public void SaveSettings(BinaryFormatter bf, Stream file) { ControllerType controllerType = ControllerType.PC; bf.Serialize(file, 1); bf.Serialize(file, this.m_ActionsByInputAction.Count); foreach (KeyValuePair <int, InputActionData[]> keyValuePair in this.m_ActionsByInputAction) { int key = keyValuePair.Key; if (key < 117) { string name = EnumUtils <InputsManager.InputAction> .GetName((InputsManager.InputAction) key); bf.Serialize(file, name); InputActionData[] value = keyValuePair.Value; string name2 = EnumUtils <KeyCode> .GetName((value != null && value[(int)controllerType] != null)?value[(int)controllerType].m_KeyCode : KeyCode.None); bf.Serialize(file, name2); } } foreach (KeyValuePair <int, InputActionData[]> keyValuePair2 in this.m_ActionsByInputAction) { if (keyValuePair2.Key >= 117) { string name3 = EnumUtils <TriggerAction.TYPE> .GetName(InputHelpers.GetTriggerAction(keyValuePair2.Key)); bf.Serialize(file, name3); InputActionData[] value2 = keyValuePair2.Value; string name4 = EnumUtils <KeyCode> .GetName((value2 != null && value2[(int)controllerType] != null)?value2[(int)controllerType].m_KeyCode : KeyCode.None); bf.Serialize(file, name4); } } }
protected string GetItemText(MenuItem item, bool isSelected) { if (item == null) { Console.WriteLine("GetItemText: item is null"); return("no item"); } string itemText; string displayText = item.Text; if (InputHelpers.Contains(displayText, "{value}") && item.Value != null) { displayText = InputHelpers.Replace(displayText, "{value}", item.Value.ToString()); } itemText = displayText.Substring(0, (displayText.Length >= display.DisplayConfig.Width - 1) ? display.DisplayConfig.Width - 1 : displayText.Length); if (isSelected || item.HasSubItems) { // calculate any neccessary padding to put selector on far right int paddingLength = (display.DisplayConfig.Width - 1 - displayText.Length); string padding = string.Empty; if (paddingLength > 0) { padding = new string(' ', paddingLength); } itemText += padding + (isSelected?"*":">"); } return(itemText); }
public static Sprite GetPadIcon(InputActionData action) { Sprite sprite = null; if (action.m_KeyCode != KeyCode.None) { sprite = InputHelpers.GetIconFromPadButton(action.m_KeyCode.PadButtonFromKey()); } else { string key = string.Empty; string axisName = action.m_AxisName; if (!(axisName == "DPadY")) { if (!(axisName == "DPadX")) { if (!(axisName == "LeftStickY")) { if (!(axisName == "LeftStickX")) { if (!(axisName == "RightStickY")) { if (!(axisName == "RightStickX")) { key = action.m_AxisName; } else { key = (action.m_Inverted ? "RightStickLeft" : "RightStickRight"); } } else { key = (action.m_Inverted ? "RightStickBackward" : "RightStickForward"); } } else { key = (action.m_Inverted ? "LeftStickLeft" : "LeftStickRight"); } } else { key = (action.m_Inverted ? "LeftStickBackward" : "LeftStickForward"); } } else { key = (action.m_Inverted ? "DPadLeft" : "DPadRight"); } } else { key = (action.m_Inverted ? "DPadDown" : "DPadUp"); } InputHelpers.m_PadIconsMap.TryGetValue(key, out sprite); } sprite == null; return(sprite); }
protected string GetItemText(IMenuItem item, bool isSelected) { string itemText = string.Empty; string displayText = item.Text; if (InputHelpers.Contains(displayText, "{value}") && item.Value != null) { displayText = InputHelpers.Replace(displayText, "{value}", item.Value.ToString()); } if (isSelected) { // calculate any neccessary padding to put selector on far right int paddingLength = (_display.DisplayConfig.Width - 1 - displayText.Length); string padding = string.Empty; if (paddingLength > 0) { padding = new string(' ', paddingLength); } // itemText = displayText.Substring(0, (displayText.Length >= _display.DisplayConfig.Width - 1) ? _display.DisplayConfig.Width - 1 : displayText.Length) + padding + TextCharacters.BoxSelected.ToChar(); } else { itemText = displayText.Substring(0, (displayText.Length >= _display.DisplayConfig.Width) ? _display.DisplayConfig.Width : displayText.Length); } return(itemText); }
AbstractTsf ReduceNoise(AbstractTsf[] updatedTrackingRecord, int boneIndex) { bool applyPosition, applyRotation; if (boneIndex == 0 || boneIndex == 1) { applyPosition = model.configuration.applyToWristPosition; applyRotation = model.configuration.applyToWristRotation; } else { applyPosition = model.configuration.applyToFingersPosition; applyRotation = model.configuration.applyToFingersRotation; } switch (model.configuration.movingAverage) { case MovingAverage.Simple: return(InputHelpers.SimpleMovingAverage(updatedTrackingRecord, applyPosition, applyRotation)); case MovingAverage.Weighted: return(InputHelpers.WeightedMovingAverage(updatedTrackingRecord, model.wmaWeights, applyPosition, applyRotation)); case MovingAverage.Exponential: Debug.LogError("Exponential Moving Average is not supperted for input noise reduction"); return(updatedTrackingRecord[updatedTrackingRecord.Length - 1]); default: return(updatedTrackingRecord[updatedTrackingRecord.Length - 1]); } }
private void UpdateInputs() { if (!Player.Get().GetMovesBlocked()) { this.m_Inputs.m_Vertical = InputsManager.Get().GetActionValue(InputsManager.InputAction.Forward) - InputsManager.Get().GetActionValue(InputsManager.InputAction.Backward); this.m_Inputs.m_Vertical = Mathf.Sign(this.m_Inputs.m_Vertical) * (this.m_Inputs.m_Vertical * this.m_Inputs.m_Vertical); this.m_Inputs.m_Horizontal = InputsManager.Get().GetActionValue(InputsManager.InputAction.Right) - InputsManager.Get().GetActionValue(InputsManager.InputAction.Left); this.m_Inputs.m_Horizontal = Mathf.Sign(this.m_Inputs.m_Horizontal) * (this.m_Inputs.m_Horizontal * this.m_Inputs.m_Horizontal); this.m_Inputs.m_Jump = InputsManager.Get().IsActionActive(InputsManager.InputAction.Jump); if (GreenHellGame.IsPadControllerActive() && HUDWheel.Get().m_Active) { this.m_Inputs.m_Duck = false; } if (GreenHellGame.Instance.m_Settings.m_ToggleRunOption == GameSettings.ToggleRunOption.No) { this.m_Inputs.m_Sprint = InputsManager.Get().IsActionActive(InputsManager.InputAction.Sprint); } } else if (!MainLevel.Instance.IsPause()) { this.m_Inputs.m_Jump = false; this.m_Inputs.m_Sprint = false; } if (!this.m_Player.GetRotationBlocked()) { Vector2 lookInput = InputHelpers.GetLookInput(this.m_LookSensitivityX, this.m_LookSensitivityY, this.m_PadSensitivity); this.m_Inputs.m_MouseX = lookInput.x; this.m_Inputs.m_MouseY = lookInput.y; } }
private void UpdateInputs() { if (this.m_Player.GetRotationBlocked()) { return; } this.m_Inputs.m_Vertical = 0f; this.m_Inputs.m_Horizontal = 0f; if (InputsManager.Get().IsActionActive(InputsManager.InputAction.Forward)) { this.m_Inputs.m_Vertical = 1f; } else if (InputsManager.Get().IsActionActive(InputsManager.InputAction.Backward)) { this.m_Inputs.m_Vertical = -1f; } if (InputsManager.Get().IsActionActive(InputsManager.InputAction.Left)) { this.m_Inputs.m_Horizontal = -1f; } else if (InputsManager.Get().IsActionActive(InputsManager.InputAction.Right)) { this.m_Inputs.m_Horizontal = 1f; } Vector2 lookInput = InputHelpers.GetLookInput(this.m_LookSensitivityX, this.m_LookSensitivityY, 150f); this.m_Inputs.m_MouseX = lookInput.x; this.m_Inputs.m_MouseY = lookInput.y; }
public void OnSceneGUI() { Event currentEvent = Event.current; Vector3 worldPoint = InputHelpers.GetXZPlaneCollisionInEditorFixedHeight(0f, currentEvent); Debug.Log(worldPoint); if (InputHelpers.ClickedLeft()) { //Vector3 worldPoint = InputHelpers.GetXZPlaneCollisionInEditorFixedHeight(0f, currentEvent); //Debug.Log(worldPoint); if (Event.current.control) { worldPoint = worldPoint.SnapToGrid(); } Node_Behaviour nodeBehaviour = graphBehaviour.CreateNodeBehaviour(worldPoint); nodeBehaviour.gameObject.SelectInEditor(); } //if (GUI.changed) // EditorUtility.SetDirty(graphBehaviour); }
protected override void PerformRunCommand(string[] args) { var afterEventId = args.Length > 0 ? args[0] : null; var eventIdCurrent = afterEventId; do { ConsoleContext.Events = ConsoleContext.DiadocApi.GetNewEvents(ConsoleContext.CurrentToken, ConsoleContext.CurrentBoxId, eventIdCurrent); foreach (var boxEvent in ConsoleContext.Events.Events) { System.Console.Write("{0} {1} {2}", boxEvent.Timestamp, boxEvent.EventId, boxEvent.MessageId); if (boxEvent.Message != null) { System.Console.WriteLine(" [{0} -> {1}]", boxEvent.Message.FromTitle, boxEvent.Message.ToTitle); } else { System.Console.WriteLine(); } var attachments = boxEvent.Entities .Where(e => e.EntityType == EntityType.Attachment && e.AttachmentType != AttachmentType.AttachmentComment); foreach (var attach in attachments) { System.Console.WriteLine("\t{0} [{1}]", attach.FileName, attach.AttachmentType); } } if (ConsoleContext.Events.TotalCount <= ConsoleContext.Events.Events.Count) { break; } eventIdCurrent = ConsoleContext.Events.Events.Last().EventId; } while (InputHelpers.YesNoChoice(false, "...Есть ещё письма... Показать следующую страницу?")); }
public bool CheckIfActivated() { InputHelpers.IsPressed(controller.inputDevice, drawButton, out bool isGripped, activationThreshold); string heldSpell = (handName == "right") ? player.rightHandSpell : player.leftHandSpell; return(isGripped && (heldSpell == null || heldSpell == "")); }
private void Run() { var lines = InputHelpers.GetAllLinesAsListInt(); var answer = GetThreeAnswerCombo(lines); Console.WriteLine($"Answer: {answer}"); }
public InputActionData GetInputActionData(TriggerAction.TYPE trigger) { InputActionData[] array = null; int actionId = InputHelpers.GetActionId(trigger); this.m_ActionsByInputAction.TryGetValue(actionId, out array); return(array[(int)GreenHellGame.Instance.m_Settings.m_ControllerType]); }
void Update() { InputHelpers.IsPressed(InputDevices.GetDeviceAtXRNode(controller), btn, out bool isPressed); if (isPressed) { PhotonNetwork.Disconnect(); PhotonNetwork.LoadLevel(0); } }
public override void Method() { int delta; if (int.TryParse(Parameters[0], out delta)) { InputHelpers.SendMouseWheel(delta); } }
protected override void Method() { int x, y; if (int.TryParse(Parameters[0], out x) && int.TryParse(Parameters[1], out y)) { InputHelpers.SendMouseMove(x, y); } }
public InputActionData GetActionDataByTriggerAction(TriggerAction.TYPE trigger_action, ControllerType controller_type = ControllerType._Count) { InputActionData[] array; if (this.m_ActionsByInputAction.TryGetValue(InputHelpers.GetActionId(trigger_action), out array)) { return(array[(int)((controller_type == ControllerType._Count) ? GreenHellGame.Instance.m_Settings.m_ControllerType : controller_type)]); } return(null); }
void Update() { if (inputDelayCounter > 0) { inputDelayCounter -= Time.deltaTime; } else { inputDelayCounter = 0; } if (mapIndex == 0) { UpArrow.interactable = false; DownArrow.interactable = true; } else if (mapIndex == Maps.Length - 1) { UpArrow.interactable = true; DownArrow.interactable = false; } else { UpArrow.interactable = true; DownArrow.interactable = true; } //poll players controllers var players = ReInput.players; for (int i = 0; i <= players.playerCount - 1; i++) { var player = players.GetPlayer(i); if (player.controllers.joystickCount > 0 && inputDelayCounter == 0) { Debug.Log(player.GetAxis(0) + " " + player.GetAxis(1)); if (InputHelpers.MenuDownOrRight(player)) { DownArrowClicked(); inputDelayCounter = inputDelayTimer; } if (InputHelpers.MenuUpOrLeft(player)) { UpArrowClicked(); inputDelayCounter = inputDelayTimer; } if (InputHelpers.MenuAccept(player)) { MapClick(); } } } }
private void TextBox_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { bool b = InputHelpers.IsValidDigitKey(e.Key); if (b == false) { e.Handled = true; } base.OnKeyDown(e); }
public override void HandleFire(PlayerState p) { if (p != p1 && p != p2) { return; } InputHelpers.BasicPullTrigger(p); InputHelpers.BasicReleaseTrigger(p); }
protected override void PerformRunCommand(string[] args) { if (!InputHelpers.YesNoChoice(true, "Использовать системный прокси? (по-умолчанию 'Y')")) { ConsoleContext.DiadocApi.DisableSystemProxyUsage(); System.Console.WriteLine("Прокси не будет использоваться в последующих запросах."); return; } ConsoleContext.DiadocApi.EnableSystemProxyUsage(); SetProxyCredentials(); System.Console.WriteLine("Прокси настроен."); }
protected override void PerformRunCommand(string[] args) { var boxId = args.Length > 0 ? args[0] : null; if (boxId == null) { OutputHelpers.ShowBoxes(ConsoleContext); return; } ConsoleContext.CurrentBoxId = InputHelpers.AutocompleteBoxId(ConsoleContext, boxId); System.Console.WriteLine("Текущий ящик: " + ConsoleContext.CurrentBoxId); ConsoleContext.Events = null; }
protected override void PerformRunCommand(string[] args) { System.Console.Write("Login: "******"Password: "******"Аутентификация пройдена."); OutputHelpers.ShowBoxes(ConsoleContext); }
void OnMouseUp() { // We get the camera to cancel the Z vector and ScreenToWorldPoint returns distances in the same Z value float cameraZPos = Camera.main.transform.position.z; finalTouchPosition = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition + new Vector3(0f, 0f, -cameraZPos)); if (OnMouseOverItemEventHandler != null) { SwipeDirection direction = InputHelpers.GetSwipeDirection(new Vector2(x, y), finalTouchPosition, 0.5f); OnMouseOverItemEventHandler(this, direction); } }
public UpdateAttempt AddShip(AddShipModel model) { var grid = this.GetGrid(); var xBoundary = grid.Dimensions.X; var yBoundary = grid.Dimensions.Y; if (model.IsOutOfBounds(xBoundary, yBoundary)) { return new UpdateAttempt { Message = "Coorindates are out of bounds" } } ; var shipId = 1; if (grid.Ships != null && grid.Ships.Any()) { shipId = grid.Ships.Select(ship => ship.Id).Max() + 1; } var orientation = InputHelpers.MapDirectionInput(model.Orientation); if (orientation == null) { return new UpdateAttempt { Message = "Invalid direction" } } ; var shipToAdd = new ShipModel { Id = shipId, Lost = false, Orientation = orientation.Value, Position = new CoordinateModel { X = model.Position.X, Y = model.Position.Y, } }; grid.Ships = grid.Ships == null ? new[] { shipToAdd } : grid.Ships.Concat(new[] { shipToAdd }); var gridJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(grid); var result = _dataService.UpdateGrid(gridJson); return(result); } } }
private void UpdateInputs() { this.m_Inputs.m_Horizontal = CrossPlatformInputManager.GetAxis("Horizontal"); this.m_Inputs.m_Vertical = CrossPlatformInputManager.GetAxis("Vertical"); this.m_Inputs.m_Jump = CrossPlatformInputManager.GetButton("Jump"); this.m_Inputs.m_Duck = CrossPlatformInputManager.GetButton("Duck"); if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.LeftShift)) { this.m_Inputs.m_Sprint = !this.m_Inputs.m_Sprint; } Vector2 lookInput = InputHelpers.GetLookInput(this.m_LookSensitivityX, this.m_LookSensitivityY, 150f); this.m_Inputs.m_MouseX = lookInput.x; this.m_Inputs.m_MouseY = lookInput.y; }
private void Run() { var data = InputHelpers.GetAllLinesAsKeyValueList(); var validPassports = 0; foreach (var passport in data) { if (CheckPassport(passport)) { validPassports++; } } Console.WriteLine($"Valid passports: {validPassports}"); }
private void UpdatInputs() { if (this.m_State == EBIMState.Rotation) { this.m_MouseAxisX -= InputHelpers.GetLookInput(this.m_MouseSensitivityX, 1f, 150f).x *Time.deltaTime; if (this.m_MouseAxisX < -30f) { this.m_MouseAxisX = -30f; } if (this.m_MouseAxisX > 30f) { this.m_MouseAxisX = 30f; } this.m_LMB = InputsManager.Get().IsActionActive(InputsManager.InputAction.LMB); } }
/// <summary> /// Main game loop. Processes user input for the menu system and then executes the required function(s) as specified. /// </summary> public void Play() { do { DisplayInGameMenu(); char userInput = InputHelpers.GetUserChoice(); switch (userInput) { case 'N': case 'n': NextTurn(); break; case 'V': case 'v': DisplayScore(); break; case 'C': case 'c': Console.Clear(); break; case 'F': case 'f': RunInBatchMode(); break; case 'H': case 'h': DisplayGameInstructions(); break; case 'Q': case 'q': ForceGameOver(); break; default: Console.WriteLine("Invalid input, please enter \"n\", \"v\", \"f\", \"c\", \"h\", or \"q\"."); break; } } while (!GameOver()); DisplayGameResults(); Console.WriteLine("Press enter to exit the program."); InputHelpers.ForceUserToPressEnterKey(); }
protected override Vector3 DetermineMovement() { var movement = new Vector3(); if (!IsDead && InputHelpers.IsAnyKey("w", "s", "a", "d")) { ShouldMove = true; GunObject.enabled = false; var headDirection = PlayerHeadController.HeadDirection.Down; if (Input.GetKey("w")) { movement += new Vector3(0, 1, 0); headDirection = PlayerHeadController.HeadDirection.Up; } else if (Input.GetKey("s")) { movement += new Vector3(0, -1, 0); GunObject.enabled = true; headDirection = PlayerHeadController.HeadDirection.Down; } if (Input.GetKey("a")) { movement += new Vector3(-1, 0, 0); headDirection = PlayerHeadController.HeadDirection.Left; } else if (Input.GetKey("d")) { movement += new Vector3(1, 0, 0); headDirection = PlayerHeadController.HeadDirection.Right; } movement.Normalize(); if (!_shootController.IsShooting) { _headObject.SetHeadDirection(headDirection); } } else if (!IsDead) { ShouldMove = false; } return(movement); }
private void Awake() { InputsManager.s_Instance = this; InputHelpers.InitPadIcons(); this.LoadScript(); if (this.m_ActionsByKeyCode.Count == 0) { Debug.LogWarning("[InputsManager:Awake] Input script is empty!"); UnityEngine.Object.Destroy(this); } CrossPlatformInputManager.RegisterVirtualAxis(new CrossPlatformInputManager.VirtualAxis("RightStickXPs4")); CrossPlatformInputManager.RegisterVirtualAxis(new CrossPlatformInputManager.VirtualAxis("RightStickYPs4")); CrossPlatformInputManager.RegisterVirtualAxis(new CrossPlatformInputManager.VirtualAxis("DPadXPs4")); CrossPlatformInputManager.RegisterVirtualAxis(new CrossPlatformInputManager.VirtualAxis("DPadYPs4")); CrossPlatformInputManager.RegisterVirtualAxis(new CrossPlatformInputManager.VirtualAxis("LeftTriggerPs4")); CrossPlatformInputManager.RegisterVirtualAxis(new CrossPlatformInputManager.VirtualAxis("RightTriggerPs4")); }
public void Init() { inputHelpers = new InputHelpers(); }