("PLAYER"); ConfigNode bindingsNode = settingsNode.GetNode("KEYBINDINGS"); playerName = playerNode.GetValue("name"); if (!int.TryParse(settingsNode.GetValue("cacheSize"), out cacheSize)) { DarkLog.Debug("[Settings]: Adding cache size to settings file"); cacheSize = DEFAULT_CACHE_SIZE; saveAfterLoad = true; } if (!int.TryParse(settingsNode.GetValue("disclaimer"), out disclaimerAccepted)) { DarkLog.Debug("[Settings]: Adding disclaimer to settings file"); disclaimerAccepted = 0; saveAfterLoad = true; } if (!int.TryParse(settingsNode.GetValue("serverlist-mode"), out serverlistMode)) { DarkLog.Debug("[Settings]: Adding serverlist-mode to settings file"); serverlistMode = 0; saveAfterLoad = true; } if (!playerNode.TryGetValue("color", ref playerColor)) { DarkLog.Debug("[Settings]: Adding color to settings file"); playerColor = PlayerColorWorker.GenerateRandomColor(); saveAfterLoad = true; } int chatKey = (int)KeyCode.BackQuote, screenshotKey = (int)KeyCode.F8; if (!int.TryParse(bindingsNode.GetValue("chat"), out chatKey)) { DarkLog.Debug("[Settings]: Adding chat key to settings file"); this.chatKey = KeyCode.BackQuote; saveAfterLoad = true; } else { this.chatKey = (KeyCode)chatKey; } if (!int.TryParse(bindingsNode.GetValue("screenshot"), out screenshotKey)) { DarkLog.Debug("[Settings]: Adding screenshot key to settings file"); this.screenshotKey = KeyCode.F8; saveAfterLoad = true; } else { this.screenshotKey = (KeyCode)screenshotKey; } if (!playerNode.TryGetValue("flag", ref selectedFlag)) { DarkLog.Debug("[Settings]: Adding selected flag to settings file"); selectedFlag = "Squad/Flags/default"; saveAfterLoad = true; } if (!settingsNode.TryGetValue("compression", ref compressionEnabled)) { DarkLog.Debug("[Settings]: Adding compression flag to settings file"); compressionEnabled = true; saveAfterLoad = true; } if (!settingsNode.TryGetValue("revert", ref revertEnabled)) { DarkLog.Debug("[Settings]: Adding revert flag to settings file"); revertEnabled = true; saveAfterLoad = true; } string interpolatorString = null; int interpolatorInt = 0; try { //Make sure we haven't saved to the old int type if (settingsNode.TryGetValue("interpolation", ref interpolatorString) && !int.TryParse(interpolatorString, out interpolatorInt)) { interpolatorType = (InterpolatorType)Enum.Parse(typeof(InterpolatorType), interpolatorString); } else { DarkLog.Debug("[Settings]: Adding interpolation flag to settings file"); interpolatorType = InterpolatorType.INTERPOLATE1S; saveAfterLoad = true; } } catch { interpolatorType = InterpolatorType.INTERPOLATE1S; saveAfterLoad = true; } int toolbarType; if (!int.TryParse(settingsNode.GetValue("toolbar"), out toolbarType)) { DarkLog.Debug("[Settings]: Adding toolbar flag to settings file"); this.toolbarType = DMPToolbarType.BLIZZY_IF_INSTALLED; saveAfterLoad = true; } else { this.toolbarType = (DMPToolbarType)toolbarType; } ConfigNode serversNode = settingsNode.GetNode("SERVERS"); servers.Clear(); if (serversNode.HasNode("SERVER")) { foreach (ConfigNode serverNode in serversNode.GetNodes("SERVER")) { ServerEntry newServer = new ServerEntry(); = serverNode.GetValue("name"); newServer.address = serverNode.GetValue("address"); serverNode.TryGetValue("port", ref newServer.port); servers.Add(newServer); } } if (saveAfterLoad) { SaveSettings(); } } catch (Exception e) { DarkLog.Debug("Error while loading settings:"); DarkLog.Debug(e.ToString()); } //Read player token try { //Restore backup if needed if (File.Exists(backupPublicKeyFile) && File.Exists(backupPrivateKeyFile) && (!File.Exists(publicKeyFile) || !File.Exists(privateKeyFile))) { DarkLog.Debug("[Settings]: Restoring backed up keypair!"); File.Copy(backupPublicKeyFile, publicKeyFile, true); File.Copy(backupPrivateKeyFile, privateKeyFile, true); } //Load or create token file if (File.Exists(privateKeyFile) && File.Exists(publicKeyFile)) { playerPublicKey = File.ReadAllText(publicKeyFile); playerPrivateKey = File.ReadAllText(privateKeyFile); } else { DarkLog.Debug("[Settings]: Creating new keypair!"); GenerateNewKeypair(); } //Save backup token file if needed if (!File.Exists(backupPublicKeyFile) || !File.Exists(backupPrivateKeyFile)) { DarkLog.Debug("[Settings]: Backing up keypair"); File.Copy(publicKeyFile, backupPublicKeyFile, true); File.Copy(privateKeyFile, backupPrivateKeyFile, true); } } catch { DarkLog.Debug("Error processing keypair, creating new keypair"); GenerateNewKeypair(); DarkLog.Debug("[Settings]: Backing up keypair"); File.Copy(publicKeyFile, backupPublicKeyFile, true); File.Copy(privateKeyFile, backupPrivateKeyFile, true); } }
public void Effort2LowLevel() { // Tval = (-1f * Ind + Mathf.Min(Ind, Fre)) + Dir; //EMOTE and chi Tval = (-1f * Mathf.Max(Ind, Fre)) + Mathf.Max( Dir, Bnd); //Funda // WbMag = Mathf.Max(0.6f * ind, Mathf.Max(0.5f * lgt, 1.0f * fre) ); //In Chi's thesis WbMag = Mathf.Max(0.6f * Ind, Mathf.Max(0.5f * Lgt, 0.4f * Fre) ); //In emote paper //WxMag = -0.3f * lgt + (0.2f * fre - 0.8f * Mathf.Min(str, fre )); //In Chi's thesis WxMag = -0.3f * Lgt + (0.3f * Fre - 0.9f * Mathf.Min(Str, Fre )); //In emote paper DMag = EtMag = WtMag = 0.4f * Ind; EfMag = WfMag = 2f *Ind; Texp = 1f + 2f* Sud + (0.2f * Mathf.Min(Str, Sud) - 0.6f* Mathf.Min(Fre, Sud)) - 0.2f * Mathf.Max(Str, 0.5f* Mathf.Min(Dir, Sus)) - 0.4f * Fre - 0.1f * Mathf.Min(Ind, Fre); //chi // Texp = 1f + 2f * Sud + (0.2f * Mathf.Min(Str, Sud) - 0.1f * Mathf.Min(Fre, Sud)) - 0.2f * Mathf.Max(Str, Mathf.Min(Dir, Sus)) - 0.4f * Fre - 0.5f * Mathf.Min(Ind, Fre); //emote ==> causes strange behaviors in ind + fre Ti = 0.5f + 0.4f * Mathf.Max(Str, Sud) - 0.4f * Mathf.Max(Lgt, Sus) + 0.8f * Mathf.Min(Bnd, Lgt); //both // V0 = 0.1f * Str - Mathf.Max(0.06f * Mathf.Min(Sus, Str), 0.1f * Mathf.Min(Fre, Str)); V0 = 0.2f * Str - Mathf.Max(0.06f * Mathf.Min(Sus, Str), 0.1f * Mathf.Min(Fre, Str)); //funda V1 = Mathf.Max(0.03f * Mathf.Max( Lgt , Sus ), 0.2f * Fre - 0.1f * Mathf.Min( Ind , Fre )); T0 = 0.2f * Str + 0.01f; SquashMag = Mathf.Max(0.2f * Lgt, 0.15f * Fre); //speed = 2 in neutral state //TODO: Bound also affects speed SetSpeed(2+ Mathf.Max(Sud, 0.5f * Str) - Mathf.Max( Sus, 0.2f * Lgt, 0.2f * Bnd) ); _interpolatorType = InterpolatorType.EndEffector; /* if (fre > 0) _interpolatorType = InterpolatorType.elbowAngle; else if (ind > 0 ) _interpolatorType = InterpolatorType.elbowPos; else _interpolatorType = InterpolatorType.endEffector; */ }
public void Reset(){ _animInfo = GetComponent<AnimationInfo>(); _animInfo.InitKeyPoints(); //should always update interpolators _animInfo.InitInterpolators(Tval, Continuity, Bias); _interpolatorType = InterpolatorType.EndEffector; // FUNDA Effort2LowLevel(); //initialize low level parameters #if DEBUGMODE _targetRPrev = new List<Vector3>(); _targetLPrev = new List<Vector3>(); #endif _velArr = new List<float>(); _tppArr = new List<float>(); }