public void Import(Infrastructure.LcpsDbContext context) { try { if (this.CrudStatus == ImportCrudStatus.InsertMember) { LdapAccount ac = new LdapAccount() { AccountId = Guid.NewGuid(), UserKey = _userKey, UserName = this.UserName, InitialPassword = this.Password, Active = this.Active }; context.LdapAccounts.Add(ac); } else { LdapAccount ac = context.LdapAccounts .FirstOrDefault( x => x.UserKey.Equals(_userKey) & x.UserName.ToLower() == this.UserName.ToLower() ); ac.UserName = this.UserName; ac.Active = this.Active; context.Entry(ac).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified; } context.SaveChanges(); ImportReport = "Success"; ImportStatus = ImportRecordStatus.success; } catch(Exception ex) { AnvilExceptionCollector ec = new AnvilExceptionCollector(ex); ImportReport = ec.ToLineBreakString(); ImportStatus = ImportRecordStatus.danger; } }
public void Import(Infrastructure.LcpsDbContext context) { if (CrudStatus == ImportCrudStatus.None) return; Guid _staffKey = Guid.Empty; HRStaffPosition[] pp = context.StaffPositions.Where(x => x.StaffMemberId.Equals(_staffKey)).ToArray(); if(pp.Count() > 0) { context.StaffPositions.RemoveRange(pp); context.SaveChanges(); } try { if (CrudStatus.HasFlag(ImportCrudStatus.InsertMember)) { HRStaff staff = new HRStaff() { StaffKey = Guid.NewGuid(), StaffId = this.StaffId, Birthdate = this.Birthdate, FirstName = this.FirstName, MiddleInitial = this.MiddleInitial, LastName = this.LastName, Gender = this.Gender }; _staffKey = staff.StaffKey; context.StaffMembers.Add(staff); } if (CrudStatus.HasFlag(ImportCrudStatus.UpdateMember)) { HRStaff staff = context.StaffMembers.First(x => x.StaffId.ToLower() == this.StaffId.ToLower()); staff.Birthdate = this.Birthdate; staff.FirstName = this.FirstName; staff.MiddleInitial = this.MiddleInitial; staff.LastName = this.LastName; staff.Gender = this.Gender; _staffKey = staff.StaffKey; context.Entry(staff).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified; } if (CrudStatus.HasFlag(ImportCrudStatus.CreateMembership)) { if (_staffKey.Equals(Guid.Empty)) _staffKey = context.StaffMembers.First(x => x.StaffId.ToLower() == this.StaffId.ToLower()).StaffKey; HRStaffPosition p = new HRStaffPosition() { StaffMemberId = _staffKey, PositionKey = Guid.NewGuid(), BuildingKey = _staffDefinition.Building.BuildingKey, EmployeeTypeKey = _staffDefinition.EmployeeType.EmployeeTypeLinkId, JobTitleKey = _staffDefinition.JobTitle.JobTitleKey, Status = this.Status, FiscalYear = this.FiscalYear }; context.StaffPositions.Add(p); } if (CrudStatus.HasFlag(ImportCrudStatus.UpdateMembership)) { if (_staffKey.Equals(Guid.Empty)) _staffKey = context.StaffMembers.First(x => x.StaffId.ToLower() == this.StaffId.ToLower()).StaffKey; HRStaffPosition p = context.StaffPositions .First(x => x.StaffMemberId.Equals(_staffKey) & x.BuildingKey.Equals(_staffDefinition.Building.BuildingKey) & x.EmployeeTypeKey.Equals(_staffDefinition.EmployeeType.EmployeeTypeLinkId) & x.JobTitleKey.Equals(_staffDefinition.JobTitle.JobTitleKey)); p.Status = this.Status; p.FiscalYear = this.FiscalYear; context.Entry(p).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified; } context.SaveChanges(); ImportStatus = ImportRecordStatus.success; } catch (Exception ex) { AnvilExceptionCollector ec = new AnvilExceptionCollector(ex); ImportStatus = ImportRecordStatus.danger; ImportReport = ec.ToLineBreakString(); } }
public static void Seed(Infrastructure.BlueDbContext context) { context.Industries.AddOrUpdate(new Industry() { Code = 11, Name = "Management Occupations" }); context.Industries.AddOrUpdate(new Industry() { Code = 13, Name = "Business and Financial Operations Occupations" }); context.Industries.AddOrUpdate(new Industry() { Code = 15, Name = "Computer and Mathematical Occupations" }); context.Industries.AddOrUpdate(new Industry() { Code = 17, Name = "Architecture and Engineering Occupations" }); context.Industries.AddOrUpdate(new Industry() { Code = 19, Name = "Life, Physical, and Social Science Occupations" }); context.Industries.AddOrUpdate(new Industry() { Code = 21, Name = "Community and Social Service Occupations" }); context.Industries.AddOrUpdate(new Industry() { Code = 23, Name = "Legal Occupations" }); context.Industries.AddOrUpdate(new Industry() { Code = 25, Name = "Education, Training, and Library Occupations" }); context.Industries.AddOrUpdate(new Industry() { Code = 27, Name = "Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Occupations" }); context.Industries.AddOrUpdate(new Industry() { Code = 29, Name = "Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations" }); context.Industries.AddOrUpdate(new Industry() { Code = 31, Name = "Healthcare Support Occupations" }); context.Industries.AddOrUpdate(new Industry() { Code = 33, Name = "Protective Service Occupations" }); context.Industries.AddOrUpdate(new Industry() { Code = 35, Name = "Food Preparation and Serving Related Occupations" }); context.Industries.AddOrUpdate(new Industry() { Code = 37, Name = "Building and Grounds Cleaning and Maintenance Occupations" }); context.Industries.AddOrUpdate(new Industry() { Code = 39, Name = "Personal Care and Service Occupations" }); context.Industries.AddOrUpdate(new Industry() { Code = 41, Name = "Sales and Related Occupations" }); context.Industries.AddOrUpdate(new Industry() { Code = 43, Name = "Office and Administrative Support Occupations" }); context.Industries.AddOrUpdate(new Industry() { Code = 45, Name = "Farming, Fishing, and Forestry Occupations" }); context.Industries.AddOrUpdate(new Industry() { Code = 47, Name = "Construction and Extraction Occupations" }); context.Industries.AddOrUpdate(new Industry() { Code = 49, Name = "Installation, Maintenance, and Repair Occupations" }); context.Industries.AddOrUpdate(new Industry() { Code = 51, Name = "Production Occupations" }); context.Industries.AddOrUpdate(new Industry() { Code = 53, Name = "Transportation and Material Moving Occupations" }); context.Industries.AddOrUpdate(new Industry() { Code = 55, Name = "Military Specific Occupations" }); context.SaveChanges(); //Education Score context.EducationLevels.AddOrUpdate(new EducationLevel() { Name = "Less than high school", Score = 4, Alias = "Lessthanhighschool" }); context.EducationLevels.AddOrUpdate(new EducationLevel() { Name = "High school", Score = 3, Alias = "Highschooldiplomaorequivalent" }); context.EducationLevels.AddOrUpdate(new EducationLevel() { Name = "Some college, no degree", Score = 2, Alias = "Somecollegenodegree" }); context.EducationLevels.AddOrUpdate(new EducationLevel() { Name = "Associate's degree", Score = 1, Alias = "Associatesdegree" }); context.EducationLevels.AddOrUpdate(new EducationLevel() { Name = "Bachelor's degree", Score = 0, Alias = "Bachelorsdegree" }); context.EducationLevels.AddOrUpdate(new EducationLevel() { Name = "Master's degree", Score = 0, Alias = "Mastersdegree" }); context.EducationLevels.AddOrUpdate(new EducationLevel() { Name = "Doctoral or professional degree", Score = 0, Alias = "Doctoralorprofessionaldegree" }); context.EducationLevels.AddOrUpdate(new EducationLevel() { Name = "Post Secondary, Non Degree Award", Score = 0, Alias = "Postsecondarynondegreeaward" }); context.EducationLevels.AddOrUpdate(new EducationLevel() { Name = "Typical level of education that most workers need to enter this occupation.", Score = 0, Alias = "Typical level of education that most workers need to enter this occupation." }); context.SaveChanges(); //LevelType context.LevelTypes.AddOrUpdate(new LevelType() { Name = "Premium", Alias = "" }); context.LevelTypes.AddOrUpdate(new LevelType() { Name = "Great", Alias = "" }); context.LevelTypes.AddOrUpdate(new LevelType() { Name = "Good", Alias = "" }); context.LevelTypes.AddOrUpdate(new LevelType() { Name = "Not Recommended", Alias = "" }); context.SaveChanges(); context.WorkExperiences.AddOrUpdate(new WorkExperience() { Name = "1 to 5 Years", Alias = "1to5years" }); context.WorkExperiences.AddOrUpdate(new WorkExperience() { Name = "Less than 1 Year", Alias = "Lessthan1year" }); context.WorkExperiences.AddOrUpdate(new WorkExperience() { Name = "More than 5 Years", Alias = "Morethan5years" }); context.WorkExperiences.AddOrUpdate(new WorkExperience() { Name = "Work experience that is commonly considered necessary by employers, or is a commonly accepted substitute for more formal types of training or education", Alias = "Work experience that is commonly considered necessary by employers, or is a commonly accepted substitute for more formal types of training or education." }); context.WorkExperiences.AddOrUpdate(new WorkExperience() { Name = "None", Alias = "None" }); context.SaveChanges(); }