/// <summary>
        /// Find brightest red pixel in a masked image
        /// Use Laplacian filter to detect areas where the red color component has changed more than blue or green
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bgraMat">Image data in BGRA format</param>
        /// <param name="mask">mask of relavant areas to search</param>
        /// <param name="originalWidth">width of the original (non-cropped) image used for parameter tuning</param>
        private Point FindBrightestPoint(Mat bgraMat, Mat mask, int originalWidth)
            Mat channel       = new Mat(bgraMat.height(), bgraMat.width(), CvType.CV_8UC1);
            Mat blueContrast  = new Mat(bgraMat.height(), bgraMat.width(), CvType.CV_16SC1);
            Mat greenContrast = new Mat(bgraMat.height(), bgraMat.width(), CvType.CV_16SC1);
            Mat redContrast   = new Mat(bgraMat.height(), bgraMat.width(), CvType.CV_16SC1);
            Mat sum           = new Mat(bgraMat.height(), bgraMat.width(), CvType.CV_16SC1);

            var kernelSize = originalWidth > 1600 ? 5 : 3;

            Core.extractChannel(bgraMat, channel, 0);
            Imgproc.Laplacian(channel, blueContrast, CvType.CV_16S, kernelSize, 1, 0, Core.BORDER_REPLICATE);    // calculate contrast in blue channel to detect sudden increase of red component
            Core.extractChannel(bgraMat, channel, 1);
            Imgproc.Laplacian(channel, greenContrast, CvType.CV_16S, kernelSize, 1, 0, Core.BORDER_REPLICATE);   // calculate contrast in green channel to detect sudden increase of red component
            Core.extractChannel(bgraMat, channel, 2);
            Imgproc.Laplacian(channel, redContrast, CvType.CV_16S, kernelSize, 1, 0, Core.BORDER_REPLICATE);     // calculate contrast in red channel to detect sudden increase of red component

            channel.convertTo(sum, CvType.CV_16S);
            sum *= 2;                                  // give absolute brightness of red component double weight
            sum -= 3 * redContrast;                    // boost weight of pixels with a negative red curvature, i.e. whose neighbors are less red.
            sum += blueContrast;                       // oposite weights for changes in blue and green contrast, to give pixels a stronger boost whose red component changed but blue and green remained constant
            sum += greenContrast;

            var minMax = Core.minMaxLoc(sum, mask);    // get pixel with strongest contrast towards red among reddish things


Exemple #2
 void ComputerVisionAlgo(IntPtr greyscale)
     Utils.copyToMat(greyscale, imageMat);
     Imgproc.GaussianBlur(imageMat, gaussMat, GAUSS_SIZE, GAUSS_SIGMA, GAUSS_SIGMA);
     Imgproc.Laplacian(gaussMat, logMat, CvType.CV_8UC1, 5);
     logMat = logMat * GAUSS_SIGMA;
     outMat = logMat;
    void domainTransferDepthImage(Frame3DGPU f)
        Debug.Log("Applying EdgeCleanup to Depth");
        // convert from texture to mat
        Mat rgbMat = new Mat();

        Core.flip(Util.toMat(f.postprocessedRGBImage, CvType.CV_8UC3), rgbMat, -1);
        Mat depthMat = Util.toMat(f.depthImage, CvType.CV_16UC1);

        Mat gray = new Mat();

        Imgproc.cvtColor(rgbMat, gray, Imgproc.COLOR_RGBA2GRAY);
        Mat sobelX = new Mat();
        Mat sobelY = new Mat();

        Imgproc.Sobel(gray, sobelX, CvType.CV_16S, 1, 0, (int)ksize, sobelScale, 0, Core.BORDER_DEFAULT);
        Imgproc.Sobel(gray, sobelY, CvType.CV_16S, 0, 1, (int)ksize, sobelScale, 0, Core.BORDER_DEFAULT);

        Mat depthMat8bit = new Mat();

        depthMat.convertTo(depthMat8bit, CvType.CV_8UC1, 0.03f);
        Core.bitwise_not(depthMat8bit, depthMat8bit);
        //Imgproc.equalizeHist(depthMat8bit, depthMat8bit);

        Mat depthFlipped = new Mat();

        Core.flip(depthMat8bit, depthFlipped, -1);

        Mat canneyRslt = new Mat();

        Imgproc.Canny(sobelX, sobelY, canneyRslt, cannyThreshold1, cannyThreshold2, true);

        //Imgcodecs.imwrite("C:/Users/SIGLab/AppData/LocalLow/Intel/Photo3D/3dImages/" + "depth.png", canneyRslt);

        //415 incomplete depth
        Mat cropped = depthFlipped.submat(0, 690, 0, 1190);

        Core.copyMakeBorder(cropped, depthFlipped, 0, 720 - 690, 0, 1280 - 1190, Core.BORDER_REPLICATE | Core.BORDER_ISOLATED);

        Mat laplacianRslt = new Mat();

        Imgproc.Laplacian(gray, laplacianRslt, CvType.CV_32F, 5, .1, 0);

        Ximgproc.dtFilter(canneyRslt, depthFlipped, f.refinedDepth, sigmaSpacial, sigmaColor, Ximgproc.DTF_NC, dtIter);

        // Not working with built solutions, cant figure out why
        List <Mat> matList  = new List <Mat>();
        Mat        depthLUT = Util.toMat(depthRescale, CvType.CV_8UC3);

        Core.split(depthLUT, matList);
        Mat temp = new Mat();

        f.refinedDepth.convertTo(temp, CvType.CV_8UC1);
        Core.LUT(temp, matList[0], f.refinedDepth);
Exemple #4
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        Debug.Log("Applying EdgeCleanup to Depth");
        Mat gray = new Mat();

        Imgproc.cvtColor(color, gray, Imgproc.COLOR_RGBA2GRAY);
        Mat sobelX = new Mat();
        Mat sobelY = new Mat();

        Imgproc.Sobel(gray, sobelX, CvType.CV_16S, 1, 0, (int)ksize, sobelScale, 0, Core.BORDER_DEFAULT);
        Imgproc.Sobel(gray, sobelY, CvType.CV_16S, 0, 1, (int)ksize, sobelScale, 0, Core.BORDER_DEFAULT);

        Mat depth = Util.toMat((Texture2D)depthTexture, CvType.CV_8UC3);

        Mat depthFlipped = new Mat();
        //Core.flip(depthMat, depthFlipped, -1);
        Mat depthMat8bit = new Mat();

        depth.convertTo(depthMat8bit, CvType.CV_8UC1, 0.1f);
        //Imgproc.equalizeHist(depthMat8bit, depthMat8bit);

        Mat canneyRslt = new Mat();

        Imgproc.Canny(sobelX, sobelY, canneyRslt, cannyThreshold1, cannyThreshold2, true);

        Mat laplacianRslt = new Mat();

        Imgproc.Laplacian(gray, laplacianRslt, CvType.CV_32F, 5, .1, 0);

        Mat DTF_NC = new Mat();

        Ximgproc.dtFilter(canneyRslt, depthMat8bit, DTF_NC, sigmaSpacial, sigmaColor, Ximgproc.DTF_NC, dtIter);

        Texture2D yTexture = (Texture2D)Util.toTexture(sobelX, TextureFormat.R16);


        Texture2D canneyTexture = (Texture2D)Util.toTexture(canneyRslt, TextureFormat.R8);


        Texture2D depthtexture = (Texture2D)Util.toTexture(DTF_NC, TextureFormat.R8);

Exemple #5
    public Sprite LaplaceGradient()
        Mat dst         = new Mat();
        int scale       = 1;
        int delta       = 0;
        int ddepth      = CvType.CV_16S;
        int kernel_size = 3;

        Imgproc.Laplacian(grayMat, dst, ddepth, kernel_size, scale, delta, Core.BORDER_DEFAULT);
        Core.convertScaleAbs(dst, dstMat);

        // Mat转Texture2D
        Texture2D t2d = new Texture2D(dstMat.cols(), dstMat.rows());

        Utils.matToTexture2D(dstMat, t2d);
        Sprite sp = Sprite.Create(t2d, new UnityEngine.Rect(0, 0, t2d.width, t2d.height), Vector2.zero);
