/// <summary>
        /// Attempts to find an Inner Header and File Info object using the supplied decryption Keys.
        /// If the decryption keys do not decrypt the header, then they were not listed as a recipient.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="header">the ingested header object from the file</param>
        /// <param name="RecipientKeys">the Keys object with the key pair to attempt for decryption</param>
        /// <param name="Result">output: a FullHeader object with the fully decrypted file header details</param>
        /// <returns>false on any error, including (but not limited to): bad ciphertext, not a recipient</returns>
        private static bool TryDecryptHeader(HeaderInfo header, miniLockManaged.Keys RecipientKeys, out FullHeader Result)
            Result = new FullHeader();
            UTF8Encoding utf8 = new UTF8Encoding();

            foreach (string n in header.decryptInfo.Keys) // n is outer nonce
                //System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print("decryptInfo Nonce: " + k);  // DON'T LEAK!!!
                string v      = header.decryptInfo[n]; //payload
                byte[] buffer = RecipientKeys.TryDecrypt(header.ephemeral, true, v.ToBytesFromBase64(), n.ToBytesFromBase64());
                if (buffer != null)                    // looks like we're a recipient!  proceed!  if not just move on to the next one
                    string stuff = utf8.GetString(buffer);
                    InnerHeaderInfo ih = InnerHeaderInfo.FromJSON(stuff);
                    stuff = null;
                    if (ih != null)
                        //System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print("_IH OBJECT=" + ih.ToJSON());  // DON'T LEAK!!!
                        if (ih.recipientID != RecipientKeys.PublicID)
                        if (!miniLockManaged.Keys.ValidatePublicKey(ih.senderID))
                        buffer = ih.fileInfo.ToBytesFromBase64();
                        // use same nonce from OUTER
                        buffer = RecipientKeys.TryDecrypt(ih.senderID, buffer, n.ToBytesFromBase64());
                        if (buffer != null)
                            stuff = utf8.GetString(buffer);
                            FileInfo fi = FileInfo.FromJSON(stuff);
                            if (fi != null)
                                //System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print("_FI OBJECT=" + fi.ToJSON()); // DON'T LEAK!!!
            // either not a recipient, or something else went wrong
 public void UpdateFromInnerHeader(InnerHeaderInfo ih)
     senderID    = Keys.GetBytesFromPublicKey(ih.senderID);
     recipientID = Keys.GetBytesFromPublicKey(ih.recipientID);
        public static long EncryptFile(System.IO.FileInfo SourceFile, FileStream DestinationFile, string[] Recipients, Keys SenderKeys)
            // crypto variables
            // THESE SHOULD BE RANDOM!
            byte[] fileNonce = Utilities.GenerateRandomBytes(16);
            byte[] fileKey   = Utilities.GenerateRandomBytes(32);
            Keys   ephemeral = new Keys(true);

            // these are dependant on recipients
            byte[] sharedKey = null;
            // validate parameters

            //process chunks
            Blake2sCSharp.Hasher b2s  = Blake2sCSharp.Blake2S.Create();
            UTF8Encoding         utf8 = new UTF8Encoding();
            // use cache file instead of a memory stream to conserve used memory MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(); // processed chunks go here
            string     tempFile   = null;
            FileStream cacheFs    = GetTempFileStream(out tempFile);
            FileStream fs         = new FileStream(SourceFile.FullName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
            long       fileCursor = 0;

            byte[] chunk      = null;
            UInt64 chunkCount = 0;

            byte[] chunkNonce = new byte[24];                    // always a constant length
            // this part of the nonce doesn't change
            Array.Copy(fileNonce, chunkNonce, fileNonce.Length); // copy it once and be done with it
                if (chunkCount == 0) // first chunk is always '\0'-padded filename
                    chunk = new byte[256];
                    byte[] filename = utf8.GetBytes(SourceFile.Name);
                    Array.Copy(filename, chunk, filename.Length);
                    filename.Wipe(); // DON'T LEAK!!!
                    if (fileCursor + MAX_CHUNK_SIZE >= SourceFile.Length)
                        // last chunk
                        chunkNonce[23] |= 0x80;
                        chunk           = new byte[SourceFile.Length - fileCursor];
                        chunk = new byte[MAX_CHUNK_SIZE];
                    if (fs.Read(chunk, 0, chunk.Length) != chunk.Length)
                        // read error!
                        TrashTempFileStream(cacheFs, tempFile);
                        throw new System.IO.IOException("Abrupt end of file / read error from source.");
                    fileCursor += chunk.Length;
                byte[] outBuffer        = XSalsa20Poly1305.Encrypt(chunk, fileKey, chunkNonce);
                byte[] chunkLengthBytes = Utilities.UInt32ToBytes((uint)chunk.Length);
                cacheFs.Write(chunkLengthBytes, 0, 4);         // use cache file
                b2s.Update(chunkLengthBytes);                  // hash as we go
                cacheFs.Write(outBuffer, 0, outBuffer.Length); // use cache file
                b2s.Update(outBuffer);                         // hash as we go
                // since the first chunkNonce is just the fileNonce and a bunch of 0x00's,
                //  it's safe to do the chunk counter as a post-process update
                Utilities.UInt64ToBytes(++chunkCount, chunkNonce, 16);
            } while (fileCursor < SourceFile.Length);

            cacheFs.Flush(true);  // make sure everything is flushed to the disk cache
            cacheFs.Position = 0; // leave it open so that we can read it back into the destination
            // get the ciphertext hash for the header
            byte[] cipherTextHash = b2s.Finish();
            // done encrypting to the cache, now to build the header

            //build header (fileInfo needed first, but same for all recipients)...
            FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(

            byte[] fiBytes = utf8.GetBytes(fi.ToJSON()); // encrypt this to the recipients next...

            //build inner headers next (one for each recipient)
            Dictionary <string, string> innerHeaders = new Dictionary <string, string>(Recipients.Length);

            foreach (string recip in Recipients)
                // each recipient is not identified in the outer header, only a random NONCE
                byte[] recipientNonce = Utilities.GenerateRandomBytes(24);
                sharedKey = // INNER SHARED KEY (Sender Secret + Recipient Public)
                InnerHeaderInfo ih = new InnerHeaderInfo(
                    XSalsa20Poly1305.Encrypt(fiBytes, sharedKey, recipientNonce).ToBase64String()); // fileInfo JSON object encrypted, Base64
                sharedKey =                                                                         // OUTER SHARED KEY (Ephemeral Secret + Recipient Public)
                string encryptedInnerHeader = ih.ToJSON();
                encryptedInnerHeader = XSalsa20Poly1305.Encrypt(utf8.GetBytes(encryptedInnerHeader), sharedKey, recipientNonce).ToBase64String();
                innerHeaders.Add(recipientNonce.ToBase64String(), encryptedInnerHeader);
            // finally the outer header, ready for stuffing into the file
            HeaderInfo hi         = new HeaderInfo(1, ephemeral.PublicKey.ToBase64String(), innerHeaders);
            string     fileHeader = hi.ToJSON();

            // build the final file...
            DestinationFile.Write(utf8.GetBytes("miniLock"), 0, 8);                        // file identifier (aka "magic bytes")
            DestinationFile.Write(Utilities.UInt32ToBytes((uint)fileHeader.Length), 0, 4); // header length in 4 little endian bytes
            DestinationFile.Write(utf8.GetBytes(fileHeader), 0, fileHeader.Length);        // the full JSON header object
            // read back from the cache file into the destination file...
            byte[] buffer;
            for (int i = 0; i < cacheFs.Length; i += buffer.Length)
                if (i + MAX_CHUNK_SIZE >= cacheFs.Length)
                    buffer = new byte[cacheFs.Length - i];
                    buffer = new byte[MAX_CHUNK_SIZE];
                if (cacheFs.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length) != buffer.Length)
                    throw new System.IO.IOException("Abrupt end of cache file");
                DestinationFile.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); // the ciphertext
            // now flush and close, and grab length for reporting to caller
            long tempOutputFileLength = DestinationFile.Length;

            // kill the cache and the directory created for it
            TrashTempFileStream(cacheFs, tempFile);
