public static HttpWebRequest CreatePostRequest(IWebConnection connection, string path, IDictionary<string, object> parameters) { var webRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(string.Format("{0}//{1}", connection.Address, path)); webRequest.Headers.Add(CookieContainer.REQUESTHEADER_SESSIONCOOKIE, connection.CookieContainer.Cookie); webRequest.Method = WebMethod.POST; webRequest.UserAgent = WebConnection.USER_AGENT; webRequest.ContentType = WebConnection.CONTENT_TYPE; webRequest.AllowAutoRedirect = false; webRequest.Headers.Add("X-CSRF-Token", connection.CsrfTokenContainer.CsrfToken); //parameters.Add(WebConnection.CSRF_TOKEN_PARAM_NAME, connection.CsrfTokenContainer.CsrfToken); string postData = ParseParametersToJson(parameters); webRequest.AllowWriteStreamBuffering = true; Stream requestStream = webRequest.GetRequestStream(); var encoding = new UTF8Encoding(); byte[] bytes = encoding.GetBytes(postData); if (bytes.Length > 0) requestStream.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length); else webRequest.ContentLength = 0; requestStream.Close(); return webRequest; }
public WebDataService(string key) { //default to ComicVine this.connection = new ComicVineWebConnection(); this.reader = new ComicVineXMLReader(); this.urlBuilder = new ComicVineURLBuilder(key, format); }
public static string ProcessResponse(IWebConnection connection, HttpWebResponse httpWebResponse) { string responseText = string.Empty; string cookie = httpWebResponse.Headers.Get(CookieContainer.RESPONSEHEADER_SESSIONCOOKIE); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cookie)) { connection.CookieContainer.SetCookie(cookie); } using (Stream stream = httpWebResponse.GetResponseStream()) { if (stream != null) { using (var reader = new StreamReader(stream, true)) { var responseTextBuilder = new StringBuilder((int)httpWebResponse.ContentLength); while (!reader.EndOfStream) { var buffer = new char[1024]; reader.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); var cleanBuffer = buffer.Where(c => c != '\0').ToArray(); if (cleanBuffer.Length > 0) responseTextBuilder.Append(cleanBuffer); } responseText = responseTextBuilder.ToString(); } } } string csrfToken = ExtractCsrfToken(responseText); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(csrfToken)) connection.CsrfTokenContainer.SetCsrfToken(csrfToken); return responseText; }
public ShellWebConnection( IWebConnection webConnection, ISession session, string requestedFile, RequestParameters getParameters, byte[] content, string contentType, CookiesFromBrowser cookiesFromBrowser, CallingFrom callingFrom) : base(webConnection.WebServer, callingFrom, webConnection.Generation + 1) { _Content = new WebConnectionContent.InMemory(content); _ContentType = contentType; _Session = session; _Method = WebMethod.GET; _CookiesFromBrowser = cookiesFromBrowser; _CookiesToSet = webConnection.CookiesToSet; _HttpVersion = webConnection.HttpVersion; _RequestedHost = webConnection.RequestedHost; _Headers = new Dictionary<string, string>(webConnection.Headers); _MimeReader = webConnection.MimeReader; BaseWebConnection = webConnection; _RequestedFile = requestedFile; _GetParameters = getParameters; _PostParameters = null; }
public override IWebResults CallMethod(IWebConnection webConnection, IWebHandlerPlugin webHandlerPlugin) { object[] arguments = new object[NumParameters]; // Decode the arguments foreach (MimeReader.Part mimePart in webConnection.MimeReader) if (ParameterIndexes.ContainsKey(mimePart.Name)) { uint parameterIndex = ParameterIndexes[mimePart.Name]; arguments[parameterIndex] = mimePart; } // The first argument is always the web connection arguments[0] = webConnection; object toReturn; try { toReturn = MethodInfo.Invoke(webHandlerPlugin, arguments); } catch (TargetInvocationException e) { // Invoke wraps exceptions throw e.InnerException; } return (IWebResults)toReturn; }
public DerpImagesViewModel(bool favorite, IWebConnection web) { IsFavoriteView = favorite; CurrentKey = string.Empty; HasNavigationBar = true; derpibooru = new DerpibooruService(web); }
public static RootInfo GetRoot (string rootUri, IWebConnection connection) { // TODO: Error-handling in GET and Deserialize string jsonString = connection.Get (rootUri, null); RootInfo root = ParseJson (jsonString); return root; }
public ShellWebConnection( IWebConnection webConnection, WebMethod method, string url, byte[] content, string contentType, CookiesFromBrowser cookiesFromBrowser, CallingFrom callingFrom) : base(webConnection.WebServer, callingFrom, webConnection.Generation + 1) { _Content = new WebConnectionContent.InMemory(content); _ContentType = contentType; _Session = webConnection.Session; _Method = method; _CookiesFromBrowser = cookiesFromBrowser; _CookiesToSet = webConnection.CookiesToSet; _HttpVersion = webConnection.HttpVersion; _RequestedHost = webConnection.RequestedHost; _Headers = new Dictionary<string, string>(webConnection.Headers); _MimeReader = webConnection.MimeReader; BaseWebConnection = webConnection; DetermineRequestedFileAndGetParameters(url); TryDecodePostParameters(); }
/// <summary> /// Evaluates the named template /// </summary> /// <param name="webConnection"></param> /// <param name="filename"></param> /// <param name="arguments"></param> /// <returns></returns> public IWebResults Evaluate(IWebConnection webConnection, string filename, IDictionary<string, object> arguments) { try { Stream results = EvaluateToStream( webConnection, arguments, filename); IWebResults toReturn; // Hack to work around a bug in IE handling xhtml // Basically, IE won't handle > and < in xhtml string userAgent; if (webConnection.Headers.TryGetValue("USER-AGENT", out userAgent)) if (userAgent.Contains(" MSIE ")) { StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(results); string result = sr.ReadToEnd(); result = result.Replace("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?><html", ""); result = result.Split(new char[] { '>' }, 2)[1]; result = "<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html>" + result; string[] splitAtScriptTag = result.Split(new string[] {"<script>"}, StringSplitOptions.None); StringBuilder resultBuilder = new StringBuilder(splitAtScriptTag[0]); for (int ctr = 1; ctr < splitAtScriptTag.Length; ctr++) { string[] scriptAndPostTags = splitAtScriptTag[ctr].Split(new string[] {"</script>"}, StringSplitOptions.None); if (scriptAndPostTags.Length == 1) resultBuilder.Append(scriptAndPostTags[0]); else { string script = scriptAndPostTags[0].Replace(">", ">").Replace("<", "<"); resultBuilder.Append("<script>"); resultBuilder.Append(script); resultBuilder.Append("</script>"); resultBuilder.Append(scriptAndPostTags[1]); } } toReturn = WebResults.From(Status._200_OK, resultBuilder.ToString()); toReturn.ContentType = "text/html"; return toReturn; } // Everyone else gets real XML toReturn = WebResults.From(Status._200_OK, results); toReturn.ContentType = ContentType; return toReturn; } catch (TemplateException te) { throw new WebResultsOverrideException(WebResults.From(Status._500_Internal_Server_Error, te.Message), te); } }
public IWebResults Evaluate(IWebConnection webConnection, string filename) { Dictionary<string, object> arguments = new Dictionary<string, object>(); foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> getParameter in webConnection.GetParameters) arguments[getParameter.Key] = getParameter.Value; return Evaluate(webConnection, filename, arguments); }
public static RootInfo GetRoot(string rootUri, IWebConnection connection) { // TODO: Error-handling in GET and Deserialize string jsonString = connection.Get(rootUri, null); RootInfo root = ParseJson(jsonString); return(root); }
public ShellWebConnection( string url, IWebConnection webConnection, RequestParameters postParameters, CookiesFromBrowser cookiesFromBrowser) : this(url, webConnection, postParameters, cookiesFromBrowser, webConnection.CallingFrom) { }
public static UserInfo GetUser (string userUri, IWebConnection connection) { // TODO: Error-handling in GET and Deserialize string jsonString = connection.Get (userUri, null); UserInfo user = ParseJson (jsonString); user.Connection = connection; user.Uri = userUri; return user; }
public ShellWebConnection( string url, IWebConnection webConnection, RequestParameters postParameters, CookiesFromBrowser cookiesFromBrowser, CallingFrom callingFrom) : this(url, webConnection, postParameters, cookiesFromBrowser, callingFrom, WebMethod.GET) { }
public IWebConnection Connect() { if (_webConnection == null || _webConnection.State == ConnectionState.Corrupted) { _webConnection = new WebConnection(Address, _username, _password); _webConnection.Open(); } return _webConnection; }
public static UserInfo GetUser(string userUri, IWebConnection connection) { // TODO: Error-handling in GET and Deserialize string jsonString = connection.Get(userUri, null); UserInfo user = ParseJson(jsonString); user.Connection = connection; user.Uri = userUri; return(user); }
public static HttpWebRequest CreateGetRequest(IWebConnection connection, string path) { var webRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(string.Format("{0}//{1}", connection.Address, path)); webRequest.Headers.Add(CookieContainer.REQUESTHEADER_SESSIONCOOKIE, connection.CookieContainer.Cookie); webRequest.Method = WebMethod.GET; webRequest.UserAgent = WebConnection.USER_AGENT; webRequest.ContentType = WebConnection.CONTENT_TYPE; webRequest.AllowAutoRedirect = false; return webRequest; }
public BlockingShellWebConnection( IWebConnection webConnection, WebMethod method, string url, byte[] content, string contentType, CookiesFromBrowser cookiesFromBrowser, CallingFrom callingFrom) : base(webConnection, method, url, content, contentType, cookiesFromBrowser, callingFrom) { }
public BlockingShellWebConnection( IWebConnection webConnection, ISession session, string requestedFile, RequestParameters getParameters, byte[] content, string contentType, CookiesFromBrowser cookiesFromBrowser, CallingFrom callingFrom) : base(webConnection, session, requestedFile, getParameters, content, contentType, cookiesFromBrowser, callingFrom) { }
public IWebResults CallMethod(IWebConnection webConnection, CallingFrom callingFrom) { object toReturn; FilePermissionEnum? minimumPermission; switch (callingFrom) { case CallingFrom.Local: minimumPermission = WebCallableMethod.WebCallableAttribute.MinimumPermissionForTrusted; break; case CallingFrom.Web: minimumPermission = WebCallableMethod.WebCallableAttribute.MinimumPermissionForWeb; break; default: // This clause shouldn't be hit, but in case it is, require the strictest permission possible minimumPermission = FilePermissionEnum.Administer; break; } ID<IUserOrGroup, Guid> userId = webConnection.Session.User.Id; // If this user isn't the owner, then verify that the user has the appropriate permission if (null != minimumPermission) if (FileContainer.OwnerId != userId) { bool hasPermission = false; // Get appropriate permission FilePermissionEnum? userPermission = FileContainer.LoadPermission(userId); if (null != userPermission) if (userPermission.Value >= minimumPermission.Value) hasPermission = true; // If the user doesn't explicitly have the needed permission, try loading any potentially-needed declaritive permissions if (!hasPermission) hasPermission = FileContainer.HasNamedPermissions(userId, WebCallableMethod.NamedPermissions); if (!hasPermission) return WebResults.From(Status._401_Unauthorized, "Permission Denied for method " + WebCallableMethod.MethodInfo.Name); } if (null != WebCallableMethod.WebMethod) if (WebCallableMethod.WebMethod.Value != webConnection.Method) return WebResults.From(Status._405_Method_Not_Allowed, "Allowed method: " + WebCallableMethod.WebMethod.Value.ToString()); toReturn = WebCallableMethod.CallMethod(webConnection, WebHandlerPlugin); return (IWebResults)toReturn; }
public static HttpWebRequest CreateGetRequest(IWebConnection connection, string path, IDictionary<string, object> parameters) { var queryStringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); queryStringBuilder.Append('?'); foreach (var parameter in parameters) { queryStringBuilder.Append(string.Format("{0}={1}&", parameter.Key, parameter.Value)); } // Remove last & queryStringBuilder.Remove(queryStringBuilder.Length - 1, 1); string queryString = Uri.EscapeUriString(queryStringBuilder.ToString()); return CreateGetRequest(connection, string.Concat(path, queryString)); }
public override IWebResults CallMethod(IWebConnection webConnection, IWebHandlerPlugin webHandlerPlugin) { object toReturn; try { toReturn = MethodInfo.Invoke(webHandlerPlugin, new object[] { webConnection }); } catch (TargetInvocationException e) { // Invoke wraps exceptions throw e.InnerException; } return (IWebResults)toReturn; }
/// <summary> /// Creates a scope wrapper /// </summary> /// <param name="fileHandlerFactoryLocator"></param> /// <param name="webConnection"></param> /// <param name="javascript"></param> /// <param name="fileContainer"></param> /// <param name="constructScopeResults"></param> public ScopeWrapper( FileHandlerFactoryLocator fileHandlerFactoryLocator, SubProcess subProcess, IFileContainer fileContainer, ParentScope parentScope, IWebConnection constructWebConnection, out object constructScopeResults) { _FileContainer = fileContainer; _SubProcess = subProcess; _ParentScope = parentScope; _ScopeId = GetScopeID(); _FileHandlerFactoryLocator = fileHandlerFactoryLocator; constructScopeResults = ConstructScope(constructWebConnection); }
public override IWebResults CallMethod(IWebConnection webConnection, IWebHandlerPlugin webHandlerPlugin) { if (null == webConnection.Content) return WebResults.From(Status._400_Bad_Request, "No data sent"); object toReturn; try { toReturn = MethodInfo.Invoke(webHandlerPlugin, new object[] { webConnection, GetSecondArgument(webConnection.Content) }); } catch (TargetInvocationException e) { // Invoke wraps exceptions throw e.InnerException; } return (IWebResults)toReturn; }
public void Setup() { if (testMode == "Live") { repository = new MSSQLDatabase(); connection = new ComicVineWebConnection(); } else { repository = new TestRepository(); connection = new TestWebConnection(); } key = repository.GetSetting("WebServiceKey"); format = "xml"; urlBuilder = new ComicVineURLBuilder(key, format); reader = new ComicVineXMLReader(); service = new WebDataService(connection, reader, urlBuilder); }
public IWebResults DoComet(IWebConnection webConnection) { ushort sessionIdValue = default(ushort); if (!ushort.TryParse( webConnection.EitherArgumentOrException("s"), NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out sessionIdValue)) { return WebResults.FromString(Status._417_Expectation_Failed, "Invalid session ID"); } ID<ICometSession, ushort> sessionId = new ID<ICometSession, ushort>(sessionIdValue); ICometSession cometSession; try { cometSession = CometHandler[sessionId]; } catch (BadCometSessionId) { return WebResults.FromString(Status._400_Bad_Request, "Bad SESSION_KEY"); } //object data = JsonReader.Deserialize("{\"d\": " + webConnection.Content.AsString() + "}"); // This is silly, but for some reason the array is quoted when it's sent... string wtf = JsonReader.Deserialize<string>(webConnection.Content.AsString()); object[] packets = JsonReader.Deserialize<object[]>(wtf); foreach (object[] packet in packets) cometSession.RecieveData( Convert.ToUInt64(packet[0]), packet[2].ToString()); return WebResults.FromStatus(Status._200_OK); }
public static HttpWebResponse Dispatch(IWebConnection connection, HttpWebRequest httpWebRequest) { try { return (HttpWebResponse) httpWebRequest.GetResponse(); } catch (WebException webException) { Log.Error(webException); if (webException.Response is HttpWebResponse) { var response = webException.Response as HttpWebResponse; if (response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized) { throw new NeedLogonException(); } } throw; } catch (Exception exception) { Log.Error(exception); throw; } }
public WebSyncServer (string serverUrl, IWebConnection connection) { this.connection = connection; rootUri = serverUrl.TrimEnd ('/') + "/api/1.0/"; }
public DerpibooruService(IWebConnection web) { _web = web; }
public List <DerpTag> GetTagInfoFromDerpibooru(List <DerpTag> oldTags, int max, IWebConnection _web, out int newcount) { newcount = 0; List <DerpTag> newTags = new List <DerpTag>(); using (WebClient webClient = new WebClient()) { int pageindex = 1; string url = ""; string infostr; string tempstr; string tempstr2; ProgressBarHeight = 8; ProgressBarIsVisible = true; while (true) { infostr = webClient.DownloadString(url + pageindex); infostr = Library.extractionString(infostr, "<div class=\"tag-list\">", "</div>"); if (infostr.Contains("<span class=\"tag dropdown\" ")) { while (infostr.Contains("<span class=\"tag dropdown\" ")) { try { Library.extractionString(infostr, out infostr, "<span class=\"tag dropdown\" ", "Filter</a></span></span>", out tempstr); DerpTag tag = new DerpTag(); tag.CategoryStrEn = Library.extractionString(tempstr, "data-tag-category=\"", "\""); tag.Id = Library.extractionString(tempstr, "data-tag-id=\"", "\""); tempstr2 = Library.extractionString(tempstr, "data-tag-name=\"", "\""); tag.NameEn = tag.NameKr = System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(tempstr2).Replace("'", "'"); tempstr2 = Library.extractionString(tempstr, "title=\"", "\""); tag.DescriptionEn = tag.DescriptionKr = System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(tempstr2); DerpTag temp = oldTags.Find(i => i.Id == tag.Id); if (temp != null) { tag = temp; } else { newcount++; } tag.Index = newTags.Count; newTags.Add(tag); Progress = (float)newTags.Count / max; if (newTags.Count >= max) { goto EndPoint; } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex); goto EndPoint; } } } else { break; } pageindex++; } EndPoint: for (int season = 9; season > 0; season--) { int fin = season == 3 ? 13 : 26; var tags = new DerpTag($"spoiler:s{season.ToString("D2")}") { Category = DerpTagCategory.SPOILER, Index = newTags.Count }; newTags.RemoveAll(i => i.NameEn == tags.NameEn); newTags.Add(tags); for (int episod = fin; episod > 0; episod--) { var tage = new DerpTag($"spoiler:s{season.ToString("D2")}e{episod.ToString("D2")}") { Category = DerpTagCategory.SPOILER, Index = newTags.Count }; newTags.RemoveAll(i => i.NameEn == tage.NameEn); newTags.Add(tage); } } newTags.Add(new DerpTag("")); newTags.Add(new DerpTag("")); newTags.Add(new DerpTag("")); newTags.Add(new DerpTag("score.gte:100")); newTags.Add(new DerpTag("score.gte:500")); newTags.Add(new DerpTag("score.gte:1000")); newTags.Add(new DerpTag("")); newTags.Add(new DerpTag("")); newTags.Add(new DerpTag("")); newTags.Add(new DerpTag("score.lte:100")); newTags.Add(new DerpTag("score.lte:500")); newTags.Add(new DerpTag("score.lte:1000")); var olds = oldTags.FindAll(i => newTags.Find(j => j.NameEn == i.NameEn) == null); newTags.AddRange(olds); ProgressBarHeight = 0; ProgressBarIsVisible = false; } return(newTags); }
public WebDataService(IWebConnection connection, IWebDataReader reader, IURLBuilder urlBuilder) { this.connection = connection; this.reader = reader; this.urlBuilder = urlBuilder; }
public WebSyncServer(string serverUrl, IWebConnection connection) { this.connection = connection; rootUri = serverUrl.TrimEnd('/') + "/api/1.0/"; }
public WebSyncServer(string serverUrl, IWebConnection connection) { this.connection = connection; rootUri = serverUrl + "/api/1.0/"; // TODO: Trim trailing / from serverUrl if necessary }
/// <summary> /// Constructor for when a web request is generated publicly instead of externally /// </summary> /// <param name="webServer"></param> /// <param name="session"></param> /// <param name="url"></param> /// <param name="content"></param> /// <param name="contentType"></param> /// <param name="cookiesFromBrowser"></param> /// <param name="callingFrom"></param> /// <param name="method"></param> public ShellWebConnection( IWebServer webServer, ISession session, string url, byte[] content, string contentType, CookiesFromBrowser cookiesFromBrowser, CallingFrom callingFrom, WebMethod method) : base(webServer, callingFrom, 0) { _Content = new WebConnectionContent.InMemory(content); _ContentType = contentType; _Session = session; _Method = method; _CookiesFromBrowser = cookiesFromBrowser; _CookiesToSet = new List<CookieToSet>(); _HttpVersion = 1; _RequestedHost = null; _Headers = new Dictionary<string, string>(); DetermineRequestedFileAndGetParameters(url); TryDecodePostParameters(); if (null == BaseWebConnection) BaseWebConnection = this; }
public ShellWebConnection( string url, IWebConnection webConnection, RequestParameters postParameters, CookiesFromBrowser cookiesFromBrowser, CallingFrom callingFrom, WebMethod method) : base(webConnection.WebServer, callingFrom, webConnection.Generation + 1) { _PostParameters = postParameters; _Content = webConnection.Content; _ContentType = webConnection.ContentType; _Session = webConnection.Session; _Method = method; _CookiesFromBrowser = cookiesFromBrowser; _CookiesToSet = webConnection.CookiesToSet; _HttpVersion = webConnection.HttpVersion; _RequestedHost = webConnection.RequestedHost; _Headers = new Dictionary<string, string>(webConnection.Headers); _MimeReader = webConnection.MimeReader; BaseWebConnection = webConnection; DetermineRequestedFileAndGetParameters(url); }
/// <summary> /// Generates composite Javascript from a list of scripts /// </summary> /// <param name="webConnection"></param> /// <param name="scriptUrls"></param> /// <returns></returns> private string GenerateCompositeJavascript(IWebConnection webConnection, IEnumerable<string> scriptUrls) { StringBuilder scriptBuilder = new StringBuilder(); foreach (string scriptUrl in scriptUrls) { try { IWebResults webResult = webConnection.ShellTo(scriptUrl); int statusCode = (int)webResult.Status; if ((statusCode >= 200) && (statusCode < 300)) { string script = webResult.ResultsAsString; script = JavaScriptMinifier.Instance.Minify(script); scriptBuilder.AppendFormat("\n// {0}\n", scriptUrl); scriptBuilder.Append("try {"); scriptBuilder.Append(script); scriptBuilder.Append("} catch (exception) { }"); // Note: exceptions are swallowed // This form of compression shouldn't be used when a developer is trying to debug, instead, they should // turn on Javascript debug mode, which disables this compression and allows them to use the browser's // debugger } } catch (Exception e) { log.Error("Error loading script in GenerateCompositeJavascript for script " + scriptUrl, e); } } return scriptBuilder.ToString(); }
public IWebResults GetScaled( IWebConnection webConnection, int? width, int? height, int? maxWidth, int? maxHeight, int? minWidth, int? minHeight) { int returnedWidth; int returnedHeight; double aspectRatio = Convert.ToDouble(Image.Width) / Convert.ToDouble(Image.Height); double inverseAspectRatio = Convert.ToDouble(Image.Height) / Convert.ToDouble(Image.Width); // First, figure out what the size of the returned image will be based on specified height or width if ((null != width) && (null != height)) { returnedHeight = height.Value; returnedWidth = width.Value; aspectRatio = Convert.ToDouble(returnedWidth) / Convert.ToDouble(returnedHeight); inverseAspectRatio = Convert.ToDouble(returnedHeight) / Convert.ToDouble(returnedWidth); } else if (null != width) { returnedWidth = width.Value; returnedHeight = Convert.ToInt32( Convert.ToDouble(width.Value) * inverseAspectRatio); } else if (null != height) { returnedHeight = height.Value; returnedWidth = Convert.ToInt32( Convert.ToDouble(height.Value) * aspectRatio); } else { returnedWidth = Image.Width; returnedHeight = Image.Height; } // Second, make sure that maxes and mins aren't violated if (null != maxWidth) if (returnedWidth > maxWidth.Value) { returnedWidth = maxWidth.Value; returnedHeight = Convert.ToInt32( Convert.ToDouble(maxWidth.Value) * inverseAspectRatio); } if (null != maxHeight) if (returnedHeight > maxHeight.Value) { returnedHeight = maxHeight.Value; returnedWidth = Convert.ToInt32( Convert.ToDouble(maxHeight.Value) * aspectRatio); } if (null != minWidth) if (returnedWidth < minWidth.Value) { returnedWidth = minWidth.Value; returnedHeight = Convert.ToInt32( Convert.ToDouble(minWidth.Value) * inverseAspectRatio); } if (null != minHeight) if (returnedHeight < minHeight.Value) { returnedHeight = minHeight.Value; returnedWidth = Convert.ToInt32( Convert.ToDouble(minHeight.Value) * aspectRatio); } // Now, in the rare chance that size doesn't change, don't do anything // (disabled due to MIME ambiguities) //if ((returnedWidth == Image.Width) && (returnedHeight == Image.Height)) // return ReadAll(webConnection); // The image must be resized. // Check to see if there is a cached version string cacheKey = "resized_w_" + returnedWidth + "_h_" + returnedHeight; byte[] resizedImageBytes; IWebResults toReturn; if (FileHandler.TryGetCached(cacheKey, out resizedImageBytes)) { MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(resizedImageBytes, false); toReturn = WebResults.From(Status._200_OK, stream); } else { // There wasn't a cached version. The resizing must occur // reference: Image thumbnail = new Bitmap(returnedWidth, returnedHeight); Graphics graphic = System.Drawing.Graphics.FromImage(thumbnail); // Set up high-quality resize mode graphic.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic; graphic.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.HighQuality; graphic.PixelOffsetMode = PixelOffsetMode.HighQuality; graphic.CompositingQuality = CompositingQuality.HighQuality; // do the resize graphic.DrawImage(Image, 0, 0, returnedWidth, returnedHeight); // Save as a high quality JPEG ImageCodecInfo[] info = ImageCodecInfo.GetImageEncoders(); EncoderParameters encoderParameters; encoderParameters = new EncoderParameters(1); encoderParameters.Param[0] = new EncoderParameter(Encoder.Quality, 100L); MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(); thumbnail.Save(ms, info[1], encoderParameters); resizedImageBytes = new byte[ms.Length]; // Saved the resized image in the cache ms.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); ms.Read(resizedImageBytes, 0, resizedImageBytes.Length); FileHandler.SetCached(cacheKey, resizedImageBytes); ms.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); toReturn = WebResults.From(Status._200_OK, ms); } toReturn.ContentType = "image/jpeg"; return toReturn; //Image. }
/// <summary> /// Returns the file with all header/footers resolved as XML for further processing /// </summary> /// <param name="arguments"></param> /// <param name="templateFileContainer"></param> /// <param name="webConnection"></param> /// <param name="templateParsingState"></param> /// <returns></returns> private void ResolveHeaderFooter( IWebConnection webConnection, IDictionary<string, object> arguments, IFileContainer templateFileContainer, TemplateParsingState templateParsingState) { HashSet<string> checkedHeaderFooters = new HashSet<string>(); XmlDocument templateDocument = templateParsingState.LoadXmlDocumentAndReplaceGetParameters(arguments, templateFileContainer, XmlParseMode.Xml); // I think this is to work around an issue when directly viewing a template with an empty <oc:component /> tag templateParsingState.TemplateDocument = templateDocument; // While the first node isn't HTML, keep loading header/footers while ("html" != templateDocument.FirstChild.LocalName) { XmlNode firstChild = templateDocument.FirstChild; string headerFooter = "/DefaultTemplate/headerfooter.ochf"; XmlNodeList nodesToInsert; if (("componentdef" == firstChild.LocalName) && (templateParsingState.TemplateHandlerLocator.TemplatingConstants.TemplateNamespace == firstChild.NamespaceURI)) { XmlAttribute headerFooterAttribue = firstChild.Attributes["headerfooter"]; if (null != headerFooterAttribue) headerFooter = FileHandlerFactoryLocator.FileSystemResolver.GetAbsolutePath( templateFileContainer.ParentDirectoryHandler.FileContainer.FullPath, headerFooterAttribue.Value); nodesToInsert = firstChild.ChildNodes; } else nodesToInsert = templateDocument.ChildNodes; string headerFooterOverride; if (webConnection.GetParameters.TryGetValue("HeaderFooterOverride", out headerFooterOverride)) headerFooter = headerFooterOverride; if (checkedHeaderFooters.Contains(headerFooter)) throw new TemplateException("Looping within templates: " + headerFooter + " eventually points to itself as a headerfooter!!!"); else checkedHeaderFooters.Add(headerFooter); templateParsingState.SetCWD(nodesToInsert, templateFileContainer.ParentDirectoryHandler.FileContainer.FullPath); try { templateFileContainer = FileHandlerFactoryLocator.FileSystemResolver.ResolveFile(headerFooter); } catch (FileDoesNotExist fdne) { log.Error(headerFooter + " does not exist", fdne); throw new WebResultsOverrideException(WebResults.From(Status._500_Internal_Server_Error, headerFooter + " does not exist")); } templateDocument = templateParsingState.LoadXmlDocumentAndReplaceGetParameters( arguments, templateFileContainer, XmlParseMode.Xml); templateParsingState.TemplateDocument = templateDocument; // find <oc:component /> tag int numOcComponentTags = 0; XmlNodeList componentTags = templateDocument.GetElementsByTagName("component", templateParsingState.TemplateHandlerLocator.TemplatingConstants.TemplateNamespace); foreach (XmlNode componentNode in Enumerable<XmlNode>.FastCopy(Enumerable<XmlNode>.Cast(componentTags))) if ((null == componentNode.Attributes.GetNamedItem("url", templateParsingState.TemplateHandlerLocator.TemplatingConstants.TemplateNamespace)) && (null == componentNode.Attributes.GetNamedItem("src", templateParsingState.TemplateHandlerLocator.TemplatingConstants.TemplateNamespace))) { numOcComponentTags++; if (1 == numOcComponentTags) templateParsingState.ReplaceNodes(componentNode, nodesToInsert); else templateParsingState.ReplaceNodes( componentNode, templateParsingState.GenerateWarningNode("Warning: Duplicate <oc:component /> tag, count " + numOcComponentTags.ToString())); } // Attempt to recover from a missing <oc:component /> tag if (0 == numOcComponentTags) { XmlNodeList bodyTags = templateDocument.GetElementsByTagName( "body", templateParsingState.TemplateHandlerLocator.TemplatingConstants.HtmlNamespace); XmlElement bodyTag = null; if (null != bodyTags) if (bodyTags.Count > 0) bodyTag = (XmlElement)bodyTags[0]; if (null == bodyTag) { bodyTag = (XmlElement)templateDocument.FirstChild; } bodyTag.AppendChild( templateParsingState.GenerateWarningNode( @"WARNING!!! -------------- " + headerFooter + @" is missing a needed <oc:component /> tag!!! The tag must be empty with no attributes. This is where the content for each page is displayed")); XmlElement componentNode = templateDocument.CreateElement( "component", templateParsingState.TemplateHandlerLocator.TemplatingConstants.TemplateNamespace); bodyTag.AppendChild(componentNode); templateParsingState.ReplaceNodes(componentNode, nodesToInsert); } } templateParsingState.SetCWD(templateDocument.ChildNodes, templateFileContainer.ParentDirectoryHandler.FileContainer.FullPath); }