Exemple #1
        private async Task ConnectAndSendAsync(IInboundHandler handler, TaskCompletionSource <Message.Message> tcsResponse, ChannelCreator channelCreator, int connectTimeoutMillis, PeerConnection peerConnection, TimeoutFactory timeoutHandler, Message.Message message)
            var recipient = message.Recipient.CreateSocketTcp();
            var channel   = SendTcpCreateChannel(recipient, channelCreator, peerConnection, handler, timeoutHandler,

            await AfterConnectAsync(tcsResponse, message, channel, handler == null);
 public void Reset()
     _currentOutbound = null;
     _currentInbound  = null;
     _msgW            = null;
     _msgR            = null;
     _writeRes        = null;
     _readRes         = null;
     _skipRestRead    = false;
 public void Reset()
     _currentOutbound = null;
     _currentInbound = null;
     _msgW = null;
     _msgR = null;
     _writeRes = null;
     _readRes = null;
     _skipRestRead = false;
Exemple #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Sends a message via TCP.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="handler">The handler to deal with the response message.</param>
        /// <param name="tcsResponse">The TCS for the response message. (FutureResponse equivalent.)</param>
        /// <param name="message">The message to send.</param>
        /// <param name="channelCreator">The channel creator for the TCP channel.</param>
        /// <param name="idleTcpSeconds">The idle time until message fail.</param>
        /// <param name="connectTimeoutMillis">The idle time for the connection setup.</param>
        /// <param name="peerConnection"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task SendTcpAsync(IInboundHandler handler, TaskCompletionSource <Message.Message> tcsResponse,
                                       Message.Message message, ChannelCreator channelCreator, int idleTcpSeconds, int connectTimeoutMillis,
                                       PeerConnection peerConnection)
            // no need to continue if already finished
            if (tcsResponse.Task.IsCompleted)
            RemovePeerIfFailed(tcsResponse, message);

            bool isFireAndForget = handler == null;

            // we need to set the neighbors if we use relays
            if (message.Sender.IsRelayed && message.Sender.PeerSocketAddresses.Count != 0)
            if (peerConnection != null && peerConnection.Channel != null && peerConnection.Channel.IsOpen)
                var channel = SendTcpPeerConnection(peerConnection, handler, channelCreator, tcsResponse);
                await AfterConnectAsync(tcsResponse, message, channel, isFireAndForget);
            else if (channelCreator != null)
                var timeoutHandler = CreateTimeoutHandler(tcsResponse, idleTcpSeconds, handler == null);
                // check relay
                if (message.Recipient.IsRelayed)
                    // check if reverse connection is possible
                    if (!message.Sender.IsRelayed)
                        await HandleRconAsync(handler, tcsResponse, message, channelCreator, connectTimeoutMillis, peerConnection,
                        await HandleRelayAsync(handler, tcsResponse, message, channelCreator, idleTcpSeconds, connectTimeoutMillis,
                                               peerConnection, timeoutHandler);
                // normal connection
                    await ConnectAndSendAsync(handler, tcsResponse, channelCreator, connectTimeoutMillis, peerConnection,
                                              timeoutHandler, message);
Exemple #5
        /// <summary>
        /// // TODO document
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="handler"></param>
        /// <param name="tcsResponse"></param>
        /// <param name="message"></param>
        /// <param name="channelCreator"></param>
        /// <param name="idleTcpSeconds"></param>
        /// <param name="connectTimeoutMillis"></param>
        /// <param name="peerConnection"></param>
        /// <param name="timeoutHandler"></param>
        private async Task HandleRelayAsync(IInboundHandler handler, TaskCompletionSource <Message.Message> tcsResponse,
                                            Message.Message message, ChannelCreator channelCreator, int idleTcpSeconds, int connectTimeoutMillis,
                                            PeerConnection peerConnection, TimeoutFactory timeoutHandler)
            var   taskPingDone = PingFirst(message.Recipient.PeerSocketAddresses);
            await taskPingDone;

            if (!taskPingDone.IsFaulted)
                var recipient = PeerSocketAddress.CreateSocketTcp(taskPingDone.Result);
                var channel   = SendTcpCreateChannel(recipient, channelCreator, peerConnection, handler,
                                                     timeoutHandler, connectTimeoutMillis);
                await AfterConnectAsync(tcsResponse, message, channel, handler == null);

                // TODO add this before AfterConnect?
                var   taskResponse = tcsResponse.Task;
                await taskResponse;
                if (taskResponse.IsFaulted)
                    if (taskResponse.Result != null &&
                        taskResponse.Result.Type != Message.Message.MessageType.User1)
                        // "clearInactivePeerSocketAddress"
                        var tmp = new List <PeerSocketAddress>();
                        foreach (var psa in message.Recipient.PeerSocketAddresses)
                            if (psa != null)
                                if (!psa.Equals(taskPingDone.Result))

                        await SendTcpAsync(handler, tcsResponse, message, channelCreator, idleTcpSeconds,
                                           connectTimeoutMillis, peerConnection);
                // .NET-specific:
                tcsResponse.SetException(new TaskFailedException("No relay could be contacted. <-> " + taskPingDone.Exception));
 private IInboundHandler GetNextInbound()
     if (InboundHandlers.Count != 0)
         if (_currentInbound == null)
             _currentInbound = InboundHandlers.First.Value;
             var node = InboundHandlers.Find(_currentInbound);
             if (node != null && node.Next != null)
                 _currentInbound = node.Next.Value;
Exemple #7
        /// <summary>
        /// This method initiates the reverse connection setup.
        /// It creates a new message and sends it via relay to the unreachable peer
        /// which then connects to this peer again. After the connect message from the
        /// unreachable peer, this peer will send the original message and its content
        /// directly.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="handler"></param>
        /// <param name="tcsResponse"></param>
        /// <param name="message"></param>
        /// <param name="channelCreator"></param>
        /// <param name="connectTimeoutMillis"></param>
        /// <param name="peerConnection"></param>
        /// <param name="timeoutHandler"></param>
        private async Task HandleRconAsync(IInboundHandler handler, TaskCompletionSource <Message.Message> tcsResponse,
                                           Message.Message message, ChannelCreator channelCreator, int connectTimeoutMillis,
                                           PeerConnection peerConnection, TimeoutFactory timeoutHandler)

            Logger.Debug("Initiate reverse connection setup to peer with address {0}.", message.Recipient);
            var rconMessage = CreateRconMessage(message);

            // TODO works?
            // cache the original message until the connection is established
            _cachedRequests.AddOrUpdate(message.MessageId, tcsResponse, (i, source) => tcsResponse);

            // wait for response (whether the reverse connection setup was successful)
            var tcsRconResponse = new TaskCompletionSource <Message.Message>(rconMessage);

            // .NET-specific: specify and use a RconInboundHandler class
            var rconInboundHandler = new RconInboundHandler(tcsRconResponse, tcsResponse);

            // send reverse connection request instead of normal message
            await SendTcpAsync(rconInboundHandler, tcsRconResponse, rconMessage, channelCreator, connectTimeoutMillis,
                               connectTimeoutMillis, peerConnection);
Exemple #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Sends a message via UDP.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="handler">The handler to deal with the response message.</param>
        /// <param name="tcsResponse">The TCS for the response message. (FutureResponse equivalent.)</param>
        /// <param name="message">The message to send.</param>
        /// <param name="channelCreator">The channel creator for the UDP channel.</param>
        /// <param name="idleUdpSeconds">The idle time of a message until fail.</param>
        /// <param name="broadcast">True, if the message is to be sent via layer 2 broadcast.</param>
        /// <returns>The response message or null, if it is fire-and-forget or a failure occurred.</returns>
        public async Task SendUdpAsync(IInboundHandler handler, TaskCompletionSource <Message.Message> tcsResponse, Message.Message message, ChannelCreator channelCreator, int idleUdpSeconds, bool broadcast)
            // no need to continue if already finished
            if (tcsResponse.Task.IsCompleted)
            RemovePeerIfFailed(tcsResponse, message);

            bool isFireAndForget = handler == null;

            // relay options
            if (message.Sender.IsRelayed)

                IList <PeerSocketAddress> relayAddresses = new List <PeerSocketAddress>(message.Recipient.PeerSocketAddresses);
                Logger.Debug("Send neighbor request to random relay peer {0}.", relayAddresses);
                if (relayAddresses.Count > 0)
                    var relayAddress = relayAddresses[_random.NextInt(relayAddresses.Count)];
                    const string msg = "Peer is relayed, but no relay is given.";
                    tcsResponse.SetException(new TaskFailedException(msg));

            // check for invalid UDP connection to unreachable peers
            if (message.Recipient.IsRelayed && message.Command != Rpc.Rpc.Commands.Neighbor.GetNr() &&
                message.Command != Rpc.Rpc.Commands.Ping.GetNr())
                string msg =
                        "Tried to send a UDP message to unreachable peers. Only TCP messages can be sent to unreachable peers: {0}.",
                tcsResponse.SetException(new TaskFailedException(msg));

            // pipeline handler setup
            TimeoutFactory timeoutFactory = CreateTimeoutHandler(tcsResponse, idleUdpSeconds, isFireAndForget);
            var            handlers       = new Dictionary <string, IChannelHandler>();

            if (!isFireAndForget)
                handlers.Add("timeout0", timeoutFactory.CreateIdleStateHandlerTomP2P());
                handlers.Add("timeout1", timeoutFactory.CreateTimeHandler());
            handlers.Add("decoder", new TomP2PSinglePacketUdp(ChannelClientConfiguration.SignatureFactory));
            handlers.Add("encoder", new TomP2POutbound(false, ChannelClientConfiguration.SignatureFactory));
            if (!isFireAndForget)
                handlers.Add("handler", handler);

            // create UDP channel
            MyUdpClient udpClient = null;

                udpClient = channelCreator.CreateUdp(broadcast, handlers);
            catch (Exception ex)
                string msg = "Channel creation failed. " + ex;
                // may have been closed by the other side
                // or it may have been canceled from this side

            // "afterConnect"
            // check if channel could be created (due to shutdown)
            if (udpClient == null)
                const string msg = "Could not create a UDP socket. (Due to shutdown.)";
                tcsResponse.SetException(new TaskFailedException(msg));
            Logger.Debug("About to connect to {0} with channel {1}, ff = {2}.", message.Recipient, udpClient, isFireAndForget);

            // send request message
            // processes client-side outbound pipeline
            // (await for possible exception re-throw, does not block)
            await udpClient.SendMessageAsync(message);

            // if not fire-and-forget, receive response
            if (isFireAndForget)
                Logger.Debug("Fire and forget message {0} sent. Close channel {1} now.", message, udpClient);
                tcsResponse.SetResult(null); // set FF result
                // receive response message
                // processes client-side inbound pipeline
                await udpClient.ReceiveMessageAsync();
Exemple #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Sends a message via UDP.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="handler">The handler to deal with the response message.</param>
        /// <param name="tcsResponse">The TCS for the response message. (FutureResponse equivalent.)</param>
        /// <param name="message">The message to send.</param>
        /// <param name="channelCreator">The channel creator for the UDP channel.</param>
        /// <param name="idleUdpSeconds">The idle time of a message until fail.</param>
        /// <param name="broadcast">True, if the message is to be sent via layer 2 broadcast.</param>
        /// <returns>The response message or null, if it is fire-and-forget or a failure occurred.</returns>
        public async Task SendUdpAsync(IInboundHandler handler, TaskCompletionSource<Message.Message> tcsResponse, Message.Message message, ChannelCreator channelCreator, int idleUdpSeconds, bool broadcast)
            // no need to continue if already finished
            if (tcsResponse.Task.IsCompleted)
            RemovePeerIfFailed(tcsResponse, message);

            bool isFireAndForget = handler == null;

            // relay options
            if (message.Sender.IsRelayed)

                IList<PeerSocketAddress> relayAddresses = new List<PeerSocketAddress>(message.Recipient.PeerSocketAddresses);
                Logger.Debug("Send neighbor request to random relay peer {0}.", relayAddresses);
                if (relayAddresses.Count > 0)
                    var relayAddress = relayAddresses[_random.NextInt(relayAddresses.Count)];
                    const string msg = "Peer is relayed, but no relay is given.";
                    tcsResponse.SetException(new TaskFailedException(msg));

            // check for invalid UDP connection to unreachable peers
            if (message.Recipient.IsRelayed && message.Command != Rpc.Rpc.Commands.Neighbor.GetNr()
                && message.Command != Rpc.Rpc.Commands.Ping.GetNr())
                string msg =
                        "Tried to send a UDP message to unreachable peers. Only TCP messages can be sent to unreachable peers: {0}.",
                tcsResponse.SetException(new TaskFailedException(msg));

            // pipeline handler setup
            TimeoutFactory timeoutFactory = CreateTimeoutHandler(tcsResponse, idleUdpSeconds, isFireAndForget);
            var handlers = new Dictionary<string, IChannelHandler>();
            if (!isFireAndForget)
                handlers.Add("timeout0", timeoutFactory.CreateIdleStateHandlerTomP2P());
                handlers.Add("timeout1", timeoutFactory.CreateTimeHandler());
            handlers.Add("decoder", new TomP2PSinglePacketUdp(ChannelClientConfiguration.SignatureFactory));
            handlers.Add("encoder", new TomP2POutbound(false, ChannelClientConfiguration.SignatureFactory));
            if (!isFireAndForget)
                handlers.Add("handler", handler);
            // create UDP channel
            MyUdpClient udpClient = null;
                udpClient = channelCreator.CreateUdp(broadcast, handlers);
            catch (Exception ex)
                string msg = "Channel creation failed. " + ex;
                // may have been closed by the other side
                // or it may have been canceled from this side

            // "afterConnect"
            // check if channel could be created (due to shutdown)
            if (udpClient == null)
                const string msg = "Could not create a UDP socket. (Due to shutdown.)";
                tcsResponse.SetException(new TaskFailedException(msg));
            Logger.Debug("About to connect to {0} with channel {1}, ff = {2}.", message.Recipient, udpClient, isFireAndForget);

            // send request message
            // processes client-side outbound pipeline
            // (await for possible exception re-throw, does not block)
            await udpClient.SendMessageAsync(message);

            // if not fire-and-forget, receive response
            if (isFireAndForget)
                Logger.Debug("Fire and forget message {0} sent. Close channel {1} now.", message, udpClient);
                tcsResponse.SetResult(null); // set FF result
                // receive response message
                // processes client-side inbound pipeline
                await udpClient.ReceiveMessageAsync();
Exemple #10
 private async Task ConnectAndSendAsync(IInboundHandler handler, TaskCompletionSource<Message.Message> tcsResponse, ChannelCreator channelCreator, int connectTimeoutMillis, PeerConnection peerConnection, TimeoutFactory timeoutHandler, Message.Message message)
     var recipient = message.Recipient.CreateSocketTcp();
     var channel = SendTcpCreateChannel(recipient, channelCreator, peerConnection, handler, timeoutHandler,
     await AfterConnectAsync(tcsResponse, message, channel, handler == null);
Exemple #11
        /// <summary>
        /// // TODO document
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="handler"></param>
        /// <param name="tcsResponse"></param>
        /// <param name="message"></param>
        /// <param name="channelCreator"></param>
        /// <param name="idleTcpSeconds"></param>
        /// <param name="connectTimeoutMillis"></param>
        /// <param name="peerConnection"></param>
        /// <param name="timeoutHandler"></param>
        private async Task HandleRelayAsync(IInboundHandler handler, TaskCompletionSource<Message.Message> tcsResponse,
            Message.Message message, ChannelCreator channelCreator, int idleTcpSeconds, int connectTimeoutMillis,
            PeerConnection peerConnection, TimeoutFactory timeoutHandler)
            var taskPingDone = PingFirst(message.Recipient.PeerSocketAddresses);
            await taskPingDone;
            if (!taskPingDone.IsFaulted)
                var recipient = PeerSocketAddress.CreateSocketTcp(taskPingDone.Result);
                var channel = SendTcpCreateChannel(recipient, channelCreator, peerConnection, handler,
                    timeoutHandler, connectTimeoutMillis);
                await AfterConnectAsync(tcsResponse, message, channel, handler == null);

                // TODO add this before AfterConnect?
                var taskResponse = tcsResponse.Task;
                await taskResponse;
                if (taskResponse.IsFaulted)
                    if (taskResponse.Result != null &&
                        taskResponse.Result.Type != Message.Message.MessageType.User1)
                        // "clearInactivePeerSocketAddress"
                        var tmp = new List<PeerSocketAddress>();
                        foreach (var psa in message.Recipient.PeerSocketAddresses)
                            if (psa != null)
                                if (!psa.Equals(taskPingDone.Result))

                        await SendTcpAsync(handler, tcsResponse, message, channelCreator, idleTcpSeconds,
                            connectTimeoutMillis, peerConnection);
                // .NET-specific:
                tcsResponse.SetException(new TaskFailedException("No relay could be contacted. <-> " + taskPingDone.Exception));
Exemple #12
        /// <summary>
        /// This method initiates the reverse connection setup.
        /// It creates a new message and sends it via relay to the unreachable peer
        /// which then connects to this peer again. After the connect message from the
        /// unreachable peer, this peer will send the original message and its content
        /// directly.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="handler"></param>
        /// <param name="tcsResponse"></param>
        /// <param name="message"></param>
        /// <param name="channelCreator"></param>
        /// <param name="connectTimeoutMillis"></param>
        /// <param name="peerConnection"></param>
        /// <param name="timeoutHandler"></param>
        private async Task HandleRconAsync(IInboundHandler handler, TaskCompletionSource<Message.Message> tcsResponse,
            Message.Message message, ChannelCreator channelCreator, int connectTimeoutMillis,
            PeerConnection peerConnection, TimeoutFactory timeoutHandler)

            Logger.Debug("Initiate reverse connection setup to peer with address {0}.", message.Recipient);
            var rconMessage = CreateRconMessage(message);

            // TODO works?
            // cache the original message until the connection is established
            _cachedRequests.AddOrUpdate(message.MessageId, tcsResponse, (i, source) => tcsResponse);

            // wait for response (whether the reverse connection setup was successful)
            var tcsRconResponse = new TaskCompletionSource<Message.Message>(rconMessage);

            // .NET-specific: specify and use a RconInboundHandler class
            var rconInboundHandler = new RconInboundHandler(tcsRconResponse, tcsResponse);

            // send reverse connection request instead of normal message
            await SendTcpAsync(rconInboundHandler, tcsRconResponse, rconMessage, channelCreator, connectTimeoutMillis,
                connectTimeoutMillis, peerConnection);
Exemple #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Sends a message via TCP.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="handler">The handler to deal with the response message.</param>
        /// <param name="tcsResponse">The TCS for the response message. (FutureResponse equivalent.)</param>
        /// <param name="message">The message to send.</param>
        /// <param name="channelCreator">The channel creator for the TCP channel.</param>
        /// <param name="idleTcpSeconds">The idle time until message fail.</param>
        /// <param name="connectTimeoutMillis">The idle time for the connection setup.</param>
        /// <param name="peerConnection"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task SendTcpAsync(IInboundHandler handler, TaskCompletionSource<Message.Message> tcsResponse,
            Message.Message message, ChannelCreator channelCreator, int idleTcpSeconds, int connectTimeoutMillis,
            PeerConnection peerConnection)
            // no need to continue if already finished
            if (tcsResponse.Task.IsCompleted)
            RemovePeerIfFailed(tcsResponse, message);

            bool isFireAndForget = handler == null;

            // we need to set the neighbors if we use relays
            if (message.Sender.IsRelayed && message.Sender.PeerSocketAddresses.Count != 0)
            if (peerConnection != null && peerConnection.Channel != null && peerConnection.Channel.IsOpen)
                var channel = SendTcpPeerConnection(peerConnection, handler, channelCreator, tcsResponse);
                await AfterConnectAsync(tcsResponse, message, channel, isFireAndForget);
            else if (channelCreator != null)
                var timeoutHandler = CreateTimeoutHandler(tcsResponse, idleTcpSeconds, handler == null);
                // check relay
                if (message.Recipient.IsRelayed)
                    // check if reverse connection is possible
                    if (!message.Sender.IsRelayed)
                        await HandleRconAsync(handler, tcsResponse, message, channelCreator, connectTimeoutMillis, peerConnection,
                        await HandleRelayAsync(handler, tcsResponse, message, channelCreator, idleTcpSeconds, connectTimeoutMillis,
                            peerConnection, timeoutHandler);
                // normal connection
                    await ConnectAndSendAsync(handler, tcsResponse, channelCreator, connectTimeoutMillis, peerConnection,
                        timeoutHandler, message);
 private IInboundHandler GetNextInbound()
     if (InboundHandlers.Count != 0)
         if (_currentInbound == null)
             _currentInbound = InboundHandlers.First.Value;
             var node = InboundHandlers.Find(_currentInbound);
             if (node != null && node.Next != null)
                 _currentInbound = node.Next.Value;
                 return _currentInbound;
             return null;
         return _currentInbound;
     return null;