public IEnumerable <Match> FindMatches(IPattern Template, double Similarity)
            using var result = new DisposableMat();

            // max is used for tmccoeff
            Imgproc.MatchTemplate(Mat, (Template as DroidCvPattern)?.Mat, result.Mat, Imgproc.TmCcoeffNormed);

            Imgproc.Threshold(result.Mat, result.Mat, 0.1, 1, Imgproc.ThreshTozero);

            while (true)
                using var minMaxLocResult = Core.MinMaxLoc(result.Mat);
                var score = minMaxLocResult.MaxVal;

                if (score >= Similarity)
                    var loc    = minMaxLocResult.MaxLoc;
                    var region = new Region((int)loc.X, (int)loc.Y, Template.Width, Template.Height);

                    yield return(new Match(region, score));

                    using var mask = new DisposableMat();
                    // Flood fill eliminates the problem of nearby points to a high similarity point also having high similarity
                    const double floodFillDiff = 0.05;
                    Imgproc.FloodFill(result.Mat, mask.Mat, loc, new Scalar(0),
                                      new Rect(),
                                      new Scalar(floodFillDiff), new Scalar(floodFillDiff),
        public bool IsMatch(IPattern Template, double Similarity)
            using var result = new DisposableMat();

            Imgproc.MatchTemplate(Mat, (Template as DroidCvPattern)?.Mat, result.Mat, Imgproc.TmCcoeffNormed);

            using var minMaxLocResult = Core.MinMaxLoc(result.Mat);

            return(minMaxLocResult.MaxVal >= Similarity);
        DisposableMat Match(DroidCvPattern Template)
            var result = new DisposableMat();

            if (Template.Mask != null)
                Imgproc.MatchTemplate(Mat, Template.Mat, result.Mat, Imgproc.TmCcorrNormed, Template.Mask);
                Imgproc.MatchTemplate(Mat, Template.Mat, result.Mat, Imgproc.TmCcoeffNormed);

        private void match_eye(Rect area, Mat mTemplate, int type)
            Point matchLoc;
            Mat   mROI        = mGray.Submat(area);
            int   result_cols = mROI.Cols() - mTemplate.Cols() + 1;
            int   result_rows = mROI.Rows() - mTemplate.Rows() + 1;

            // Check for bad template size
            if (mTemplate.Cols() == 0 || mTemplate.Rows() == 0)

            Mat mResult = new Mat(result_cols, result_rows, CvType.Cv8u);

            switch (type)
            case TM_SQDIFF:
                Imgproc.MatchTemplate(mROI, mTemplate, mResult, Imgproc.TmSqdiff);

            case TM_SQDIFF_NORMED:
                Imgproc.MatchTemplate(mROI, mTemplate, mResult, Imgproc.TmSqdiffNormed);

            case TM_CCOEFF:
                Imgproc.MatchTemplate(mROI, mTemplate, mResult, Imgproc.TmCcoeff);

            case TM_CCOEFF_NORMED:
                Imgproc.MatchTemplate(mROI, mTemplate, mResult, Imgproc.TmCcoeffNormed);

            case TM_CCORR:
                Imgproc.MatchTemplate(mROI, mTemplate, mResult, Imgproc.TmCcorr);

            case TM_CCORR_NORMED:
                Imgproc.MatchTemplate(mROI, mTemplate, mResult, Imgproc.TmCcorrNormed);

            Core.MinMaxLocResult mmres = Core.MinMaxLoc(mResult);

            // there is difference in matching methods - best match is max/min value
            if (type == TM_SQDIFF || type == TM_SQDIFF_NORMED)
                matchLoc = mmres.MinLoc;
                matchLoc = mmres.MaxLoc;

            Point matchLoc_tx = new Point(matchLoc.X + area.X, matchLoc.Y + area.Y);
            Point matchLoc_ty = new Point(matchLoc.X + mTemplate.Cols() + area.X,
                                          matchLoc.Y + mTemplate.Rows() + area.Y);

            Imgproc.Rectangle(mRgba, matchLoc_tx, matchLoc_ty, new Scalar(255, 255, 0, 255));
            Rect rec = new Rect(matchLoc_tx, matchLoc_ty);