public async ValueTask MergeAsync(ActiveFileState state, TextDocument document, IGlobalOptionService globalOptions)
                Contract.ThrowIfFalse(state.DocumentId == document.Id);

                // merge active file state to project state
                var lastResult = _lastResult;

                var syntax   = state.GetAnalysisData(AnalysisKind.Syntax);
                var semantic = state.GetAnalysisData(AnalysisKind.Semantic);

                var project = document.Project;

                // if project didn't successfully loaded, then it is same as FSA off
                var fullAnalysis = globalOptions.GetBackgroundAnalysisScope(project.Language) == BackgroundAnalysisScope.FullSolution &&
                                   await project.HasSuccessfullyLoadedAsync(CancellationToken.None).ConfigureAwait(false);

                // keep from build flag if full analysis is off
                var fromBuild = fullAnalysis ? false : lastResult.FromBuild;

                var languageServices     = document.Project.LanguageServices;
                var simplifierOptions    = (languageServices.GetService <ISimplifierOptionsStorage>() != null) ? globalOptions.GetSimplifierOptions(languageServices) : null;
                var openFileOnlyAnalyzer = _owner.Analyzer.IsOpenFileOnly(simplifierOptions);

                // if it is allowed to keep project state, check versions and if they are same, bail out.
                // if full solution analysis is off or we are asked to reset document state, we always merge.
                if (fullAnalysis && !openFileOnlyAnalyzer &&
                    syntax.Version != VersionStamp.Default &&
                    syntax.Version == semantic.Version &&
                    syntax.Version == lastResult.Version)
                    // all data is in sync already.

                // we have mixed versions or full analysis is off, set it to default so that it can be re-calculated next time so data can be in sync.
                var version = VersionStamp.Default;

                // serialization can't be canceled.
                var serializerVersion = version;

                // save active file diagnostics back to project state
                await AddToInMemoryStorageAsync(serializerVersion, project, document, document.Id, _owner.SyntaxStateName, syntax.Items).ConfigureAwait(false);
                await AddToInMemoryStorageAsync(serializerVersion, project, document, document.Id, _owner.SemanticStateName, semantic.Items).ConfigureAwait(false);

                // save last aggregated form of analysis result
                _lastResult = _lastResult.UpdateAggregatedResult(version, state.DocumentId, fromBuild);
        internal static async ValueTask <ImmutableArray <Document> > GetWorkspacePullDocumentsAsync(RequestContext context, IGlobalOptionService globalOptions, CancellationToken cancellationToken)

            // If we're being called from razor, we do not support WorkspaceDiagnostics at all.  For razor, workspace
            // diagnostics will be handled by razor itself, which will operate by calling into Roslyn and asking for
            // document-diagnostics instead.
            if (context.ClientName != null)
                return(ImmutableArray <Document> .Empty);

            using var _ = ArrayBuilder <Document> .GetInstance(out var result);

            var solution = context.Solution;

            var documentTrackingService = solution.Workspace.Services.GetRequiredService <IDocumentTrackingService>();

            // Collect all the documents from the solution in the order we'd like to get diagnostics for.  This will
            // prioritize the files from currently active projects, but then also include all other docs in all projects
            // (depending on current FSA settings).

            var activeDocument   = documentTrackingService.GetActiveDocument(solution);
            var visibleDocuments = documentTrackingService.GetVisibleDocuments(solution);

            // Now, prioritize the projects related to the active/visible files.
            await AddDocumentsFromProjectAsync(activeDocument?.Project, context.SupportedLanguages, isOpen : true, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

            foreach (var doc in visibleDocuments)
                await AddDocumentsFromProjectAsync(doc.Project, context.SupportedLanguages, isOpen : true, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

            // finally, add the remainder of all documents.
            foreach (var project in solution.Projects)
                await AddDocumentsFromProjectAsync(project, context.SupportedLanguages, isOpen : false, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

            // Ensure that we only process documents once.

            async Task AddDocumentsFromProjectAsync(Project?project, ImmutableArray <string> supportedLanguages, bool isOpen, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
                if (project == null)

                if (!supportedLanguages.Contains(project.Language))
                    // This project is for a language not supported by the LSP server making the request.
                    // Do not report diagnostics for these projects.

                // if the project doesn't necessarily have an open file in it, then only include it if the user has full
                // solution analysis on.
                if (!isOpen)
                    if (globalOptions.GetBackgroundAnalysisScope(project.Language) != BackgroundAnalysisScope.FullSolution)
                        context.TraceInformation($"Skipping project '{project.Name}' as it has no open document and Full Solution Analysis is off");

                // Otherwise, if the user has an open file from this project, or FSA is on, then include all the
                // documents from it. If all features are enabled for source generated documents, make sure they are
                // included as well.
                var documents = project.Documents;

                if (solution.Workspace.Services.GetService <ISyntaxTreeConfigurationService>() is { EnableOpeningSourceGeneratedFilesInWorkspace : true })
                    documents = documents.Concat(await project.GetSourceGeneratedDocumentsAsync(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false));

                foreach (var document in documents)
                    // Only consider closed documents here (and only open ones in the DocumentPullDiagnosticHandler).
                    // Each handler treats those as separate worlds that they are responsible for.
                    if (context.IsTracking(document.GetURI()))
                        context.TraceInformation($"Skipping tracked document: {document.GetURI()}");
