public void Update(IKSolverFullBodyBiped solver, float deltaTime) { float velocity = (solver.GetRoot().position - m_LastPos).magnitude / deltaTime; m_LastPos = solver.GetRoot().position; foreach (InertiaBody body in m_Bodies) { body.Update(solver, m_Weight * m_FadeWeight, deltaTime, velocity); } }
// Update this body, apply the offset to the effector public void Update(IKSolverFullBodyBiped solver, float m_Weight, float deltaTime) { m_Velocity = (solver.GetRoot().position - m_LastPosition) / deltaTime; // Apply position offset to the effector foreach (EffectorLink effectorLink in m_EffectorLinks) { effectorLink.Apply(solver, m_Weight, m_Velocity + solver.GetRoot().forward *m_SubForward, deltaTime); } m_LastPosition = solver.GetRoot().position; }
public void Apply(IKSolverFullBodyBiped solver, float m_Weight, Vector3 curentVelocity, float deltaTime) { //Update forward tilt Vector3 forwardPro = Vector3.Project(curentVelocity, solver.GetRoot().forward); float curProVelocity = forwardPro.magnitude; if (Vector3.Angle(forwardPro, solver.GetRoot().forward) > 150) { curProVelocity *= -1; } m_ProVelocity = Mathf.Lerp(m_ProVelocity, curProVelocity, m_TileAcc * deltaTime); //Apply offset solver.GetEffector(m_Effector).positionOffset += solver.GetRoot().TransformDirection(m_Offset * m_TileWeight.Evaluate(m_ProVelocity)) * m_Weight; }
public void Update(IKSolverFullBodyBiped solver, float w, float deltaTime) { if (this.transform == null || this.relativeTo == null) { return; } Vector3 a = this.relativeTo.InverseTransformDirection(this.transform.position - this.relativeTo.position); if (this.firstUpdate) { this.lastRelativePos = a; this.firstUpdate = false; } Vector3 vector = (a - this.lastRelativePos) / deltaTime; this.smoothDelta = ((this.speed > 0f) ? Vector3.Lerp(this.smoothDelta, vector, deltaTime * this.speed) : vector); Vector3 v = this.relativeTo.TransformDirection(this.smoothDelta); Vector3 a2 = V3Tools.ExtractVertical(v, solver.GetRoot().up, this.verticalWeight) + V3Tools.ExtractHorizontal(v, solver.GetRoot().up, this.horizontalWeight); for (int i = 0; i < this.effectorLinks.Length; i++) { solver.GetEffector(this.effectorLinks[i].effector).positionOffset += a2 * w * this.effectorLinks[i].weight; } this.lastRelativePos = a; }
public void OnModifyOffset(IKSolverFullBodyBiped solver, float weight, float deltaTime) { if (null == solver) { m_RemainingTime = 0; return; } if (m_RemainingTime > 0f) { float elapseTime = m_StepTime - m_RemainingTime; float crossFadeWeight = Mathf.Clamp01(elapseTime / m_FadeTime); Vector3 deltaDir = solver.GetRoot().position - m_StartPos; foreach (EffectortLink effect in m_Effects) { effect.OnModifyOffset(solver, m_EffectDir, elapseTime / m_StepTime, weight * crossFadeWeight * m_Weight, deltaDir); } m_RemainingTime -= deltaTime; } #if UNITY_EDITOR if (m_Test) { m_Test = false; DoEffect(solver, m_EffectDir, m_Weight); } #endif }
public void Apply(IKSolverFullBodyBiped solver, float weight) { for (int i = 0; i < this.effectorLinks.Length; i++) { this.effectorLinks[i].Apply(solver, weight, solver.GetRoot().rotation); } }
public float m_SubForward; //Addition forward state. 1: forward -1:backward // Reset to Transform public void Reset(IKSolverFullBodyBiped solver) { m_LastPosition = solver.GetRoot().position; foreach (EffectorLink effectorLink in m_EffectorLinks) { effectorLink.Reset(); } }
public void Apply(IKSolverFullBodyBiped solver, float weight, Quaternion rotation) { solver.GetEffector(this.effector).positionOffset += rotation * this.offset * weight; Vector3 a = solver.GetRoot().position + rotation *; Vector3 vector = a - solver.GetEffector(this.effector).bone.position; Vector3 vector2 = this.pinWeight * Mathf.Abs(weight); solver.GetEffector(this.effector).positionOffset = new Vector3(Mathf.Lerp(solver.GetEffector(this.effector).positionOffset.x, vector.x, vector2.x), Mathf.Lerp(solver.GetEffector(this.effector).positionOffset.y, vector.y, vector2.y), Mathf.Lerp(solver.GetEffector(this.effector).positionOffset.z, vector.z, vector2.z)); }
public Vector3 pinWeight; // Pin weight vector // Apply positionOffset to the effector public void Apply(IKSolverFullBodyBiped solver, float weight) { // Offset solver.GetEffector(effector).positionOffset += solver.GetRoot().rotation *offset *weight; // Calculating pinned position Vector3 pinPosition = solver.GetRoot().position + solver.GetRoot().rotation *pin; Vector3 pinPositionOffset = pinPosition - solver.GetEffector(effector).bone.position; Vector3 pinWeightVector = pinWeight * Mathf.Abs(weight); // Lerping to pinned position solver.GetEffector(effector).positionOffset = new Vector3( Mathf.Lerp(solver.GetEffector(effector).positionOffset.x, pinPositionOffset.x, pinWeightVector.x), Mathf.Lerp(solver.GetEffector(effector).positionOffset.y, pinPositionOffset.y, pinWeightVector.y), Mathf.Lerp(solver.GetEffector(effector).positionOffset.z, pinPositionOffset.z, pinWeightVector.z) ); }
// Update and Apply the position offset to the effector public void Update(IKSolverFullBodyBiped solver, Vector3 offsetTarget, float weight) { // Lerping offset to the offset target offset = Vector3.Lerp(offset, offsetTarget * multiplier, Time.deltaTime * speed); // Apply gravity Vector3 g = (solver.GetRoot().up *gravity) * offset.magnitude; // Apply the offset to the effector solver.GetEffector(effector).positionOffset += (offset * weight * this.weight) + (g * weight); }
public void DoEffect(IKSolverFullBodyBiped solver, Vector3 dir, float weight) { if (null == solver) { return; } m_EffectDir = dir; m_Weight = weight; m_StartPos = solver.GetRoot().position; //m_DeltaDir =; m_RemainingTime = m_StepTime; }
public void Update(IKSolverFullBodyBiped solver, float m_Weight, float deltaTime) { // Calculate the angular delta in character rotation Quaternion change = Quaternion.FromToRotation(m_LastForward, solver.GetRoot().forward); float deltaAngle = 0; Vector3 axis =; change.ToAngleAxis(out deltaAngle, out axis); if (axis.y > 0) { deltaAngle = -deltaAngle; } deltaAngle *= m_TiltSensitivity * 0.01f; deltaAngle /= deltaTime; deltaAngle = Mathf.Clamp(deltaAngle, -1f, 1f); m_TiltAngle = Mathf.Lerp(m_TiltAngle, deltaAngle, deltaTime * m_TiltSpeed); // Applying positionOffsets float tiltF = Mathf.Abs(m_TiltAngle) / 1f * m_Weight + Mathf.Abs(testAngle); if (m_TiltAngle - testAngle < 0) { foreach (EffectorLink effectorLink in m_TurnRightEffectorLinks) { effectorLink.Apply(solver, tiltF, solver.GetRoot().rotation); } } else { foreach (EffectorLink effectorLink in m_TurnLeftEffectorLinks) { effectorLink.Apply(solver, tiltF, solver.GetRoot().rotation); } } // Store current character forward axis and Time m_LastForward = solver.GetRoot().forward; }
// Calculate offset, apply to FBBIK effectors protected override void OnApply(IKSolverFullBodyBiped solver, float weight) { Vector3 up = solver.GetRoot().up *force.magnitude; Vector3 offset = (offsetInForceDirection.Evaluate(timer) * force) + (offsetInUpDirection.Evaluate(timer) * up); offset *= weight; foreach (EffectorLink e in effectorLinks) { e.Apply(solver, offset, crossFader); } }
protected override void OnApply(IKSolverFullBodyBiped solver, float weight) { Vector3 a = solver.GetRoot().up *base.force.magnitude; Vector3 vector = this.offsetInForceDirection.Evaluate(base.timer) * base.force + this.offsetInUpDirection.Evaluate(base.timer) * a; vector *= weight; HitReaction.HitPointEffector.EffectorLink[] array = this.effectorLinks; for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++) { HitReaction.HitPointEffector.EffectorLink effectorLink = array[i]; effectorLink.Apply(solver, vector, base.crossFader); } }
public Vector3 m_PinWeight; // m_Pin m_Weight vector // Apply positionOffset to the effector public void Apply(IKSolverFullBodyBiped solver, float m_Weight, Quaternion rotation) { // Offset solver.GetEffector(m_Effector).positionOffset += rotation * m_Offset * m_Weight; // Calculating pinned position Vector3 pinPosition = solver.GetRoot().position + rotation * m_Pin; Vector3 pinPositionOffset = pinPosition - solver.GetEffector(m_Effector).bone.position; Vector3 pinWeightVector = m_PinWeight * Mathf.Abs(m_Weight); // Lerping to pinned position solver.GetEffector(m_Effector).positionOffset = new Vector3( Mathf.Lerp(solver.GetEffector(m_Effector).positionOffset.x, pinPositionOffset.x, pinWeightVector.x), Mathf.Lerp(solver.GetEffector(m_Effector).positionOffset.y, pinPositionOffset.y, pinWeightVector.y), Mathf.Lerp(solver.GetEffector(m_Effector).positionOffset.z, pinPositionOffset.z, pinWeightVector.z) ); }
public void Update(AnimationCurve stepHeight, float heightOffset, float pinWeight, float correctionY, float correctionXZ, float correctionVelocity) { stepTimer += Time.deltaTime; bool step = stepLength > 0 && stepTimer < stepLength; if (!step) { effector.positionOffset += position - effector.bone.position; muscle.state.pinWeightMlp = 0f; return; } //float legLength = solver.GetChain(effectorType).nodes[0].length + solver.GetChain(effectorType).nodes[1].length; if (Vector3.Distance(position, thighMuscle.rigidbody.position) >= 0.5f) { muscle.state.pinWeightMlp = 0f; } position = Vector3.Lerp(stepFrom, stepTo, stepTimer / stepLength); position += solver.GetRoot().up *(stepHeight.Evaluate(stepTimer) + heightOffset); if (correctionY != 0f) { float realYOffset = position.y - muscle.rigidbody.position.y - muscle.rigidbody.velocity.y * correctionVelocity; if (realYOffset > 0f) { position += Vector3.up * realYOffset * correctionY; } } if (correctionXZ != 0f) { Vector3 realXZOffset = position - muscle.rigidbody.position - muscle.rigidbody.velocity * correctionVelocity; realXZOffset.y = 0f; position += realXZOffset * correctionXZ; } effector.positionOffset += position - effector.bone.position; muscle.state.pinWeightMlp = pinWeight; }
// Update the Body public void Update(IKSolverFullBodyBiped solver, float w, float deltaTime) { if (transform == null || relativeTo == null) { return; } // Find the relative position of the transform Vector3 relativePos = relativeTo.InverseTransformDirection(transform.position - relativeTo.position); // Initiating if (firstUpdate) { lastRelativePos = relativePos; firstUpdate = false; } // Find how much the relative position has changed Vector3 delta = (relativePos - lastRelativePos) / deltaTime; // Smooth the change smoothDelta = speed <= 0f? delta: Vector3.Lerp(smoothDelta, delta, deltaTime * speed); // Convert to world space Vector3 worldDelta = relativeTo.TransformDirection(smoothDelta); // Extract horizontal and vertical offset Vector3 offset = V3Tools.ExtractVertical(worldDelta, solver.GetRoot().up, verticalWeight) + V3Tools.ExtractHorizontal(worldDelta, solver.GetRoot().up, horizontalWeight); // Apply the amplitude to the effector links for (int i = 0; i < effectorLinks.Length; i++) { solver.GetEffector(effectorLinks[i].effector).positionOffset += offset * w * effectorLinks[i].weight; } lastRelativePos = relativePos; }
private void OnPostRead() { // Offset Vector3 shoulderCenter = Vector3.Lerp(solver.leftShoulderEffector.bone.position, solver.rightShoulderEffector.bone.position, 0.5f); Vector3 toShoulderCenter = shoulderCenter - behaviour.puppetMaster.muscles[0].target.position; Vector3 newShoulderCenter = behaviour.puppetMaster.muscles[0].target.position + centerOfMass.inverseRotation * toShoulderCenter; Vector3 offsetTarget = (newShoulderCenter - shoulderCenter); offsetTarget = Vector3.ClampMagnitude(offsetTarget * offsetMagMlp, maxOffset); offset = offsetSpeed <= 0f? offsetTarget: Vector3.Lerp(offset, offsetTarget, Time.deltaTime * offsetSpeed); // Muscle weights float w = muscleWeight.GetValue(centerOfMass.angle); foreach (Muscle m in behaviour.puppetMaster.muscles) { if ( == Muscle.Group.Spine) { m.state.muscleWeightMlp = w; } } // Body Vector3 bodyOffset = offset * bodyWeight.GetValue(centerOfMass.angle); solver.bodyEffector.positionOffset += bodyOffset; if (!solver.bodyEffector.effectChildNodes) { solver.leftThighEffector.positionOffset += bodyOffset; solver.rightThighEffector.positionOffset += bodyOffset; } solver.leftHandEffector.maintainRelativePositionWeight = 0f; solver.rightHandEffector.maintainRelativePositionWeight = 0f; //solver.leftShoulderEffector.positionOffset += bodyOffset; //solver.rightShoulderEffector.positionOffset += bodyOffset; //solver.leftHandEffector.positionOffset += bodyOffset; //solver.rightHandEffector.positionOffset += bodyOffset; // Shoulders Vector3 shoulderOffset = offset * shoulderWeight.GetValue(centerOfMass.angle); solver.leftShoulderEffector.positionOffset += shoulderOffset; solver.rightShoulderEffector.positionOffset += shoulderOffset; /* * // Non-FBBIK version * if (!centerOfMass.isGrounded) return; * var biped = solver.GetRoot().GetComponent<FullBodyBipedIK>().references; * * Quaternion leftFootRotation = biped.leftFoot.rotation; * Quaternion rightFootRotation = biped.rightFoot.rotation; * * float angle = 0f; * Vector3 axis =; * centerOfMass.inverseRotation.ToAngleAxis(out angle, out axis); * * // Thighs * float thighAngle = Mathf.Clamp(angle * thighWeight, -maxAngle, maxAngle); * Quaternion thighRotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(thighAngle, axis); * * biped.leftThigh.rotation = thighRotation * biped.leftThigh.rotation; * biped.rightThigh.rotation = thighRotation * biped.rightThigh.rotation; * * // Calves * float calfAngle = Mathf.Clamp(angle * calfWeight, -maxAngle, maxAngle); * * Vector3 legAxisLeft = Vector3.Cross(biped.leftCalf.position - biped.leftThigh.position, biped.leftFoot.position - biped.leftThigh.position); * Vector3 axisLeft = Vector3.Project(axis, legAxisLeft); * * Vector3 legAxisRight = Vector3.Cross(biped.rightCalf.position - biped.rightThigh.position, biped.rightFoot.position - biped.rightThigh.position); * Vector3 axisright = Vector3.Project(axis, legAxisRight); * * Quaternion calfRotationLeft = Quaternion.AngleAxis(-calfAngle, axisLeft); * Quaternion calfRotationRight = Quaternion.AngleAxis(-calfAngle, axisright); * * biped.leftCalf.rotation = calfRotationLeft * biped.leftCalf.rotation; * biped.rightCalf.rotation = calfRotationRight * biped.rightCalf.rotation; */ // Non-FBBIK version if (!centerOfMass.isGrounded) { return; } var biped = solver.GetRoot().GetComponent <FullBodyBipedIK>().references; float angle = 0f; Vector3 axis =; centerOfMass.inverseRotation.ToAngleAxis(out angle, out axis); // Spine /* * float spineAngle = Mathf.Clamp((angle * spineWeight) / biped.spine.Length, -maxAngle, maxAngle); * Quaternion spinerotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(spineAngle, axis); * * foreach (Transform s in biped.spine) { * s.rotation = spinerotation * s.rotation; * } */ // Head float headAngle = Mathf.Clamp(angle * headWeight, -maxAngle, maxAngle); Quaternion headRotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(headAngle, axis); biped.head.rotation = headRotation * biped.head.rotation; }
void Stepping() { stepLegIndex = GetStepLegIndex(); if (stepLegIndex != -1) { ; RaycastHit hit; Vector3 center = behaviour.puppetMaster.muscles[5].rigidbody.position; Vector3 velocity = behaviour.puppetMaster.muscles[5].rigidbody.velocity; velocity.y = 0f; Vector3 position = center + velocity * stepOffsetMlp.GetValue(centerOfMass.angle); // Add Offset Vector3 stepDirection = position - legs[stepLegIndex].position; stepDirection.y = 0f; position += Quaternion.LookRotation(stepDirection) * legs[stepLegIndex].offset; // Avoid the other leg int otherLegIndex = OtherLegIndex(stepLegIndex); Vector3 otherPosition = legs[otherLegIndex].position; float y = position.y; Vector3 toPosition = Flatten(position - legs[stepLegIndex].muscle.rigidbody.position).normalized; Vector3 toOtherLeg = Flatten(otherPosition - legs[stepLegIndex].muscle.rigidbody.position).normalized; float dot = Mathf.Max(Vector3.Dot(toPosition, toOtherLeg), 0f); float angle = dot * 20f; if (stepLegIndex == 1) { angle = -angle; } Quaternion rotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(angle, solver.GetRoot().up); position = SetY(legs[stepLegIndex].muscle.rigidbody.position + rotation * toPosition, y); // Clamp distance Vector3 pelvisToPosition = Flatten(position - behaviour.puppetMaster.muscles[0].rigidbody.position); pelvisToPosition = Vector3.ClampMagnitude(pelvisToPosition, maxStepDistance.GetValue(centerOfMass.angle)); position = behaviour.puppetMaster.muscles[0].rigidbody.position + pelvisToPosition; ray = new Ray(position, Vector3.down); if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit, 2f, groundLayers)) { Vector3 stepTo = hit.point + Vector3.up * stepHeightOffset.GetValue(centerOfMass.angle); groundYOffsetTarget = Mathf.Min(hit.point.y - behaviour.puppetMaster.targetRoot.position.y, groundYOffsetTarget); //groundYOffsetTarget = hit.point.y - solver.GetRoot().position.y; if (Vector3.Distance(stepTo, legs[stepLegIndex].position) > stepThreshold.GetValue(centerOfMass.angle)) { float stepLength = stepHeight[stepHeight.length - 1].time; legs[stepLegIndex].Step(stepTo, stepLength, legOffsetMlp.GetValue(centerOfMass.angle), stepDelay.GetValue(centerOfMass.angle)); } } } groundYOffset = Mathf.SmoothDamp(groundYOffset, groundYOffsetTarget, ref groundYOffsetVel, 0.2f); behaviour.puppetMaster.muscles[0].target.position += solver.GetRoot().up *groundYOffset; Debug.DrawRay(ray.origin, ray.direction); foreach (Leg leg in legs) { leg.Update(stepHeight, stepHeightOffset.GetValue(centerOfMass.angle), footPinWeight, correctionY, correctionXZ, correctionVelocity); behaviour.puppetMaster.GetMuscle(leg.chain.nodes[0].transform).state.muscleWeightMlp = muscleWeightThigh.GetValue(centerOfMass.angle); behaviour.puppetMaster.GetMuscle(leg.chain.nodes[1].transform).state.muscleWeightMlp = muscleWeightCalf.GetValue(centerOfMass.angle); behaviour.puppetMaster.GetMuscle(leg.chain.nodes[2].transform).state.muscleWeightMlp = muscleWeightFoot.GetValue(centerOfMass.angle); } }
public float testAngle; //Addition rot state -1<- 0 ->1 public void Reset(IKSolverFullBodyBiped solver) { m_LastForward = solver.GetRoot().forward; }