protected override void OnExecute(object param)
            IUnityContainer container  = LifetimeService.Instance.Container;
            IDataService    service    = container.Resolve <IDataService>();
            IUIController   controller = container.Resolve <IUIController>();

            //Get current filetype from loaded dataset. This is file extension and Filter
            DataSource actds = controller.GetActiveDocument();//06Nov2012

            if (actds == null)
            string datasetName = "" + actds.Name;//uadatasets$lst$
            //string datasetName = "uadatasets$lst$" + controller.GetActiveDocument().Name;
            //Also try to get the filename of currently loaded file. This is FileName.
            string extension = controller.GetActiveDocument().Extension;
            string filename  = controller.GetActiveDocument().FileName;

            SaveFileDialog saveasFileDialog = new SaveFileDialog();

            saveasFileDialog.Filter = FileNameFilter;
            //CheckBox cbox = new CheckBox();

            //saveasFileDialog.FileName = filename;//////
            Window1 appwin = LifetimeService.Instance.Container.Resolve <Window1>();
            bool?   output = saveasFileDialog.ShowDialog(appwin);//Application.Current.MainWindow);

            if (output.HasValue && output.Value)
                service.SaveAs(saveasFileDialog.FileName, controller.GetActiveDocument()); // #0
                controller.GetActiveDocument().Changed = false;                            //21Mar2014 during close it should not prompt again for saving

                if (saveasFileDialog.FileName.ToLower().EndsWith("sav"))                   //12Feb2018 we dont want to open SaveAs-ed SAV files.
                    MessageBox.Show(BSky.GlobalResources.Properties.Resources.SaveAsSucces + saveasFileDialog.FileName, BSky.GlobalResources.Properties.Resources.Saved, MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Asterisk);
                else if (System.IO.File.Exists(saveasFileDialog.FileName))
                    //Close current Dataset on whic Save As was run
                    FileCloseCommand fcc = new FileCloseCommand();

                    //Open Dataset that was SaveAs-ed.
                    FileOpenCommand fo = new FileOpenCommand();
                    fo.FileOpen(saveasFileDialog.FileName, true);
                    MessageBox.Show(BSky.GlobalResources.Properties.Resources.SaveAsFailed + saveasFileDialog.FileName, BSky.GlobalResources.Properties.Resources.InternalError, MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Asterisk);
 void fillVars()
     UIController = LifetimeService.Instance.Container.Resolve<IUIController>();
     ds = UIController.GetActiveDocument();
     if (ds == null)
         canExecute = false;
     Variables = new ObservableCollection<DataSourceVariable>(ds.Variables);
     source.ItemsSource = ds.Variables;
     ////////////// Function catagory /////////
     funcat.Items.Add("CDF & Noncentral CDF");
     funcat.Items.Add("Current Date/Time");
     funcat.Items.Add("Date Arithmetic");
     funcat.Items.Add("Date Creation");
Exemple #3
 void fillVars()
     UIController = LifetimeService.Instance.Container.Resolve <IUIController>();
     ds           = UIController.GetActiveDocument();
     if (ds == null)
         canExecute = false;
     Variables          = new ObservableCollection <DataSourceVariable>(ds.Variables);
     source.ItemsSource = ds.Variables;
     ////////////// Function catagory /////////
     funcat.Items.Add("CDF & Noncentral CDF");
     funcat.Items.Add("Current Date/Time");
     funcat.Items.Add("Date Arithmetic");
     funcat.Items.Add("Date Creation");
Exemple #4
        protected override void OnExecute(object param)
            IUnityContainer container  = LifetimeService.Instance.Container;
            IDataService    service    = container.Resolve <IDataService>();
            IUIController   controller = container.Resolve <IUIController>();

            //Get current filetype from loaded dataset. This is file extension and Filter
            DataSource actds = controller.GetActiveDocument();//06Nov2012

            if (actds == null)
            string datasetName = "" + actds.Name;//uadatasets$lst$
            //string datasetName = "uadatasets$lst$" + controller.GetActiveDocument().Name;
            //Also try to get the filename of currently loaded file. This is FileName.
            string extension = controller.GetActiveDocument().Extension;
            string filename  = controller.GetActiveDocument().FileName;

            SaveFileDialog saveasFileDialog = new SaveFileDialog();

            saveasFileDialog.Filter = FileNameFilter;
            //CheckBox cbox = new CheckBox();

            //saveasFileDialog.FileName = filename;//////
            Window1 appwin = LifetimeService.Instance.Container.Resolve <Window1>();
            bool?   output = saveasFileDialog.ShowDialog(appwin);//Application.Current.MainWindow);

            if (output.HasValue && output.Value)
                service.SaveAs(saveasFileDialog.FileName, controller.GetActiveDocument()); // #0
                controller.GetActiveDocument().Changed = false;                            //21Mar2014 during close it should not prompt again for saving

                //Close current Dataset on whic Save As was run
                FileCloseCommand fcc = new FileCloseCommand();
                //Open Dataset that was SaveAs-ed
                FileOpenCommand fo = new FileOpenCommand();
Exemple #5
        protected override void OnExecute(object param)
            IUnityContainer container  = LifetimeService.Instance.Container;
            IDataService    service    = container.Resolve <IDataService>();
            IUIController   controller = container.Resolve <IUIController>();

            //Get current filetype from loaded dataset. This is file extension and Filter
            DataSource actds = controller.GetActiveDocument();//06Nov2012

            if (actds == null)
            string datasetName = "" + actds.Name;//uadatasets$lst$
            //string datasetName = "uadatasets$lst$"+controller.GetActiveDocument().Name;
            //Also try to get the filename of currently loaded file. This is FileName.
            string extension = controller.GetActiveDocument().Extension.ToLower();
            string filename  = controller.GetActiveDocument().FileName;
            string filter    = null;

            switch (extension)
            case "csv": filter = "Comma Seperated (*.csv)|*.csv"; break;

            case "xls": filter = "Excel 2003 (*.xls)|*.xls"; break;

            case "xlsx": filter = "Excel 2007-2010 (*.xlsx)|*.xlsx"; break;

            case "dbf": filter = "DBF (*.dbf)|*.dbf"; break;

            case "rdata": filter = "R Obj (*.RData)|*.RData"; break;

            default: filter = "All Files(*.*)|*.*"; break;

            if (extension.Equals("sav"))//show save-as dialog if current loaded file is SPSS file.
                SaveFileDialog saveasFileDialog = new SaveFileDialog();
                saveasFileDialog.Filter = FileNameFilter;
                Window1 appwin = LifetimeService.Instance.Container.Resolve <Window1>();
                bool?   output = saveasFileDialog.ShowDialog(appwin);//Application.Current.MainWindow);
                if (output.HasValue && output.Value)
                    service.SaveAs(saveasFileDialog.FileName, controller.GetActiveDocument()); // #0
                    controller.GetActiveDocument().Changed = false;                            //21Mar2014 during close it should not prompt again for saving
                service.SaveAs(filename, controller.GetActiveDocument()); // #0
                controller.GetActiveDocument().Changed = false;           //21Mar2014 during close it should not prompt again for saving
        public FindVargridWindow()
            container  = LifetimeService.Instance.Container;
            controller = container.Resolve <IUIController>();
            ds         = controller.GetActiveDocument();
            TabItem ti = controller.GetTabItem(ds);

            dp = ti.Content as DataPanel;
            //dp.datavartabs.SelectedIndex = 1;//switch to DATA tab
            appWin     = LifetimeService.Instance.Container.Resolve <Window1>();
            this.Owner = appWin;
        public FindDatagridWindow()

            container  = LifetimeService.Instance.Container;
            controller = container.Resolve <IUIController>();
            ds         = controller.GetActiveDocument();
            TabItem ti = controller.GetTabItem(ds);

            dp = ti.Content as DataPanel;

            appWin     = LifetimeService.Instance.Container.Resolve <Window1>();
            this.Owner = appWin;
            //fill listbox with colnames of currently active dataset
        public FindVargridWindow(Window1 appwin)
            container  = LifetimeService.Instance.Container;
            controller = container.Resolve <IUIController>();
            ds         = controller.GetActiveDocument();
            if (ds == null || ds.Variables == null || ds.Variables.Count < 1)//12Sep2016 For NULL dataset we can disable the textfield and the Next button
            TabItem ti = controller.GetTabItem(ds);

            dp = ti.Content as DataPanel;
            //dp.datavartabs.SelectedIndex = 1;//switch to DATA tab
            appWin     = appwin;
            this.Owner = appWin;
        public bool ProcessNewDataset(string dfName = null, bool loadDFinGrid = true)
            container    = LifetimeService.Instance.Container;
            service      = container.Resolve <IDataService>();
            UIController = LifetimeService.Instance.Container.Resolve <IUIController>();
            string CurrentDatasetName      = UIController.GetActiveDocument().Name;
            OutputWindowContainer owc      = (LifetimeService.Instance.Container.Resolve <IOutputWindowContainer>()) as OutputWindowContainer;
            SyntaxEditorWindow    sewindow = LifetimeService.Instance.Container.Resolve <SyntaxEditorWindow>();

            string DSName    = CurrentDatasetName; //string.IsNullOrEmpty(dfName) ? service.GetUniqueNewDatasetname() : dfName.Trim();
            string sheetname = string.Empty;       //no sheetname for empty dataset(new dataset)

            string isEmpty     = sewindow.ExecuteBoolCommand("BSkyIsEmptyDataset('" + DSName + "')");
            bool   isProcessed = false;//false:dataset not processed may be it was empty.

            if (!isEmpty.Equals("TRUE"))
                string strAsFactor = confService.GetConfigValueForKey("NewDatasetStrToFactor");
                strAsFactor = strAsFactor.ToUpper().Equals("TRUE") ? "TRUE" : "FALSE";
                string createCommand     = "BsKyTeM<-BSkyProcessNewDataset('" + DSName + "', stringAsFactor=" + strAsFactor + "); ";
                string loadInGridCommand = string.Empty;

                if (loadDFinGrid)
                    loadInGridCommand = "BSkyLoadRefreshDataframe(" + DSName + ")";

                string commands = createCommand + loadInGridCommand;
                //PrintDialogTitle("Dataset loaded from the clipboard.");

                sewindow.RunCommands(commands, null);
                sewindow.DisplayAllSessionOutput("Dataset loaded.", (owc.ActiveOutputWindow as OutputWindow));

                isProcessed = true; //dataset was processed
            //bring main window in front
            Window1 window = LifetimeService.Instance.Container.Resolve <Window1>();

        private void PreExecuteSub()//16May2013
            UIController = LifetimeService.Instance.Container.Resolve <IUIController>();

            ds = UIController.GetActiveDocument();

            ////24Apr2014  If no dataset is open, we still need to run some commands from Syntax, those do not require Dataset
            //so following 'if' is commented out
            //if (ds == null)
            //    canExecute = false;
            //    return;

            if (ds != null) //24Apr2014
                Variables = new ObservableCollection <DataSourceVariable>(ds.Variables);
        private string GetActiveTabOfActiveDataset()
            container  = LifetimeService.Instance.Container;
            controller = container.Resolve <IUIController>();
            ds         = controller.GetActiveDocument();
            TabItem ti = controller.GetTabItem(ds);

            dp = ti.Content as DataPanel;
            if (dp.datavartabs.SelectedIndex == 0)//datagrid is active
            else if (dp.datavartabs.SelectedIndex == 1) //vargrid is active
            else //something strange
        ////Send executed command to output window. So, user will know what he executed
        //protected override void SendToOutputWindow(string command, string title)//13Dec2013
        //    #region Get Active output Window
        //    //////// Active output window ///////
        //    OutputWindowContainer owc = (LifetimeService.Instance.Container.Resolve<IOutputWindowContainer>()) as OutputWindowContainer;
        //    OutputWindow ow = owc.ActiveOutputWindow as OutputWindow; //get currently active window
        //    #endregion
        //    ow.AddMessage(command, title);

        public bool OpenDataframe(string dframename)
            bool            isSuccess  = false;
            IUnityContainer container  = LifetimeService.Instance.Container;
            IDataService    service    = container.Resolve <IDataService>();
            IUIController   controller = container.Resolve <IUIController>();
            Window1         appwindow  = LifetimeService.Instance.Container.Resolve <Window1>();//for refeshing recent files list

            string filename = controller.GetActiveDocument().FileName;
            //For Excel
            string sheetname = controller.GetActiveDocument().SheetName;

            if (sheetname == null)
                sheetname = string.Empty;
            // if dataset was already loaded last time then this time we want to refresh it
            bool isDatasetNew = service.isDatasetNew(dframename + sheetname);

                DataSource ds       = service.OpenDataframe(dframename, sheetname);
                string     errormsg = string.Empty;
                if (ds != null && ds.Message != null && ds.Message.Length > 0) //message that is related to error
                    errormsg = "\n" + ds.Message;
                    ds       = null; //making it null so that we do execute further
                if (ds != null)      //03Dec2012
                    logService.WriteToLogLevel("Start Loading Dataframe: " + ds.Name, LogLevelEnum.Info);
                    if (isDatasetNew)
                        controller.RefreshBothGrids(ds); //23Jul2015 .RefreshGrids(ds);//.RefreshDataSet(ds);
                    ds.Changed = true;                   // keep track of change made, so that it can prompt for saving while closing dataset tab.
                    logService.WriteToLogLevel("Finished Loading Dataframe: " + ds.Name, LogLevelEnum.Info);
                    //recentfiles.AddXMLItem(dframename);//adding to XML file for recent docs
                    isSuccess = true;
                    MessageBox.Show(appwindow, "Unable to open '" + dframename + "'..." +
                                    "\nReasons could be one or more of the following:" +
                                    "\n1. Not a data frame object." +
                                    "\n2. File format not supported (or corrupt file or duplicate column names)." +
                                    "\n3. R.Net server from the old session still running (use task manager to kill it)." +
                                    "\n4. Some issue on R side (like: required library not loaded, incorrect syntax).",
                                    "Warning", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Warning);
                    SendToOutputWindow("Error Opening Dataset.(probably not a data frame)", dframename + errormsg);
            catch (Exception ex)
                logService.WriteToLogLevel("Error:" + ex.Message, LogLevelEnum.Error);
                //18OCt2013 move up for using in msg box   Window1 appwindow = LifetimeService.Instance.Container.Resolve<Window1>();//for refeshing recent files list

            //if (isSuccess)
            //08Apr2015 bring main window in front after file open, instead of output window
            //Window1 window = LifetimeService.Instance.Container.Resolve<Window1>();
Exemple #13
        protected override void OnExecute(object param)
            IUnityContainer container  = LifetimeService.Instance.Container;
            IDataService    service    = container.Resolve <IDataService>();
            IUIController   controller = container.Resolve <IUIController>();

            if (controller.GetActiveDocument().isUnprocessed)
                NewDatasetProcessor procDS = new NewDatasetProcessor();
                bool isProcessed           = procDS.ProcessNewDataset("", true);
                if (isProcessed)//true:empty rows cols removed successfully. False: whole dataset was empty and nothing was removed.
                    controller.GetActiveDocument().isUnprocessed = false;
                    MessageBox.Show("The dataset is empty. Please populate the dataset and save the file.", "Empty Dataset", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Information);

            //Get current filetype from loaded dataset. This is file extension and Filter
            DataSource actds = controller.GetActiveDocument();//06Nov2012

            if (actds == null)
            string datasetName = "" + actds.Name;//uadatasets$lst$
            //string datasetName = "uadatasets$lst$" + controller.GetActiveDocument().Name;
            //Also try to get the filename of currently loaded file. This is FileName.
            string extension = controller.GetActiveDocument().Extension;
            string filename  = controller.GetActiveDocument().FileName;

            SaveFileDialog saveasFileDialog = new SaveFileDialog();

            saveasFileDialog.Filter = FileNameFilter;
            //CheckBox cbox = new CheckBox();

            //saveasFileDialog.FileName = filename;//////
            Window1 appwin = LifetimeService.Instance.Container.Resolve <Window1>();
            bool?   output = saveasFileDialog.ShowDialog(appwin);//Application.Current.MainWindow);

            if (output.HasValue && output.Value)
                service.SaveAs(saveasFileDialog.FileName, controller.GetActiveDocument()); // #0
                controller.GetActiveDocument().Changed = false;                            //21Mar2014 during close it should not prompt again for saving

                if (System.IO.File.Exists(saveasFileDialog.FileName))
                    //Close current Dataset on whic Save As was run
                    FileCloseCommand fcc = new FileCloseCommand();

                    //Open Dataset that was SaveAs-ed.
                    FileOpenCommand fo = new FileOpenCommand();
                    MessageBox.Show(BSky.GlobalResources.Properties.Resources.SaveAsFailed + saveasFileDialog.FileName, BSky.GlobalResources.Properties.Resources.InternalError, MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Asterisk);
        ////// For Analysis Command Execution from Syntax Editor /////28Mar2013 Using this one and not the other one below this method
        public void ExecuteSyntaxEditor(object param, bool SelectedForDump)
            parameter       = param;           //set Global var.
            selectedForDump = SelectedForDump; //set Global var
            if (!canExecute)
            object obj = null;
            string dialogcommandstr = null;
            string HistMenuText     = string.Empty;//29Mar2013

                if (AdvancedLogging)
                    logService.WriteToLogLevel("ExtraLogs: dialog xaml:" + TemplateFileName, LogLevelEnum.Info);
                //here TemplateFileName xaml will have same name as the analysis command function name
                // say- function called frm SynEdtr was '' then in bin\Config\ 
                // dialog xaml, '' and
                // output template file '' must exist
                // ie.. func name = xaml name = xml name
                XmlReader xmlr = XmlReader.Create(TemplateFileName);

                //Following commented code can be used to Add command to "History" menu when executed from Syntax Editor
                //But "Title" from XAML may not same as "text" attr from menu.xml
                //So the same command executed from Syntax Editor and Main App's menu will show duplicate
                ////xmlr.MoveToAttribute("Title");//29Mar2013 For "History" Text
                ////HistMenuText = xmlr.Value;//29Mar2013 For "History" Text
                ////UAMenuCommand uam = (UAMenuCommand)param;
                ////uam.text = HistMenuText;
                ////parameter = uam;//set Global var

                dialogcommandstr = xmlr.Value.Replace(" ", string.Empty).Replace('\"', '\'');
                if (AdvancedLogging)
                    logService.WriteToLogLevel("ExtraLogs: dialog command string:" + dialogcommandstr, LogLevelEnum.Info);
                obj = System.Windows.Markup.XamlReader.Load(XmlReader.Create(TemplateFileName));
            catch (Exception ex)
                //18Aug2014 Supressing this message box as we dont need it. But we still pass message in log.
                //MessageBox.Show("XAML missing or has improper format! Could not create template from " + TemplateFileName);
                logService.WriteToLogLevel("SynEdtr:Could not create template from " + TemplateFileName, LogLevelEnum.Error, ex);
            //obj = GetSessionDialog(); // same dialog cant be used as its child of the another parent in AUAnalysisCommandBase
            element             = obj as FrameworkElement;
            window              = new BaseOptionWindow();
            window.Template     = element;
            element.DataContext = this; // loading vars in left listbox(source)
            commandwindow = element;

                if (AdvancedLogging)
                    logService.WriteToLogLevel("ExtraLogs: Dialog controls value mapping.", LogLevelEnum.Info);
                //// take two strings and then try to make merged dictionary. remove extra spaces. replace " with '
                //string bksytemplate="bsky.CrossTable(x=c({Rows}),y=c({columns}),layers=c({layers}),datasetname='{%DATASET%}',chisq={chisq})";
                //string bskycommand="bsky.CrossTable(x=c('store','contact'),y='regular',layers=c('gender'),datasetname='Dataset1',chisq=FALSE)";
                //string dialogcommandstr = "{SelectedVars}),mu={testValue},conf.level=0.89,datasetname='{%DATASET%}',missing=0)";
                string bskycommand = ((UAMenuCommand)parameter).bskycommand.Replace(" ", string.Empty);//"'tg0','tg2','tg3'),mu=30,conf.level=0.89,datasetname='Dataset1',missing=0)";
                if (AdvancedLogging)
                    logService.WriteToLogLevel("ExtraLogs: Command:" + bskycommand, LogLevelEnum.Info);

                Dictionary <string, string> dialogkeyvalpair      = new Dictionary <string, string>(); //like: key=mu, val= {testValue}
                Dictionary <string, string> bskycommandkeyvalpair = new Dictionary <string, string>(); //like: key=mu, val= 30
                Dictionary <string, string> merged = new Dictionary <string, string>();                //like: key=testValue, val = 30

                OutputHelper.getArgumentSetDictionary(dialogcommandstr, dialogkeyvalpair);
                OutputHelper.getArgumentSetDictionary(bskycommand, bskycommandkeyvalpair);
                OutputHelper.MergeTemplateCommandDictionary(dialogkeyvalpair, bskycommandkeyvalpair, merged);

                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> pair in merged)
                    if (AdvancedLogging)
                        string mapping = "Element:" + element.Name + ". Key:" + pair.Key + ". Value:" + pair.Value;
                        logService.WriteToLogLevel("ExtraLogs:\n" + mapping, LogLevelEnum.Info);
                    if (!pair.Key.Contains("%"))                                        // This should only skip macros(words enclosed within %) and not other formats.
                        OutputHelper.SetValueFromSynEdt(element, pair.Key, pair.Value); //Filling dialog with values
            //foreach (Match m in mc)
            //    //Console.WriteLine(s.Index + " : " + s.ToString());// {SelectedVars} {testValue} {%DATASET%}
            //    if (!m.ToString().Contains("%"))
            //    {
            //        args = OutputHelper.getArgument(bskycommand, m.Index);
            //        uiElementName = m.ToString().Replace('{', ' ').Replace('}', ' ').Trim();
            //        OutputHelper.SetValueFromSynEdt(element, uiElementName, args);
            //    }
            //OutputHelper.SetValueFromSynEdt(element, "SelectedVars");
            //OutputHelper.SetValueFromSynEdt(element, "testValue");

            //For Chisq check box only
            //FrameworkElement chkElement = element.FindName("chisq") as FrameworkElement;
            if (true)//window.DialogResult.HasValue && window.DialogResult.Value)
                //analytics can be sent from parent function(in SyntaxEditorWindow)
                cmd = new CommandRequest();

                OutputHelper.UpdateMacro("%DATASET%", UIController.GetActiveDocument().Name);

                ///////////for chisq //// 29Mar2012 ///
                //if ((chkElement != null) && (bool)((chkElement as CheckBox).IsChecked))
                //    OutputHelper.UpdateMacro("%CHISQ%", "chisq");
                /////////////for chisq //// 29Mar2012 ///

                BSkyCanvas canvas = element as BSkyCanvas;
                if (canvas != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(canvas.CommandString))
                    UAMenuCommand command = (UAMenuCommand)parameter;
                    cmd.CommandSyntax = command.commandformat;//OutputHelper.GetCommand(canvas.CommandString, element);// can be used for "Paste" for syntax editor
                    if (AdvancedLogging)
                        logService.WriteToLogLevel("ExtraLogs: Getting DOM", LogLevelEnum.Info);
                    retval = analytics.Execute(cmd);            //ExecuteBSkyCommand(true);
                    ExecuteXMLDefinedDialog(cmd.CommandSyntax); //no need to pass parameters here. Just to match func signature
                //16Apr2013 till this point command has already been executed. So now we store this command for "History"
                // moved here from common function ExecuteBSkyCommand b'coz for command batch dialog SaveHistory should execute once.
                //SaveInHistory(); // not sure if needed to be commented


            //Cleanup. Remove Canvas children and make it null. then make Window.templace null
            BSkyCanvas canv  = element as BSkyCanvas;
            int        count = canv.Children.Count;

            canv.Children.RemoveRange(0, count);
            window.Template = null;
        //closes tab-dataset from 'X' icon
        void b_MouseLeftButtonUp(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
            FrameworkElement fe    = sender as FrameworkElement;
            FrameworkElement tag   = fe.Tag as FrameworkElement;
            TabItem          panel = tag as TabItem;
            string           fullpathdatasetname = (panel.Tag as DataSource).FileName;

            if (System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("Do you want to close " + fullpathdatasetname + " Dataset?",
                                               "Do you want to close Dataset?", MessageBoxButton.YesNo) == MessageBoxResult.Yes)
                //Close Dataset in R first
                IUnityContainer container  = LifetimeService.Instance.Container;
                IDataService    service    = container.Resolve <IDataService>();
                IUIController   controller = container.Resolve <IUIController>();
                DataSource      actds      = controller.GetActiveDocument();//06Nov2012
                if (actds == null)
                /////Save Prompt////13Mar2014
                bool   cancel    = false;
                string extension = controller.GetActiveDocument().Extension;
                string filename  = controller.GetActiveDocument().FileName;
                if (controller.GetActiveDocument().Changed)//Changes has been done. Do you want to save or Discard
                    System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult result = System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Do you want to save changes?",
                                                                                                    "Save Changes?",
                    if (result == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Yes)//save
                        //If filetype=SPSS then save in RDATA format
                        //For other filetypes data grid can be saved but not the variable grid.
                        // For saving data grid and var grid only save in RDATA format
                        if (extension.Trim().Length < 1 || extension.Equals("sav")) //if no extension or if sav file. no extension in case of new dataset created.
                            Microsoft.Win32.SaveFileDialog saveasFileDialog = new Microsoft.Win32.SaveFileDialog();
                            saveasFileDialog.Filter = "R Obj (*.RData)|*.RData";
                            bool?output = saveasFileDialog.ShowDialog(System.Windows.Application.Current.MainWindow);
                            if (output.HasValue && output.Value)
                                service.SaveAs(saveasFileDialog.FileName, controller.GetActiveDocument());// #0
                            service.SaveAs(filename, controller.GetActiveDocument());// #0
                    else if (result == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.No)//Dont save
                        //Do nothing
                    else // Dont close the dataset/tab
                        cancel = true;

                    //Sort icon fix
                    controller.sortasccolnames  = null; //These 2 lines will make sure this is reset. Fix for issue with sort icon
                    controller.sortdesccolnames = null; // Sort dataset col. Close it. Reopen it and you still see sort icons.

                if (!cancel)
                    //// Dataset Closing in UI //////
                    // Close the Tab
                    ////13Feb2013 Also remove related dialogs from sessiondialog list
        private void PreExecuteSub()//16May2013
            UIController = LifetimeService.Instance.Container.Resolve<IUIController>();

            ds = UIController.GetActiveDocument();

            if (ds != null) //24Apr2014 
                List<string> datasetnames = new List<string>();
                int i = 0;

                Variables = new ObservableCollection<DataSourceVariable>(ds.Variables);
                datasetnames = UIController.GetDatasetNames();
                int count = datasetnames.Count;
                Datasets = new List<DatasetDisplay>();
                for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    DatasetDisplay temp = new DatasetDisplay();
                    temp.Name = datasetnames[i];
                    temp.ImgURL = "../Resources/ordinal.png";

Exemple #17
        //close from menu or clicking on cross icon 'X'
        public void CloseDataset(bool confirm = true)
            IUnityContainer container  = LifetimeService.Instance.Container;
            IDataService    service    = container.Resolve <IDataService>();
            IUIController   controller = container.Resolve <IUIController>();

            //Get current filetype from loaded dataset. This is file extension and Filter
            DataSource actds = controller.GetActiveDocument();//06Nov2012

            if (actds == null)
            string datasetName = "" + actds.Name;//uadatasets$lst$
            //Also try to get the filename of currently loaded file. This is FileName.
            string extension = controller.GetActiveDocument().Extension;
            string filename  = controller.GetActiveDocument().FileName;
            bool   cancel    = false;

            if (confirm) //confirm from use about closing and about saving the modified dataset
                if (System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("Do you want to close " + filename + " Dataset?",
                                                   "Do you want to close Dataset?", MessageBoxButton.YesNo) == MessageBoxResult.No)
                    // Dont Close the window

                if (controller.GetActiveDocument().Changed)//Changes has been done. Do you want to save or Discard
                    DialogResult result = System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Do you want to save changes?",
                                                                               "Save Changes?",
                    if (result == DialogResult.Yes)//save
                        //If filetype=SPSS then save in RDATA format
                        //For other filetypes data grid can be saved but not the variable grid.
                        // For saving data grid and var grid only save in RDATA format
                        if (extension.Trim().Length < 1 || extension.Equals("sav")) //if no extension or if sav file. no extension in case of new dataset created.
                            Microsoft.Win32.SaveFileDialog saveasFileDialog = new Microsoft.Win32.SaveFileDialog();
                            saveasFileDialog.Filter = "R Obj (*.RData)|*.RData";
                            bool?output = saveasFileDialog.ShowDialog(System.Windows.Application.Current.MainWindow);
                            if (output.HasValue && output.Value)
                                service.SaveAs(saveasFileDialog.FileName, controller.GetActiveDocument());// #0
                            service.SaveAs(filename, controller.GetActiveDocument());// #0
                    else if (result == DialogResult.No)//Dont save
                        //Do nothing
                    else // Dont close the dataset/tab
                        cancel = true;
            if (!cancel)
                //container.Dispose();//added to cleanup.
Exemple #18
        protected override void OnExecute(object param)
            IUnityContainer container  = LifetimeService.Instance.Container;
            IDataService    service    = container.Resolve <IDataService>();
            IUIController   controller = container.Resolve <IUIController>();

            if (controller.GetActiveDocument().isUnprocessed)
                NewDatasetProcessor procDS = new NewDatasetProcessor();
                bool isProcessed           = procDS.ProcessNewDataset("", true);
                if (isProcessed)//true:empty rows cols removed successfully. False: whole dataset was empty and nothing was removed.
                    controller.GetActiveDocument().isUnprocessed = false;
                    MessageBox.Show("The dataset is empty. Please populate the dataset and save the file.", "Empty Dataset", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Information);

            //Get current filetype from loaded dataset. This is file extension and Filter
            DataSource actds = controller.GetActiveDocument();//06Nov2012

            if (actds == null)
            string datasetName = "" + actds.Name;//uadatasets$lst$
            //string datasetName = "uadatasets$lst$" + controller.GetActiveDocument().Name;
            //Also try to get the filename of currently loaded file. This is FileName.
            string extension = controller.GetActiveDocument().Extension;
            string filename  = controller.GetActiveDocument().FileName;

            SaveFileDialog saveasFileDialog = new SaveFileDialog();

            saveasFileDialog.Filter = FileNameFilter;
            //CheckBox cbox = new CheckBox();

            //saveasFileDialog.FileName = filename;//////
            Window1 appwin = LifetimeService.Instance.Container.Resolve <Window1>();
            bool?   output = saveasFileDialog.ShowDialog(appwin);//Application.Current.MainWindow);

            if (output.HasValue && output.Value)
                //If the filename provided by user matches to any of the dataset's disk filename, currently open
                // in the grid then we must not let user overwrite
                // and inform him/her to first close the dataset whose filename matches and then try Save-As again.
                //Only thing that may confuse users is, in the first Microsoft-SaveAs dialog they already decided
                //to overwrite an existing file (which happens to be loaded in the grid also) but we prompt them
                //again telling that the file is open in the grid and skip the SaveAs operation with message.
                List <string> dsfnames = controller.GetAllOpenDatasetsInGrid();
                if (dsfnames.Contains(saveasFileDialog.FileName))
                    string fullpathfilename = saveasFileDialog.FileName;
                    string filenameonly     = Path.GetFileName(saveasFileDialog.FileName);
                    //The filenameonly dataset (fullpathfilename) is already open in the datagrid. Close the dataset first and then try Save-As again.
                    MessageBox.Show(BSky.GlobalResources.Properties.Resources.The + " \'" + filenameonly + "\' " +
                                    BSky.GlobalResources.Properties.Resources.Dtaset +
                                    " (" + fullpathfilename + ") " +
                                    MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Asterisk);

                service.SaveAs(saveasFileDialog.FileName, controller.GetActiveDocument()); // #0
                controller.GetActiveDocument().Changed = false;                            //21Mar2014 during close it should not prompt again for saving

                if (saveasFileDialog.FileName.ToLower().EndsWith("sav"))                   //12Feb2018 we dont want to open SaveAs-ed SAV files.
                    MessageBox.Show(BSky.GlobalResources.Properties.Resources.SaveAsSucces + saveasFileDialog.FileName, BSky.GlobalResources.Properties.Resources.Saved, MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Asterisk);
                else if (System.IO.File.Exists(saveasFileDialog.FileName))
                    //Close current Dataset on whic Save As was run
                    FileCloseCommand fcc = new FileCloseCommand();

                    //Open Dataset that was SaveAs-ed.
                    FileOpenCommand fo = new FileOpenCommand();
                    fo.FileOpen(saveasFileDialog.FileName, true);
                    MessageBox.Show(BSky.GlobalResources.Properties.Resources.SaveAsFailed + saveasFileDialog.FileName, BSky.GlobalResources.Properties.Resources.InternalError, MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Asterisk);
        ////Send executed command to output window. So, user will know what he executed
        //protected override void SendToOutputWindow(string command, string title)//13Dec2013
        //    #region Get Active output Window
        //    //////// Active output window ///////
        //    OutputWindowContainer owc = (LifetimeService.Instance.Container.Resolve<IOutputWindowContainer>()) as OutputWindowContainer;
        //    OutputWindow ow = owc.ActiveOutputWindow as OutputWindow; //get currently active window
        //    #endregion
        //    ow.AddMessage(command, title);

        public bool OpenDataframe(string dframename, string fname)
            AdvancedLogging = AdvancedLoggingService.AdvLog;//08Aug2016

            Stopwatch stopwatch = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew();

            if (!AreDefaultRPackagesLoaded())

            long elapsed = stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds;

            if (AdvancedLogging)
                logService.WriteToLogLevel("PERFORMANCE:Are Req Package loaded: Time taken: " + elapsed, LogLevelEnum.Info);

            BSkyMouseBusyHandler.ShowMouseBusy();// ShowProgressbar_old();//ShowStatusProgressbar();//29Oct2014

            bool       isSuccess = false;
            string     filename = null, sheetname = null;
            DataSource tempds = controller.GetActiveDocument();

            if (tempds != null)
                filename = tempds.FileName;
                //For Excel
                sheetname = UtilFunctions.GetSheetname(tempds);
            if (filename == null)
                filename = string.Empty;
            if (sheetname == null)
                sheetname = string.Empty;
            // if dataset was already loaded last time then this time we want to refresh it
            bool isDatasetNew = service.isDatasetNew(dframename /*+ sheetname*/);

                if (fname.Length == 0)
                    /// It is difficult to diffeneretiate between
                    ///(1) BSkyLoadRefreshDataframe(housing) which is a part of 'Compute' analysis on housing dataset and
                    ///(2) BSkyLoadRefreshDataframe(housing) which is a part of 'Aggregate to dataset' on iris dataset.
                    /// Ideally, first one should keep the Housing.Rdata filename in DataSource as well as on TabItem
                    /// TabItem should be "Housing.RData(housing)"
                    /// And the second on should replace the Housing.Rdata filename in Datasource and TabItem with
                    /// 'housing'. TabItem should be "housing(housing)"
                    ///Since we do not have a way to differentiate the two loadRefresh so A.R. and A.D. decided to
                    ///leave the filename in DataSource as well as on TabItem in both cases.
                    if (isDatasetNew)//new dataset may not have filename so R dataset obj name(DatasetX or mydf) is used.
                        fname = dframename;
                        fname = service.FindDataSourceFromDatasetname(dframename).FileName;//filename;//existing dataframe should retain original filename.
                if (!(fname.ToLower().EndsWith(".xls") || fname.ToLower().EndsWith(".xlsx")))
                    sheetname = string.Empty;
                DataSource ds = service.OpenDataframe(dframename, sheetname, fname);
                //ds.FileName = fname;
                elapsed = stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds;
                if (AdvancedLogging)
                    logService.WriteToLogLevel("PERFORMANCE:Open Dataset in R: Time taken: " + elapsed, LogLevelEnum.Info);

                string errormsg = string.Empty;

                if (ds != null && ds.Message != null && ds.Message.Length > 0) //message that is related to error
                    errormsg = "\n" + ds.Message;
                    ds       = null;                      //making it null so that we do execute further
                if (ds != null && ds.Variables.Count > 0) //07Aug2016 added count condition to not open dataset if there are no variables //03Dec2012
                    logService.WriteToLogLevel("Start Loading Dataframe: " + ds.Name, LogLevelEnum.Info);
                    if (isDatasetNew)
                        elapsed = stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds;
                        if (AdvancedLogging)
                            logService.WriteToLogLevel("PERFORMANCE:Grid loading: Time taken: " + elapsed, LogLevelEnum.Info);
                        controller.RefreshBothGrids(ds);//23Jul2015 .RefreshGrids(ds);//.RefreshDataSet(ds);
                        elapsed = stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds;
                        if (AdvancedLogging)
                            logService.WriteToLogLevel("PERFORMANCE:Grid loading: Time taken: " + elapsed, LogLevelEnum.Info);
                    //ds.Changed = true; // keep track of change made, so that it can prompt for saving while closing dataset tab.
                    logService.WriteToLogLevel("Finished Loading Dataframe: " + ds.Name, LogLevelEnum.Info);
                    //recentfiles.AddXMLItem(dframename);//adding to XML file for recent docs
                    isSuccess = true;
                    BSkyMouseBusyHandler.HideMouseBusy();// HideProgressbar_old();

                    //MessageBox.Show(appwindow, "Unable to open '" + dframename + "'..." +
                    //    "\nReasons could be one or more of the following:" +
                    //    "\n1. Not a data frame object." +
                    //    "\n2. File format not supported (or corrupt file or duplicate column names)." +
                    //    "\n3. Dataframe does not have row(s) or column(s)." +
                    //    "\n4. R.Net server from the old session still running (use task manager to kill it)." +
                    //    "\n5. Some issue on R side (like: required library not loaded, incorrect syntax).",
                    //    "Warning", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Warning);
                    //SendToOutputWindow("Error Opening Dataset.(probably not a data frame)", dframename + errormsg);

                    MessageBox.Show(appwindow, BSky.GlobalResources.Properties.Resources.cantopen + " '" + dframename + "'" +
                                    "\n" + BSky.GlobalResources.Properties.Resources.reasonsAre +
                                    "\n" + BSky.GlobalResources.Properties.Resources.NotDataframe2 +
                                    "\n" + BSky.GlobalResources.Properties.Resources.FormatNotSupported2 +
                                    "\n" + BSky.GlobalResources.Properties.Resources.NoRowsColsPresent +
                                    "\n" + BSky.GlobalResources.Properties.Resources.OldSessionRunning2 +
                                    "\n" + BSky.GlobalResources.Properties.Resources.RSideIssue2,
                                    BSky.GlobalResources.Properties.Resources.warning, MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Warning);
                    SendToOutputWindow(BSky.GlobalResources.Properties.Resources.ErrOpeningDataset2, dframename + errormsg);
            catch (Exception ex)
                logService.WriteToLogLevel("Error:" + ex.Message, LogLevelEnum.Error);
                //18OCt2013 move up for using in msg box   Window1 appwindow = LifetimeService.Instance.Container.Resolve<Window1>();//for refeshing recent files list
                BSkyMouseBusyHandler.HideMouseBusy();// HideProgressbar_old();//HideStatusProgressbar();//29Oct2014

            //if (isSuccess)
            //08Apr2015 bring main window in front after file open, instead of output window
            //Window1 window = LifetimeService.Instance.Container.Resolve<Window1>();
        //Added by Aaron 07/20/2014
        //this function looks at all the objects on the canvas recursively (for subdialogs) that contain the Overwrite settings property
        //The overwrite setting value controls whether the user should be prompted when creating a new variable or dataset and that variable or dataset already exists.
        public Boolean CheckForOverwrittenVars(BSkyCanvas cs)
            System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult result;
            Boolean stopexecution = false;
            string  message;

            foreach (object obj in cs.Children)
                if (obj.GetType().Name == "BSkyTextBox")
                    BSkyTextBox tb = obj as BSkyTextBox;
                    if (tb.OverwriteSettings == "PromptBeforeOverwritingVariables")
                        List <DataSourceVariable> varlst = UIController.GetActiveDocument().Variables;
                        // UIController.
                        // List<DataSourceVariable> varlst = UIController.
                        foreach (DataSourceVariable dsv in varlst)
                            // varnames = varnames + ", " + dsv.Name;
                            if (dsv.Name == tb.Text)
                                message = "Do you want to overwrite variable " + tb.Text;
                                result  = System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(message, "Save Changes", System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel, System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon.Question);
                                if (result == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Yes)//save
                                if (result == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Cancel)//save
                                    return(stopexecution = true);
                                if (result == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.No)//save
                                    return(stopexecution = true);

                    if (tb.OverwriteSettings == "PromptBeforeOverwritingDatasets")
                        // List<DataSourceVariable> varlst = UIController.GetActiveDocument().Variables;
                        // UIController.
                        // List<DataSourceVariable> varlst = UIController.
                        List <string> datasetnames;
                        datasetnames = UIController.GetDatasetNames();

                        foreach (string dataset in datasetnames)
                            if (dataset == tb.Text)
                                message = "Do you want to overwrite dataset " + tb.Text;
                                result  = System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(message, "Save Changes", System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel, System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon.Question);
                                if (result == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Yes)//save
                                if (result == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Cancel)//save
                                    return(stopexecution = true);
                                if (result == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.No)//save
                                    return(stopexecution = true);
                else if (obj.GetType().Name == "BSkyButton")
                    BSkyButton       btn  = obj as BSkyButton;
                    FrameworkElement fe   = obj as FrameworkElement;
                    BSkyCanvas       cnvs = fe.Resources["dlg"] as BSkyCanvas;
                    // if (cs != null) ls.AddRange(gethelpfilenames(cs));
                    stopexecution = CheckForOverwrittenVars(cnvs);
        private void PreExecuteSub()//16May2013
            UIController = LifetimeService.Instance.Container.Resolve<IUIController>();

            ds = UIController.GetActiveDocument();

            ////24Apr2014  If no dataset is open, we still need to run some commands from Syntax, those do not require Dataset
            //so following 'if' is commented out
            //if (ds == null)
            //    canExecute = false;
            //    return;

            if (ds != null) //24Apr2014 
                Variables = new ObservableCollection<DataSourceVariable>(ds.Variables);
                                             "|R Object (*.RData)|*.RData";//"Excel 2003 (*.xls)|*.xls " +

        protected override void OnExecute(object param)
            IUnityContainer container  = LifetimeService.Instance.Container;
            IDataService    service    = container.Resolve <IDataService>();
            IUIController   controller = container.Resolve <IUIController>();

            //Get current filetype from loaded dataset. This is file extension and Filter
            DataSource actds = controller.GetActiveDocument();//06Nov2012

            if (actds == null)
            string datasetName = "" + actds.Name;//uadatasets$lst$
            //string datasetName = "uadatasets$lst$"+controller.GetActiveDocument().Name;
            //Also try to get the filename of currently loaded file. This is FileName.
            string extension = controller.GetActiveDocument().Extension.ToLower();
            string filename  = controller.GetActiveDocument().FileName;
            string filter    = null;

            switch (extension)
            case "csv": filter = "Comma Seperated (*.csv)|*.csv"; break;

            case "xls": filter = "Excel 2003 (*.xls)|*.xls"; break;

            case "xlsx": filter = "Excel 2007-2010 (*.xlsx)|*.xlsx"; break;

            case "dbf": filter = "DBF (*.dbf)|*.dbf"; break;

            case "rdata": filter = "R Object (*.RData)|*.RData"; break;

            default: filter = "All Files(*.*)|*.*"; break;

            if (extension.Equals("sav") || extension.Trim().Length == 0)//show save-as dialog if current loaded file is SPSS file or memory dataframe(RData file)
                SaveFileDialog saveasFileDialog = new SaveFileDialog();
                saveasFileDialog.Filter = FileNameFilter;
                Window1 appwin = LifetimeService.Instance.Container.Resolve <Window1>();
                bool?   output = saveasFileDialog.ShowDialog(appwin);//Application.Current.MainWindow);
                if (output.HasValue && output.Value)
                    service.SaveAs(saveasFileDialog.FileName, controller.GetActiveDocument()); // #0
                    controller.GetActiveDocument().Changed = false;                            //21Mar2014 during close it should not prompt again for saving

                    if (saveasFileDialog.FileName.ToLower().EndsWith("sav"))                   //12Feb2018 we dont want to open SaveAs-ed SAV files.
                        MessageBox.Show(BSky.GlobalResources.Properties.Resources.SaveAsSucces + saveasFileDialog.FileName, BSky.GlobalResources.Properties.Resources.Saved, MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Asterisk);
                    else if (System.IO.File.Exists(saveasFileDialog.FileName))
                        //Close current Dataset on whic Save As was run
                        FileCloseCommand fcc = new FileCloseCommand();

                        //Open Dataset that was SaveAs-ed.
                        FileOpenCommand fo = new FileOpenCommand();
                        fo.FileOpen(saveasFileDialog.FileName, true);
                        MessageBox.Show(BSky.GlobalResources.Properties.Resources.SaveAsFailed + saveasFileDialog.FileName, BSky.GlobalResources.Properties.Resources.InternalError, MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Asterisk);
            else if (extension.Equals("xls"))//we are using write.xlsx() from openxlsx package so we can save to XLSX format only and not to XLS.
                MessageBoxResult mbr = MessageBox.Show(BSky.GlobalResources.Properties.Resources.CantSaveAsExcel,
                                                       BSky.GlobalResources.Properties.Resources.SaveToOtherFormat, MessageBoxButton.OKCancel, MessageBoxImage.Asterisk);
                if (mbr == MessageBoxResult.OK)
                    SaveFileDialog saveasFileDialog = new SaveFileDialog();
                    saveasFileDialog.Filter = FileNameFilter;
                    Window1 appwin = LifetimeService.Instance.Container.Resolve <Window1>();
                    bool?   output = saveasFileDialog.ShowDialog(appwin);//Application.Current.MainWindow);
                    if (output.HasValue && output.Value)
                        service.SaveAs(saveasFileDialog.FileName, controller.GetActiveDocument()); // #0
                        controller.GetActiveDocument().Changed = false;                            //21Mar2014 during close it should not prompt again for saving

                        if (System.IO.File.Exists(saveasFileDialog.FileName))
                            //Close current Dataset on which Save As was run
                            FileCloseCommand fcc = new FileCloseCommand();

                            //Open Dataset that was SaveAs-ed.
                            FileOpenCommand fo = new FileOpenCommand();
                            MessageBox.Show(BSky.GlobalResources.Properties.Resources.SaveAsFailed + saveasFileDialog.FileName, BSky.GlobalResources.Properties.Resources.InternalError, MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Asterisk);
                service.SaveAs(filename, controller.GetActiveDocument()); // #0
                controller.GetActiveDocument().Changed = false;           //21Mar2014 during close it should not prompt again for saving
            BSkyMouseBusyHandler.HideMouseBusy();                         //HideProgressbar_old();
Exemple #23
        ////Send executed command to output window. So, user will know what he executed
        //protected override void SendToOutputWindow(string command, string title)//13Dec2013
        //    #region Get Active output Window
        //    //////// Active output window ///////
        //    OutputWindowContainer owc = (LifetimeService.Instance.Container.Resolve<IOutputWindowContainer>()) as OutputWindowContainer;
        //    OutputWindow ow = owc.ActiveOutputWindow as OutputWindow; //get currently active window
        //    #endregion
        //    ow.AddMessage(command, title);

        public bool OpenDataframe(string dframename)
            if (!AreDefaultRPackagesLoaded())
            bool isSuccess = false;

            string filename = controller.GetActiveDocument().FileName;
            //For Excel
            string sheetname = controller.GetActiveDocument().SheetName;

            if (sheetname == null)
                sheetname = string.Empty;
            // if dataset was already loaded last time then this time we want to refresh it
            bool isDatasetNew = service.isDatasetNew(dframename + sheetname);

                DataSource ds       = service.OpenDataframe(dframename, sheetname);
                string     errormsg = string.Empty;
                if (ds != null && ds.Message != null && ds.Message.Length > 0) //message that is related to error
                    errormsg = "\n" + ds.Message;
                    ds       = null; //making it null so that we do execute further
                if (ds != null)      //03Dec2012
                    logService.WriteToLogLevel("Start Loading Dataframe: " + ds.Name, LogLevelEnum.Info);
                    if (isDatasetNew)
                        controller.RefreshBothGrids(ds); //23Jul2015 .RefreshGrids(ds);//.RefreshDataSet(ds);
                    ds.Changed = true;                   // keep track of change made, so that it can prompt for saving while closing dataset tab.
                    logService.WriteToLogLevel("Finished Loading Dataframe: " + ds.Name, LogLevelEnum.Info);
                    //recentfiles.AddXMLItem(dframename);//adding to XML file for recent docs
                    isSuccess = true;
                    MessageBox.Show(appwindow, BSky.GlobalResources.Properties.Resources.cantopen + " '" + dframename + "'" +
                                    "\n" + BSky.GlobalResources.Properties.Resources.reasonsAre +
                                    "\n" + BSky.GlobalResources.Properties.Resources.NotDataframe2 +
                                    "\n" + BSky.GlobalResources.Properties.Resources.FormatNotSupported2 +
                                    "\n" + BSky.GlobalResources.Properties.Resources.NoRowsColsPresent +
                                    "\n" + BSky.GlobalResources.Properties.Resources.OldSessionRunning2 +
                                    "\n" + BSky.GlobalResources.Properties.Resources.RSideIssue2,
                                    BSky.GlobalResources.Properties.Resources.warning, MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Warning);
                    SendToOutputWindow(BSky.GlobalResources.Properties.Resources.ErrOpeningDataset2, dframename + errormsg);
            catch (Exception ex)
                logService.WriteToLogLevel("Error:" + ex.Message, LogLevelEnum.Error);
                //18OCt2013 move up for using in msg box   Window1 appwindow = LifetimeService.Instance.Container.Resolve<Window1>();//for refeshing recent files list

            //if (isSuccess)
            //08Apr2015 bring main window in front after file open, instead of output window
            //Window1 window = LifetimeService.Instance.Container.Resolve<Window1>();