Exemple #1
 public bool getGravityVector(out Vector3D gravity)
     gravity = Vector3D.Zero;
     if (_init())
     rc.TryGetPlanetPosition(out gravity);
     gravity -= rc.GetPosition();
Exemple #2
        public Vector3 OffsetPositionFromPlanet(Vector3 position, float offset = 30)
            Vector3D planetPosition;
            bool     isNearPlanet = mainControl.TryGetPlanetPosition(out planetPosition);

            if (!isNearPlanet)
            Vector3 directionToPlanet = Vector3.Normalize(planetPosition - position);
            Vector3 offsetPosition    = position + Vector3.Negate(directionToPlanet) * offset;

Exemple #3
        private void Tick()
            var status = new MissileStatus()
                Position     = this.Position,
                State        = state,
                DistToTarget = (this.Target - this.Position).Length(),

            status.ExtraData.AppendLine($"DeltaTime: {(DateTime.Now - launchTime).TotalSeconds:F2} seconds");
            status.ExtraData.AppendLine($"Distance from launch position: {(this.Position - this.launchPos).Length():F2}");
            if (state == LaunchState.Separation)
                if ((this.Position - this.launchPos).LengthSquared() >= downSeparationRange * downSeparationRange)
                    LogLine($"Separation phase finished, transitioning to boost phase");
                    foreach (var thrust in downThrusters)
                        thrust.ThrustOverridePercentage = 0;
                    foreach (var thrust in fwdThrusters)
                        thrust.Enabled = true;
                        thrust.ThrustOverridePercentage = 1;
                    this.state = LaunchState.Boost;
            else if (state == LaunchState.Boost)
                if ((this.Position - this.launchPos).LengthSquared() >= boostManeuverRange * boostManeuverRange)
                    LogLine($"Boost phase finished, transitioning to parabolic flight mode");
                    this.state = LaunchState.Flight;

                    foreach (var gyro in gyros)
                        gyro.Enabled = true;

                    this.enginesActive = false;
                    Vector3D planet = Vector3D.Zero;
                    if (!remote.TryGetPlanetPosition(out planet))
                        LogLine("Couldn't find planet!");

                    LogLine($"Generating parabolic trajectory");
                    this.trajectory      = GenerateTrajectory(this.Position, this.finalTarget.Coords, 10, planet);
                    this.trajectoryStage = 0;
                    this.state           = LaunchState.Flight;

                    // temporarily stop forward thrust in order to allow missile to align to target
                    foreach (var thruster in fwdThrusters)
                        thruster.ThrustOverride = 0;

            else if (state == LaunchState.Flight)
                double pitch, yaw, roll;
                var    desiredFwdVec = Vector3D.Normalize(Target - Position);
                MathStuff.GetRotationAngles(desiredFwdVec, Vector3D.Zero, remote.WorldMatrix, out pitch, out yaw, out roll);
                status.DistToTarget = (Target - Position).Length();
                status.Pitch        = pitch;
                status.Yaw          = yaw;
                status.Roll         = roll;

                if (!this.enginesActive && (Math.Abs(pitch) < MIN_ANGLE_FOR_ENGINE_RESTART ||
                                            Math.Abs(yaw) < MIN_ANGLE_FOR_ENGINE_RESTART || Math.Abs(roll) < MIN_ANGLE_FOR_ENGINE_RESTART))
                    foreach (var thrust in fwdThrusters)
                        thrust.ThrustOverridePercentage = 1;
                    this.enginesActive = true;

                var pitchCorrection = pitchPID.GetCorrection(pitch, PID_TIME_DELTA);
                var yawCorrection   = yawPID.GetCorrection(yaw, PID_TIME_DELTA);
                var rollCorrection  = rollPID.GetCorrection(roll, PID_TIME_DELTA);
                status.ExtraData.Append($"PID:\nPitchCorrection: {MathHelperD.ToDegrees(pitchCorrection):F2}\n" +
                                        $"YawCorrection: {MathHelperD.ToDegrees(yawCorrection):F2}\n" +
                                        $"RollCorrection: {MathHelperD.ToDegrees(rollCorrection):F2}\n");
                if (applyGyro)
                    MathStuff.ApplyGyroOverride(pitchCorrection, yawCorrection, rollCorrection, this.gyros, this.remote.WorldMatrix);

                if ((this.Position - Target).LengthSquared() <= SWITCH_WAY_POINT_DISTANCE * SWITCH_WAY_POINT_DISTANCE)

                if (this.trajectoryStage >= this.trajectory.Count ||
                    (this.Position - finalTarget.Coords).LengthSquared() <= this.armDistance * this.armDistance)
                    this.state = LaunchState.Terminal;
            else if (state == LaunchState.Terminal)
                if ((this.Position - finalTarget.Coords).LengthSquared() <= blowDistance * blowDistance)
                    LogLine("Reached detonation threshold. Detonating and disabling script.");
            status.State = this.state;
        void GuideMissile()
            missilePos = shipReference.GetPosition();

            //---Get orientation vectors of our missile
            Vector3D missileFrontVec = shipReference.WorldMatrix.Forward;
            Vector3D missileLeftVec  = shipReference.WorldMatrix.Left;
            Vector3D missileUpVec    = shipReference.WorldMatrix.Up;

            //---Check if we have gravity
            double rollAngle = 0; double rollSpeed = 0;

            var remote = remotes[0] as IMyRemoteControl;

            gravVec = shipReference.GetNaturalGravity();
            double gravMagSquared = gravVec.LengthSquared();

            if (gravMagSquared != 0)
                if (gravVec.Dot(missileUpVec) < 0)
                    //	rollAngle = Math.PI / 2 - Math.Acos(MathHelper.Clamp(gravVec.Dot(missileLeftVec) / gravVec.Length(), -1, 1));
                    //	rollAngle = Math.PI + Math.Acos(MathHelper.Clamp(gravVec.Dot(missileLeftVec) / gravVec.Length(), -1, 1));
                rollSpeed = 0;

            //---Get travel vector
            var    missileVelocityVec = shipReference.GetShipVelocities().LinearVelocity;
            double speed = shipReference.GetShipSpeed();

            //---Find vector from missile to destinationVec
            Vector3D missileToTargetVec;

            if (speed > 10 ||)
                missileToTargetVec = Vector3D.Negate(missileVelocityVec);
                shipReference.TryGetPlanetPosition(out targetPos);
                missileToTargetVec = Vector3D.Negate(targetPos - missilePos);                // targetPos - missilePos;

            //---Calc our new heading based upon our travel vector

            var headingVec = CalculateHeadingVector(missileToTargetVec, missileVelocityVec, driftCompensation);

            //---Get pitch and yaw angles
            double yawAngle; double pitchAngle;

            GetRotationAngles(headingVec, missileFrontVec, missileLeftVec, missileUpVec, out yawAngle, out pitchAngle);

            logger.Info("mttv: " + missileToTargetVec);
            logger.Info("mvv: " + missileVelocityVec);
            logger.Info("hv: " + headingVec);
            if (firstGuidance)
                lastPitchAngle = pitchAngle;
                lastYawAngle   = yawAngle;
                firstGuidance  = false;

            //---Angle controller
            logger.Debug(yawAngle + "|" + lastYawAngle);
            double yawSpeed   = Math.Round(proportionalConstant * yawAngle + derivativeConstant * (yawAngle - lastYawAngle) * 60, 3);
            double pitchSpeed = Math.Round(proportionalConstant * pitchAngle + derivativeConstant * (pitchAngle - lastPitchAngle) * 60, 3);

            //---Set appropriate gyro override
            if (speed <= 1E-2)
                ApplyGyroOverride(0, 0, 0, gyros, shipReference);
                Runtime.UpdateFrequency = UpdateFrequency.None;
                logger.Info("V=" + missileVelocityVec.Length());
                ApplyGyroOverride(pitchSpeed, yawSpeed, rollSpeed, gyros, shipReference);

            //---Store previous values
            lastYawAngle   = yawAngle;
            lastPitchAngle = pitchAngle;
            lastRollAngle  = rollAngle;