Exemple #1
    static void Main(string[] args)
        // If using Professional version, put your serial key below.

        ExcelFile ef = ExcelFile.Load("SimpleTemplate.xlsx");

        DataTable dataTable = new DataTable();

        // Depending on the format of the input file, you need to change this:
        dataTable.Columns.Add("FirstColumn", typeof(string));
        dataTable.Columns.Add("SecondColumn", typeof(string));

        // Select the first worksheet from the file.
        ExcelWorksheet ws = ef.Worksheets[0];

        ExtractToDataTableOptions options = new ExtractToDataTableOptions(0, 0, 10);

        options.ExtractDataOptions = ExtractDataOptions.StopAtFirstEmptyRow;
        options.ExcelCellToDataTableCellConverting += (sender, e) =>
            if (!e.IsDataTableValueValid)
                // GemBox.Spreadsheet doesn't automatically convert numbers to strings in ExtractToDataTable() method because of culture issues;
                // someone would expect the number 12.4 as "12.4" and someone else as "12,4".
                e.DataTableValue = e.ExcelCell.Value == null ? null : e.ExcelCell.Value.ToString();
                e.Action         = ExtractDataEventAction.Continue;

        // Extract the data from an Excel worksheet to the DataTable.
        // Data is extracted starting at first row and first column for 10 rows or until the first empty row appears.
        ws.ExtractToDataTable(dataTable, options);

        // Write DataTable content
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

        sb.AppendLine("DataTable content:");
        foreach (DataRow row in dataTable.Rows)
            sb.AppendFormat("{0}    {1}", row[0], row[1]);

        public CriteriaValidator()

            // If using Professional version, put your serial key below.

            var workbook1 = ExcelFile.Load("NAVIS OUT.csv");

            var dataTable1 = new DataTable();

            // Depending on the format of the input file, you need to change this:
            dataTable1.Columns.Add("Material", typeof(string));
            dataTable1.Columns.Add("GUID", typeof(string));
            dataTable1.Columns.Add("ELEMENT ID", typeof(string));
            dataTable1.Columns.Add("NAME", typeof(string));
            dataTable1.Columns.Add("GLOABALID", typeof(string));
            dataTable1.Columns.Add("START DATE", typeof(string));
            dataTable1.Columns.Add("END DATE", typeof(string));
            dataTable1.Columns.Add("DURATION", typeof(string));

            // Select the first worksheet from the file.
            var worksheet1 = workbook1.Worksheets[0];

            var options = new ExtractToDataTableOptions(0, 0, 10000);

            options.ExtractDataOptions = ExtractDataOptions.StopAtFirstEmptyRow;
            options.ExcelCellToDataTableCellConverting += (sender, e) =>
                if (!e.IsDataTableValueValid)
                    // GemBox.Spreadsheet doesn't automatically convert numbers to strings in ExtractToDataTable() method because of culture issues;
                    // someone would expect the number 12.4 as "12.4" and someone else as "12,4".
                    e.DataTableValue = e.ExcelCell.Value == null ? null : e.ExcelCell.Value.ToString();
                    e.Action         = ExtractDataEventAction.Continue;

            // Extract the data from an Excel worksheet to the DataTable.
            // Data is extracted starting at first row and first column for 10 rows or until the first empty row appears.
            worksheet1.ExtractToDataTable(dataTable1, options);


            var workbook2 = ExcelFile.Load("REVIT output.xlsx");

            var dataTable2 = new DataTable();

            // Depending on the format of the input file, you need to change this:
            dataTable2.Columns.Add("Count", typeof(string));
            dataTable2.Columns.Add("ELEMENT ID", typeof(string));
            dataTable2.Columns.Add("Description", typeof(string));
            dataTable2.Columns.Add("Family", typeof(string));
            dataTable2.Columns.Add("Family and Type", typeof(string));
            dataTable2.Columns.Add("Material: Area", typeof(string));
            dataTable2.Columns.Add("Material: Volume", typeof(string));
            dataTable2.Columns.Add("Material: Name", typeof(string));

            // Select the first worksheet from the file.
            var worksheet2 = workbook2.Worksheets[0];

            // Extract the data from an Excel worksheet to the DataTable.
            // Data is extracted starting at first row and first column for 10 rows or until the first empty row appears.
            worksheet2.ExtractToDataTable(dataTable2, options);

            dataGridView1.DataSource = dataTable2;

            int i = 0;

            foreach (DataRow dt1_Row in dataTable1.Rows)
                string dt1_EID = dt1_Row["ELEMENT ID"].ToString();
                if (dt1_EID == "ELEMENT ID")

                foreach (DataRow dt2_Row in dataTable2.Rows)
                    string dt2_EID = dt2_Row["ELEMENT ID"].ToString();
                    if (dt2_EID == "ELEMENT ID")

                    if (dt1_EID == dt2_EID)
                        dgv_DataRecords.Rows[i].Cells["ElementID"].Value     = dt1_Row["ELEMENT ID"].ToString();
                        dgv_DataRecords.Rows[i].Cells["Name"].Value          = dt1_Row["NAME"].ToString();
                        dgv_DataRecords.Rows[i].Cells["FamilyandType"].Value = dt2_Row["Family and Type"].ToString();
                        dgv_DataRecords.Rows[i].Cells["Area"].Value          = dt2_Row["Material: Area"].ToString();
                        dgv_DataRecords.Rows[i].Cells["Volume"].Value        = dt2_Row["Material: Volume"].ToString();
                        dgv_DataRecords.Rows[i].Cells["StartDate"].Value     = dt1_Row["START DATE"].ToString();
                        dgv_DataRecords.Rows[i].Cells["EndDate"].Value       = dt1_Row["END DATE"].ToString();
Exemple #3
 public void getExcelData()
     ExcelFile ef = ExcelFile.Load("data/" + sheetName + ".xls");
     dt.Columns.Add("ID", typeof(string)); dt.Columns.Add("Name", typeof(string)); dt.Columns.Add("MinLvl", typeof(string)); dt.Columns.Add("MinDmg", typeof(string));
     dt.Columns.Add("MaxDmg", typeof(string)); dt.Columns.Add("Tier", typeof(string)); dt.Columns.Add("Cost", typeof(string)); dt.Columns.Add("HealthRegen", typeof(string));
     dt.Columns.Add("ManaRegen", typeof(string)); dt.Columns.Add("SpellDamage", typeof(string)); dt.Columns.Add("LifeSteal", typeof(string)); dt.Columns.Add("Mana Steal", typeof(string));
     dt.Columns.Add("XPBonus", typeof(string)); dt.Columns.Add("LootBonus", typeof(string)); dt.Columns.Add("Location", typeof(string));
     ExcelWorksheet ws = ef.Worksheets[0];
     ExtractToDataTableOptions options = new ExtractToDataTableOptions(0, 0, 50);
     options.ExtractDataOptions = ExtractDataOptions.StopAtFirstEmptyRow;
     options.ExcelCellToDataTableCellConverting += (sender, e) =>
         if (!e.IsDataTableValueValid)
             e.DataTableValue = e.ExcelCellValue == null ? null : e.ExcelCellValue.ToString();
             e.Action = ExtractDataEventAction.Continue;
     ws.ExtractToDataTable(dt, options);
        public async Task <string> importToExcel(string currentTime, string path)
            var hoten = "";
            var CMND  = "";

                string date = DateTime.Today.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy");
                var path1    = Path.Combine(_env.WebRootPath + "\\" + date + "\\" + currentTime + "\\" + path);
                var workbook = ExcelFile.Load(path1);

                var dataTable = new DataTable();

                dataTable.Columns.Add("Mã ứng viên", typeof(string));
                dataTable.Columns.Add("Họ và tên", typeof(string));
                dataTable.Columns.Add("Vị trí ứng tuyển", typeof(string));
                dataTable.Columns.Add("Kênh tuyển dụng", typeof(string));
                dataTable.Columns.Add("Giới tính", typeof(string));

                dataTable.Columns.Add("Ngày sinh", typeof(string));
                dataTable.Columns.Add("Số CMND", typeof(string));
                dataTable.Columns.Add("Ngày cấp", typeof(string));
                dataTable.Columns.Add("Nơi cấp", typeof(string));
                dataTable.Columns.Add("Tỉnh/Thành phố", typeof(string));

                dataTable.Columns.Add("Tình trạng hôn nhân", typeof(string));
                dataTable.Columns.Add("Trình độ đào tạo", typeof(string));
                dataTable.Columns.Add("Trình độ văn hóa", typeof(string));
                dataTable.Columns.Add("Nơi đào tạo", typeof(string));
                dataTable.Columns.Add("Khoa", typeof(string));

                dataTable.Columns.Add("Chuyên ngành", typeof(string));
                dataTable.Columns.Add("Xếp loại", typeof(string));
                dataTable.Columns.Add("Năm tốt nghiệp", typeof(string));
                dataTable.Columns.Add("Trạng thái", typeof(string));
                dataTable.Columns.Add("Tiến độ tuyển dụng", typeof(string));

                dataTable.Columns.Add("Tệp đính kèm", typeof(string));
                dataTable.Columns.Add("Record status", typeof(string));
                dataTable.Columns.Add("Marker id", typeof(string));
                dataTable.Columns.Add("Auth status", typeof(string));
                dataTable.Columns.Add("Checker id", typeof(string));

                dataTable.Columns.Add("Approve dt", typeof(string));
                dataTable.Columns.Add("Điện thoại", typeof(string));
                dataTable.Columns.Add("E-mail", typeof(string));
                dataTable.Columns.Add("Địa chỉ", typeof(string));
                dataTable.Columns.Add("Time1", typeof(string));
                dataTable.Columns.Add("Day1", typeof(string));
                dataTable.Columns.Add("Time2", typeof(string));

                dataTable.Columns.Add("Day2", typeof(string));
                dataTable.Columns.Add("Time3", typeof(string));
                dataTable.Columns.Add("Day3", typeof(string));
                dataTable.Columns.Add("Note", typeof(string));
                dataTable.Columns.Add("TenCTY", typeof(string));

                // Select the first worksheet from the file.
                var worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];
                var options   = new ExtractToDataTableOptions(2, 0, 10000);
                options.ExtractDataOptions = ExtractDataOptions.StopAtFirstEmptyRow;
                options.ExcelCellToDataTableCellConverting += (sender, e) =>
                    if (!e.IsDataTableValueValid)
                        e.DataTableValue = e.ExcelCell.Value == null ? null : e.ExcelCell.Value.ToString();
                        e.Action         = ExtractDataEventAction.Continue;
                worksheet.ExtractToDataTable(dataTable, options);
                List <string> list = new List <string>();
                foreach (DataRow row in dataTable.Rows)
                List <string> duplicates = list.GroupBy(x => x)
                                           .Where(g => g.Count() > 1)
                                           .Select(x => x.Key).ToList();

                if (duplicates.Count > 0)
                    foreach (var dup in duplicates)
                        CMND += dup + ", ";
                    Logger.Error("CMND:" + CMND);
                    throw new UserFriendlyException(L("Số CMND đã bị trùng" + CMND));

                foreach (DataRow row in dataTable.Rows)
                    string   NS, NC, NTN, AP, TP, NoiDT, Time1, Time2, Time3, ViTri, KenhTD, GioiTinh;
                    DateTime Ngay_Sinh, Ngay_Cap, NamTN, APPROVEDT, Day1, Day2, Day3;
                    var      ungVien = new CreateOrEditUngVienDto();
                    var      TGD     = _truongGiaoDichRepository.GetAll();

                    if (row[1].ToString().IsNullOrEmpty())
                        throw new UserFriendlyException(L(name: "Họ tên không được để trống"));
                        ungVien.HoVaTen = row[1].ToString();

                    hoten = ungVien.HoVaTen;
                    //ungVien.ViTriUngTuyenCode = row[2].ToString().IsNullOrEmpty() ? null : TGD.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Code == "VTUT" && x.Value == row[2].ToString()).CDName;
                    ViTri = row[2].ToString();
                    if (ViTri != null)
                        //  ungVien.ViTriUngTuyenCode = TGD.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Code == "VTUT" && x.Value == ViTri).CDName;

                        var customerQuery = from tgd in TGD
                                            where tgd.Code == "VTUT" && tgd.Value == ViTri
                                            select tgd.CDName;

                        foreach (var Customer in customerQuery)
                            ungVien.ViTriUngTuyenCode = Customer;
                        ungVien.ViTriUngTuyenCode = null;
                    KenhTD = row[3].ToString();
                    if (KenhTD != null)
                        //   ungVien.KenhTuyenDungCode = TGD.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Code == "KTD" && x.Value == KenhTD).CDName;

                        var customerQuery = from tgd in TGD
                                            where tgd.Code == "KTD" && tgd.Value == KenhTD
                                            select tgd.CDName;

                        foreach (var Customer in customerQuery)
                            ungVien.KenhTuyenDungCode = Customer;
                        ungVien.KenhTuyenDungCode = null;
                    GioiTinh = row[4].ToString();
                    if (GioiTinh != null)

                        //  ungVien.GioiTinhCode = TGD.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Code == "GT" && x.Value == GioiTinh).CDName;
                        var customerQuery = from tgd in TGD
                                            where tgd.Code == "GT" && tgd.Value == GioiTinh
                                            select tgd.CDName;

                        foreach (var Customer in customerQuery)
                            ungVien.GioiTinhCode = Customer;
                        ungVien.GioiTinhCode = null;

                    NS = row[5].ToString();
                    if (NS != "")
                            Ngay_Sinh        = Convert.ToDateTime(NS);
                            ungVien.NgaySinh = Ngay_Sinh;
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            ungVien.NgaySinh = DateTime.MinValue;
                        ungVien.NgaySinh = null;

                    ungVien.SoCMND = row[6].ToString();
                    //if (CheckCMND(cmnd) && !cmnd.IsNullOrWhiteSpace())
                    //    throw new UserFriendlyException(L("Số CMND đã bị trùng"));

                    //   List<string> AuthorList = new List<string>();
                    //   //AuthorList.Add(cmnd);
                    //if(AuthorList.Count> 0 )
                    //   {
                    //       foreach (var author in AuthorList)
                    //       {
                    //           if (author == cmnd)
                    //           {
                    //               throw new UserFriendlyException(L("Số CMND đã bị trùng"));
                    //           }
                    //           else
                    //           {
                    //               ungVien.SoCMND = cmnd;
                    //           }
                    //       }
                    //       AuthorList.Add(cmnd);
                    //   }
                    //   {

                    //   }

                    NC = row[7].ToString();
                    if (NC != "")
                        Ngay_Cap        = Convert.ToDateTime(NC);
                        ungVien.NgayCap = Ngay_Cap;
                        ungVien.NgayCap = null;

                    ungVien.NoiCap = row[8].ToString();
                    TP             = row[9].ToString();
                    if (TP == "")
                        ungVien.TinhThanhID = null;

                        int id = await GetMaTinhThanh(TP);

                        ungVien.TinhThanhID = id;

                    string TinhTrangHonNhanCode = row[10].ToString();
                    if (TinhTrangHonNhanCode != null)
                        // ungVien.TinhTrangHonNhanCode = TGD.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Code == "TTHN" && x.Value == TinhTrangHonNhanCode).CDName;
                        var customerQuery = from tgd in TGD
                                            where tgd.Code == "TTHN" && tgd.Value == TinhTrangHonNhanCode
                                            select tgd.CDName;

                        foreach (var Customer in customerQuery)
                            ungVien.TinhTrangHonNhanCode = Customer;
                        ungVien.TinhTrangHonNhanCode = null;

                    string TrinhDoDaoTaoCode = row[11].ToString();
                    if (TrinhDoDaoTaoCode != null)
                        //   ungVien.TrinhDoDaoTaoCode = TGD.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Code == "TDDT" && x.Value == TrinhDoDaoTaoCode).CDName;
                        var customerQuery = from tgd in TGD
                                            where tgd.Code == "TDDT" && tgd.Value == TrinhDoDaoTaoCode
                                            select tgd.Code;

                        foreach (var Customer in customerQuery)
                            ungVien.TrinhDoDaoTaoCode = Customer;
                        ungVien.TrinhDoDaoTaoCode = null;
                    ungVien.TrinhDoVanHoa = row[12].ToString();
                    NoiDT = row[13].ToString();
                    if (NoiDT != "")
                        int id = await GetMaNoiDaotao(NoiDT);

                        ungVien.NoiDaoTaoID = id;
                        ungVien.NoiDaoTaoID = null;

                    ungVien.Khoa = row[14].ToString();

                    ungVien.ChuyenNganh = row[15].ToString();

                    string XepLoaiCode = row[16].ToString();
                    if (XepLoaiCode != null)
                        // ungVien.XepLoaiCode = TGD.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Code == "XLHL" && x.Value == XepLoaiCode).CDName;
                        var customerQuery = from tgd in TGD
                                            where tgd.Code == "XLHL" && tgd.Value == XepLoaiCode
                                            select tgd.CDName;

                        foreach (var Customer in customerQuery)
                            ungVien.XepLoaiCode = Customer;
                        ungVien.XepLoaiCode = null;

                    NTN = row[17].ToString();
                    if (NTN != "")
                        ungVien.NamTotNghiep = int.Parse((NTN).ToString());
                        ungVien.NamTotNghiep = null;

                    string TienDoTuyenDungCode = row[19].ToString();
                    if (TienDoTuyenDungCode != null)
                        //  ungVien.TienDoTuyenDungCode = TGD.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Code == "TDTD" && x.Value == TienDoTuyenDungCode).CDName;
                        var customerQuery = from tgd in TGD
                                            where tgd.Code == "TDTD" && tgd.Value == TienDoTuyenDungCode
                                            select tgd.CDName;

                        foreach (var Customer in customerQuery)
                            ungVien.TienDoTuyenDungCode = Customer;
                        ungVien.TienDoTuyenDungCode = null;

                    string TrangThaiCode = row[18].ToString();
                    if (TrangThaiCode != null)
                        //  ungVien.TrangThaiCode = TGD.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Code == "TRTH" && x.Value == TrangThaiCode).CDName;
                        var customerQuery = from tgd in TGD
                                            where tgd.Code == "TRTH" && tgd.Value == TrangThaiCode
                                            select tgd.CDName;

                        foreach (var Customer in customerQuery)
                            ungVien.TrangThaiCode = Customer;
                        ungVien.TrangThaiCode = null;
                    ungVien.TepDinhKem    = row[20].ToString();
                    ungVien.RECORD_STATUS = row[21].ToString();
                    if (row[22].ToString() != "")
                        ungVien.MARKER_ID = int.Parse(row[22].ToString());
                        ungVien.MARKER_ID = null;
                    ungVien.AUTH_STATUS = row[23].ToString();
                    if (row[24].ToString() != "")
                        ungVien.CHECKER_ID = int.Parse(row[24].ToString());
                        ungVien.CHECKER_ID = null;

                    AP = row[25].ToString();
                    if (AP != "")
                        APPROVEDT          = Convert.ToDateTime(AP);
                        ungVien.APPROVE_DT = APPROVEDT;
                        ungVien.APPROVE_DT = null;

                    ungVien.DienThoai = row[26].ToString();
                    ungVien.Email     = row[27].ToString();
                    ungVien.DiaChi    = row[28].ToString();

                    ungVien.Time1 = row[29].ToString();

                    string day1 = row[30].ToString();
                    if (day1 != "")
                        Day1         = Convert.ToDateTime(day1);
                        ungVien.Day1 = Day1;
                        ungVien.Day1 = null;
                    ungVien.Time2 = row[31].ToString();

                    string day2 = row[32].ToString();
                    if (day2 != "")
                        Day2         = Convert.ToDateTime(day2);
                        ungVien.Day2 = Day2;
                        ungVien.Day2 = null;
                    ungVien.Time3 = row[33].ToString();
                    string day3 = row[34].ToString();
                    if (day3 != "")
                        Day3         = Convert.ToDateTime(day3);
                        ungVien.Day3 = Day3;
                        ungVien.Day3 = null;

                    ungVien.Note   = row[35].ToString();
                    ungVien.TenCTY = row[36].ToString();
                    //  var UngViens = ObjectMapper.Map<UngVien>(ungVien);
                    await CreateOrEdit(ungVien);

                    // await _ungVienRepository.InsertAsync(UngViens);


            catch (Exception ex)
                //throw new UserFriendlyException(L("Số CMND đã bị trùng" + CMND));
                Logger.Error("CMND:" + CMND);