Exemple #1
        public void Delete(QueuedSMS queuedSMS)
            const string q = @"UPDATE dbo.QueuedSMS
            SET Deleted = 1 WHERE Id = @Id";

            using (SqlConnection conn = GetConnection())
                using (OpenCbsCommand c = new OpenCbsCommand(q, conn))
                    c.AddParam("@Id", queuedSMS.Id);
        /// <summary>
        /// Deletes an SMS account
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="queuedSMS">SMS account</param>
        public void Delete(QueuedSMS queuedSMS)
            if (queuedSMS == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("queuedSMS");

            if (_manager.SelectAll().Count == 1)
                throw new Exception("You cannot delete this SMS account. At least one account is required.");

Exemple #3
        public bool Update(QueuedSMS queuedSMS)
            bool updateOk = false;

                const string q = @"UPDATE dbo.QueuedSMS
                              SET [From] = @From, 
                                  [Recipient] = @Recipient,
                                  [RecipientId] = @RecipientId,
                                  [ContractId] = @ContractId,
                                  [Charged] = @Charged,
                                  [Message] = @Message, 
                                  [CreatedOnUtc] = @CreatedOnUtc, 
                                  [SentOnUtc] = @SentOnUtc, 
                                  [SentTries] = @SentTries,
                                  [Response] = @Response, 
                                  [Deleted] = @Deleted
                              WHERE Id = @Id";

                using (SqlConnection conn = GetConnection())
                    using (OpenCbsCommand c = new OpenCbsCommand(q, conn))
                        c.AddParam("@Id", queuedSMS.Id);
                        c.AddParam("@From", queuedSMS.From);
                        c.AddParam("@Recipient", queuedSMS.Recipient);
                        c.AddParam("@RecipientId", queuedSMS.RecipientId);
                        c.AddParam("@ContractId", queuedSMS.ContractId);
                        c.AddParam("@Charged", queuedSMS.Charged);
                        c.AddParam("@Message", queuedSMS.Message);
                        c.AddParam("@CreatedOnUtc", queuedSMS.CreatedOnUtc);
                        c.AddParam("@SentOnUtc", queuedSMS.SentOnUtc);
                        c.AddParam("@SentTries", queuedSMS.SentTries);
                        c.AddParam("@Response", queuedSMS.Response);
                        c.AddParam("@Deleted", false);
                        updateOk = true;
            catch (System.Exception ex)
                throw ex;
Exemple #4
        public int Add(QueuedSMS queuedSMS)
            const string q = @"INSERT INTO dbo.QueuedSMS
                              ([From], [Recipient], [RecipientId], [ContractId], [Charged], [Message], CreatedOnUtc, SentOnUtc, SentTries, Deleted)
                              VALUES (@From, @Recipient, @RecipientId, @ContractId, @Charged, @Message, @CreatedOnUtc, @SentOnUtc, @SentTries, @Deleted)
                              SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY()";

            using (SqlConnection conn = GetConnection())
                using (OpenCbsCommand c = new OpenCbsCommand(q, conn))
                    c.AddParam("@From", queuedSMS.From);
                    c.AddParam("@Recipient", queuedSMS.Recipient);
                    c.AddParam("@RecipientId", queuedSMS.RecipientId);
                    c.AddParam("@ContractId", queuedSMS.ContractId);
                    c.AddParam("@Charged", queuedSMS.Charged);
                    c.AddParam("@Message", queuedSMS.Message);
                    c.AddParam("@CreatedOnUtc", queuedSMS.CreatedOnUtc);
                    c.AddParam("@SentOnUtc", queuedSMS.SentOnUtc);
                    c.AddParam("@SentTries", queuedSMS.SentTries);
                    c.AddParam("@Deleted", false);
Exemple #5
        public List <QueuedSMS> SelectAll()
            List <QueuedSMS> qeuedSMSs = new List <QueuedSMS>();
            const string     q         =
                @"SELECT * FROM dbo.QueuedSMS where Deleted <> 1";

            using (SqlConnection conn = GetConnection())
                using (OpenCbsCommand c = new OpenCbsCommand(q, conn))
                    using (OpenCbsReader r = c.ExecuteReader())
                        if (r.Empty)

                        while (r.Read())
                            var queuedSMS = new QueuedSMS
                                Id           = r.GetInt("Id"),
                                From         = r.GetString("From"),
                                Recipient    = r.GetString("Recipient"),
                                RecipientId  = r.GetNullInt("RecipientId"),
                                ContractId   = r.GetNullInt("ContractId"),
                                Charged      = r.GetNullBool("Charged"),
                                Message      = r.GetString("Message"),
                                CreatedOnUtc = r.GetDateTime("CreatedOnUtc"),
                                SentOnUtc    = r.GetNullDateTime("SentOnUtc"),
                                SentTries    = r.GetInt("SentTries"),
                                Response     = r.GetString("Response"),
                                Deleted      = r.GetBool("Deleted"),
 public void Update(QueuedSMS queuedSMS)
 public void Add(QueuedSMS queuedSMS)
Exemple #8
        static void Main(string[] args)
            QueuedSMSServices     _queuedSMSService     = ServiceProvider.GetQueuedSMSServices();
            UserServices          _userService          = ServiceProvider.GetUserServices();
            ClientServices        _clientService        = ServiceProvider.GetClientServices();
            SavingServices        _savingService        = ServiceProvider.GetSavingServices();
            PaymentMethodServices _paymentMethodService = ServiceProvider.GetPaymentMethodServices();

            var generalSettingsService = ServicesProvider.GetInstance().GetApplicationSettingsServices();


            Console.WriteLine("Executing sms charges job");

            var queuedsms = _queuedSMSService.GetUncharged();

            Console.WriteLine("Charging SMS");
            Console.WriteLine("Uncharged sms count: " + queuedsms.Count);

            decimal smsCharge = Convert.ToDecimal(ApplicationSettings.GetInstance("").GetSpecificParameter(OGeneralSettings.SMS_CHARGE));

            var adminUser     = _userService.Find(1);
            var paymentMethod = _paymentMethodService.GetPaymentMethodByName("Cash");

            foreach (QueuedSMS qe in queuedsms)
                    if (qe.ContractId.HasValue && qe.Charged.HasValue && !qe.Charged.Value)
                        SavingBookContract _saving = _savingService.GetSaving(qe.ContractId.Value);

                        //Get all sms for same saving book contract
                        var smsGroup = _queuedSMSService.FindByContractId(_saving.Id);

                        string description = "";

                        string formatedAccountNumber = "******" + _saving.Code.Substring(_saving.Code.Length - 4);

                        OCurrency SMSCharges = smsGroup.Count * smsCharge;

                        if (smsGroup.Count > 0)
                            string   desc  = "SMS charges of {0:.00} for {1:dd.MM.yyyy} - {2:dd.MM.yyyy} : {3}";
                            object[] items = new object[] { SMSCharges.GetFormatedValue(true), smsGroup.First().CreatedOnUtc, smsGroup.Last().CreatedOnUtc, formatedAccountNumber };
                            description = string.Format(desc, items);
                        if (smsGroup.Count == 0)
                            string   desc  = "SMS charges of {0:.00} for {1:dd.MM.yyyy} : {3}";
                            object[] items = new object[] { SMSCharges.GetFormatedValue(true), smsGroup.First().CreatedOnUtc, formatedAccountNumber };
                            description = string.Format(desc, items);
                            smsGroup.First().Charged = true;
                        _savingService.Withdraw(_saving, DateTime.Now, SMSCharges, true, description, "", adminUser,
                                                Teller.CurrentTeller, paymentMethod);

                        qe.Charged = true;
                        foreach (var sms in smsGroup)
                            sms.Charged = true;
                            queuedsms.Where(s => s.Id == sms.Id).First().Charged = true;

                        //Send sms charge notification
                        Person person = _clientService.FindPersonById(qe.RecipientId.Value);
                        if (person != null)
                            if (person.SMSDelivery.HasValue && person.SMSDelivery.Value)
                                string mfbName = Convert.ToString(ServicesProvider.GetInstance().GetGeneralSettings().GetSpecificParameter(OGeneralSettings.MFI_NAME));
                                //var message = messageTemplate.Body;
                                var messageReplaced = mfbName + " " + description;// Tokenizer.Replace(message, tokens, false);

                                var sms = new QueuedSMS()
                                    From         = Convert.ToString(ServicesProvider.GetInstance().GetGeneralSettings().GetSpecificParameter(OGeneralSettings.SMS_FROM_NUMBER)),
                                    Recipient    = person.PersonalPhone,
                                    RecipientId  = person.Id,
                                    ContractId   = _saving != null ? _saving.Id : 0,
                                    Charged      = true,
                                    Message      = messageReplaced,
                                    SentTries    = 0,
                                    CreatedOnUtc = DateTime.UtcNow,

                catch (Exception exc)
                    Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Error charging sms: {0}", exc.Message), exc);
Exemple #9
        protected int SendNotification(MessageTemplate messageTemplate, EmailAccount emailAccount,
                                       IEnumerable <Token> tokens,
                                       string toEmailAddress,
                                       string toName,
                                       string replyTo     = null,
                                       string replyToName = null, ISavingsContract savingsContract = null)
            #region Email routine
            if (person.EmailDelivery.HasValue && person.EmailDelivery.Value &&
                messageTemplate.SendEmail.HasValue && messageTemplate.SendEmail.Value)
                var bcc     = messageTemplate.BccEmailAddresses;
                var subject = messageTemplate.Subject;
                var body    = messageTemplate.EmailBody;

                // Replace subject and body tokens
                var subjectReplaced = Tokenizer.Replace(subject, tokens, false);
                var bodyReplaced    = Tokenizer.Replace(body, tokens, true);

                var email = new QueuedEmail()
                    Priority       = 5,
                    From           = emailAccount.Email,
                    FromName       = emailAccount.DisplayName,
                    To             = toEmailAddress,
                    ToName         = toName,
                    CC             = string.Empty,
                    SentTries      = 0,
                    Bcc            = bcc,
                    ReplyTo        = replyTo,
                    ReplyToName    = replyToName,
                    Subject        = subjectReplaced,
                    Body           = bodyReplaced,
                    CreatedOnUtc   = DateTime.UtcNow,
                    EmailAccountId = emailAccount.Id

                //return email.Id;

            #region SMS routine
            if (person.SmsDelivery.HasValue && person.SmsDelivery.Value &&
                messageTemplate.SendSMS.HasValue && messageTemplate.SendSMS.Value)
                var message         = messageTemplate.Body;
                var messageReplaced = Tokenizer.Replace(message, tokens, false);

                var sms = new QueuedSMS()
                    From         = Convert.ToString(ServicesProvider.GetInstance().GetGeneralSettings().GetSpecificParameter(OGeneralSettings.SMS_FROM_NUMBER)),
                    Recipient    = person.PersonalPhone,
                    RecipientId  = person.Id,
                    ContractId   = savingsContract != null ? savingsContract.Id : 0,
                    Charged      = false,
                    Message      = messageReplaced,
                    SentTries    = 0,
                    CreatedOnUtc = DateTime.UtcNow,

                //return sms.Id;