protected void ReadData()
            IDB = new InfoDb();

                string DataContent = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(config.GetSection("Data").GetSection("Path").Value);
                IDB = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <InfoDb>(DataContent);
            catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); }
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string mname = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["manager"];

            if (mname == null)
                mname = "";
            var strs = mname.Split(';').ToList();

            if (Session["userid"] == null)
            string sname = Session["ShopNum"] as string;

            if (strs.IndexOf(sname) >= 0)
                ismanager = true;
            if (Request.QueryString["del"] != null)
                int    proid;
                string delid = Request.QueryString["del"];
                if (int.TryParse(delid, out proid))
                    if (Session["ShopNum"] != null)
                        string shopnum = Session["ShopNum"].ToString();
                        new InfoDb().Delinfo(shopnum, proid);
            if (Request.QueryString["act"] != null && Request.QueryString["id"] != null && ismanager)
                var id  = Request.QueryString["id"];
                var act = Request.QueryString["act"];
                var s   = act == "0" ? "1" : "0";
                var r   = new InfoDb().ExecSql($"update info set start={s} where id={id}");
Exemple #3
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var order = "id";
            int TotalRecord;
            int TotalPage;
            int TotalRecord1;
            int TotalPage1;
            var orderby = 1;

            isnlogin = Session["userid"] == null?true:false;
            (this.Master as NewMain).Setmenu(0);
            Vindexdata vdata = new Vindexdata();

            vdata.swhere        = new SearchWhere("");
            vdata.bandinfo      = new BandInfoDb().GetBandInfoByParentNum("0");
            vdata.cartype       = new CarTypeInfoDb().GetCarinfoList("0");
            vdata.Cardetialinfo = new CarDetialInfoDb().Exec("", 1, 24, order, orderby, out TotalRecord1, out TotalPage1).ToList();// mdb.Queryable<CarDetialInfo>().OrderBy(x => x.Id, OrderByType.desc).Take(18).ToList();
            vdata.jiaochelist   = new CarDetialInfoDb().Exec(" where CarType = '4'", 1, 8, order, orderby, out TotalRecord, out TotalPage).ToList();
            vdata.Suvlist       = new CarDetialInfoDb().Exec(" where CarType = '29'", 1, 8, order, orderby, out TotalRecord, out TotalPage).ToList();
            vdata.Paochelist    = new CarDetialInfoDb().Exec(" where CarType = '28'", 1, 8, order, orderby, out TotalRecord, out TotalPage).ToList();
            vdata.piclist       = new InfoDb().getAllInfo(4, 0);

            var         infodb      = new InfoDb();
            List <Info> topinfolist = infodb.getAllInfo(3, 2);
            int         ii          = topinfolist == null ? 0:topinfolist.Count;
            var         ls          = infodb.getAllInfo(10 - ii, 1); //

            vdata.infolist = new List <Info>();
            if (topinfolist != null)
            if (ls != null)

            Model = vdata;
            //  Model.clearlianxi((this.Master as NewMain).isnlogin);
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var usname = "";

            string where = "";
            (this.Master as NewMain).Setmenu(3);
            int userid = 0;

            if (Session["userid"] != null)
                userid = (int)Session["userid"];
            if (Session["ShopNum"] != null)
                islogin = true;
                where   = " where type!=2 and type!=5 and start>0";
                usname  = Session["ShopNum"] as string;
                where = " where (type=3 or type=4 ) and start>0";

            string tempid = Request.QueryString["page"];

            dispid = Request.QueryString["id"];
            if (dispid == null)
                dispid = "";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tempid))
                int.TryParse(tempid, out page);
                if (page == 0)
                    page = 1;
            var infodb = new InfoDb();

            if (Request.Form["title"] != null)
                Info info = new Info();
                info.title   = Request.Form["title"];
                info.context = Request.Form["context"];
       = Request.Form["contact"];
                var type = Request.Form["type"];
                int t;
                int.TryParse(type, out t);
                info.type     = t;
                info.username = Request.Form["username"];
                info.start    = 0;
                if (!(string.IsNullOrEmpty(info.title) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(info.context)))

            List <Info> topinfolist = infodb.getAllInfo(10, 2);
            int         ii          = topinfolist == null ? 0 : topinfolist.Count;
            var         ls          = infodb.Exec(where, page, 25, "id", 1, out totalrecord, out totalpage);

            listinfo = new List <Info>();
            if (topinfolist != null)
            if (ls != null)